By HermesStories

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"Remember the promise you made years ago?" My brother asked from the phone. "Which one?" I asked as I blow a... More

Author's Note
I. Sōzokujin Academy
II. Note
III. His Sister
IV. Oh Brother
V. Serve
VI. Breakfast
VII. Surprise
VIII. Storm
IX. On
X. Late
XI. Kitchen Duty
Author's Note
XII. Food
XIII. Caught
XV. Pretty Cute
XVI. Graves
XVII. Sleepover
XVIV. Wish
XX. His Fingers
XXI. Get Lost
XXII. The Plan
XXIII. Idiot
XXIV. Spill
XXV. Punishment
XXVI. Second
XXVIII. Explain

XIV. Red

98 6 1
By HermesStories

15 - 18
Karasuno vs Nekoma

Hideko walked out with Ennoshita, to refill the water bottles of their team.

"Ennoshita-san, what do you think I should do to help out the team?"

"Huh? You're already doing a lot Hideko-chan. I could even say that you're doing too much, for everyone."

"That's an exaggeration. I only do small things like this." She said as she raised the bottles she's carrying.

"How can you say that Hideko-chan? What about the other things that you do for the team? What do you call that then?"

"Small things?"

Ennoshita sighed as he smiled at Hideko.

"You're adorable." Ennoshita mumbled to himself.

"Come on, Ennoshita-san. Just tell me."

"None. You're doing great. You're not only helping our team but the others as well. Isn't that already a lot?"


"No buts Hideko-chan. You need to rest too."

"I'm not the one who's in a daily tiring training. The least I can do is make sure everyone's healthy and well." She grumbled.

Ennoshita sighed as he thought of what to say.

"Since you play, why don't you play with us? For extra training."

"Wait, really!? Are you for real Ennoshita-san?! Is it really okay for me to play with you?"

"This is going to be awesome! I thought I was only allowed to play on the first day?"

"Only if you're not doing anything. You can't expect us to rest when you're not even resting."

"But I do!"

"You're eyes are dropping Hideko-chan. Looks to me, you haven't been sleeping well."

"Oh. You noticed that?" She whispered to herself not intending for him to hear.

"Yes, Hideko-chan. Everyone in the team did."

The 2 members of Karasuno walked back in the gym just in time for a time out.

17 - 20
Karasuno vs Nekoma

They ran towards the team and gave them their bottles and towels.

"They reached the 20 mark first. But that doesn't mean you boys can slack off! Go back out there and give it your all!" The coach said as they hear the whistle blow.

The game resumed with Karasuno having trouble making a point through Hinata and Kageyama's freak quick.

"We need to do something about that."

"They're getting used to it."

The Ukai siblings discussed among themselves what they can do different as they watch the game end with Karasuno losing.

Hideko went outside to refill the bottles again as the boys do their punishment of running up and down the small hill at the camp.


She turned around to see Inouka holding water bottles.

"Hey Inouka! Good game! Congrats on winning." She said with a grin.

"Thanks! The guys are tough to play against with." He said as he watched the boys from Karasuno ran up the small hill.

"They sure are! They're a crazy bunch." Hideko chuckled as she finished with the last bottle.

"The guys and I are planning on training later on, after the official training schedule. Do you want to come?"

Perfect. This is my opportunity. Problem is.. It's not my team... Maybe I'll ask the boys about extra training after Nekoma?

"Sounds good to me! I'll be there." She excitedly answered him.

Inouka and Hideko chatted as Inouka filled his team's bottle.

They both walked back in the gym while the boys were still up in the hill.

"Neko-chan!" She looked towards the boy who called her.


She dropped her team's bottles at their seats then walked towards the Nekoma team with a grin.

"Congrats on the win guys!"

"Neko-chan, did you see me?! I was pretty good right? Right?" Lev excitedly asked.

"No. You were terrible." Yaku replied.

"So much room for development." Kenma grumbled.

"Oya. Oya. Let the kid be." Kuroo said.

"And since when did you say that captain?" Yamamoto asked with raised brows.

"She's coming later to our practice!"

"Really!?" The boys shouted as they looked at her.

"If you'll have me, of course. I don't want to intrude." She said with a smile.

"That's great neko-chan. Make sure to bring something tasty." Kuroo said with a grin.

"That is not why she's coming! What kind of a captain are you?!" Yaku punched his side.

"Don't worry Yaku-san. I've already thought of that as soon as Inouka asked me about the practice."

"This is so cool! Can you bring-" Lev was cut off when Yaku punched his side.

"What is wrong with you both!?" Yaku yelled as Hinata ran inside the gym with the other boys following close behind him.

"I'll see you guys later! Keep hydrated and have fun on your matches!" Hideko said as she walked back to her team.

"Look Inouka's talking to Hideko-chan!" He said with a grin as he and his friends reached the top of the hill.

She looks so cute. Hinata thought as she watch Hideko talk with Inouka.

The boys looked down to where he was pointing to see Hideko laughing and talking with Inouka.

"Oi. What does he think he's doing?" Tanaka said.

"They're just talking. What are you, her guard dog?" Tsukishima said as he slows down.

"They're stealing her away from us!" Noya shouted.

The boys sighed as Tanaka and Noya continued on complaining about her being taken away by the other teams.

"Could you 2 shut up!? No one's stealing Hideko-chan!" Daichi shouted over Tanaka and Noya's voices.

"She's basically the manager of all the teams here." Tsukishima grumbled.

"Yeah, she spends more time with the other teams than she does to us." Yamaguchi added with a frown.

"That is not true. Everyone just calm down. We're all just tired." Ennoshita tried to reason with the first years including Tanaka and Noya.

"Hideko-chan spends most of her time with us. What are you guys even talking about? She eats with us and she's beside us every match." Asahi said as he looked at his friends with confusion.

"Maybe I should ask her to stay with us when she sleeps. Will that make you morons feel better?" Daichi sarcastically asked.

"She can sleep with us?!" Noya and Tanaka asked at the same time as they fall at their backs, red faced.

"Stop being idiots!" Suga shouted as he kicks both of them.

"Perverts." Tsukishima mumbled.

"Hideko-chan is leaving us?" Kageyama mumbled to himself, looking at the ground.

"Where the hell did you get that from king?!"

"The other teams are trying to steal her." Kageyama mumbled to himself without hearing Tsukishima's question to him.

"You're still stuck in that part of the conversation?!" Yamaguchi asked Kageyama.

"What should we do? What will happen if she leaves? Does that mean she's transferring? Is that even allowed?" He continued mumbling to himself as they make their way down the hill.

"What are you talking about!?" Hinata yelled at Kageyama as he tackles him to the ground.

"Hideko-chan's leaving!" Kageyama shouted, surprising everyone on the team.

Hinata ran inside the gym with wide eyes, leaving the boys behind as they all sprinted after him.

"HIDEKO-CHAN!" Hinata jumped at her causing the both of them to fall down the floor.



"What are you talking about Hinata?!"

"Get off her!" Tanaka yelled.

Hideko wiggled, trying to shake Hinata off her.

"Uh.. Hinata can you get off? You're killing me here." She jokingly said as she looks at Hinata's face that compares to a puppy that got kicked.

What made you so sad Hinata? I'll kill it. She thought to herself, concerned about her orange haired friend.

Hinata was pulled off her by her brother but due to Hinata's arms embracing her she was also pulled up from the floor.

What are we, a crane and a toy being picked up in an arcade?!

"Let her go!" Daichi yelled as her brother hits Hinata at the back of his head dropping her to the floor.


"Geez. What is this? Trying to give me memory loss or something?" She said as she rolls to her side.

Headache. I hate headaches.

Someone placed their hand on her back.
She looked up to see Suga.

"My head hurts." She groaned in pain as she holds her head with her hands.

"Alright. Everyone back away!" Keishin yelled.

"Are you alright kiddo. I didn't mean for you to-"

"I'll be fine oniisan. My head hurts but only a little bit."

The sound of whistle was heard indicating for the team to get ready for the next match.

"We need to get ready-" she said as she sat up with her hands still on her head, concerning everyone.

Suga suddenly placed his hands under her thighs and her back which startled her.


"Calm down, Hideko-chan. We'll sit right over there, okay?" Suga said as he carried her in his arms towards their seats.

The Nekoma team finally noticed the situation as they watch Suga carry the girl.

"What happened?!"
The boys yelled out.

Coach Nekomata went over to Keishin.

"Is she alright?" He asked with concern.

"Yeah. I think so. But she won't be helping around for the rest of the matches."

"That seems for the best. Is there anything that I could do?"

"No need to worry. She just needs to rest. She'll be fine." Keishin said as he looked at her sister in Suga's arms.

Hinata, you just earned yourself additional laps. Keishin thought with a frown.

After playing 7 matches, full sets. The scores were Karasuno-2 and Nekoma-5.

The day finally ended as both teams clean up the gym and put away everything.

"Come on Hideko-chan." Suga said as he lowers himself in front of her.


"I'll carry you."

"What!? You don't need to Suga-senpai!" Hideko said as she turns red from the attention she was getting from everyone.

She stood up and waved her hands in front of her as she stutters incoherent words.

"I'm perfectly fine now Suga senpai! See! It was just a little headache." She said as she awkwardly turns around.

The boys chuckled at her flustered state.

"I've been fine, hours ago." Hideko said as she playfully glares at the boys.

"I didn't mean to, coach!" Hinata yelled as he was dragged by the back of his shirt by Keishin.

"You are not allowed in any of the gyms tonight. Eat your dinner, shower then sleep early."



"Coach, I think you need to calm down-" Takeda said from behind Keishin.

"I am calm!"

"Coach! Please! I really didn't mean to!" Hinata wriggled in Keishin's grasp.

"Believe me when I say you need your sleep Hinata. You're going to really need it tomorrow." Keishin said with an evil grin as he drops him.

Hinata gulped as he stood up shaking.

"Slow down. You're starting to eat like the idiots in this table." Tsukishima said as he looks at Hideko sitting beside him.

"I need to go!"

"Why? What's the rush Hideko-chan?" Yamaguchi asked.

"I didn't help in making dinner. I'll make sure to do all the dishes."

The boys looked at her strangely.

"Slow down. You'll choke." Kageyama said as he shoves food in his mouth.

"You should tell yourself that king."

"Don't worry about it Hideko-chan. I already told them what happened." Daichi said.

"What did happen? I'm still confused with what happened Hinata?" She stopped eating to look at the said boy.

"Because Kageyama said you're leaving!"


"Yeah!" Tanaka yelled in agreement.

"The other teams are-" Kageyama started to explain but was cut of by Kinoshita wrapping his arm on his shoulder.

"Oi. Eat. You said you were hungry." Kinoshita said.

"Yeah! Yeah! The others are-" Noya said as Suga slapped his back.

"You guys sure are chatty tonight. We better hurry, I heard there's only a few cakes left."

"Idiots." Tsukishima grumbled.

Everyone resumed in small talks with each other as the 4 boys of the team with bottomless stomach's stuffed their faces in a fast pace.

Hideko talked with Tsukishima and Yamaguchi as Tsukishima kept on giving snark comments here and there.

"Your position is wrong! Bend lower!" Yaku yelled at Lev who was panting on the floor.

"I am!"

"You're talking back at me kid?!" Yaku kicked Lev at his side.

"Mind if I join?" Hideko said as everyone in Nekoma turned their heads towards the door.

"Neko-chan! Help me!" Lev yelled as he ran towards her with his arms wide open.

Hideko moved out of the way as Lev face planted on the ground.

"Sure thing Lev! Don't do that though. I'd rather not have another headache like awhile ago." She said with a laugh as she entered the gym with a bag.

"Don't worry. I'll be sure to carry you neko-chan."

"Don't. Start. Kuroo." Yaku told his captain with a glare.

"Hey! Let's not bring that up. How embarrassing." She said burying her face on both of her hands.

"It looked like your team was about to bury Hinata alive." Kuroo said with a smirk.

"Can't blame them!" Yamamoto yelled.

"Your little bunch of boyfriends were pissed." Kuroo said with a laugh.

"Knock it off Kuroo." Kenma grumbled.

"They're really sweet but they overreacted. Geez. It was just a headache! I felt better after a few minutes. I've had worse from playing."

"Sweet, you say? Have you said that to your knight in shining armor? I'm sure he would love to hear that." Inouka said with a playful smirk.

"Of course I did!" Hideko stuttered out.

"Oi neko-chan. You didn't deny it when I said they're your boyfriends." Kuroo teased her as he walked over to her, bending down to her level of sight.

"Stop harassing her." Kenma told his friend.

"Seriously Kuroo. I'm starting to think you're jealous." Yaku said as he hit his back aggressively.

"Let's just play-" Hideko was cut off by none other than Kuroo.

"I am playing. Haven't you noticed?" Kuroo moved his face closer to hers making her move back.

Too close!

Yaku pushed Kuroo at his side making him stumble to his left.

"What the hell-"

"If you don't stop Kuroo, I will make sure Karasuno hears about this."

"Good news for Hinata. You'll be the one buried alive instead of him." Kenma said with a small smirk on his face.

"Were you about to kiss her?!" Yamamoto yelled staring wide eyed and red faced to his captain.

Kuroo and Hideko was a blushing mess.

"No! He wasn't. We weren't going to-" Hideko stammered out while waving her hands in front of her.

What the fudge is happening!?

"I mean, I don't really mind. Of course, only if she wants to." Kuroo said as he smirked at Hideko.

"Pervert!" Yamamoto yelled as he jumped at his captain as the others copied him.

"You should have seen this coming, moron." Kenma grumbled as he watch his friend be jumped at by his team.

"Get off you idiots!" Kuroo said under the pile of Nekoma boys.

Kenma walked over the wide eyed and red faced Hideko.

"Don't mind this moron. He says things without using his brain at times."

"Kenma!?" Kuroo yelled as he tries to wiggle his way out of the pile.

"He got me off guard there, I admit." Hideko said as she rubs her arms.

"See! You made her uncomfortable!" Yaku yelled.

"I'm fine! Really! It's not like he hurt me or anything-"

"Don't try to give excuses for him. He's an idiot." Kenma said as he gestures for Hideko to walk beside him towards the bleachers.


"How's the camp been for you, neko-chan?" Kenma asked her as they both take a seat.

"It's been fun! Full of surprises for sure." Hideko said with a bright smile adoring her face.


Kenma blushed looking at the girl, lost in his own thoughts.


Remembering all of Yamamoto's complaints about the cute manager of their rival team.

Hideko laughed as she continues her story of Hinata and Kageyama.

Neko-chan, you're pretty cute, aren't you? Kenma thought as Lev yelled out as he ran towards them at the bleachers.


Kenma pulled Hideko by her sleeves as they both watch Lev fall on his face for the second time tonight.

"Stop that." Kenma said.

Hideko helped Lev up while laughing, teasing him along the way.

Yeah, she's pretty cute.

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