Total Eclipse of the Heart (R...

By ghsjixv

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"Are you sure you can't do magic?" Forced into a high position, in charge of a crumbling kingdom, a small no... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Bonus: I tried seducing the King of Hearts mid-story
Shadows Over The Goliath (2)

Shadows Over The Goliath (1)

673 26 54
By ghsjixv

[Yeah not a bonus, 'cause this is actually a small sequel! 👏
Put on your detective caps, set up your boards of potential suspects, and have fuuuun!]

(Y/n) Darling woke up first, at least that's what she believed. The Sun has just started to rise, the dim morning light allowing her to see her dear husband laying next to her. Having him be the first thing she gets to see today made her heart skip a beat. She snuggled close to him and she felt his arms wrap around her almost instantly.
"Oh. I'm sorry." she whispered and looked at him. "Did I wake you up?"
"No." he whispered, his eyes still closed.
She smiled, wrapped her own arms around him and closed her eyes. The married couple stayed like this for a while, basking in the peaceful bliss their presence brought to the other's heart.
"(Y/n). My darling, my love, my wife."
She giggled, though she tried not to. Every time he did that, it would always get her heart jumping.
"I can't have you hold me right now."
"Huh?" her smile fell.
"The world feels far too peaceful and perfect when you do. I can't get any work done."
"Oh!" she laughed.

Just then, the door opened and they heard a bark. (Y/n) quickly sat up with a delighted gasp. As soon as she left his embrace, Wally opened his eyes.
The big dog jumped on the bed and she began to kiss and hug him. Wally – her husband – sat up and watched the scene with a hint of silent spite. He was so happy that Walter hasn't sneaked into their bed in the middle of the night for once. Now Wally understood that it was only to interrupt their morning cuddle.
"You're right, friend. We should get going." she gently pushed him so she could get out of bed. "After all, we don't want to be late."
She put on a robe and began to exit the room as she tied it up. But before she did, she quickly went back to the bed and kissed Wally.
"Come on." she smiled.
His face lit up and he got out of bed.

It's been more than a year since we've last seen our heroes. By now, they have adjusted to their new lives and have settled into their routine.
However, today was a very special day. (Y/n) read about it in the papers this morning as they had breakfast.

This morning, the King and Queen of Hearts will leave for the Queen's home Kingdom to celebrate the sixty-fifth anniversary of Ruth and Robert Ashwood of Ombre. The two legendary doctors who are most famous for their benevolence during the Eclipse War, accepting patients from both sides, regardless of the ongoing conflict. A dinner party was prepared by her Majesty the Queen, also known as the Lady of Spades.

Reading this made (Y/n) sigh.
"This seems to be the only thing people remember them for." she put the newspapers down and looked at her husband from across the table. "They did so much more than that!"
"Really?" he stared at her, his chin resting in the palm of his hand.
One of those new routines was that she would read the newspapers out loud every morning. That way he could learn about the news while still looking at her. It was his idea.
"Yes!" she leaned closer. "They've invented many of the medical potions we use today, despite not being magic-users! And even just five years ago, they presented a chart about the different layers from skin to bone! That is why they're legendary!" she tapped the newspapers. "Yet this article goes on about me and not them!"
"Ah, I see." he nodded along as she went on about their different exploits.
The truth was, she already told him all of this. But she seemed very passionate about the subject and the last thing he wanted was to stop her. He kept nodding along with a lovestruck smile.

"And they have been married for sixty-five years..." she sighed, leaning back in her seat. "That's the longest marriage in our kingdom, you know?"
"Don't worry. We shall beat that record."
"Ah-" she bashfully chuckled. "I'm not worried about that! Also, let's not wish divorce upon them!" she knocked on the wooden table.
"I was thinking more about when they'll eventually die-"
"Aaaah!" she knocked on the table again then pointed at him with a glare.
Wally sighed with a smile and knocked on the table with just one knuckle and with his palm facing up. Superstition was one of the things they simply could not agree on. However, if knocking on tables made her happy, then he shall gladly do it.
"Let's not talk about disasters." she said.
"You're right." he adjusted himself in his seat. "Tell me, will Walter come with us?"
"No..." she sighed. "It's rainy season back home so he'd have to stay inside, I don't know how the Ashwoods feel about dogs. And he was sick just a few days ago, I don't want the trip to upset his stomach."
"I see. How sad." he nodded.
She smiled. She knew he didn't mean that.

"Besides," she said. "we'll only stay one night there. He'll be fine."
"I'm mostly worried for the cleaning staff."
She laughed, remembering one of the times Walter ran around the castle after playing in the mud outside. She felt bad for the cleaning staff too.
"Maybe Barnaby could keep an eye on him."
Wally pictured Walter running around the castle while covered in mud, except this time Barnaby was there with him, also on all fours and also the two of them were wearing silly little hats.
"...I think that would make it worse."
She laughed again.
"That's a good point!"

The two of them finished their breakfast and prepared themselves for their trip. Before stepping into the carriage, (Y/n) said goodbye to her friends Barnaby and Poppy, but she of course spent the most time with her darling dog.
"I'll miss you so much, my baby." she said in a high-pitched voice as she squeezed the dog's cheeks.
Despite being quite stoic when other people were around, the dog's tail was wagging like crazy.
"You be good, alright?" she kissed the top of his head. "My sweet boy."
"Don't I get headpats?" Barnaby pointed at himself.
She laughed.
"You know it's different. Take care, all of you."
"Have fun, you two." he waved.

"Do be careful." Poppy said, unable to hide her worry. "Rainy season in the Spades Kingdom can be quite rude, especially with winter being right around the corner."
"Worry not, Miss Partridge." Wally smiled. "We'll stay inside the Ashwood residence the whole time."
"Right!" (Y/n) nodded. "It used to be a fortress during the war, you know? And before that, it was a temple for one of the Spades' ancient religions! The history of The Goliath is simply fascinating!"
"Then we shall hurry along, so we can see it up close." Wally said before she could go on a monologue.
"Ah! Yes!" she nodded. "We'll see you in a couple of days, everybody." she waved as she stepped into the carriage, with the help of her husband of course.
As they left the royal estate, they could still hear Walter barking. She poked her head out the small window and blew him a bunch of kisses until he was out of sight. She then sat back in her seat with a small sigh. Wally held her hand, making her look at him. He gently squeezed it and she smiled before resting her head on his shoulder.

"I really hope you enjoy yourself there." she said.
"With you, I will."
She chuckled.
"By the way," he continued. "has Arnold responded? Will he be joining us?"
"No..." she sighed. "He's very busy. Finding all the runaway nobles takes a lot of space on his schedule."
"...Has he run into Mr. Doombarrow yet?"
There was a moment of silence. Mr. Doombarrow was Arnold's 'father' (though he still kept this last name).
"I wonder if he would even tell me if he did." she looked down. "I feel like he would tell me after. Maybe a few weeks or so." she puffed a chuckle.
"Are you worried?"
"I'm always worried about him." she smiled with furrowed eyebrows. "But he's a young man now, and he has friends who he trusts. He's in good hands."

"That's good." he nodded. "Still, a shame he won't be seeing the fruit of your labor."
"He's already heard all about it in my letters."
"Oh. I thought you would keep it a surprise, like you did with me."
His gaze wandered a little bit, (Y/n) came to know that this meant he was sad.
"Awww." she snuggled up to him. "You're different, I want to surprise you."
"You surprise me every day, my love."
Her heart skipped a beat and they kissed.

The clouds became denser and grey, the Sun was covered along with the entire sky, the colorful nature became darker, the air turned colder. As soon as the rain began to pour down, they knew they've entered the Kingdom of Spades.
"Oh how lucky!" (Y/n) looked out. "It's a rather thin rain today."
Wally looked out, with how dense the clouds were he could swear this was evening and not early afternoon. There was no wind, so the rain was falling straight down. He wondered if he had brought a big enough umbrella, and figured that, if anything, he would simply use his magic to protect his beloved wife from being drenched.
"I hope we won't have to walk a lot to get to the manor." he mumbled.
(Y/n) was too busy looking at her beloved homeland to hear him.

Eventually, she gasped and tapped his shoulder.
"Wally, my love! We're here!"
Wally looked out the window and his eyes widened. If he didn't know any better, he'd think they were approaching a giant monster. The thing about the Ashwood residence was that it was built to look like one of the few hills of the Spades Kingdom. A camouflage during the Eclipse war that stayed for the aesthetic. In the mist of the rain, the hill looked like a giant dark mass.
"Simply majestic, isn't it?" (Y/n) looked at it in awe.
Wally didn't say anything.
There was a wall around the manor, since it was once a fortress. The carriage passed through the gates, on the side of which there was a plaque with the name of the estate. Now Wally could get a better look at the place. Covered in grass, except for the front door and the windows. On the top of the hill were a few chimneys. There was also some kind of extension to the side of the house: a watch tower.
'Let's hope they made the inside more homely.' Wally thought.

Once the carriage stopped, the door was opened by the head butler. Him and the entirety of the staff were there to welcome them, all were holding umbrellas so that the royal couple could have a safely dry trip from the carriage to the manor.
"King Darling, Queen Darling and Lady (Y/n)." the head butler bowed. "Welcome to The Goliath."
Wally stepped out first and offered his hand to (Y/n) for her to step out. She looked at the servants. They were holding the umbrella in front of them, so it barely covered them.
"Oh no, please," she said in a slight panic. "we have our own umbrella. You'll all catch a cold!"
"You're too kind, your Highness." the head butler bowed as Wally opened his own umbrella.
"Francis, I told you." she took Wally's hand and stepped out, standing close to him with their arms interlocked. "Here in the Spades Kingdom, I'm just the Lady of Spades."
"...Then, welcome back, my Lady."
Her face lit up and they went inside. They were told the Ashwoods would be ready to welcome them soon. As they waited in the entrance hall, giving away their coats and luggage for the servants to bring to their room, Wally took a look around. Other members of the staff were putting up the decorations and making sure the place was squeaky clean for the party. This was surely different from the outside. Compared to all the places he's been to in the Kingdom of Spades, this was surely the most 'modern' one he's seen. It looked more like an old Hearts residence actually. This made him a little more at ease.

"Your Highnesses!" they heard a voice, along with footsteps.
The couple looked over to see a woman – perhaps a few years younger than them – approaching at a fast pace. Once she was in front of them, she bowed.
"It is an honor to have you here with us." she said. "My Lady," she turned to (Y/n). "it's a pleasure to see you again."
"Hello Miriam." she nodded with a smile. "I hope you've been well since the last time I was here."
"I have, thank you. Your Majesty," she turned to Wally. "allow me to introduce myself. My name is Miriam Ashwood."
"She's the Ashwoods' daughter." (Y/n) added.
"I see. A pleasure to meet you." he nodded.
"Miriam, dear."
The three of them looked behind Miriam to see a man approaching.

"No need to rush." he stood by her side. "We don't want to stress the royals, now do we?"
Miriam laughed.
"Apologies. It's just that I didn't expect you to show up so early, you see."
"Oh. I did mention it in my letter." (Y/n) tilted her head. "I wanted to make sure everything was in order before the other guests arrived. Maybe your parents forgot to mention it to you."
"Yes... That's probably it." she nodded.
"I'm sorry." she looked at the man, noticing the ring on his finger. "might you be...?"
"Raymond Mondego. Miriam's fiancé." he took her hand and pressed his mouth on her family ring. "An honor to see the famous Lady of Spades and Queen of Hearts."
"Oh." she bashfully chuckled. "It's nice to meet you."
In the brief moment his head was down, she locked eyes with Miriam. She gave her an impressed downward smile, and Miriam responded with multiple nods as she covered her smile like she was silently giggling. Wally, witnessing this interaction, figured this was some kind of secret code women had.

"You're from the Kingdom of Escoba." Wally said, looking at Raymond's military badge.
"Your Highness." he bowed to him. "I am, yes. I am also the newest Captain of their army. Soon to be promoted Major."
"Oh my, so soon? Congratulations!" (Y/n) clapped lightly. "How long have the two of you been engaged?"
"Did I not tell you, my Lady?" Miriam tilted her head.
"Well, darling, you do tend to have your head in the clouds sometimes." her fiancé smiled.
"That is true... Thank goodness you're here to pull me back down every time." she smiled.
"We've been engaged for a couple of months now." he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close. "Our parents set up up and, well, sparks flew."
"Oh Raymond..." she looked into his eyes.
"Awww." (Y/n) smiled, joining her hands together. "Well I hope you two will have a happy marriage."
"As happy as ours." Wally held her hand.
The married couple smiled at each-other.

Just then, the head butler Francis came and told them that the Ashwoods were ready to see them. (Y/n) and Wally said goodbye to Miriam and Raymond before being escorted to another room upstairs. They noticed that there were a lot of lit candles. Sure it was dark outside, but even that was too much. They entered a living room with a big fireplace, it made them squint their eyes for a moment. An old man was helping an old woman to stand – the two of them were in their early eighties – all the while whispering reassuring words to her. (Y/n)'s heart was already melting for these two, and she already daydreamed about how her and Wally would still dearly love each-other in their twilight years.
"King of Hearts, Queen of Hearts and Lady of Spades." the husband bowed his head while the wife gave a tired curtsy. "Welcome to The Goliath."
"Mr. and Mrs. Ashwood." (Y/n) curtsied while Wally bowed his head.
"It's an honor to see you in person." Wally said. "I would first like to thank you for the help you've provided during the Spades Plague outbreak, a year ago."
"It's only natural." Mr. Ashwood nodded. "If we were twenty years younger, we would've come and assist you in any way we could."
"Oh but the knowledge you've provided was plenty helpful!" (Y/n) said. "The research papers you've made over your long careers are a real treasure in our Kingdom. We couldn't have made all the progress we made without them. We cannot thank you enough." she bowed with a hand over her heart.
"Ohoho. You're too kind, your Highness." Mrs. Ashwood tilted her head. "I must say, you sure are early."

"I... I'm here to make sure the preparations for the dinner party are in order." she blinked twice with an awkward smile.
"Ah. I see." she slowly nodded.
"Please pardon my wife. Ruth is...rather tired these days."
"Of course, we understand." (Y/n) nodded.
Wally, in fact, did not understand. Rather it wasn't clear to him and he didn't want to assume. He'll be sure to ask her once they're alone.
"I wish you a pleasant stay here in our humble home." Mr. Ashwood bowed his head.
"I'm sure we will." he smiled. "I've learned a lot about this place before coming here. A fortress during the war, and before that, a temple for one of the Spades' ancient religions. The history of this place is simply fascinating."
(Y/n) pursed her lips, trying not to laugh.

"The few times I was here, I was so busy organizing the event that I couldn't truly explore this place." she smiled. "I hope I get the opportunity to truly admire its beauty as the night goes on."
"Oh don't."
Both (Y/n) and Wally blinked twice, surprised by Mr. Ashwood's words. He said it so calmly...
"You may have not noticed, my Lady, since you've been here only a couple of brief times but... We have reasons to believe that this place may be inhabited..." he leaned closer and whispered. "by beings outside of this realm."
(Y/n) gasped. Wally fought the urge to roll his eyes.
"You mean ghosts?" she whispered.
"We're not sure but-"
"Death had paced these halls many times before!" Mrs. Ashwood suddenly panicked. "I fear the reaper has never left! I can feel their eyes!"
"Darling." her husband patted her hand, speaking softly. "Deep breath. Think of your heart."
Wally glanced at (Y/n). She looked worried, and he hoped it was about the old lady's health.
"I understand." she nodded. "But, Mister and Misses Ashwood, tonight will be a celebration of your marriage, your careers, and all of the wonderful things you've done." she smiled. "Even those who've dying a tragic death – may their souls be at peace – will know your intentions. I'm certain the spirits will bless the both of you. Still, I shall do my best to not disturb any ghosts that may linger. And I'll make sure non of the other guests do as well."

"Thank you, My Lady." Mr. Ashwood bowed his head. "One more thing. The temple is off limits for now."
"The temple?" Wally tilted his head.
"There's a part of the estate outside that remains a temple, for historical preservation." (Y/n) pointed at the window.
He looked out. In the farthest part of the garden, there was a small stoned building with an open roof that was now covered by wood, cloths and other materials.
"You would've known that if you had learned about The Goliath, like you said you have." she quietly said, looking into his eyes.
That piercing stare... Wally fought the urge to kiss her.
"It's been closed for renovations." Mr. Ashwood said. "The structure isn't as sound as it used to be, centuries ago."
"Not to worry, sir. I'm certain the rain will fall harder as the day goes on anyway." she smiled. "We shall make the most of the inside."
"If you need anything. Don't hesitate to ask Francis." Mrs. Ashwood smiled.
"Thank you."

Her and Wally curtsied and left the room.
"If only they'd told me about this before." she mumbled, thinking out loud. "I could've called someone to perform a ritual to appease the ghosts."
"I'm sure the ghosts won't mind having some company." Wally said. "I'm sure they haven't had any in a while."
"I suppose, yes..."
She glanced at him before hitting his arm with her elbow.
"You stole my words!" she harshly whispered.
"Not all of them." he smiled.
"That's still plagiarism! In the world of academics, your career would've been over!" she smirked.
He chuckled.

"By the way, I must ask. Is Mrs. Ashwood... Does she forget things because of her age?"
"It would seem so..." she looked down. "I was warned by the staff that this would happen." she sighed. "She used to be a brilliant woman, you know."
"Don't be sad, my darling wife." he held her hand and kissed it. "I'm sure seeing all her old friends and colleagues will refresh her mind."
"You're right." she nodded, smiling. "No sad thoughts today! Let's settle in our room and get to work! Well, I will. You can just relax until the first guests arrive."
"Nonsense. What kind of husband would sit by and relax while his wife works." he smiled. "It's a big house. With the two of us, it'll be more efficient."
She smiled, feeling her heart warm up.
"Oh Wally..."

Unfortunately, the lovey-dovey mood was soon to be broken, ruined, tarnished. For the couple, upon reaching the guest rooms, has learned the most devastating news...
They were to sleep in separate bedrooms.
"It's not that big of a deal." (Y/n) tried to comfort Wally, not as shocked as he was. "And it's only for one night."
"It shall be a very cold night."
"Aww, darling." she kissed the top of his head. "Think of it as finally having some time for yourself. Surely being with someone everyday must get tiring at some point."
"Never." he pressed on the word, offended, but then he got sad. "...Is that how you feel?"
"Oh no! Not at all!" she shook her head. "But I heard that men-"
"Men are pigs."

She laughed, caught off guard. Wally left to talk to someone of the head butler and (Y/n) chased after him to stop him. Once her husband calmed down, and she helped him settle in his room-
"Look, I'll put some of my perfume on the pillow. Happy?"
"The real thing would have been better. But yes."
-the two of them went back downstairs to look over the preparations. For the time of the dinner party drew near and there was a lot to do.

Mr. and Mrs. Ashwood weren't able to stand in one place for too long, so both (Y/n) and Wally stood in the entrance hall to welcome the guests. Who will then move to the big living room where the Ashwoods will greet them. The first ones to arrive were the ones who resided in the Spades Kingdom. Old friends, very distant cousins (searching their family tree and finding alive relatives was a long and rather tedious process) and of course business partners and investors. Ever since Arnold pitched the idea of prosthetics, the business really kicked off, the Ashwoods – with their expertise – started the launch of their own line of prosthetics. The project itself was announced a few months ago, but they've yet to become available to the public. One of those investors was...

The two friends hugged.
"Your Highness." she then bowed to Wally.
"A pleasure to see you, Lady Tempertuft." Wally bowed his head. "I hope you've been well."
"I have, thank you." she gasped, turning back to (Y/n). "We have a lot to catch up on!"
The Lady's eyes widened. In Catherine's language, this meant that some "drama" happened.
"Well I would love to hear about it! As soon as every guest has arrived, I'll come to you."
"Well well well! What do we got here?" another voice exclaimed.

The three of them looked to the entrance and saw a caterpillar man walk in. Blond hair pushed back and wearing a very sparkly and very expensive looking suit.
"Hey there, lil mama." he told Catherine put a hand against the nearby wall and the other one on his hip, while his other pair of arms folded.
"Lil...?" (Y/n) mumbled, confused. "She doesn't have far as I know." she gasped, could this be what the "drama" was?!
"I'm pretty, you're pretty. What do you say we go somewhere and stare at each-other?" he flexed his arms. "I'll let you feel my muscles."
"Excuse me?" Catherine glared at him.
"Sir." Wally gently pulled her behind him. "I don't know who you are, but this is the Baroness of Spades. Therefore you must give her the respect she deserves."
"Oh gee. Sorry, your royal Highness! Sorry!" he raised his hands. "I didn't see you there, when I see a pretty lady, it's all I can see. You understand, right?"
"I'm sorry." (Y/n) looked over her list of guests. "You are...?"
"Gosh darn it, Henry!"

The four of them looked over to see Howdy rush into the entrance hall in an annoyed panic.
"Don't just go off on your own like that!" he glared at him.
"Mr. Pillar!" (Y/n) beamed, pleasantly surprised.
"Ah!" he flinched, only now noticing who else was there. "Milady! Your Highness! Ma'am! I'm really sorry if he already caused any trouble." he bowed.
"Who is this, Howdy?" Wally asked.
"Oh! I remember now!" (Y/n) pointed at the blond man. "Cousin Henry!"
"The one and only, Missy!" he ran a hand through his hair.
Wally's eyelid twicthed.
"The one who was living with sister Dolly because he was going through a rough patch in life!"
"Ah-" that seemed to hit Henry a little harder than expected.
Seeing this macho act of his being broken was very satisfying to Catherine.

"Golly! You remember that?" Howdy smiled with a raised eyebrow.
"Cousin Henry got on a trolley to see aunt Molly." she nodded. "Rather easy to remember all things considered." she smiled.
"Speak for yourself." Wally whispered.
"So you're the one working on the Ashwoods' prosthetic line as director of production?" she turned to cousin Henry, a little surprised.
"Eh- Ahaha!" he puffed up his chest, getting his confidence back. "That's right! And I won big!" he adjusted the collar of his shiny suit. "Invited my dear cousin, the royal blacksmith, to celebrate the end of that era of my life!"
"You didn't invite me, Henry." Howdy rolled his eyes. "I promised aunt Molly I would tag along so that you don't make a fool of yourself."
"So this was why you took a few days off." Wally said.
Howdy nodded with a smile while Henry pouted.
"I'll be going before he notices." Catherine whispered to (Y/n).
"Don't worry, Mr. Pillar is a trust-worthy man. If Henry bothers you and I'm not here, you can ask him."

Catherine nodded and the two of them waved at each-other before she left to where the lively music came from. Howdy made Henry give the royal couple a proper greeting before the two of them left for the party.
"Couldn't the Ashwoods have hired anybody else?" Wally leaned towards (Y/n) and whispered as they watched them leave.
"Oh come on, now." she looked at him. "He is from the Pillar family. They're all talented craftsmen. It must mean a lot on their resume."
"It must be the only thing on his resume."
"Wally!" she lightly hit his arm (he was unfazed by it), though she was smiling. "I'm sure he is very good at his job."
"He better be, or else it will poorly reflect on his employers."

Just then another person walked in, Olga Markov. Who despite being only in her fifties, looked as old as the Ashwoods.
'Poor madam.' (Y/n) couldn't help but feel bad for her. 'I hope they're not making her work too hard.'
Miss Markov was a hare person, her long ears were permanently down – surely due to stress – twitching every now and then. She moved here from the Kingdom of Clubs more than a decade ago to become an apprentice to the Ashwoods. Very few people would move in the Spades Kingdom in the pursuit of their education – at the time at least – so she already gathered quite the attention from the press. After her apprenticeship, she remained her mentors' assistant. The three of them were nowadays known to be very close.
"Miss Markov, welcome!" (Y/n) beamed. "It's an honor to meet you."
"What? Uh, me?" she looked around then pointed at herself, as if she was shocked she was being spoken to. "Ahaha, hello- I-I mean!" she bowed. "King of Hearts, Queen of Hearts! I don't deserve to b-be in your presence!"
"Oh my." Wally smiled.
"Oh please, Miss Markov. Here in the Spades Kingdom, I am simply just the Lady of Spades." (Y/n) smiled.
"Ah! A-A-Alright then." she bowed again. "King of Hearts, Lady of Spades a-and hero of the Kingdom! I d-don't deserve to be in your presence!"
"Hero?!" she blushed. "No no, I'm no hero." she bashfully chuckled, waving a hand.
"Ah! I-I see!"

"I hope you didn't run into any trouble on the way here." Wally said, knowing that this would go on for a while if he didn't step in.
"No. W-Why? Should I have?!" she started looking around.
"It is rainy season, after all. I heard it can be quite extreme when winter approaches."
"Ah. N-No, I didn't. It's a rather th-thin rain today."
"Those were my thoughts exactly!" (Y/n) smiled.
"Ah!" she flinched.
"Are you alright, Miss Markov?" Wally tilted his head. "You seem quite restless."
"D-Do I?"
"Could it be... Are we making you nervous?" (Y/n) asked, feeling bad. "If so, I'm sorry. I assure you, there's no need to be."
"N-no nononono!" she shook her head. "Th-This is just my n-normal speech pattern! I'm sorry!"
'I'm/She's not saying that just because of the stuttering...' the couple thought at the same time.

"I-I shall stop bothering you n-now! Enjoy the r-rest of y-your day!" she bowed before quickly leaving to join the party. "Stupid stupid..." she whispered to herself, so quietly that no one heard.
(Y/n) sighed and checked Miss Markov's name on her list. She hoped she would relax as the party went on...
"She reminds me of you when we first met." Wally quietly told her.
"Mmh?" she looked at him.
"You would get tense any time our eyes met for even a split second."
"Oh come on now. I wasn't that nervous." she looked away, her cheeks dusted with pink.
Wally smiled. He knew she was lying, to him and herself.

After her came a small plump old lady. Mrs. Brimsley, the head director of a charity that the Ashwood founded after the Eclipse War, the very first charity in the Spades Kingdom. It was to counteract the lack of hospitals, a problem that was a lot less relevant ever since Arnold became King. (Y/n) took notice of how light her coat was, and they heard her sneeze before even seeing her. Yes she was a commoner, but as the director of an association, surely...
'She might not give herself a big salary for the sake of the association...'
"Mrs. Brimsley, would you like a shawl?" she asked. "I fear you've caught a cold in the rain."
Let it be known that the welcome the royal couple was given, with the row of umbrellas, wasn't replicated for any other guests.
"Oh you are too kind dearie, but I'm- Oh bollocks!" she covered her mouth. "Your Highness I, am, so sorry! I call everyone dearie, you see."
"Well then, why should you be sorry?" she smiled. "It's... Well, endearing."
"Well then, I'm glad." she sighed relieved then looked to the direction the music came from. "Why aren't you at the party?"
"I want to welcome the guests." she showed her the list. "And make sure everyone arrives."
"I see." she looked at Wally. "And you're keeping her company, what a loving husband you are." she slowly shook her head with a big smile.
"He really is." (Y/n) smiled. "I couldn't have wished for a more perfect husband."
Wally blushed, trying not to smile too widely. He felt lighter and looked down to stop any potential floating. He kissed her once Mrs. Brimsley left.

Then came Dr. Osman. Originally from the Land of Hakam, he moved to the Kingdom of Diamonds for a better education, something the common people in his homeland couldn't afford. For decades now he's been known for his rivalry with the Ashwoods, despite being more of a medical scholar and researcher than a working doctor. It was actually the Ashwoods who asked (Y/n) to invite him in an attempt to 'bury the hatchet'.
Once again, (Y/n) and Wally first heard him before seeing him. He was complaining about the weather. Being from the Land of Hakam and the Diamond Kingdom, both located in the South, this man must've not known a rainy day in his life. Even once he was inside, he still mumbled grumpily under his breath as he handed over his umbrella to a maid and took off his coat. The umbrella seemed to have been too small for him, so the majority of his mane was drenched and his glasses became foggy because of the sudden warmth of the place.

(Y/n)'s only heard of this man before, she was quite surprised. A tall big muscular lion man, the complete opposite of what she imagined him to be. With his angry demeanor, he looked rather intimidating. Not to (Y/n) nor Wally though, who have seen far worse in the past.
"Would you like a towel, Dr. Osman?"
Her voice made him flinch and look down at her. Their eyes met. He became tense and ran a hand through his hair to get them out of his face.
"Lady- Your Highness." he cleared his throat and took off his glasses to clean them. "I must excuse myself for letting you see me in such a state."

He took out a handkerchief from his pocket but it was sadly also drenched. He clicked his tongue and began to panic.
"Oh, here."
(Y/n) took out her own handkerchief and handed it to him. He hesitated for a moment, but finally took it with a 'thank you', his cheeks dusted with pink. After putting his now clean glasses back on, he cleared his throat again.
"I shall wash it myself, so that it's as good as new once you get it back."
"Alright." she nodded. "Thank you."
Just then, a maid handed his a towel which he used to quickly dry off his mane before handing it back.
"And, if I may dare to say..." he took a step closer and bowed, though still looking into her eyes. "You look beautiful. The portraits in the papers don't do your beauty justice."
She laughed, blushing.
"You flatter me, Doctor! Thank you."
Mr. Osman smiled, then finally noticed Wally. He quickly stood to attention.
"Your Highness!" he put a firm fist on his own chest and bowed.

"Hello, Dr. Osman." Wally smiled. "We are glad you're here, despite the tensions between you and the Ashwoods. And despite the weather."
"Well, it's true that I am used to a drier climate, but this is just a minor inconvenience, I assure you. Besides, I couldn't possibly decline an invitation from the Lady of Spades."
"I do hope you have a pleasant time here." (Y/n) said. "The Ashwoods wish for you three to put aside your differences after such a long rivalry."
"Do they now...?" his expression turned grave. "Well, we shall see where the night takes us." he nodded.
He saluted the royal couple once again before leaving.
"What do you think?" Wally glanced at her as she checked the doctor's name off of her list.
"Of what?" she looked at him.
"Dr. Osman."
"Oh, he was nicer than I thought he would be." she smiled.
No further comments... Wally felt silly for worrying.

"Oh mis estrellas!" a booming voice came from the front door.
The two of them looked over to see a blue bird man walking towards them. His hair was tall, his clothes were bright and colorful. He must be from the Escoba Kingdom.
"I have been eager to finally meet you! (Y/n) (L/n), the Lady of Spades and Queen of Hearts." he took her hand and air kissed either side of it. "Oh my, your rings are stunning! Is that osmium? Bello!"
"Um... Hello." (Y/n) blinked, perplexed, and looked over her list. "I'm sorry... Who are you?"
"Ah, yes!" he looked back at her and let go of her hand. "Sybil couldn't be here, she came down with a fever."
"Sybil...? Oh! Sybil Sherman, Ruth's old classmate who moved to the Escoba Kingdom!"
"More specifically the region of Scopa, si! And she was kind enough to lend me her invitation. I have here a letter of hers that confirms this."
He handed her a small letter, she took it and read.

"You're her neighbor? Mr... Sunny Santana." she slowly said as she read.
"Indeed I am, your Highness. Or, would you prefer to be referred to with your title of Ladyship?"
"I do, actually." she nodded, smiling.
"Perfecto! I look forward to talking to you tonight. I have been following your work, you know? And I must say, I am a big fan."
"O-Oh. Thank you." she nodded, her cheeks dusted with pink. "I hope you enjoy the party."
"Between you and me..." he leaned closer and whispered. "I have a sneaking suspicion that this party will be very interesting." he smiled and leaned back. "My Lady, your Highness." he bowed to Wally. "Farewell for now, ciao!" he waved and left.

"What an odd man." Wally said. "His casualness could be easily mistaken for disrespect."
"He makes me nervous."
"In what way?" he quickly looked at (Y/n), ready to remove that man from the premises.
"I didn't plan for him." she put a hand on her cheek. "I hope his presence won't cause any trouble..."
Wally sighed.
"He doesn't seem dangerous. Let's just hope his mouth isn't too big for his own good."
"Right..." she nodded.

The last guest to arrive was around an hour and a half ago. The rain has gotten denser now. Wally can stand in one place just fine, but his darling wife was starting to get restless. He offered to bring a chair for her to sit, but she declined.
"Who is left on your list?" he asked.
"Just one, he was a collaborator on the Ashwoods' first big project before the war." she sighed.
"Maybe he's just not coming."
"But he didn't inform me of that."
"Either way, it's been almost two hours. You can't wait for him forever, you'll miss the party."
"But what if he comes and there's no one to welcome him." she looked at him, her eyebrow furrowed.
"Let it be a lesson for him to not be late."
"I suppose so..." she sighed.
"My love, my wife, my bright moon in the night. Sometimes you are too considerate for your own good." he smiled.

Just as the two of them turned around to leave, thunder struck. The doors opened. The couple turned around. There stood a man, wearing almost all black, with touches of purple here and there. With how dark it was outside, they could barely see his face. He stepped in and closed his umbrella, which – unlike with Dr. Osman – was too big for him. Therefore, he didn't have a drop of rain on him. Upon walking over to them, they noticed that he must've been a lot more colorful before, his grey skin hid a hint of blue, his hair was of an orange so pale it could be mistaken for white. Despite that, he looked younger than them. What in the world happened to him, they wondered. And despite being smaller than Dr. Osman, he was far more intimidating.
"M... Mr. Winthrop?" (Y/n) asked.
"He's dead."
Her and Wally's eyes widened. His voice was grave, monotonous.
"Of old age. I purchased his invitation from his son." he handed her the invitation she sent. "I am the Count of Tremontes."
(Y/n) gasped.
"Count of Tremontes?"
He didn't even nod. She's heard of the name before, Arnold mentioned him in a letter a few months ago. But she couldn't remember how he became Count. Maybe she'll ask Catherine later.

"You purchased it? Why?" Wally asked.
"I wanted to see the legendary doctors with my own eyes. That's all."
"Well... I suppose there's nothing wrong with that." (Y/n) looked at Wally.
"I suppose not." he shrugged.
"Enjoy your time here in The Goliath, Sir." she gave back the invitation.
He bowed his head and left, leaving the royal couple alone. In the silence that followed, Wally wondered if this was the exact same impression he made on people...
"...Oh my. I just realize, he didn't even say hello!" (Y/n) harshly whispered to Wally.
"Oh. Yes, you're right. His presence made us forget, I think."
"Wow. He's really good." she checked the name of the person he replaced. "I'll make sure to send my condolences to his son." she whispered before looking at Wally. "Alright. We can join the others now."
Wally smiled and offered her his arm.

Despite entering the party together, the lovely couple eventually separated to have different conversations. Every now and then, however, their eyes would meet through the small crowd of people. (Y/n) was with Catherine and Miriam, whose engagement ring they admired.
"You are one lucky lady, Miriam." (Y/n) smiled.
"That is one expensive ring!" Catherine looked closely, bringing the lady's hand close to her face. "Can a Captain even afford it with his salary?"
"You tell us, Catherine, you were once engaged to one."
"Oh please don't!" she whined. "Just when I had him blocked from my memory!"
She laughed.
"What happened, by the way, if I may ask?" Miriam asked. "You never told the public."
"It's true I didn't, his whole family would've been dragged through the mud, and I didn't want to put these innocent people through that." Catherine looked around before leaning closer. "He was a dirty cheater!" she whispered.
"No way!" she whispered with a gasp.

"In the middle of the Shuffling, no less." (Y/n) added.
She gasped once again.
"How dare he?"
"Oh he dared." she nodded.
"Men are pigs." Catherine folded her arms.
The two friends had a moment of clarity and looked at each-other, then back at Miriam.
"Except your fiancé, of course!"
"Raymond seems like a lovely man!"
"And you make such a cute couple!"
Miriam laughed. Then suddenly, her expression fell and her turned as white as a sheet. As if she's seen a ghost. The two friends became worried.

"Miriam, are you alright?" (Y/n) touched her arm.
The young lady blinked twice and looked back at them, smiling.
"Apologies, it's just that... I just realized I forgot something in my room. I'll go get it, and take the opportunity to freshen up a little. Do carry on without me." she curtsied and walked away.
The two ladies turned around. There was the Count of Tremontes. Taking a drink from a trail a servant was holding.
"The Count..." Catherine whispered. "He sure is an eerie man."
"I was wondering," (Y/n) spoke quietly. "how did he become a member of the Court of Spades?"
"Oh he is barely a member. He just bought the title."
"Arnold accepted that?"
"It's only on paper, he doesn't actually hold any power. Still, he paid a lot of money for it."
"Just for a title? That's strange..."
"Mh-hmm." she nodded. "Not only that, but there are rumors about how he acquiered all that wealth."
(Y/n) leaned closer, curious and intrigued.

"No one knows his name, you see. The man simply came out of nowhere."
"But he had to have given a name in order to obtain his title."
"Yes. But it was so obviously a fake one. I mean, Ronald Dorelaine? What kind of name is that?"
"Oh yes, it is weird."
"Rumor has it that he got his wealth from working with... People in the shadows." she whispered.
"As in... Organized crime?"
"How else?"
(Y/n) was unsure about this. After all, she's been accused of the same this once before. But it's true that, from where he stood, this seemed plausible...
"But why did Miriam react that way? Do you think they know each-other?" Catherine asked, almost hopeful for some drama.
"That seems highly improbable. Miriam is a celebrity by association to her parents, therefore she can't just go anywhere she wants."
"I guess so. And what reason would she have to mingle with such a man?"

With no answers, the two ladies stayed silent for a moment.
"Well..." Catherine said. "I suppose this is as good of a time as any to tell you."
"Tell me what?"
"Um..." she looked away, thinking. "How do I say this without bringing the mood down even more... I think I'm being follooowed." she sang, shaking her hands as if she just performed a magic trick.
(Y/n) gasped.
"Catherine, that's terrible!" she whispered.
The Baroness sighed.
"It's not that bad, all things considered." she said, though this clearly bothered her.
"How long has this been going on?"
"Almost a week."
"And by who?"
"I don't know. I don't even have evidence. I just have this feeling in my gut."
"Catherine. Trust me when I say, when it comes to these things, trust your guts."

"You're ri-"
The two ladies looked over to see the cousin Pillar walk over to them, and they praised themselves. Henry has been really enjoying the drinks at the party so far, singing about how great his 'rags to riches' story was. (Y/n) felt bad for Howdy, who was struggling trying to keep his cousin under control.
"Calm down! There's enough Henry to go around. Hahaaaa I'm jus' jokin'!"
"Hello, Mr. Pillar." (Y/n) stepped up, ready to take his attention away from Catherine.
"You sure seem to be enjoying yourself." Catherine stood beside her, not letting her friend take the hit for her.
"Miladies!" Howdy rushed over to them. "So sorry about this!"
"It's all right, Mr. Pillar." (Y/n) nodded. "We were just talking."
"And what were you fine gentlewoman talking about. Some hot goss probably." Henry leaned on the wall. "Tell Papa Henry all about it!"
Howdy visibly cringed, while the ladies cringed on the inside.

"Oh, we were just talking about a certain situation." she turned to Catherine.
"Right, we did." she nodded. "And so, as I was saying. At the end of the day, it is what it is."
"Yes, whatever the case may be, it is what it is, after all." she nodded.
"But for me, it's about me. And that's not the case for her."
"And we've talked about this situation in which we're in now.
"And reflecting on that and thinking about how to deal with it in the future."
"And what has occurred in this timeline of events."
"And who we are and who we might become, because of our values."
"And what transpired, and what continues to transpire has happened. Not only has it happened, but it continues to occur."
As the two ladies talked without really saying anything, Henry clearly felt a headache coming. Howdy understood the ladies' trick and took the opportunity to pull his cousin away. Once they were gone, they giggled.

"Poor Mr. Pillar." Catherine sighed. "Having to deal with his cousin for his family's sake."
"Yes. There was a whole situation about him actually."
"Oh my! Do tell!" her face lit up, delighted than Lady (L/n) finally had something to share.
(Y/n) thought for a moment. She wanted to make this as easy to follow as possible, for it took her a few times to remember correctly.
"So." she huffed. "Henry went to Howdy's sister Dolly and asked if he could live with her for a while because he was going through a rough patch in life I believe. After months and months, Howdy's sister Sew and his brother Drew go to see Dolly and tell her to send Henry to their aunt Molly. Meanwhile, Howdy's brothers Chuck and Buck have been trying to help Henry get a stable job, along with Howdy's brother Charlie, who kept assuring Dolly that Henry was doing his very best. But it never amounted to anything. Anytime he landed a job, he would just get fired after a week or so. So Dolly ended up sending Henry to Molly, who told him to actually listen to the advice of his cousin Charlie and Barley. So he came back and told Dolly he would get his act together, and I suppose the next job he landed was with the Ashwoods."
"Wow. I guess every family has one bad apple. So did he end moving out of Dolly's house?"
"I-... I suppose so yes."
(Y/n) was surprised that Catherine understood all of that so quickly. Indeed, Miss Catherine Tempertuft had a very large understanding when it came to gossip!

"Also, there seems to be tension between Barley and Charlie, and Sew and Drew."
"That would make sense, since Barley and Charlie still had hopes for Henry, while Sew and Drew seemed to have deemed him a lost cause."
"I don't think that's it, I think they were just worried for Dolly." she shook her head. "And anyway, I'm not even sure there is any tension. Howdy said they were 'through', and that can't be positive, right?"
"No, clearly no-"
They were interrupted yet again by the sound of broken glass. The entire party went silent. Everyone looked over to see Dr. Osman, staring down at Mr. Ashwood and his wife. It would seem that they were sitting on opposite couches and Dr. Osman suddenly stood up, knocking over a glass that was on the table between them.
"You haven't changed at all, Robert. After all these years."
"And you haven't softened, it would seem."
"Not with you. Never!"
He then walked away with quick but heavy steps, not minding who was in his way like his vision was clouded by his anger. Until he came across (Y/n), and he suddenly stopped and composed himself. He cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry, my Lady." he bowed. "I'm afraid I must retire to my room."
Her eyebrows furrowed. The hatchet was very much still above ground it seems, she thought.
"Shall I send dinner to your room, Dr. Osman?"
He started to say yes, but quickly closed his mouth tight. He glanced to the side and shook his head.
"No, it won't be necessary. I will come back once dinner is announced. I'm sorry for the inconvenience."
"No no. It's all right." she shook her head.
He bowed again and left. She looked to where he was glancing before. There was a group of people, including Mr. Santana, Mrs. Brimsley and Miss Markov. There was no telling as to who he was looking at specifically. Was he even looking at someone...?
Nevertheless, she went to see Mr. Ashwood. He didn't seem shaken by the interaction, but his wife was and he helped her stand up.

"Are you alright, Madam?"
"I think she just needs to rest for a while in her room." Robert smiled. "Francis, if you may."
The butler nodded and took Ruth by the arm before escorting her away. She pumped into Henry on the way out and almost fell. Howdy apologized a thousand times for his cousin's behavior. (Y/n) sighed before turning back to Robert.
"What about you, sir, are you okay?"
"I'm quite alright, thank you."
"...I'm sorry." she bowed her head.
"This dinner party is under my watch, and this is a celebration of your and your wife's love and career. You've been yelled at, we have unexpected guests, and the press doesn't even acknowledge you. I sincerely apologize for all my oversights." she bowed.
"Lady... Your Highness, it's alright. You know, some may say this was bound to happen."

"Those people would be wrong." she looked him in the eyes. "With all the good you've done, a party in your honor going smoothly would be the least that you deserve."
"You... You mean it." he mumbled, less as a question and more of an observation.
"Of course I do." she smiled. "I don't lie. Well, I try not to." she shrugged.
Robert's gaze wandered. Unlike before with Miriam and Dr. Osman, he didn't seem to be looking at anything in particular, like he was deep in thought. (Y/n) became worried it was his old age acting up.
"Mr. Ashwood?"
"Yes?" he looked at her.
"Oh. N-Nothing, you just seemed..."
"I was just thinking to myself how kind you were." he patted her shoulder. "Anyway, I should go check on Ruth now."
She watched him leave, hoping he and his wife will be alright for the rest of the night.

"Ah, that reminds me." she told herself. "With everything going on, I still haven't settled into my room."
She went back to Catherine, only to excuse herself before leaving for the second floor.
'That's right, I brought some paperwork with me too.' she thought on the way there. 'I also need to write to Arnold about my arrival here. And all of those strange happenings...'
Once she reached her room, she opened the door. But before she could even walk in, she noticed something on the floor and picked it up. It was a paper folded in half. Someone must've slipped it under the door. She unfolded it and turned pale. It was written with big letters which seemed to have been cut out from newspapers.


She stood there in silence, her mind racing. She then took a deep breath and walked in her room. She began to close the door behind her, but then she heard something. Everybody heard it. Thunder, but it didn't sound like normal thunder. It didn't sound like anything they've ever heard before. Not only that, but it sounded very close, as if the manor itself had been struck by lightning. After a moment of silence, there followed the loud sounds of furniture falling and crashing.

Instinctively, (Y/n) folded the letter and put it in her pocket before running to where the noise came from: Robert's study. On the way there, the noises stopped. She found Miss Markov in front of the closed door.
"Miss Markov!" she exclaimed, making her flinch. "What's going on?!"
"I-I-I-I-I-I-I-" she was shaking like a leaf.
(Y/n) moved closer, making her step aside. She tried opening the door.
"It's closed." she knocked. "Excuse me? Is there someone in there?"
She pressed her ear against the door while Miss Markov tried to look under it. She hear faint moans of pain. Her heart began to race and she tried to break the door open. Just then, Dr. Osman came running, asking what was happening.
"Doctor! Please help us open this door!"
"Step aside ma'ams!"
The two ladies did as told. He grabbed the doorknob, his arm flexed as he concentrated and opened the door forcefully, breaking the lock in the process. The ladies stood on either side of him to look inside.
"By the gods!!!" he shouted in shock, as (Y/n) covered her mouth and Miss Markov's color drained from her face, her mouth wide open but her voice caught in her throat.

The room was a mess, objects scattered all over. Laid on the ground, hands covered in blood, with a deep gaping wound in the center of his chest, was the dead body of Dr. Robert Ashwood.
It was then that the rest of the guests joined them. Screams and gasps resonated through the crowd. Thunder roared outside.
This was the beginning of a long night, here in The Goliath.

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