Ko"BEN"i 10

Por Anime0CC0Manga

4.8K 230 211

The Biggest Crybaby Gets The Most Powerful Weapon Ever ~ Más

Rath Unleashed
New Options Are Revealed
How To Get Used
Welcome To Team Crybabies
A New Life Starts Now
Sharing The Good Life With A Chainsaw
Change Of Plans
Friends With A Shy Transformer
Topnotch Topknot
Displaying Power And Dominance
Werewolf Doggy And Cute Kitty Cat
Trust, Knowledge And Dreams
Spending Time With A Pirate
The Pit Of Eternal Struggles
The End Of Endless
Drinks, Tears And Kisses
Demon VS Devils
Tears Always Need To Be Shed

Surprised Breakfast

107 7 14
Por Anime0CC0Manga


'My attempts at manipulation backfire horribly.'

Inside a train that was traveling through the city of Japan, Makima could be seated by a window and just looking through the glass with an annoyed expression.

'Not only do I have Chainsaw Man looking at me in a negative light.'

Makima frowns deepen as the memories of her Chainsaw Man glaring at her when he returns with her now happy Collared Human.

'But me trying to separate them only strengthens their relationship instead.'

Which of the two would continue to act all friendly and close with one another as they left Makima all alone with nobody to talk to, she couldn't help but clench her fist from remembering that moment.

'Very unfortunate...'

But Makima could only sigh in defeat, closing her eyes and trying to calm herself, not wanting irrational emotions and intrusive thoughts to cloud her actions and judgment.

'This feeling of losing control is such an unpleasant experience, why can't those two just submit to me already?'

Though as Makima was trying to regain her composure, as well as thinking of another plan to make her Chainsaw Man and Collared Human hers, her own thoughts were interrupted by the sound of something moving beside her.


And when Makima opened her swirly eyes to see what was making the noise, all she was met was a gun being aimed at her own face by a man, before pulling a trigger with a loud "BANG".

"Huh, what's that noise?"

Meanwhile, at some random ramen Cafe, the familiar Division group could be seen sitting and eating together for a nice breakfast, though a moment that was slightly disturbed when Denji heard a loud banging sound off in the distance.

"Foolish mortal, clearly it's the drums to worship my Queen's greatness~"

Though most either didn't hear it, or, like Power, just assumed that it was completely unrelated to them, the Chainsaw Man just shrugged in response as he continued to eat his noodles.

"Thank you for getting us breakfast."

After that moment interruption was ignored, Kobeni Higashiyama decided to take the chance to take the chance to bow her head and thanked both Himeno and Aki Hayakawa for the meal that they were paying for.

"Hey, we can afford to take you out to eat to~"

Himeno gave a cute thumbs up as tried to wink at her leader, though realized she only had one eye and just stopped before she could embarrass herself.

"You mean me, you lost your money in the claw machine."

Luckily Aki was able to embarrass his partner for her, by mentioning how he was paying for most of the food, and how the Eyepatch lady lost most of her money from playing and losing at a gacha game basically.


Which Himeno was still upset about, whining and pouting, which everyone in the team couldn't help but either laugh at or smile in amusement.

"Still, thank you, it's always nice to eat with friends."

Kobeni gave her team a happy and thankful expression, no doubt glad to be around such kindness, unfortunately though, her feelings weren't shared by a certain someone sitting at a table next to the group, who scoffs at her and her feelings for her friends.

"But why, when the food here tasted like shit?"

Everyone looked at the man who forced himself into the conversation. He also seemed to be eating the food here, but not clearly enjoying it.

"Who's he?"

Denji did not seem to understand why a random guy would just suddenly talk to them.


While Power sounded more offended and angry that the stranger would talk to her Queen like they knew each other.

"At least my Grandpa was able to take me somewhere with better quality food."

The man put down the empty bowl after finishing it, still unsatisfied with the meal he was given.

"Well I like to think the food is just fine, thank you very much!"

Himeno sticks her tongue at the random person, clearly also not liking him already.

"Should we just leave?"

Aki just seemed ready to leave, not in the mood to finish his meal and was going to quickly pay so that they wouldn't stay here any longer with the guy around.

"My Grandpa was the kindest person in the world, sure he was part of the Yakuza, but he was a Yakuza with morals and principles, and he would never consider taking people he cared about with such nasty shit."

The more the man spoke, the more annoyed that the team got, as they were about to either leave now or probably start a fight with him.

"I'm glad you have a nice Grandpa, I hope you continue to care for him."

But for Kobeni, that was all she had to say to him, as she felt both glad to see someone with a caring family, as well as an envious expression, which the stranger immediately noticed.

"Damn it, now I'm gonna feel bad for doing this?..."

This confused Higashiyama when the man said that, but before she could question it, he suddenly stood up from his seat and pulled out a gun, quickly aiming it at her, this startled and shocked everyone, clearly no one was expecting this, which the man took advantage of this moment to shoot his gun, specifically at the leader of the team.


However, instead of the Deviltrix host biting the bullet, it was the Hybrid instead, as he was able to react fast enough to push away Kobeni, but got a bullet to the head as a result of saving her, much to her horror, even if she knew he would be OK in the end, the fact that one of her teammates was killed in cold blood still upset her greatly, sadly she wasn't given a chance to process this as the man that shot the blonde was now aiming the gun at her next, though this only turned her upset feelings into anger, as she then quickly pressed her collar.



And a moment later, the man with the gun was sent flying out of the window and landed very roughly to the ground, most likely breaking his spine and cracking the back of his skull, though as he try to recover and stand back up, he was immediately met with Kobeni, who was in her Kurutta transformation, landing hard onto his body, using her knees to crush his stomach, forcing him to spit out a ton of blood from his mouth.


The man had no chance to realize what was happening before Kurutta started to beat his face with no mercy or hesitation, her big and strong fist broke a lot of bones, specifically his nose, jaw, teeths and parts of his skulls, all the while her claws did a lot of slashing and stabbing, even removing one his eyes in the process.


A minute or two of viciously beating the man later, Kurutta decided to end it with lifting up both of fists high in the air, before slamming it down hard onto his chest, breaking both his entire ribs and the ground underneath him, this was enough to make him go limp in response.

"Hmph, that's what I thought, loser."

Kurutta huffs once she sees her opponent go down finally, she licks the blood from her claws as she then stands back up to her feet.

"Topknot! Report To Kurutta About Friends I Deeply Care About And Would DIE For Them?!"

Kurutta then turned away from the bloody body and looked up at the place where her team was at.

"Everyone is ok, but Denji needs blood if we want him to recover!"

Aki quickly explains how everyone besides the Chainsaw Man was OK, the Tiger Kobeni was still upset to know one of her teammates was harmed under her watch, but knowing everything will be alright in the end, she decided to not worry about that right now and started to walk towards her group.

"Let's Go Back To Base! Inform Makima That We Are Being-"

"I-I must admit, I d-didn't expect you to t-transform like that..."

But just before Kurutta could leave the area with her Division, she immediately paused in her steps when a familiar voice spoke up to her.

"I guess I should start taking this a little bit more seriously..."

The Transformed Higashiyama quickly turned around and saw the man, despite being horribly mangled and bloody, looking as if he would drop dead at any moment, was able to stand back up to his feet and use his unbroken arm to hold up his jaw, which threatened to fall off. He continued to speak to her, seeing this only frustrated the person who had broken his body.

"Oh Yeah?! You Want A Round 2 Of Butt Kicking?! Then Kurutta Is Happy To Oblige!"

Kurutta let's out a loud tigress roar, as she then charged forward and towards the standing man, raising her fist, and was planning to thrust her claw into his head, hoping to kill him, however, before she could even reach him, he quickly let go of his jaw and grabbed onto his hand, after he pulled it off, he was no longer a normal man that would've died from his injuries, instead, he was a new man, a Katana Man, with swords coming out of both of his arms and head, which he then used said sword to stab deeply into the Collared Creature chest, this not only shocked her, but her entire group as well, though the man with the Samurai Swords didn't give anyone a chance to react to this new situation they found themselves in, as he then used the blade on his face to quickly cut off the head from the tigers body, letting blood spray everyone and on himself.

"Hm, your blood tastes different from normal humans and Devils."

The Samurai Sword licks the blood away as he then drops the headless body to the ground, which flashes in a white light and returns Kurutta back to Kobeni.

"M-My Queen..."

Power falls to her knees in disbelief, as she struggles to deny the reality of where her Kobeni is dead, a feeling shared by the rest of the group.


But Aki knew that doing nothing would get no one anywhere, as he then made a familiar hand gesture and summoned the Fox Devil to suddenly appear and eat the Katana Man.

"Take Denji Away From Here Now!"

After telling what remained of the group to leave, Aki quickly grabbed the sword from his back, gripping the handle tightly as he was prepared to use it.


Seeing this, Himeno wanted to stop Hayakawa from using the weapon, but was cut off when all of the eyes from the Fox Devil glared at them.

"You put something outrageous in my mouth again..."

Specifically, the Fox Devil glaring at Topknot, before suddenly being cut open and having the Devil with blades come crawling out of it, seeing this made the Devil Hunter pull out his weapon from it's sheath, though instead of being a normal sword, it was a large nail instead, once his weapon was finally out, he did not hesitate to charge after the Katana Man.


And after avoiding the first swing of the Samurai Sword, Aki yelled "FIRE" and let a Devilish finger flick the nail into his opponent, who yelled in pain.


Hayakawa pulled out the nail and avoided another swing from the Devil.


With another shout, the same finger flicked the nail in Aki's hand and helped him stab the Katana Man again.


Topknot pulled out his nail again and avoided the Samurai Swords again.


With one last shout, the finger flicked the nail and helped Aki stab it into the Devil again, blood splattering everywhere with each stab.


Unfortunately, three shots was all the Devil Hunter could manage before finally getting hit by the Katana Man, who just kicked him away and forced him to drop his nail sword to the ground.


Luckily, Aki didn't need to land anymore hits, as after the Samurai Sword kicked him away, he was suddenly grabbed and lifted up from the ground by a unknown force, which soon revealed itself as the "Curse Devil", he screams and yells out in pain as a bunch of sharp claws and fangs digged deeply into his skin, dealing unbelievable amount of damage to him.


And a moment later, the Curse Devil disappeared and the Devil with the blades was just left crippled on the ground, pools of blood pouring out of body like a fountain, Hayakawa could only sigh in relief, though relief turned into a frown as he glanced at the corpse of Kobeni.

"I'm sorry Kobeni..."

Aki bows his head, to pay quick respects for his fallen leader, before quickly turning his head to look at his remaining teammates as he stands back up to his feet.

"We Need To Leave Now Before More Shows Up!"

Though just as Aki picked up his weapon and was about to leave with his group, the sound of footsteps made him pause and go wide-eyed.

"Your Curse Devil is really something huh?"

Topknot turned back around and saw a blonde girl with red eyes standing over the fallen Devil, glaring at him as she then cut her hand and let the blood pour into his mouth.

"Hey, why did you lose?"

The blood from the random blonde was enough to not only wake up the Katana Man, but also quickly heal all the damage that was done to him, which just made the Devil Hunter tense up and get ready to fight again.

"After killing their leader, I thought the rest would be easy picking."

Samurai Sword, once he had fully recovered, slowly sat up and stretched his fixed body, trying to shake off the soreness from what happened earlier.

"But now I know better, Akane Sawatari."

After feeling much better than before, the Samurai Sword got back up to his feet, though instead of standing up straight, he was in a deep kneeling stance, which only made Hayakawa more worried about what might happen next.

"Then kill him already and let's finish the job we came here to do."

The blonde human, now known as Akane Sawatari, just crossed her arms and looked at her partner with an impatient expression. In almost an instant, the Devil appeared right behind Topknot, who gasped in shock before large cuts appeared on his chest, blood splattering everywhere as he dropped his nail sword and fell to his knees.


Himeno watched in horror as her partner was cut up in such a way, but before she could do anything, the sound of chainsaws roaring and blades spinning made her pause from acting drastically just yet.



Both Power and Denji, who had just become the Chainsaw Man, jumped out of the window and were dropping down towards the Katana Man, weapons out and ready to be used to kill the person that caused them so much rage, grief and uncontrollable fury by murdering Kobeni.

"Hmph, amateurs."

Though their efforts were for not, as in one quick slash, the Samurai Sword was able to cut the two Devils in half before they could even reach him.

"Those who are blinded by emotions are the easiest to kill since they only care about hurting others instead of defending themselves."

The Samurai Sword quickly steps aside and lets the two bodies drop in front of him, which they struggle to stay alive from their injuries as blood and guts spill from their split lower half.

"Says the guy who accepted this job because his Grandpa was killed by this guy."

Akane could only roll her eyes at what her partner just said and how hypocritical it was.

"Well our team should be coming here with a van any minute now, so we just need to wait for them."

Akane then pulls out her phone, checking her time and messages to see when their pick up would arrive to collect them and what they came for.

"But until then, let's tie up any loose ends before we leave."

Samurai Sword then looked towards and at Hayakawa, who was struggling to stay awake and stop his bleeding, the Devil started to walk up to him and raised his blade to the air, no doubt ready to cut him down into two.


Seeing him in instant danger, Himeno immediately called out for the Ghost Devil's help, which summons a floating nearly see through hand with a mouth on the palm.

"Nuh-uh, too scary to deal with."

And all the Ghost Devil had to say was "No", which made the Eyepatch lady growl greatly, but before she could argue with him about her contract, she saw and was quickly reminded of the Devil that was about to kill Hayakawa. This made her bite her lower lip, with enough force to make it bleed, as she was forced to make a decision, a choice that would always end up with someone's death.

"... I'll give you all of me..."

When Himeno said this, the Ghost Devil gave her its full attention and interest.


Once Himeno submitted everything to the Ghost Devil, it could only grin widely as it then phased through her body, and started to move towards the Katana Man, who stopped moments away from killing Topknot, as both noticed a shadow started to grow and completely cover them, as the two then quickly turns around and saw the true form of the Ghost Devil, its stitched eyes and mouth looked down at them and smiled eagerly.

"It's always something."

It was all the time that the Samurai Sword was allowed to say before all the hands of the Ghost Devil went towards him, which immediately forced him to go on the defense, dodging every hand he could while using the blades to cut away the hands he couldn't avoid. It was clear he had the speed and skills to survive, but it was also clear that it was slowly becoming too much for him as one by one, hands were starting to land on him, first grabbing him, then punching him, and lastly shoving a whole lot of hands deeply into his chest and out of his back, even starting to rip out whatever bones and organs that the Ghost Devil was able to grab with arms deep within the body of Katana Man.


Though as the two Devils were going at it against each other, Himeno, in order to keep the Ghost Devil fighting with it's target, had to give up everything, and it was sure to collect it's payment, first the left arm, then right, left leg, right leg, bottom half of the body, her stomach, chest.

"Be sure to cry for me..."

Himeno, gave one last sad smile towards her partner, before finally her entire head disappeared, leaving nothing but her clothes and her eyepatch to fall to the ground, to say Hayakawa was devastated to see this, see the person who was with him during the early days of Devil Hunting, and the only true first friend he could call family before the last one was unfortunately killed by the cursed Gun Devil, he was way past devastated at this point.

"Swallow it whole, Snake."

Akane, feeling like she had seen enough drama and bloodshed for the day, decided to just end this whole thing, aiming her hand at the Ghost Devil, she sacrificed one of her finger nails, and in one quick motion, the Snake Devil had ate the entire body of the Ghost Devil, only leaving behind the head, which promptly fell to the ground once the Snake Devil disappeared after swallowing what it caught in its mouth.

"Well ain't this just a big ol mess."

Akane couldn't help but realize that they caused a whole lot of destruction and death for a mission that was all about retrieving Denji and his heart.

"They were more of a threat that's for sure."

Samurai Sword, after having a moment to catch his breath, as well as drinking some of the blood from his enemy to recover, slowly stood back up to his feet, as the blades melted away and his body returned back to normal.

"Key word "Were" a threat."

Akane huffs and sighs, though before more could be said, the sound and sight of a van pulling up to the nearly destroyed building caught her attention.

"About time they showed up."

Once realizing that their ride was here, both Akane and Katana Man wasted no time getting ready to leave.


Though as the two were grabbing Denji and about to leave, they noticed that Aki was still alive, though was to hurt and emotionally damaged to even move, let alone fight back, this made Katana Man want to pull out his gun and finish him, though was quickly stopped by Sawatari before he could.

"No, we already wasted enough time as it is, let's just take the Chainsaw guy and leave."

The Devil could only huff in response to Akane, but said nothing else and listened to his partner, as both leaves what remains of a building and towards the van down below, Hayakawa tried to reach out to stop them for taking Denji, but that only resulted in him finally falling over, quickly losing conscious from his injuries and exhaustion, as all he could do now was go into a deep slumber, fresh of memories what was lost, and how it was enough to make him shed some tears because of it, it was clear, that this was one of the worst days ever for anyone to experience...

How do you think Kobeni would react to find out that she's basically immortal, hm?

(Since I'm mixing Ben 10 X Chainsaw Man X Generator Rex X Jujutsu Kaisen, let me take the chance to explain certain things on how the world works.)

Ben 10: Basically most things are the same, of course it's a bit out of order and origin is slightly changed, but everything is mostly the same, think of it as a different Alternate Universe in the infinite Multiverse, though Ben has no watch, and maybe Gwen and Kevin are normal? I'm open to suggestions on how to handle them.

Chainsaw Man: Besides the story changing, and characters getting new powers, weapons and maybe different backstory, everything in Chainsaw Man should more or less be the same.

Generator Rex: The villains and most of the other characters are the same, but a few of the characters can use Curse Energy and Techniques, and Maki is replacing Rex and Kasumi Miwa is the daughter of Agent Six and Dr. Holiday, and maybe Bobo is the older brother or Uncle to Panda maybe?

Jujutsu Kaisen: Everything should be the same more or less, just that Curse Spirits are Devil's, like Jojo is the Volcano Devil, and as for Curse Energy and Techniques, it can be something related to Ben 10 magic world, aka Legerdomain, basically something like Gojo great great great great great Grandpa used to be a native at the Realm of Magic and just moved to earth, technically making someone like Hex or Charmcaster related to Sukuna in some way, OR OR OR, if you don't like that idea, how about the Curse Devil used to date a Human back in the early days of humanity, and resulted in a handful of the human race having a little bit of Curse Devil DNA and powers, basically the Curse Devil is the reason people like Gojo can use powers, and as for Sukuna, he can be the first Son of the Curse Devil, and also be a Alien, Human and Nanite Hybrid.

Extra Info: There is only 1 Devil in all of Existence, all throughout the infinite universe of the Multiverse, only one Devil can exist in the Omniverse, the reason being, the Devil makes up the entirety of literally everything, because they are the literal Concept of what makes up everything, for example, the reason color exists throughout the Multiverse is because the Color Devil exist, you can probably imagine what would happen if a certain Chainsaw decided to eat such a important Concept.

(Extra Extra Extra Info: Only Chainsaw Man, the Azmuth Sword and Alien X can permanently kill a Devil)

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