By YourMiee

145K 3.5K 1.9K

He is a force to be reckoned with. A lift of his finger & people are beheaded in seconds. A word from him & t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 47

1.2K 48 78
By YourMiee

Anastasia's POV:~

Sitting on the bed, my eyes fixate on Alessandro as he stands before the full-length mirror in our bed room. The morning sunlight streams through the window, casting a warm glow on his bronzed skin.

Hold on. Ours? Since when have I been referring to his room as our own?

This man and my feelings for him are messing with my head.

Dressed in a crisp suit, Alessandro meticulously straightens the collars of his shirt, eyes focused on his reflection.

As if he will ever look anything less than perfect.

I quietly chuckle at the idea and delicately run my fingers over the satin sheets, a small smile playing on my lips.

When Alessandro grabs the tie from the table, I decide to put a halt to my staring activities and rise from my seat. With light footsteps, I move towards him, my hands reaching out to wrap around his midriff.

“Whoa!” Alessandro exclaims and turns around, the loose ends of the tie hanging over his shoulders.

I like him better in this way than with a knotted tie. He appears much more attractive.

His arms encircle my waist as he fixes me with a playful gaze. “Someone seems in a good mood today. What is it?”

I grin in return. “Nothing. Just missed you.”

Alessandro's eyes soften upon hearing me, and his thumbs press down on the hollow of my back in a soothing manner. “I am right here, mia angela.”

(my angel.)

“I know, but still...”

He is right. I have been feeling a strong sense of longing for him for several days now. Even in his presence. Despite my constant desire to have him nearby, the overwhelming need for his company has become too much to handle recently. I understand it is unfounded, but after losing Mom and Dad, I do not want to lose him as well.

“When will you return, by the way?”

“Nine. Why?”

“Ok. I...”

“Yes?” Alessandro inquires with patience.

I love you.

My heart responds immediately, as if that is the only answer it can think of.

Stupid girl, do you want to give the poor man a heart attack? Who confesses like this?

I inhale deeply and instead utter, “I will wait for you.”

“Then I will try to come as soon as possible. And we can also go on a date.” He pauses briefly before continuing, “If you would like that?”

I will tell him about my feelings during dinner, then.

I just smile in answer and grasp the ends of his tie. “Let me.”

I do not ask because, somewhere along the way, we have become so at ease with each other that questioning about such trivial matters seems pointless.

Alessandro bows his head in feigned respect. “As my lady says.” He pushes his booted feet in my direction and nudges my toes with them. “Get on.”

Quietly, I put my feet on top of his and rise on my tiptoes to reach his shoulders. Alessandro grips my waist tightly to keep me upright.

I have done my Dad’s tie countless times before, but doing Alessandro’s feels very different in many ways.

With nervousness evident on my face, I work on the tie, twisting and looping the fabric, creating an elegant knot. My fingers brush against the bare skin of his neck and chest in the process, causing a subtle shiver to run through me.

I wonder if he feels the same about our closeness.

When finished, I look up at him only to realize his eyes have taken on a darker shade of brown. I gulp inaudibly at the hungry gaze.

When he speaks this time, his voice comes out a lot huskier. “Ti comporti come mia moglie. E questo mi fa venir voglia di farti delle cose.” His jaw works, then he pulls me in closer, the lessened height difference aiding him now. One of his fingers hooks under my chin to lift it, and he stares at my mouth greedily, our breaths mingling. "Cose per cui non sei pronta." Alessandro bites down on his lip before meeting my gaze again, switching to English. “May I?”

(You are behaving like my wife. And that makes me want to do things to you.)(Things you are not ready for.)

I blink my eyes once, unable to say a word, and the next thing I know, Alessandro's lips are on mine. They are softer than usual in intensity as they glide over my mouth languidly. No biting. No thrusting inside. Just licking and sucking my lips, lathering them with his taste. My grip on his tie gets harder with each passing second as I lose myself in him.

We have not been intimate for almost a month now, so in a way, it feels like our first kiss again.

When we part our faces, a small thread of saliva connects our mouths, and I stare at it, captivated. Alessandro draws his lips inside, cleaning it with his tongue, and I follow suit, our gazes locked.

I was never this dirty! So what happened now?

With the realization of the nasty deed hanging heavy over me, I hide my flushed face in his chest, breathing in his musky fragrance.

If only time could stop here, in his arms, and I did not have to leave.


“You had breakfast, Carlo?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Carlo answers from the passenger seat, his eyes shielded by dark glasses focused on the road ahead.

Carlo has been my personal bodyguard for over two weeks now. His job is to follow me at all times. Alessandro was serious when he said that he would not allow me to go out unattended. Even now, there is a crew of cars guarding ours.

As per our daily routine, the driver makes a stop at Black and Beans, the cafe I visit every morning before going to my classes. Carlo leaves the car with me, and I restrain myself from rolling my eyes.

Carlo is like a shadow at this point. Always by my side. Except for when I enter the college building.

Carlo’s intimidating presence scares off the people waiting in line, and soon I am the only one at the counter. The barista smiles awkwardly as I place my regular order. When I buy another cup, Carlo gives me a suspicious look but stays quiet.

If I have discovered something about Carlo, it is that he talks less and observes more.

Similar to his boss.

Just the mention of Alessandro has me sweating again in this air-conditioned place.

Do not make my plan fail.

When we exit the cafe, I offer the extra coffee to Carlo.

He shakes his head silently.

“Take it. Your boss will not kill you.”

He does not budge, so I resort to another method.

“You do not think I poisoned it, do you?”

It is no secret that I do not like the 24/7 surveillance. But this does not imply that I will harm someone just to get rid of it.

“It is not so, madam. We do not eat during working hours.”

“One cup will not hurt; drink it up.” Seeing him look at the coffee hesitantly, I push it into his hands. “Hurry. I am running late for my class.”

This is the least I can do for what I am going to put you through.

I wish I had another way. A safer one. But alas! That is just how it is.


My eyes dart to the watch around my wrist after every word that comes out of Professor Miller’s mouth.

Why is he late?

“Sir?” A dark head peeks inside the room’s door, and the entire class’s attention snaps to it.

There he is!

Mr. Miller acknowledges him with a curt nod. “Come in.” Before proceeding with his lessons for the day.

“Fucking, finally!” I nearly throw my arms up in the air out of exasperation when Rodie occupies the seat beside me. “What took you so long?”

He glares at me before gesturing towards his backpack. “Meeting your criteria.” He then slides the bag across the desk, and I grab hold of it.

“Is everything here?” I unzip the bag to have a look inside, and after finding everything I asked for, I let out a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Rodie. So much.”

My best friend’s glare falls, and he squeezes my hand. “Anything for you. Even though I do not know what it is.”

“I will tell you when it is done.”

And Alessandro. If he does not find out beforehand.

“I still do not feel good about this. I should join you.”

“No, you do not. I can handle it.”

“Fine. Stay safe.”

“I will.” I promise while stuffing the contents of his bag into mine.

Five more restless minutes into the lecture, and I ask the Professor for permission to let me use the washroom. He gives his consent, and I depart the room after sending Rodie a reassuring look.


Tugging the hoodie down my figure, I fix my hair and stare at my reflection in the mirror. The trousers are very baggy, folded at least four times at the waist, and the hoodie is extremely oversized. Needless to say, Rodie's clothes do not fit me. They are much bigger. Though not as much as Alessandro’s are.

I release my hair from the ponytail, make a neat bun out of it, and tuck it into the hoodie. My hair is too shiny to overlook, and after coming so far, I can not risk getting caught for such a silly mistake.

After sending Rodie a thumbs-up emoji, I turn on the silent mode on my phone, pick up my bag, and get out of the washroom, making sure to keep my head down. A quick look at the college’s entrance confirms that Carlo is here with his entourage, waiting for my classes to end so they can escort me back to the estate safely.

I am sorry, Carlo.

With a heavy heart and a guilty conscience, I make a beeline towards the gate, but my blood runs cold the moment I come to cross him.

God, please do not let me get caught. Please do not let me get caught. Please do not...

Carlo’s phone buzzes right at that moment.

I know this ringtone. It is designated for their boss.

My throat gets parched as I listen to him answer the call and talking heatedly in Italian.

He found out!

With my heart in my palm, I jog towards the exit. Acting normal be damned. But it is just my luck that a step away from the gate, the trousers get stuck under my Converse, and I lose my footing. Pain escapes me in a hiss as my right knee collides hard with a rock.

“Ahh,” I press a hand to my knee, which is already bleeding.

How unlucky can someone be?

And most importantly, how will I walk now?

“Miss?” A manly voice comes from behind me, and I correct my posture. “Do you need help?”

I chance a glance at the man, and fuck!

He is one of Alessandro’s men. Although I have never seen him, the familiar outfit easily sets him apart from the rest.

If I refuse him, he will be able to recognize my voice. And turning around is out of the question, so that leaves me with only one option.

I clench my teeth to suppress the painful moan, and fist the sleeves of the hoodie in my palms, covering my fingers. Lifting one hand up towards the man, I wave it from side to side in a disapproving manner.

One look at my hand would have raised his suspicions. My fingers and nails are too feminine to belong to a man.

I have never been happier to have oversized clothes before. These really saved me today.

Love you, Rodie.

“Are you sure?” The man asks again, and this time I dismiss him impatiently.

“Cirò! Vieni qui. Presto. Il capo ha ordinato di fare irruzione nell’edificio.”

( Cirò, come here. Quick. Boss has ordered to raid the building.”

I do not comprehend most of Carlo’s words to him, except for ‘capo' which means ‘boss' because everybody always refers to Alessandro that way, and the ‘vieni qui' part, which roughly translates to ‘come here’ I assume, since their capo loves to use these two words with me, but the man who was standing behind till now gives up on helping me and returns to the others.

I keep my lips pressed together as I continue to slowly limp the rest of the way. Outside the premises, a cab is waiting, and I rip open the door, getting inside without a look back.

Once the vehicle begins to move, I wipe the cold sweat off my face.

Thank God, Rodie was smart enough to book a cab. It just slipped my mind while planning all this.

Throughout last week, I have made Carlo accustomed to my tendency of being tardy. The first day, I was late by five seconds. The second day by thirty seconds. Third day, it turned into a full minute. Then so on. He was quite displeased with me the first two times, but gradually got used to it and does not feel the need to inform Alessandro anymore, thinking I am just using the restroom after classes like every day.

Today, it will take Carlo and company at least five minutes to notice that I am not in college. And a couple more hours to locate me.

Hopefully, I will finish my task and return by then.

When and not if Alessandro gets to know this, chaos will ensue without a doubt. I know. However, in the end, it will be worth it.

I retrieve my mobile and reread the text from a month ago.

'Ana. Baby, listen carefully. This is important. Do not come to the restaurant. You hear me? Do not come here at any cost. Do not ask why. We are running out of time. Your Mom and I are trying to solve it by ourselves. But if something happens, I want you to go home. Alone and check the place you frequently asked me about. You will find something there, along with a contact number. Call it and tell that person to come get you as soon as he can. Keep this information to yourself, and do not disclose it to others. Not even that boyfriend of yours. We can not trust anyone at the moment.

Whatever happens today, it will surely change our lives. But regardless of that, we want you to stay strong, alright, darling? Mom and Dad love you, Ana. Always remember that.'

I sniffle slowly, staring at the words, and the driver throws a questioning look my way that I am not in the mood answer.

I turn off the screen, and the spotless glass makes me chuckle even in this pain. I am aware that this is not my phone. Just a doppelganger. And I also know that Alessandro purchased the identical model, so I do not feel uncomfortable using it. I am no genius. It took me some time to notice the differences between my old phone and this new one. Firstly, all the applications were up-to-date when I clearly remember not having updated them for a long while. Second, my phone fell from a considerable height. It would not have survived that impact, and even if repaired, the scratches will still be there. Third, the model I was using was three years old, and has been discontinued for a year or so now. So, there is absolutely no way; Alessandro did not threaten the company into remaking it just because he did not want me to worry.

All these things are the reason why I believe this phone has not been inspected and does not have a tracker. Because if that were the case, Alessandro would have already known about Dad’s message and would not have let me set a foot outside in the first place. Probably even locked me up in his mansion? Who knows.

I really did not want to go behind his back like this. It is not like me to betray the people I love. However, this is kind of Dad’s last wish. So, I have no choice. But I promise to myself that Alessandro will be the first to know once I am done.

Furthermore, I have not confessed to him yet.

Almost fifty minutes later, I reach home. The sight of the small, two-story brick house brings tears to my eyes. I have spent so much of my good times in this place that it feels unreal to think that nobody resides here anymore. That two of its owners are already dead, if not three.

No, Ana. You are not going there. Nothing happened to Ami. She is still alive somewhere out there. She will not leave you like Mom and Dad did.

Swallowing my emotions, I walk up to the front porch and open the door with the key I had with me, leading into a spacious living room with large windows that fill the space with natural light.

Inhaling deeply, I am greeted by a homely feeling.

I had plans to come home for Thanksgiving with Alessandro.

Who would have thought this was how it was meant to be?

A sad smile lifts my lips, and my eyes blaze with the unfairness of the situation.

"Life is not fair. Deal with it."

I hate how he is always so right about every damn thing!

As I walk into the adjacent kitchen, my hands glide over the countertops, mugs, and microwave affectionately, reminiscing about the times when Mom and I used to bake together. Every corner and every utensil in this place carries a memory of its own.

I brush away the tear on my cheek and head upstairs to accomplish my original purpose. Up here, we have two bedrooms. One belonged to my parents, and the other pink one was inhabited by Ami and me.

Yes, we shared a room even in our high school days. But since Ami was older and braver, she was supposed to move into the guest room on the lower level once she became an adult. Which never got to happen.

Going past both bedrooms on my way, I halt in front of the brown door. Dad’s office. My hand instinctively goes up to knock before realizing that it is not occupied anymore. And never will be.

Another harsh reality slaps me squarely in the face, and I have to mentally stabilize myself to control my feelings and unlock the door. I cross the threshold with slow steps, roaming my gaze over every piece of furniture I have grown up seeing. My movements are too deliberate, too careful, fearing I may damage something that my father had worked hard to preserve.

Covering half the room, I move the carpet away with my foot, revealing three small holes on the wooden floor beneath. Then I lift the chair next to the desk and place it where the carpet was, ensuring all three legs align with the holes, and move it to the right side with all my strength.

Nothing. Nada.

I saw my Dad doing this sometimes when I was a kid and playing in his office with my toys. Never minded much about what it was. When I got old, though, I asked him once. He said he would tell me when the time came, and being the obedient daughter that I always was, I listened to him. But as time flew by, I eventually forgot all about this until Dad brought it up in his message.

I try again. This time in the opposite direction. As soon as I rotate the chair to the left, a crack sound fills the room, and a circular portion of the floor comes off, stuck to the chair. My eyes widen. I pull the chair along with the piece of wood and crouch down beside the gap in the floor from which an electronic locker has protruded outwards.

What is there that Dad had to keep a secret? And even if he did, why tell me now?

The keypad stares back at me as I wonder what combination Dad had put.

He cared about his family more than himself, so it must be the birthday of one of us. Maybe Mom’s.

I put the date. But no. The lock remains shut.

How about their wedding day?

Still nope.

One by one, I enter all the important dates I can remember. Ami's birthday. Then mine. Nothing works. And right when I am on the verge of quitting, a distant memory comes to me.

"This number is said to be one of the hardest ones to crack. If I ever have a locker, I will use it as the password."

Dad’s voice sounds at the back of my mind while solving a math problem for me.


How could I forget it?

I hurriedly press the digits on the keypad.

Hope it works. Fingers crossed.

Following a sequence of metallic clinks, a distinct click is heard as the latch finally disengages.

Thank God!

Let’s see what is in here that could not be shared with anyone but me.

I pull open the door and find an old USB drive resting on top of a small piece of paper. I take them out and settle on the floor itself with my laptop before me. Good thing I remembered to put it in my bag this morning.

If I lose the flash drive, which is very likely to happen with me, at least the data will be stored somewhere.

I plug the device into my laptop and wait for the transfer to be completed. I will watch it after getting back. I do not have much time now.

While it gets done, I save the number written on the paper in my phone. I am not going to call whoever it belongs to and ask him to rescue me. Alessandro already protects me enough. I feel the safest with him. Dad did not know him, which is why he was saying not to trust him.

When the data transfer is at 57 percent, some hushed whispers and heavy footsteps reach my ears from downstairs.

Did Alessandro find me? Shit!

I am going to receive a good scolding today, and he may never let me out without him again. But that is fine; I deserve it for keeping things from him.

I turn back to check the screen. 62 percent. Nearly there. The next time I look back at the door, three muscular men are standing there, their dark eyes bouncing back and forth between me and the laptop.

Who are they? And why do they not look familiar? Did Alessandro hire new men or change their outfit?

But I do not see Carlo with them.

He will surely be here as the head of my security team, right?

Are these my new bodyguards, then? Can be.

“Just a minute, okay? I am almost finished. Tell your boss that I am coming.” I inform them.

They just look at each other and burst out laughing, like kids.

What is funny?

Controlling his laughter, the man in the front, who appears to be their leader, steps forward. “Finished. That you truly are, ragazza.”


He is speaking in Italian too. But I do not know anyone of that descent aside from Alessandro.

Is he playing with me? Punishing me for lying to him?

That is a possibility. I have witnessed first-hand how mad he becomes if my safety is compromised. And he rarely gets mad around me. If ever.

Yet, for some reason, the man's words make cold sweats break out on my back and forehead, even when the weather is not that hot.

His hand reaches under his jacket before he swiftly pulls out a gun, still speaking in a casual tone, “And about our boss, he is coming to meet you himself.”

After that, everything happens in slow motion. From him clicking off the safety to aiming the barrel straight at my head. Without any hesitation. Without any compassion.

I gasp loudly at the sudden shift in events.

These are not Alessandro’s men. They can not be. Alessandro would have chopped them up into pieces if they ever even dared to subject me to pain.

And along with this realization, a new feeling settles deep in my bones, spreading from my mind and heart to every part of my body until I become too numb to function.

It is the feeling of fear.

Fear for my life.

Another chapter is released! How is it?

What do you think of Ana's little plan? Honestly, I feel she's very stupid.

But how else was I gonna unfold the plot? Spices are needed here and there.

Do you know who these unknown men are? Or who is their boss?

Are you scared for Ana? Or simply fed up?

And most importantly, will Alessandro be able to save her this time?

I will tell you a secret, though. Good times are over for a long time now.

Next chapter will come a little late since I'm gonna be busy with my assignments.

Vote, share, and don't forget to comment.

Till then, happy reading...

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