Hearts Start Talking

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It's been so much fun these past few months. Carla and I are still the same but since we can't do any indy shows because of Covid, the only time we see each other at work is at ROH TV. We're still always hanging out with each other though.

Today we're hanging out in our shared hotel room before the pay per view. I would've paid for Carla to have her own room so she didn't have to spend her own money but she wanted to have a Sleepover and I can't tell Carly no. We're just hanging out but it's been kind of different. Carla's been acting almost kind of sad since she got off the phone with Gino earlier. Finally, I can't take this anymore so I try to get to the bottom of this.

Me: Carly?

Carla: Yeah Jackie?

Me: What's up with ya? Don't you dare tell me nothing either because I know my Carly and you've got something on your mind.

Carla: I'm just tired....

Me: Carly really? Tired? We haven't done anything.

Carla: I am.

Me: Alright we both know how this ends up.

Carla: No, no, NOO!

I wrapped my arms around her and picked her up before sitting her on my lap. Carla lays her head in the side of my neck and lets out a long sigh as I rub my right hand up and down her back. I continue to rub her back until I feel tears start to soak into my shirt. When I hear her start to sniffle, I lean my head down and press my lips to the top of Carla's head.

Me: Hey now Carly what's wrong with ya?

Carla(sniffles): He's been talking to a-another girl...

I let out a long sigh.

Me: Well if you let me up, I'll go kill him.

Carla wraps her arms around me and squeezes me really tightly.

Carla: No...Stay with me....

Carla pulls her head back and looks at me while sticking her bottom lip out. She then uses her baby voice to finish her thought.

Carla: Pweaseeeee?

Me: I can't ever say no to you.

I reached out and gently took Carla's beautiful face in my hands. I gently dried her tears with my thumbs and finally got Carla to smile.

Me: There's the most beautiful smile ever.

Carla: You're the sweetest guy in the world. I love you so much Jackie.

Me: I love you more Carly.

Carla leaned in and kissed my cheek. After she pulled back, she smiled at me.

Carla: Do you know what would reallyy make Carly feel better?

Me: What would make Carly feel better?

Carla: If I got to stay sitting like this and then later onnn...I got cuddles?

It was my turn to lean in and kiss her cheek.

Me: You got it Carly.

I wrapped my arm around her. I really enjoyed her sitting on my lap and just getting to spend time with her. It sucks that she's hurting but I'm going to do everything I can to make sure she feels better.

We haven't moved from the spot we've been in really since earlier. The only difference is I now have one arm around her waist and had my other hand resting on her thigh while she had one arm around my neck. It's getting close to dinner time so I thought I'd order us some food.

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