A long road to happy

By Discombobulate12

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Winning a drunken bet with friends leads Harley down an unexpected road, one that she may live to regret... More

Chapter 1: Plus 1
Chapter 2: Pools of green
Chapter 3: Shots and game plans
Chapter 4: Reggie and regret
Chapter 5: Dancing and coffee
Chapter 6: Sacred rules and hospitals
Chapter 7: Dinner date
Chapter 8: Park drama
chapter 9: Unknown number
chapter 10: Lizzie to the rescue
Chapter 11: Morning coffee
Chapter 12: Friends and flirting
Chapter 13: Drunken calls
Chapter 14: Dinner date
Chapter 15: The morning after
chapter 16: Out, out part 1
Chapter 17: Out, out part 2
Chapter 18: What are friends for?
Chapter 19: Moving on
Chapter 21: Scarlett's thoughts
Chapter 22: Flash back
Chapter 23: Silliness to seriousness

Chapter 20: Dynamic

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By Discombobulate12

It's been 3 days since Lizzie beat me up. OK, I may be being a little dramatic there. It's been 3 days since Lizzie attacked me with a spatula. I ended up with 6 whole stitches above my eye. I want to say that I look badass with it, that it feeds into my badass persona, but that would be a bare faced lie. I'm actually pretty self conscious of it, it is on my face after all, I have no way of hiding it, the best I can do is look down so my hair falls in front of it.

Lizzies new film starts recording this week here in London. She's very excited to get started, but more excited to be spending more time with me in London. I'm totally her new bestie! She's been over the last 3 nights making me dinner, her way of saying sorry, although she's still adamant that she's going to get me something to say sorry properly.

I also fear that I've started something between her and Sky. They're very secretive and are constantly talking, but if you get close to them, they stop instantly. I'm pretty sure it's about Lizzies curiosity around how Sky is with me and Danny. Lizzie has been seeing it first hand when she's been around, Sky has been acting all over protective since the spatula incident. It's actually really annoying. I love Sky, but sometimes, I'd like to brain her.

I've been paying more attention to my own relationship with Sky since the conversation we had in Scarletts' bathroom. I'm starting to understand myself a bit more, parts I've ignored for, well, ever.

"Not that I'm not enjoying the view, but maybe you should put a top on?"

I scramble from my bed to find a smirking Lizzie leaning in my bedroom door. "What the fuck Lizzie? I almost had a heart attack fuck!" I clutch at my chest as I try to calm my breathing down. "What is it with you trying to send me to hospital?"

She flails her arms around as she speaks, "Oh stop being so dramatic. Why aren't you dressed yet?"

I furrow my brows, yet? Shit, I grab my phone to see that it is in fact 5pm and I've been laying on my bed, lost in thought for the last 45 minutes. . . Oops. "Ahhhh crap, lost track of time" I say, falling back on my bed.
Lifting my head to peer at Lizzie for a second, "Fancy finding a top and chucking it my way? Not sure a bra is dinner attire." I chuckle.

After a few seconds of silence, I assume she's finding me a top. When one hits me in the face, I change my assumption to a confirmation. "You're lucky you're adorable! Now put that on and get your ass downstairs." There's something else she's said, but I have no idea as she's half way down the stairs. Instead, I decide to tease her a bit.

"Have you not learnt your lesson when it comes to throwing things at me Olsen?"

All I get in return is a scoff, at least she heard me. I look at the top she threw at me and chuckle. "You little shit Olsen." She's only gone and given me a marvel top that happens to have her face on it, Danny or Rachel or. . . . Well, someone bought it for me a while back, I think I wore it once, just to show that I'd worn it, then chucked it in my wardrobe where it's lived ever since. Don't get me wrong, I like a bit of marvel, but I will NOT wear the terrible tees of the characters faces, no, that's not me. I like subtle fan Merch, less in your face.

I debate picking out a different top, but decide I'm too lazy, and not in the mood to make decisions. "Fuck it, you picked it, I'm wearing it. I hope it makes you feel uncomfortable all night long Olsen." I mumble to myself as I struggle slightly To get the tee on. It's a couple years old, I'm a bit bigger than I was then, and I go to the gym more. . . That's a lie, I volunteer at the kennels a lot and help walk and wash the dogs amongst other things. But, it means I've got a bit more muscle from picking the dogs up and carrying the kibble that gets donated. Anyway, point is, its a little tight. Not just tight, but short too, you know the kind, used to go past the waistband of your trousers, but now because there's more of you, it just sits above it. Yeah, it's fine, I still don't care enough, nor is it uncomfortable enough to find a different top.

"I hope you really like the top you picked out for me, because you're going to be staring at it all night Olsen." I happily prance into the kitchen, doing a little twirl to showcase said top.

"You're actually going to wear it? Seriously?"

"Yeah? Why not? You chose it, I didn't want to pick something else. Enjoy."

She's shaking her head at me, a little smirk on her face as she turns back to the stove, just as Sky walks in with Scarlett in tow.

"What the hell are you wearing?" Sky laughs out.

"I dunno, ask Lizzie, she chose it." I shrug, doing another little twirl. "Do you not like it?" I ask sarcastically. "I think it's great."

"Oh, it's something. I think I should get you one with my face on it too though."

"Uh uh, nope, she already owned this one, she likes me best, don't you Harley?"

Both women are looking at me now, both with their eyebrows raised. I kinda wanna run, not going to lie, but, alas, this is my house and I can't really run away. Instead, I jump on the kitchen counter, watching Sky chop up some peppers.

"Uh, I plead the 5th?"

I side eye Sky as I slowly move my hand closer and closer to the chopping board.

"Don't" Sky says.

"Uh, What?" Don't plead the 5th? What is she on about?

"Ouch." I pull my hand back fast. She's only gone and hit me with the bloody spatula?!

"Serves you right, I told you not to. No stealing peppers." She admonishes.

"But, I'm hungry. Also, Sky. The spatula? Really, of all the things you could've picked up to hit me with, why the spatula?"

She smirks at me as she throws a piece of pepper she's just cut into her mouth. She just said I couldn't have any and she's eating it herself? Hypocrite.

We all sit down for dinner at the dining table, just as I'm about to take a bite, Lizzie speaks.

"So, how about we discuss the little dynamic you two had at Scarlett's the other day."

I scoff, choking on my food. "Fuck me, really Lizzie? Why are you so hell bent on killing me?" I splutter out between coughs.

I look to my side to see Sky handing me a fresh glass of water. "Drink this."

Once I've finished choking I'm met with a slap to the head. "Hey, what was that for?" I ask, rubbing at my head.

"Stop making Lizzie feel bad about the spatula incident." Sky admonishes.

Fuck, I do keep on making little comments don't I. I look over to see Lizzie looking a little uncomfortable, a gentle smile on her lips.

"Sorry Lizzie. I'll stop." I say honestly.

"i'll forgive you if we can talk about Sky looking after you." She says, sharing a smirk with Sky.

Groaning, I slowly nod my head. There's no getting out of this either way, we may as well get it over and done with now.

"What do you want to know?"

We discuss a lot of things. I explain how Sky doesn't look after me, I am capable of doing these things myself, I'm not like a little, who needs those things. I just sometimes like to not have to make decisions and Sky just so happens to like taking control. Both Lizzie and Scarlett seem to be very interested in what we have to say.

"So, would you be against me doing things like that for you?" Lizzie asks.

"Uh, yes! Why would I want you to do that?"

I look to my left when I feel a kick on my foot, locking eyes with Sky, who is giving me a 'play nice' look. Shit, did I just hurt Lizzies feelings again?

"I mean, look, i'll be honest with you, Lizzie. Sky and I have been friends for a very long time. It took Sky a while to even get me to allow her to do things for me when I was hung over. What, probably a couple of years, was it Sky?" I look over to her to see her nodding in confirmation as she sips her drink.
"It just progressed naturally from there. There's no agreement or anything. It's just how we are. I dunno, does that even make
sense?" It's hard to put how we are into words. It just is. But how to explain that? i don't know.

"Yeah, It does, a bit. So, is it like a sexual thing too?" Lizzie asks straight faced as she looks at Scarlett. I follow her eye line and see Scarlett with pink sheen dusting her cheeks. She's embarrassed.

The question Lizzie asked finally hits me. The fuck? How can she ask that so nonchalantly, no blush, nothing. Jesus.
I look back over at Scarlett who shifts uncomfortably, I assume that's because the conversation is shifting to sex and she doesn't want to think about our hook up.

"What, no! God no." I run my hand through my hair looking at Sky who currently wears a smirk on her face.

"Wanna answer that question a bit faster next time?" She sasses.

Pushing her shoulder, I laugh a little. "Shut up you, you know if you weren't straight I would've totally tried to hook up with you a few years back. You are beautiful, outside and in." Her face softens at my comment before a filthy smirk returns.

"I might have let you if you'd tried." She whispers to me, causing me to choke on my drink. All eyes divert to me, but I can't pull my gaze away from Sky.

"Say what now?"

She shrugs. "I mean, everyone has to experiment once right?" her eyes flick to Scarlett for a second, her gaze hardening a little until she pulls her gaze to me. "Besides, you're hot as fuck."

"Say what now?" I repeat. I mean, Sky is hot. No, not hot, she deserves more than that. She's beautiful, gorgeous, a goddess. And she would've let me be her first woman? Oh man, I wonder if that offer still stands? I mean, we both know at this point we would never, it's not the dynamic as friends that we have, and we have built so much up over the years, I'd be too scared to lose her as a friend. But, a little flirting can't hurt.

"If only you had said, I would've rocked your world." OK, yuk, that was cringe.
My voice drops as I turn to face Sky fully, running my fingers up her exposed thigh. "Is the offer still open?"

She looks at me for a split second, fear and confusion in her eyes, she slightly furrows them until she sees my expression. Damn it, she can always read me, it's not fair! Her and Danny use voodoo or something, I swear. Her eyes flick to where Scarlett is sitting for a second, then return to mine. Her face morphs into a mask of seduction as she plants a large smile on her face.

"Well, I guess that depends on what you have to offer sweetheart." She runs her fingers up my arm, I realise she chose my arm as it's in full view of the others. She's decided to play this game with me.

My cheeks flush, is it just me or is it suddenly hot in here? Jesus, reign it in a little Sky or I might try and jump your bones for real.
The look she's giving me right now, it's like she could eat me up for dinner.

I hear a chuckle and turn my head to Lizzie who is loving this. Her attention flicks for Sky and me, to Scarlett, who looks very uncomfortable right now... Well, good.

"Uh, you guys do know we're still here right?" Scarlett asks.

Without taking her eyes from me, Sky humms, "So, what's on offer darling?"

I shift In my chair a little. "uhh, I uhh." I dart my eyes to Lizzie again, but Sky isn't having that, she grips my chin, turning me back to face her as she gets closer to me.

"Oh, come on baby, it's just me. No need to get all shy now, we were just getting to the good bit."

Fuck me, she is way too good at this! I don't have an answer for her, I was just playing. All my confidence has gone out the window and I'm a stuttering mess. As I'm about to reply to Sky, Scarlett cuts in. Thank fuck, I had no idea what to do or say!

"Harley, can I speak to you in the hallway for a second?"

I get up, glad to no longer be held captive by Sky's intense gaze. As I exit the kitchen, I take one final glance back to see a smirk plastered on Sky's face as she shoots me a wink and a thumbs up as she mouths You're welcome.

"What the fuck was that? I thought you guys never hooked up? I thought you said you never would?" She shoots at me, standing there all moody and angry looking, arms crossed in front of her. It causes her boobs to be pushed up and. . . .no! Fuck, concentrate Harley.

"I haven't, we haven't. We wouldn't, we were just messing about." I explain
Taking her stance in again, I get an idea. "Why? Were you jealous?" She scoffs, shaking her head.
"Because, you know, you're married and I'm single. Sooo, if two single consenting adults decided to, I don't know, experiment a little, then that's something I can do if I want to." My stance has changed to mirror hers, although I'm not really angry, more amused.

Her eyes narrow more, which is a feat in itself, before she stalks towards me, her hands place either side of my head on the wall behind me. Effectively caging me in. Her piercing green eyes are locked on my brown ones. Her face is one I haven't really seen before. One of dominance, one that says I will be listened to and you will obey me.
"No, you won't. You'll remain platonic."

It's my turn to scoff. As I do, though, I see her tilt her head to the side as she looks at me. She then slowly moves her face next to my ear as I can feel her breath fan over the shell of my ear.

"You're going to want to watch that attitude, sweetheart. I'll say it again, you will not do anything non platonic with Sky. Do you understand?"

I take a shaky breath as I nod my head slightly. I was only trying to rile her up a little, but shit just got real!

"That's what I thought." She takes a small step back as I feel that I can finally breathe again. That's when everything that's happening hits me. She's fucking with me yet again.

"What the fuck Scar, you can't do that! Maybe don't take whatever sexual frustrations you have out on me. Maybe go have phone sex with Colin, you know, your husband? He doesn't need any more reasons to hate me."

I walk down the hallway back to the kitchen.

"I think I made a mistake." She says.

I continue walking as I chuckle a little. "I know, come on, let's get back in there."

Scarlett's POV:

As she walks back towards the kitchen, I whisper. "I should never have let you go."


Do we want to understand the dynamics between Sky and Harley more? Or do we just leave it at surface level.

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