Rockin His World

By Socialparasite21

3.8K 82 10

When 2 wrestling super fans turned prodigies meet they soon learn that as good as they are on there own, they... More

Business Decisions.
Seeing Into The Future?
Honor Above All
Hearts Start Talking
Champions With Honor
Winning More Than Just Championships
The Beginning
It's Out
Business Is Booming.
Chasing A Dream

Dem Boys And Dat Boy

257 6 1
By Socialparasite21

Today's the day I make my debut in ROH. I'm so excited about it because I'm gonna be working with Uncle Mark and Jay. I pretty much shot up out of bed and threw the blankets up. By the time the sheets landed back on the bed, I was already dressed.

I was sat on the bed, tying my left boot when my phone rang. No suprise but it was Carla and I'm obviously going to answer.

Me: What's up Carly.

Carla: Finally you answer me! I've been texting you all morning sir!

Me: Really? I'm so sorry Carly. I been getting dressed.

Carla: I can tell your excited. That's why I didn't room with you last night haha.

Me: Haha oh whatever you just wanted to be as far away from me as possible. You just wanted "time" with Gino.

Gino is a guy that Carla met at an indie show. He's okay I guess. He tries to be all buddy buddy with me but I don't really trust him like at all. I guess that's my "big brother" instincts coming out in me. Uncle Book always called it either the big brother or dog like instincts coming out when it came to Carla. Even though I was the baby, I'm protective over certain people and Carla's number one on that list.

Carla: Oh hush. Gino wouldn't dare try to steal me from you.

Me: Good. Anyways are you ready to go?

Carla: Always ready for you Jackie.

Me: I'll be at your room soon. I love you Carly.

Carla: I love you too Jackie.

I hung up and slipped my phone into my pocket. I threw my jacket on before I grabbed my truck keys. I left the room before making the walk to Carly's room. I knocked on the door before Carly answered. We smiled at each other before we hugged. I hate it when we break apart.

Me: You ready to go Carly?

Carla: Let's go Jackie.

She closed her door before we walked out to the uber. I helped her in before gettin in on the other side. We joked around on the short ride to the building. Once we got there, we got out and walked in.

Once we were in the back, we met up with Mark and Jay. I shared a quick hug with Mark.

Me: Hey Unc.

Mark: Hey Nephew.

We broke the hug. I then turned around and Jay and I looked into each other's eyes.

Me: Big Jay!

Jay: Little J!

We smiled before we shared a big hug. We held each other tightly this is the first time we've seen each other in a long time. Even though we talk on the phone all the time, it's not the same as when you get to see each other in person. We finally broke apart.

Me: How's my cousins doin?

Jay: Aw man they're doin great. Growin like weeds too. They sure do miss Bubba J though.

Me: I miss them too. I'm gonna come down to the compound and see em. Hows Papa and Nana.

Jay: Same ole same ole bubba. You know how they are.

Me: I damn sure do haha.

Jay looks over my shoulder and notices Carla. I notice that and step to the side. I then bring Carla closer to me.

Me: Unc's this is Carla. She's been the one keepin me outta trouble haha. Carly, this is Uncle Mark and Uncle Jay.

Carla: H-Hi.

Carla nervously smiled and extended her hand. Carla's kinda shy but to be fair, I've heard my Uncles look intimidating but I don't see it. Jay looked at Carla's extended hand and how it was shaking. He smiled before he walked up and hugged her.

We went to Catering and found a table. We all started telling stories about different things. Most of Dem Boys stories were stories meant to embarrass me but they didn't bother me. I had a great time hanging out with three of the four most important people in my life. Eventually, Carla excused herself which left Mark, Jay, and myself alone to talk.

Mark: Hey Nephew, she's pretty cool.

Me: Yeah she's my bestfriend. I love her to death.

Mark: We can tell haha.

We all shared a laugh before Uncle Jay got into the conversation.

Jay: So little J when are you gonna admit it?

Me: Admit what Big Jay?

Jay: That you love her.

Me: I just did?

Jay kinda chuckled.

Jay: Little J I know you better then you know yourself. Y'all do everything together. If she didn't get a deal too then you wouldn't have signed either. You don't just love her, you're IN love with her.

I let out a long sigh. I can lie to pretty much anybody but not Dem Boys, Grandma, and definitely not Carla.

Me: Yeah Big Jay, I love her. I love her with all my heart.

Jay: Then tell her bub. She loves you too.

Me: Nah I don't think so. Besides she's kinda talking to someone right now.

Jay: Bubba I been watchin yall. Y'all both look at each other when you smile or laugh. You're always real close to each other. Y'all love each other just one of Y'all needs to come out and say it.

Me: I don't know. I just don't wanna take the chance of ruining what we have.

Jay: I get it bubba but I really don't think you'll ruin it. I think if anything, you'll make it better. Just think about it, alright?

Me: Alright Big Jay.

Carla soon rejoined the table and we talked until it was time for our segment.

*Our Segment*

LFI members Rush, Dragon Lee, and Kenny King were in the ring. All of a sudden...

The Briscoes come out and stand on the Stage with Microphones in hand.


Jay: Boys yall aint about to keep disrespecting the business and the company my brother and I spent our entire adult lives building.

LFI laughs in the ring before Kenny raises the microphone to his mouth.

Kenny: Oh yeah? Are you going to do something about it?

Jay: Yeah we are.

Kenny: I know you two are just a couple of dumb rednecks so I'll try to explain this to you in a way that maybe you'll understand...

Kenny then changed his voice to a really bad southern accent and spoke really slowly.

Kenny(Southern Accent): There''all.

Mark and Jay looked at each other before they looked back to the ring. Jay smiles before bringing the microphone back up to his lips.

Jay: Who said there was only two of us?

He lowers the microphone before the lights go down.

I then come walking out slowly.

I stop and stand between Mark and Jay. I turn to look at Mark then turn and look at Jay. We all nod and I take off my jacket. We take off running and hit the ring. We slide in before popping up and start exchanging punches. Mark and Jay trade with Kenny and Dragon while Rush and I exchange. We get the better of the exchange before we all give them a boot to the midsection.

We go to put there heads between our legs and go for stereo Jay Drillers but they push back and bail out. The ROH Tag Team and World Championships are left in the ring. Mark and Jay pick up the Tag belts and I grab the World belt. We hold the belts in one hand before I grab a Microphone and hold it up to my mouth while we look over to LFI whose freaking out at the stage.

Me: Where y'all goin!? We were havin a party in here! That's just rude to up and leave right in the middle of a party. Don't worry about it though, we'll teach y'all a lesson in manners. My uncle's here will teach the Komodo Dragon and the Chippendale Dancer how to man up. Rush, El Toro Blanco...

I walk up and put my left foot on the third rope and put my right on the second rope. I maintain my stare up at LFI as I continue.

Me: ...I'll castrate you, rip those horns off and shove em so far up your ass you can use em as a toothpick!

I get off the ropes and walk back to my space between Mark and Jay.

Me: You know why!? Tell em why Big Jay!

I flipped the microphone to Jay who catches it with one hand without having to even look at me.

Jay: Because we are Dem Boys!

Jay then points to me as he continues.

Jay: He is Dat Boy JJ and LFI, you made your bed. Time to lay down...bitch.

Jay tosses the microphone before we walk up to the ropes and hold the belts up. We toss the belts on the floor outside the ring and continue to stare down a furious LFI as the segment ends.

*In The Back*

We come back and share a group hug.

Me: Love Y'all Uncs.

Uncle Mark/Jay: Love you too Little Jay.

Jay: Nephew you got somebody that wants to see ya.

I smiled as we broke our hug. I maintained my smile as I turned around to face Carla with my arms stretched out.

Me: Come here.

Carla ran up and jumped into my arms. I wrapped my arms around her tightly as she wrapped her arms and legs around me.


Me: Thanks Carly but the job ain't finished just yet.

Carla got down before she smacked my arm. She put a serious face on before pointing her finger in my face.

Carla: I'm still proud of you mister.

I smiled and held my hands up.

Me: Thanks Carly.

I spun around and hugged them boys one last time.

Me: I love Y'all.

Uncle Mark/Jay: We love you too Bubba.

I feel Carla's little hand grab my wrist and turn me around before starting to drag me away. I know she's little but she's a lot stronger than she looks. As I'm getting drug away, I hear Uncle Jay yell to me.

Uncle Jay(Yelling): This helps prove my point!

Me(Yelling Back): Shut it!

Little Carla drug me to the Uber before opening the door and pretty much irish whipping me into the car. She then joined me inside. She sat close to me and rested her head on my shoulder the entire ride back to the hotel.

Once we got to the hotel, Carla drug me out of the car and up to my room. I unlocked my door.

Carla: Just grab your bags. I want to have a Sleepover in my room tonight.

Me: Okay Carly.

I grabbed my bags before I was drug back out of my room and over to Carla's room. She unlocked and opened her door before Irish whipping me in there. She then walked in.

Carla: Get ready for bed and lay down.

I have no clue why but I kinda like this bossy side of Carla, it's kinda cute honestly.

Me: Okay Carly.

I stripped down to my shorts under my pants. I had my shirt in my hand and something told me to look in Carla's direction. I did and saw her in her bra and panties for a split second before turning my head in the other direction.

Carla walked up to me and grabbed the shirt out of my hand. She put it on before grabbing my face and turning it to look at her smiling face.

Carla: How do I look Jackie?

Me: Umm let's see. You look good...nah you look great...nah you look gorgeous or better yet you look absolutely PERFECT.

Carla blushed as she smiled before pulling my face down a little. She bounced up on her tip toes and kissed my cheek.

Carla: Sweet Jackie. Lay down for me Jackie. I want cuddles from MY Jackie. I want cuddles from MY best friend, MY sweet boy.

I smiled down at her. I turned around and pulled the covers back before laying down on my back. Carla then laid down on top of me before kissing my cheek and then resting her face in my neck as I wrapped my arms around her.

Me: Goodnight Carly I love you.

Carla: Goodnight Jackie I love you more.

I rubbed my hand up and down her back as I felt her melt into me. I relaxed and tried to fall asleep. I just kept thinking about the conversation Jay and I had earlier. I don't know if I can tell her, I really don't.

Even if I do tell her then when do I tell her? When is the perfect time or is there a perfect time? Is this one of those things where you just know when the perfect time is? I just hope I can tell her because what if Jay's right and she feels the same? But what if she don't? Regardless this'll eat me alive if I don't and I know that. Especially if Gino and her get together.

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