The Beginning

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I woke up this morning with Carla in my arms and we were both holding on to each other. I rolled on to my back and Carla felt some space between us so she quickly closed the space before holding on to me before using her baby voice but adding a tired tone to it.

Carla: No...

I looked down at her.

Me: No what baby?

Carla: No don't weave me.

I smiled down at her before leaning down and pressing my lips to the top of her head.

Me: You should know I'd never leave my baby.

Carla raised her head up while keeping her eyes closed before leaning in and kissing my cheek. After she pulled away, she laid her head down on my bare chest before letting out a little sigh.

Me: Get your nap out babygirl.

I rubbed her back for a little while while she slept in. About an hour or so later, I felt her leave a few little kisses on my chest before moving up to my neck then up to my cheek before leaving a big loving kiss on my lips. When she pulls back and we open our eyes, I'm greeted by Carla's big beautiful brown eyes and a equally big smile on her face.

Me: Goodmorning to you too baby.

Carla: What did you just call me?

Me: Baby?

Carla's smile got even wider.

Carla: I still can't believe you call me that!

Me: Why not? You are MY Baby.

Carla: You're MY Baby too.

I smiled, I couldn't help it. I then leaned in and left a loving kiss on her soft lips.

Me: Well what does MY Baby want to do today?

Carla: Baby we can't really go anywhere or do anything. Why do I always get to decide what we do? Even before we got together, I decided everything.

Me: Because MY Princess gets whatever she wants.

Carla bit her lip and blushed when I called her Princess.

Carla: I know what I want to do now.

Me: Okay baby, lay it on me.

Carla: First thing is you don't wear a shirt. If you want to wear pants and stuff that's fine but no shirt.

Me: That's fine Princess. Do you want anything else?

Carla nodded her head.

Carla: I want a lazy day. We just lay here and watch movies or TV shows or old wrestling and cuddle. Oh! And we definitely kiss more.

Me: You're definitely gettin everything you want Baby.

We smiled at each other before we hopped up and went into the bathroom. We grabbed our toothbrushes before we got them ready. We started brushing our teeth together. Carla was standing in front of me while we brushed our teeth. While we were brushing, I wrapped my free arm around her waist and brought her back, bringing her in closer as she took her free hand and held my hand that was around her waist. She interlocked our fingers together and looked up at me as I looked down at her.

We finished brushing our teeth and rinsed both our mouths and toothbrushes out. Carla then lead me back to the room and I slipped some pants on. I then walked in between Carla and the bed before she pushed me on top of the bed. Carla then crawled on top of me before sitting on my waist and putting her hands on my chest while smiling down at me.

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