Seeing Into The Future?

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*Timeskip To Senior Year*

Carla and I are still stuck like glue. When we were 12, we struck a deal with her parents and my Grandma that if we got straight A's then we could start training to wrestle. Well we did our part and Grandma and Carly's parents held up there end. We started training a little bit when we could when we were 13. We learned a little bit there for a while and then I figured "Hey dumbass you know Booker T and he's got a wrestling school!" I called up Uncle Book and after not too much convincing, Carly and I had spots in his class.

After we finished training, Booker gave us jobs at his promotion. We been taken care of there well. We've also been taking independent bookings around Texas on the weekends. I got my truck after I got my drivers license a few years back so I drive us to our bookings. During winter break, we sit down and check our emails and set up our schedule for the upcoming year. We talked about it and decided that we'd just blow off Prom to work a show in Houston.

We're both going to graduate this year and go full time in the business. I still talk to Uncle Jay all the time and we're still real close. Grandma's still the greatest and supporting Carly and I which means the world to us. Today we're in home economics and Mrs. Roberts is talking.

Mrs.Roberts: Your final project in this class is all of you are going to be in a group of two. Once in a group, you will all be given one of these.

Mrs.Roberts then holds up a baby doll.

Mrs.Roberts: You will then be a "family" and take care of your "baby" together. Whether you're "married" or co-parenting is up to you. The list of groups goes as follows.

Mrs.Roberts starts to name off the groups and early on, a group catches my attention.

Mrs.Roberts: Carla and JJ. You are a group.

My eyes went wide as I looked over at Carla who smiles at me.

Me: Come again?

Mrs.Roberts: You and Carla are a group. One of you need to come up and get your baby.

I sighed before getting up. I get up and walk up to the teachers desk. She hands me this car seat type deal with the doll all strapped in and a diaper bag. I take everything before walking back to Carla and I's table. I set everything on the table before sitting down in my chair. I look up at Carla and see her smiling at me.

Me: What?

Carla: Looks like we have a baby.

Me(smirking): How do you know that I'm the...

Carla cut me off.

Carla: ...JACKIE!

I smile and shrug before pointing at the doll.

Me: All I'm sayin is that's a light baby.

Carla: I'd never cheat on MY Jackie Baby and hims knows that. I married you for a reason dumbo.

She reached over and thumped my forehead.

Me: When did we get married?

Carla: First day of First Grade.

Me: Then you thumpin me in the forehead is domestic abuse ain't it?

Carla: Hush. I'm gonna come spend the night so we can take care of OUR baby.

Me: Fine by me.

We mostly made small talk and messed with the doll a little before the bell rang and we could go home. Carla and I walked to my truck. I helped her in before buckling the doll in the backseat. During the drive, I gave Carla the aux cord and let her play her music. We finally got to my house and walked inside. We walked up to grandma and each hugged her.

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