Champions With Honor

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Tonight's the night that could be a night that lives in my memory forever. Tonight could be the banner night. I could see my Uncle Mark and Jay win the tag titles. I don't really consider Jay like a Uncle. I consider him to be more like a Father Figure. He's always called and checked up on me and made sure I was good. He always did the things a Dad should do. If I had a game and he could be there, he'd be there. If I was going through something that was a "man" issue, he'd talk me through it. It was never like a "boy you gotta do this" or "you better do this". He'd give me advice and just talk to me like I was his son or his little brother.

Uncle Mark is my "Raise Hell Partner". We'd get bored or something and go find trouble to get into. I can't tell you how many times Nana or Papa Briscoe would stand in the back window with there coffee cups and watch and laugh at whatever Mark and I were doing. I remember one time, we got caught doing something and when we were confronted with whatever we'd done we just threw our arms out and hollered out, "WE AIN'T DONE NOTHIN!" Well when we threw our arms out, Mark's right hand came back and caught me in the nose. My nose was busted and bleeding, and I hear Papa yell out, "NOW POP HIM IN THE NOSE LITTLE J!" We both heard him and turned to face each other. Uncle Mark kinda stuck his chin out and I reared back and popped him in the nose. Mark was bleeding from his nose and Jay smiled before saying, "Damn Dat boy JJ got a pretty good lick on him!" After Jay called me "Dat Boy JJ" it stuck.

Then there's Carly. I could go on for hours about her. My Grandma and her are the ones that has kept me out of trouble. Carly is the one who can get me to do whatever she wants me to do, she's got me wrapped around her little finger and she knows it. Whatever Carly wants, she gets. That smile and those eyes are my biggest kryptonite. Tonight is her night, I haven't been told anything but I just feel it in my bones.

I'm just hanging out with Dem Boys and my prodigy partner. Carla is sitting right beside me on my right side like normal but she's sitting closer then normal. She's sitting so close that our knees are touching as we're talking. Our knees kind of rubbed against each other and I looked at Carla who was smiling back at me.

Carla: What?

Me: Nothing.

We smiled at each other before joining back in conversation.

Jay: Hey bub?

Me: What's up big Jay?

Jay: Do you think we gone win tonight?

Me: Oh yeah, y'all got it for sure.

Jay smiled at me response.

Jay: What about you? You know your finish yet?

Me: Nah I don't ever know till I get to the locker room. I ain't trippin tho.

Jay: Boy you always been calm and cool.

Me: I prepared for these situations my entire life so I'm cool.

Jay: You don't get to be Dat Boy for nothin haha. What about Carla? You think she got it?

I knew my answer already but I had an idea. Carla and I have been acting more flirtatious than ever really as of late. I had an idea to kind of test and see where Carla's at.

Me: Oh Yeah. Carly's definitely got it...

I put my plan into action. I took my right hand on Carla's thigh as I continue.

Me: ...She's the greatest so I got no worries at all. My best friend is about to be the Womens Champion.

As I spoke, I started to rub little circles into Carla's thigh with my thumb. I turned to Carla who was smiling at me.

Carla: You're so sweet Jackie I love you so much and I just know you're gonna win the world championship. My Peanut butter is going to be the world champion, I just know it.

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