The Franchise Quarterback Bo...

Od lyonmom

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Family means that you are never alone. They are always by your side, even in the very worst times. Georgia Br... Více

Chapter 1
Character information
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 8

102 17 7
Od lyonmom

Thank you for reading Enjoy

Mature content please be advised

Chapter 8


The last place I thought I would find myself today was at Point Conception. Since Easton doesn't live here and it isn't one of the big family events, I'm rarely ever here. But something told me there was only one person who could help me.

"Hi Lowe! I didn't expect to see you today. How is football ownership going?" Emma greeted me with open arms, welcoming me into her home, just as Georgia would have done, I'm told.

She reminds me of her. Not in looks. I'm told they are very opposite there. But in style. They had similar taste in design of architecture. Although Emma is very classy in how she dresses, Georgia had a style of dress all her own.

Today Emma is wearing navy capris with a red and white striped shirt and red little tennis shoes. With her light blonde hair pulled up at the nape of her neck, she has the ability to look classy and feminine. She looks casual and comfortable but elegant. I want to look like her.

"I was hoping you could help me out. I have a problem and I don't know what to do," looking at the confusion on Emma's face, I think I made a mistake. Maybe going to Easton's grandmother wasn't the best idea.

"I was just about to take a walk out to the garden to put some flowers out for Georgia. Why don't you join me?" Emma asked as she scooped up a basket full of gorgeous flowers. "Georgia always loved her flowers and we can talk about what's bothering you. Come on."

Looping her arm through mine, she guided me through the house to the back kitchen door and we crossed the patio to the stairs to the topiaries that created an arched entrance to the garden. This is where Georgia Bradford is buried. With her flowers in full bloom around her, and the sound of the ocean off in the distance, she has the greatest sunsets every night and the morning sky over her cliffs.

"You know Georgia was the best at giving advice. She always knew, especially when it came to her boys, what to do," Emma commented as she arranged the flowers in a vase that was fitted into the headstone. "I don't know how many times I went to her when Blake made my life miserable."

"You and Blake have always seemed so happy," it came out before I could stop myself.

Emma laughed loudly. A bawdy laugh that was full of humor and love. "Oh, we are now. That wasn't always the case. Too many times I wanted to glue his dick to his leg."

I guess the expression on my face wasn't what she expected, because she laughed even harder and hugged me, when she almost fell over. I couldn't help but smile at her and the way she could look back at their past and see the humor in the way he teased her.

"Georgia knew that Blake was only the pain in the ass that he was to me because he was in love with me. He wasn't ready for me, she said. And when he was ready, he would change. He would come to me and he would tell me," Emma gently brushed the dirt from the stone. As if she was cleaning and tending to Georgia's garden. Her eyes glistened with tears as she finished her story. "He did more than that. He apologized in front of the world for being a jerk to me. Then he came to me and told me. And I fell in love with him."

"Easton wasn't supposed to touch me." I blurted out to her information I don't think was a surprise. "Max made him promise to never touch me. He was supposed to protect me like a brother, but he didn't. He wanted me, just like I wanted him and it just happened and he kissed me and said he still wants me, but he can't have me. I don't know what to do."

"Max is upset about this," Emma nodded, understanding my situation. "Brothers are like that. I know how that goes. He'll get over it and he'll be happy that the best man he could find for you was his best friend. It'll be fine."

"But I own the team, Emma. He's the quarterback. My quarterback. We can't be together," I explained, getting only a wave of her hand and a roll of her eyes.

"You own the team. You make the rules. He's the quarterback for your team, not another team. And if you are asking for him to make more money than any other player,  or more benefits or stupid things like that, then you're in the wrong. Are you doing that?" Emma asks, getting upset.

"No! I just benched him for not showing up for practice yesterday," I defend myself.

"As you should have!" She agrees with me. "You treat him as you would every other player, Lowe. That's exactly how you should treat him. He's no different in that locker room or on the field. In your bed that's a different story. He's yours there. You aren't going to welcome anyone else into your bed."

"No! Of course not! But aren't I setting myself up for failure with the board? With the league, by allowing this to continue? I don't want to cost Easton his career," I don't want to cause him to lose anything because of being with me.

"Life is too short for regrets, Lowe. Keep your personal life out of the office and off the field. It shouldn't matter to anyone else what you do. Or what he does," Emma is right but I know how these people are. I'm not sure if it's this simple.

"I'm going to give you a few minutes with Georgia. She always helps me. I'll be back to get you in a few minutes," Emma patted my back and wandered off, leaving me alone at the beautiful memorial spot of Georgia Bradford.

Kneeling down, I looked at her stone and read the message that she left for all who visits her:

"I'm here to lend an ear, I'm here to give you my hand, my heart, and my love. Know that I'm always with you in your heart as long as you remember me."

"I wish I had met you. I've heard so many stories about you. I feel like I know you. You were such an incredible woman. You know, you were my inspiration for wanting to be a team owner? I always thought that was something that you would have wanted to do. I'm actually surprised that you didn't do it.

"I don't know why I came here today. You don't know me. My family knew you but... I'm not sure I'm doing the right thing. For me or Easton. Easton is your great grandson. Aiden's son."

"She knows me," his voice made me jump back. I didn't expect to see him here.

"You scared me," holding my hand to my chest, I breathed hard.

He was dressed for the gym. He must have stopped here on his way in to practice. I should have waited to come by until later. I could have come by after I knew he would be at practice and wouldn't run into him. Why would he be here so early?

Running his fingers through his hair, I realize his hair is wet. He must have just got out of the shower. Did he stay the night here? Those bright green eyes look tired at me as he patiently waits for me to say something.

When I don't say anything, Easton finally asks, "What are you doing here, Lowe?"

"I wanted to talk to Georgia," I responded as if this is all normal.

"Georgia is dead. She can't answer you," he replied tiredly.

"Be careful, Easton. Georgia doesn't like being told she's dead," Emma walks over and links her arm through mine. "And you're being rude to Lowe. She's welcome to come here whenever she wants."

"I'm sorry, Lowe. I didn't mean it like that. I just thought we were keeping our distance," Easton raised his eyebrows as if he was trying not to get into details in front of his grandmother.

"You mean that you weren't going to sleep with each other again?" Emma asked with a wink. "Boy of mine, you aren't that sly. Your grandfather was slicker than you. And she wasn't here to see you. I asked Lowe to come by to get her help with my charity fundraiser next month. I'm hoping that the team will participate."

It's the first I've heard of it but being as Emma's saving my butt with Easton, I'm happy to go along with her. "We will absolutely participate. I'm sure Easton will lead the team, won't you?"

"Oh, that's wonderful!" Emma grinned at her grandson. "Our bachelor auction should raise plenty for the children cancer research hospital. I expect you to get all of your teammates to join in, Easton. It's only one date for the highest bidder and I'm sure your team will bring in plenty of money. "

I almost burst out laughing at the look on Easton's face but I didn't. He would know immediately that his grandmother was pulling his leg. Then I looked at Emma and I realized that she wasn't joking. She is dead serious.

"Wait, you're serious?" I asked, suddenly worried about Easton having to go on a date with some stranger. "This is a bachelor auction?"

"Yes. A black tie fundraiser for the children's cancer research hospital. I really appreciate the team's support. Of course, I won't ask any of the married players to participate in the auction." Emma patted Easton's cheek as she kissed the other one. "I'll email you the details, Lowe. Thank you so much. Easton, you'll walk Lowe out, won't you?"

Nodding, Easton didn't say anything else until his grandmother was back inside the house. He watched her go inside and shut the door before he took my hand and guided me to the garage, opening the side door he quickly pushed me through and closed it behind us.

He quickly walked down the long walkway looking between the cars to see if anyone was in there. When he determined that we were alone, he came back to me and pinned me against the closest car. His body firmly pressed against mine, as his hands held mine over my head keeping me in place as he kissed me hard, nipping my bottom lip and diving into a desperate kiss.

I was unprepared for this kind of kiss. As if he was scared he wouldn't get the chance to get a moment like this again. There's a frantic rush to have me, a desperate neediness in him that has me wondering what happened in the last twenty four hours that I missed.

"Easton?" I asked breathlessly in between kisses.

"Don't talk, we don't have long." His lips moved down my neck and along my collarbone.

Arching my back with the curve of the car, he had full access to my neck. His hand came up under my blouse and took hold of my breast. Molding it in his hand as my head fell back on soft moan. He's good at this.

"We don't have much time." He whispered in my ear, as his hand slid down the front of my body moving material searching, searching before I felt his fingers curl around my heat.

A breath of air came out as a pant from my mouth against his ear. "Easton..."

"I know... me too..." He whispered as those long wonderful fingers moved, slid, slowly, seductively.

I was lost in him. I don't know what happened. I don't care what happened. I want this. I want him. His hands moved with a sharp frantic need. He couldn't wait. He couldn't stop. Suddenly the rush of desire, of desperation snapped, Easton was pulling my skirt up, pushing my panties down and his fingers were thrusting in me. Pumping hard and fast I couldn't contain the moan that came out or the way I wrapped my legs around his waist and arched over the hood of the car as he took me over.

I heard a zipper and the sound of something dropping to the ground then I felt it. Easton, as he plunged into me. My breath caught as he penetrated me. I almost screamed as he slid in and out, causing the first fire to erupt inside me.

I wasn't ready for this. I didn't think it was possible to happen. Not again. Not with him. Not like this. One after another, my body convulsed with tremors. He took me over, and I had no control, I just wanted more. By the time he came with me, I was limp, and slid off the car into his lap on the ground behind the car with him.

Easton held me on his lap, holding me tight, straddling him as I slept on him. I could do nothing else. He stroked my back, played with my hair and kissed my forehead. He was gentle and sweet and he didn't move but just held me.

"You're late for practice again," I whispered as I came back to my senses.

"I know, the boss is going to bench me again," he whispered in my ear and we both laughed.

"I need to get to the office, Easton. I have to go home and change first but I have to get in." Sitting up, I hold on to his face and take a long look at his face. His soft green eyes, that mischievous expression on his face, and the way he is only looking at me. "We need to talk about this."

"I know. We will this time, I promise." He leans forward and kisses me gently this time, "I promise you, it's not going to be like last time."

Just as we were about to get up, we heard the door open from the house. "I couldn't find Easton. Tell the boy to call me if you find him."

"He was out talking to Lowe. Maybe they're still talking to Georgia." Emma told Blake.

"Oh boy, tell him to call me when he's done, love you, sweetheart," Blake kissed her, then got into his car. Opening the garage door, he started the car. Once he drove off, Emma closed the garage door and went back inside.

Easton rested his forehead on my shoulder and waited until all was clear. Once we figured it was safe to come out, we got up and straightened out my clothes. I was a mess. Easton laughed and walked me out to my car and opened the door.

I got in and started the car before he leaned down and gave me a kiss again. "Do me a favor, let me talk to Max. I want to deal with this my way. You broke the ice, now let me deal with this."

"Easton, do we even know what this is?" I asked, not sure what to even call what has happened between us.

"I think so. You aren't the only one who talks to Georgia," Easton smiles before he strokes his thumb over my cheek. "I'm going to be late for practice. Considering this my call in."

"I'll allow it and let the coach know, don't be long," I said as he closed my door.

Easton gave me a salute as I pulled out of the driveway and left the house. There was so much I didn't expect this morning. I thought I had everything in hand this morning when I left the house. I thought I could get some insight from Emma and maybe a little clarity from sitting at Georgia's memorial. Instead, I got Easton in more ways than I expected and more questions.


Walking up to the house, I didn't have a lot of time to screw around. I need to change, make a phone call and get to the stadium. Before Lowe gets there preferably. We can't be showing up together that will really not help matters.

I came here late last night to talk to Grandpa and to sit with Georgia. I needed some clarity too. Looks like Lowe and I were on the same wavelength there. And falling asleep on the couch last night just happened to put me in the right place at the right time this morning to find Lowe knocking on the door.

It helped that Grandma wanted to see her anyway, but I know that wasn't why she was here. We have a lot to figure out but Grandpa was right about one thing. If I wait around I might just lose her to someone who doesn't want to wait. Knowing that didn't help.

Walking into the kitchen and right into Grandma didn't help either. Looking like the cat who ate the canary, she watched me over her coffee mug as I walked around the kitchen.

"Good morning, Easton," she smiled at me.

"Morning, Grandma," I answered.

"Did Lowe get off to work then?" She stirred her coffee as if she knew something.

"She did, I'm heading out," I said and turned to leave.

"Easton," she called right before I was almost out of the room. Turning around, I looked at her. "You might want to close up your garage door. And put away your car." She pointed down to my pants.

Looking down, I noticed that not only was my zipper down but Lowe panties were hanging out of them. I've never been so embarrassed in my life.

I didn't bother to look at her. I couldn't. I already know she knows what Lowe and I were doing. How do I face my Grandma now? I don't want to talk to her.

Walking away, I keep walking when Grandma yells out, "Tell Lowe I'll call her later about the charity event! Have a good day, honey!"

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