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Well my grandma and I have just finished moving into our new house here in Laredo yesterday. After my Grandpa and then my brother passed away within the last year, my grandma and I both decided that it'd probably be best if we got out of Florida. My Grandparents lived in Texas for a while before I was born so we decided to go there. I'm gonna miss Florida but a fresh start is exciting. I'm starting 1st grade today so this is gonna be a busy day.

I got up and got dressed before going into the kitchen for breakfast. When I walk in, I immediately run up and hug my grandma's leg as she fixes breakfast.

Me: Grandma!

Grandma looks down at me and smiles.

Grandma: Goodmorning bubba! There's my little man! Go sit at the table so you can get some good food in your little stomach before school.

Me: Okay Grandma!

I ran to the table before sitting down in my chair. Grandma soon sits a plate of Bacon and Eggs and homemade hashbrowns in front of me with a cup of Apple Juice to drink. She knows that's my favorite breakfast so I quickly scarfed it down and drank my juice.

Me: Thanks Grandma!

Grandma: No problem sweetie. Did ya get full?

Me: Yeah!

Grandma: Good. Are ya ready to go to school buddy?

Me: Yeah Grandma let's go.

I grabbed and held her hand before leading her out of the kitchen. I grabbed my backpack before grabbing her hand and we walked outside to her car. We got inside and put on our seatbelts before she started to drive. We got to my school and I took my seatbelt off.

Grandma: Do you want me to walk you in buddy?

Me: No Grandma I got it.

Grandma: My little man.

Grandma leaned over and kissed my cheek.

Grandma: Have a great day at school bubba. I love you.

Me: I love you too Grandma.

I hugged her before getting out of her car. I shut the door before running inside. I found my classroom before going inside. The teacher showed me to my seat with this girl sitting next to me at our table. I set my bag down before the girl looks at my bag as sit in my chair.

???: Hi I'm Carla. Is that The Rock on your backpack?

Me: Hi Carla I'm Jackson but everybody just calls me JJ. Yeah he's my cousin.

Carla: The Rock is your cousin!? He's one of my favorite wrestlers and actors.

Me: Yeah he's pretty cool. He's really nice, you'd like him.

Carla: How are you so cool about being releated to a star?

Me: He's just a normal person haha. Well he's huge but he's just a normal human like the rest of us.

Carla and I continued to talk before the bell rang and class started.

*At Recess*

We're outside on the playground and I was playing catch with a few kids. Right as I catch the football, I hear a girl call out to me.

Carla: JJ!

I turn around and see Carla run up to me.

Me: What's up?

Carla: Me and my friends are playing house but I don't have a husband. Will you do it?

I smiled at her.

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