Door Cowboy0928

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Sparks fly when a young Police Officer meets a young pop star. They dislike each other from the start, as he... Meer



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Door Cowboy0928

Alyssa's point of view:

Another letter came from that crazy freak.  And it scared me even more. Because not only will he be in town soon, but he knows exactly where I live. He wrote my address in the letter, saying how he did his research, that it was hard, but he managed to get my address.

Tom tried to reassure me and told me that this was a good thing.

The fact that my crazy stalker has my address, and will be in town soon, how is that a good thing.

Tom told me it means he slipped up. Letting me know that he knows where to find me.

Jordan came and we had a meeting with Adam, and Tom, Judy, Booker, Doug and Harry.

They all reassured me, and Jordan that they had this, that I was safe, and they had a plan. 

I sat and listened, as Adam and Tom explained the plan.

But their plan I don't like it. I don't like it one bit, and I told them that.

Tom tried to reassure me, that this would work.

I said, "no you guys can't do this, it's too dangerous. There has to be another way."

Judy was in on the plan, and begged Adam to let her be the decoy.

See their plan is to have cops there at my place, so when he gets there, hopefully they will catch him breaking and entering, and they can arrest him. If he just knocks on the door, they can get him for stalking, although Adam said that he didn't think that it would keep him behind bars, if it's just stalking, but I needed to get the paperwork started to get a restraining order against this guy, and once they have the guy and his name, that can get done.

Judy wanted to be the one and begged for Adam to let her.

I said, "Judy no. I don't want you to do this, it's too dangerous."

The guys all assured me that Judy would be safe at all times, that she wouldn't be alone.

I said, "I know she won't be, because I'll be there."

Tom said, "The hell you will. You are going to be at my house with me. There is no way in hell you are going anywhere near there."

I said, "it's my place, I don't want Judy at risk because of me. If something happens to her because of me."

She tried to reassure me. Dennis said, "Sweetheart, don't worry. I will stay with Judy. I will make sure Judy is safe. This is our best chance to get this guy in the act. Catch him off guard."

The last letter I got he said he would be in town on Saturday, and by evening he would be with me.

It was Thursday, when we had our meeting. I wanted to go see the kids at the hospital, and Jordan didn't want me to go, he wanted me to go straight home, but I insisted, so he said I could go as long as I had on disguise, even more than usual.

Tom went with me, and the kids were so happy to see him again.

We went home, and I could not shake the bad feeling I had.

Judy and the guys brought pizza over, and I was planning on making them change their mind.

I didn't like the idea of any woman being used as a decoy, whether it be Judy or another women cop.

The plan was to have them outside alone, walking in the front, wearing my clothes, one of my hoodies, with the hood pulled up, so that he could not see it wasn't me.

Tom told me to not worry about it, that the guys would make sure Judy was safe. Judy told me that this was her job, and she appreciated me worrying over her, but she knew what she was doing. And she also knew that she would be safe with Booker there.

Tom also told me that Adam would be watching on surveillance camera in a van parked on the street and have a team of officers that could go in at any minute. That Judy would be protected.

Still, something could go wrong.

Friday night I couldn't sleep. Each hour that passed that night, I just was feeling sick.

I knocked on Tom's door.

He said, "come in."

I went into his room. He had gotten up, he was in blue pajama bottoms, and no shirt. Damn his body is perfection.

I said, "Tommy I'm sorry to bother you."

Tom said, " you're not. You, okay?"

I said, "no I'm scared. This freak is going to be in town tomorrow, and at my home. I'm scared for Judy, but I'm also just freaked out.  It's like I guess I'm being silly, but I feel violated."

Tom said, "it's not silly Alyssa. You are being violated. That is your house, and the fact that you can't stay there, the fact that you aren't safe in your own home, he has violated your privacy, your home, your feelings of safety."

Tom said, "Alyssa do you want to go out on the couch with me?"

I said, "yes if you don't mind."

We went and sat on the couch.  He put his arm around me.

I said, "Tom if something happens to Judy. I just feel like I should be there. It's me this guy wants."

Tom said, "It shows how sweet of a girl you are, and what kind of character you have, that you think you should be there to protect Judy. But you need to stay here with me. Judy is trained, she knows what she is doing, she's one of the best cops I've ever worked with."

I said, "But I know how close you and Judy are, she's one of your best friends, don't tell me that you aren't worried about her."

He said, "I am, I am always going to worry about her, more so than the other guys, because she is a woman. But she's not alone. Dennis is going to be there, and I may not like the guy, he may get on my last nerve, but he won't let anything happen to her, he cares about Judy. She's safe."

I said, 'But he can't be outside with her, when she has to keep going out."

Tom said, "no but Adam is going to be right across the street in a van, with cameras in your house, and on Judy. One move from this guy, and not only Adam, but Doug, Harry, the other cops and Booker will be right there. They have gone over every detail of this plan; she is going to be okay."

Tom and I slept on the couch, with Jake at the edge of the couch.

In the morning, I made him breakfast, A big breakfast.  Maybe because I was so nervous. But the guys and Judy all ended up coming over, so there was plenty of food. They all tried to reassure me.

Tom was able to arrange it so that we could watch the surveillance feed that Adam had in the van.

I have to say it was really cool. Because we could actually not just hear them but talk to them.

Part of the plan was to convince this freak that I was at home. So, Jordan came over, like he usually does, bringing food, and greeted me, aka Judy, by giving her a hug right outside on the steps.

She was wearing my clothes, with the hood up.

Then when they went inside, Jordan was thanking Judy for doing this again, and told her for life, if there is anything she ever needs, money, anything just ask. We could talk to them, and so we did that.

I was getting more nervous as the day went on.

I started feeling really sick to my stomach. I went and threw up.

I came back. I said, "Tommy I think that my feeling sick, throwing up, is a sign. Please call Adam now and tell him to stop this. Something is going to go wrong."

Tom said, "Alyssa I know you're scared for Judy. But this is the best plan. If all goes well, then this is going to end tonight. They will grab him."

We sat there and talked to Judy and Dennis.  Dennis was trying to make me feel better, so he was coming up with corny pick-up lines, and flirting with me, making me and Judy laugh, and making Tom pissed off.

Then Dennis would make jokes about good thing Hanson is not where he can get me, I'm getting tired of being shoved against the wall.

Adam cut in to the conversation, and said, "you guys take your positions, there is a guy approaching."

Dennis was to go into the kitchen, and stay there, the point was for the guy to find Judy aka who he thinks is me, alone in the living room.

I can't even describe the emotions I was feeling watching this.

But it was a false alarm, the guy went to the house next door, and she greeted him with a hug.

After Jordan left my place, he came over to stay with me and Tom.

I told Tom if he felt like he needed to go be there for Judy, be in the van with Adam, so he could protect her if something bad happened, he could go, I was safe here with Jordan. Jordan said it was okay if he needed to go join the team.  Tom said, "Thanks but I'm staying here."

Donnie got there a few minutes later, and so Jordan said it again, and Adam said, "Tom if you want to come, it's up to you, we could use the extra help, Jordan and Donnie can keep her safe, and she's safe as long as she stays at your apartment."

Tom looked at me. He said, "I don't know if I should leave, I want to be there to help Judy, but."

Judy said, "Tommy it's okay you stay with Alyssa."

Jordan said, "She's safe here. Besides there is no way the stalker could know that Alyssa is here at your house."

Tom said, "I guess you're right. Okay, I'll be there in a few."

Tom started to leave, but then I said, "Tommy wait."

I went to him and gave him a hug.  I said, "Please be safe Tommy."

Tom hugged me.  He said, "I will, don't worry. This will all be over soon."

Tom told Jordan to make sure he kept the door locked. Don't let anyone in. Then he left.

I went back and sat down.

Donnie and Jordan were looking at each other.

I said, "What?"

Jordan said, "Alyssa what is going on?"

I said, "What?"

Jordan said, "With you and Hanson, are you two becoming close? I mean do you want to be with him."

Damn, I should have known that I couldn't hide my feelings for Tom from Jordan. He knows me too well.

Donnie said, "I haven't seen you look like this, that glow on your face."

I said, "Stop. I don't have a glow on my face."

Donnie said, "Have you looked in the mirror lately."

I said, "you guys, stop, yeah I care if he or anyone else would get hurt, he's been good to me, to put his life on hold to keep me safe, of course I don't want to see anything happen to him."

Jordan said, "Alyssa you and I both know that this is not what we are talking about. There is something else going on here."

I said, "nothing is going on Tom, and I are just friends, and that's all we are going to be."

Donnie said, 'But do you want more, when this is all over."

I said, "you guys please I can't even think about any of that right now. I'm so scared for Judy. If something bad happens to her, it's my fault."

Jordan said, "nothing is going to happen, they are trained, and I know that they have this under control, and you're right this isn't the time for us to be on your case about this. I just want to make sure that you aren't hurt again. I feel like I messed up with you and Rob. I should have done more to protect you."

I said, "it's not your fault what happened."

Tom got there, and called me, he said, "Alyssa you, okay?"

I said, "yes Tommy. Just scared for Judy and for all of you. I really feel like something bad is going to happen."

We talked a few minutes.  Then Tom hung up.

Judy was laughing. She said, "Tommy you were not wanting to leave Alyssa huh."

The guys laughed.  Tom frowned.

He said, "Judy."

She laughed.  She said, "Relax Hanson, I muted the microphone, so Alyssa can't hear us for this conversation."

Tom said, "you guys stop. Just because I'm doing my job, and I don't want something to happen to Alyssa doesn't mean anything. Got it."

They laughed.

Tom said, "I mean it's my ass on the line, I'll probably be sued, fired by the mayor, and Jordan would probably kill me. So, excuse me if I want to make sure that the pop princess stays safe on my watch."

Booker said, "Sure that is what it is."

Tom said, "Booker shut it."

The guys laughed.

Harry said, "Guys notice how he said the pop princess, he said it so different, then how he was calling her pop princess when this case started."

Doug said, 'yeah I noticed that."

Adam said, "That's enough. This is not a joke. Alyssa's life is in danger, and I'm glad that at least Hanson is focused on protecting her."

Judy said, "Sorry boss. We are taking this serious."

Dennis said, "yeah we are. We know the risk to Alyssa."

Alyssa's view:

I was right that something bad was going to happen. Because what they had planned, it didn't go down that way. 

They misjudged this guy, terribly. And I have never been more scared in my life or felt more helpless watching this happen. Knowing this is my fault. He's after me. Now they are in danger. I feel terrible sitting here safe, watching this go down.

They planned on this guy coming up the front drive and going to the door. But that's not what he did.

Doug, Harry, Adam and Tom were in the van.  Tom parked his car a couple blocks away and walked.

There were several times a guy would walk down the street and we thought maybe that was the guy, but each time they kept on walking, or stopped at a different house.

Dennis was in the living room with Judy.  I said, "you guys if you get hungry or thirsty, please feel free to eat. I have plenty of food and drinks in the fridge.  Sorry Booker no beer though, but pop, water, lemonade."

Judy said, "Lemonade sounds good, Booker you want anything?"

He said, "I will take a water."

Judy goes into the kitchen.  The plan was for when the guy came to the door, Booker would hide in the kitchen, then surprise him, while two of the guys would come in the backdoor, and then one of them stay out front with Adam.

They didn't think anything would take place in the rest of the house, so the only room that had a hidden camera and microphone was the living room.

Just then Booker says, "F--- he's in the house. I repeat he's in the house. He's got Judy."

I look at Jordan, and Donnie.  Jordan took my hand.

Adam gives the orders for Tom Doug and Harry. And the 3 guys are all cussing.

Over at Alyssa's apartment:

Judy went into the kitchen.  Booker was sitting on the couch watching tv. When he hears Judy scream.  Booker jumped up, and that is when he heard the guy's voice shouting at Judy.

" Where is Alyssa. You are not Alyssa. Where the hell is she?"

Booker says, "f--- he's in the house. I repeat he's in the house. He's got Judy. What do I do boss?"

Adam sent the guys to different locations.

Alyssa's view:

That's when we see Judy and the guy. As they enter the living room. 

He has a huge knife. I scream when I see it. Jordan tries to shield me from seeing it and hugs me.  I'm crying.

The guy has the knife at Judy's neck. He's grabbing her by the hair.

The guy has an army jacket on, army pants, and a ski mask on.

He is cussing, screaming at Judy calling her a bitch, saying "where is Alyssa, why are you in her clothes, why are you in her house."

Judy is trying to calm him down, saying she is a friend of Alyssa's and staying with her, she's out of town. 

He starts to calm down a little bit, but then he sees Booker.

Booker has his hands up in surrender.

The guy gets enraged, screaming at Booker, who are you why are you in Alyssa's house. Where the hell is Alyssa.

I said, "I have to go over there."

Jordan said, "no you're staying here."

I said, 'No he wants me, what if he hurts Judy or Dennis, or one of the guys. Maybe if I go, I can try and calm him down."

Jordan said, "Absolutely not. You're staying here. There is no way you are leaving here Alyssa, so just sit down."

Donnie said, 'it would be over both of our dead bodies."

Doug made it into the back door and into the kitchen.  

He tiptoed to the living room.

Booker was trying to get him to let Judy go.

He kept saying, "Come on now, you don't want to do something stupid."

The guy shouted I'm not stupid.

Dennis said, 'I know you're not. That is why you are going to let her go. We can't identify you, since you have a mask on, and all I really care about is that my girlfriend isn't hurt."

Dennis said, "Besides I don't think you want to hurt her, if you do, Alyssa will be really upset with you, because they are close friends."

He screamed, "you're lying, I know all of Alyssa's friends. I know everything about Alyssa."

Judy said, "let's just calm down. You really care about Alyssa. I can see that."

He said, "yes I do."  He loosened his grip on her hair and moved the knife a tiny bit.

He said, "I love her. I'm not like that asshole, Rob. I truly love her, and we are going to be together."

Judy said, "I haven't known Alyssa long, but she's become a good friend to me. I met her at the hospital, you know she visit's the sick kids, well my little sister was one of the little girls that she used to visit."

He calmed down.  He said, "oh yeah Alyssa does so much for the children."

He loosened his grip more, but then Doug came into the room, and he got enraged, he said that they were trying to trick him, and he doesn't believe she is friends with Alyssa, and why are two guys in Alyssa's house, Alyssa is my girl, and only mine.

Tom had his gun and was up by the front door, looking in the window.

Doug and Dennis had their hands up, and he pushed Judy, shoved her so hard, that it sent her flying and she landed on the glass coffee table, and hitting her head. Dennis went to Judy to help her.  The guy ran out the back door, he managed to get Harry, and put the knife to him, as Tom and Doug came around the corner.

They stopped and he shoved Harry into Doug and took off running.

Judy cut her head, and there was so much blood.

I said, "Jordan I have to go over there."

Jordan said, "Alyssa no you're not leaving. You need to stay here where you are safe."

I was crying and didn't realize but was shaking.

Adam, Tom, Doug, all ran over to Judy.

Booker had taken off his shirt, to wrap around her cuts, trying to stop the bleeding.

As he was running with her to get to Adam's van, so they could get her to the hospital.

Tom said, "I'll meet you guys at the hospital."

Judy said, "Tom I'm okay. I know you want to go check on Alyssa."

Tom said, "Jude you are one of my closest friends. I."

She said, "I know, and I appreciate you wanting to go with me, but I'm fine, and I have Dennis, Doug, Harry, and Adam. I know you are worried about Alyssa. And she has got to be so scared. If she saw all that."

Tom said, "I'm sorry Judy."

She said, "Don't be. Go to Alyssa and try and make her feel safe."

Tom said, 'Are you sure."  She said, "yes."

Tom said, "one of you call me as soon as."

Doug said, "We will."

Judy said, "Take care of Alyssa."

Tom said, "I will."

Tom was walking back to his car. Adam said, "Tom wait a minute.

Adam said, "Hanson as soon as we get Judy taken care of, I'm coming over, we are going to have to have a meeting with Jordan."  Tom nodded.

Tom called my cell phone.

I said, "Tommy, oh my God, Is Judy, okay?"

I was crying.

Tom said, "yeah I think so, they are rushing her to the ER."

I said, "Okay I'll meet you guys there."

Tom said, "No Alyssa. I'm not going. I'm coming home."

I said, "Are you sure, Tom you should probably go. Judy needs you."

I was still crying.

Tom said, "she's got all the guys and Adam, and Judy specifically told me to go home. I'll be there soon."

Tom hung up.

Jordan was sitting on the couch with me holding my hand.

Tom unlocked the door and came in.

I ran to him and was crying.  He gave me a hug, and I cried on his shoulder.

I said, 'Tom this is all my fault. Judy got hurt because of me. I tried to get Jordan to let me go, so that I could maybe calm that guy down."

Tom said, "Alyssa no. I'm glad that Jordan stopped you."

Tom said, "Alyssa, you're shivering. Are you okay?"

He hugged me tighter.  I cried.

I said, "Are you sure Judy is okay? Shouldn't we go to the hospital. This is all my fault."

I burst out into tears.

Tom said, "it's okay. It's not your fault Alyssa."

I said, "yes, it is. The guy is after me. I should be the only one."

Jordan said, "Alyssa no."

Tom said, "Alyssa Judy is going to be okay, this wasn't your fault. We are doing our job, keeping you safe. That's what we need to focus on."

Tom said, 'Go sit down. I'll be right back."

He went into the bedroom.  He came back out with a blanket. He said, "here. Cover up with this."

He put it around me.  I said, 'Thank you."

Jordan put his arm around me, and I put my head on his shoulder.

Tom cleared his throat and was staring at us. 

Jordan looked at Donnie.  Nodded his head.

Donnie said, "hey Lyssa how about you and I go into the kitchen, and I'll try and see what I can find to make you one of my magical drinks."

Jordan said, "it would do you good Alyssa, warm you up some."  I left with Donnie,

Jordan said, "Tom, don't take this the wrong way, but there is something I need to say."

Tom said, "sure go on."

Jordan said, 'I appreciate all you are doing to protect Alyssa. I know it's not easy to have a complete stranger move in with you, and then be with you 247. I appreciate what you do, I respect you as an officer. But."

Jordan said, "I just need to make sure that your focus is solely on protecting Alyssa, and that your interest in her is just in keeping her safe."

Tom looked at him and started to say something but stopped. 

Jordan said, "Look she's a beautiful girl, and she's very special. Very sweet girl. And I want her to be happy, but she's been hurt deeply."

Tom said, "yeah I know she told me what Rob did. And Troy."

Jordan said, "what, she did?"

Tom said, 'yeah"

Jordan said, "Alyssa will date whoever she chooses. I know she is too scared to think about dating and trying again, but I also know she's too beautiful, too special to be alone. But just know that I blame myself for her being hurt. I didn't like Rob for Alyssa. He was too experienced and she's not. And I tried to talk her out of dating him, but she wanted to. And I feel like I should have stayed on his case, investigated him, had him followed, and maybe I could have stopped some of the damage before she fell so hard."

Jordan said, "Just know any guy who is going to try and be with Alyssa, is going to have to deal with me, looking over his shoulder, and also Donnie. I maybe too overprotective, but I don't want to see her cheated on or hurt. That said Hanson, right now I don't want you focused on dating Alyssa. I want to make sure we are clear, that you are solely focused on this case."

Tom said, "I'm not sure what to say to that. I am totally focused on protecting Alyssa. I am taking this case seriously, and I am not thinking about anything but this case. You have nothing to worry about between me and Alyssa. There isn't anything between us, and never will be."

I had come out of the kitchen and heard that, and it devastated me.  I was a little surprised about how much it hurt to hear that, even though I already knew that Tom had zero interest in me. 

I said, 'Tom, have you heard anything about Judy?"

Tom said, "not yet."

Just then his phone rang. It was Doug.  He said Judy was fine, they were getting her bandaged up. She did have a concussion, but it was a light one, so she was going to get to go home, and she was going to go stay with Dennis for the night, so he could watch her.  Doug then told him that Adam was headed over to talk to Jordan.

Tom said, "Good news. Judy is ok to be released. She has a small concussion, but it's not too bad, and she's going home with Dennis, and he will watch her. Make sure she is okay."

I said, "Thank God. I was so scared watching. I really think I should have gone, maybe I could have talked him down."

Tom, Donnie, and Jordan all looked at me like I was crazy, and also looked irritated.

Tom said, "Thank God that Jordan was able to stop you, you are so stubborn Alyssa. Why exactly do you think that would have been a good idea for you to go there, it would have been a stupid reckless dangerous move."

 Tom said, "I'm sorry. I'm not saying you are stupid Alyssa. You are a very sweet girl, and I get that you are worried about Judy and don't want anyone getting hurt, but this guy is dangerous. We are trained officer's and he got away and injured both Judy and Harry."

I said, "What, Harry? is he okay?"

Tom said, "Yeah it was minor, he jumped Harry when he ran out the back door, kind of jabbed Harry a little with the knife, a small cut. He's fine. But my point is, you aren't safe around this guy.  You have to trust us to do the job that we are trained to do and let us do our job Alyssa. I'm serious. You have to let us protect you. You can't protect us, and you have to let us keep you safe. It's not your job to protect us."

I said, "I get it. I just feel so bad."

Adam came.  The doorbell rang. Tom said, "That should be Adam."  He got up to let him in.

Tom said, "Alyssa why don't you go in the bedroom, and call and check on Judy. I'm sure she'd love to hear from you."

I said, "Good idea. I need to apologize."

Tom said, "No you don't. This isn't your fault."

I left.

Tom said, "Damn guys that girl is stubborn."

I said, "Hanson I heard that."  The guys laughed.

Adam said, "Jordan, I wanted to fill you in. I'm sorry, the plan I thought we had was perfect, but I wasn't prepared for him to be trained. I'm pretty sure we are dealing with ex-military."

Adam said, "That knife he had is military, and he came prepared."

Tom said, "yeah we thought he would come in the front, but he came in the back door, and Harry and I when we were in the back after that, he was able to break in without damaging the door, looks like he picked the lock."

Adam said, "Booker and Judy never heard a sound. Who knows how long he was in that kitchen. I'm going to speak with some mental health professionals and also some military friends of mine and try to come up with a plan. Now that we know what we are dealing with. I think there is a good chance we are going to have to come up with a different plan, to draw him out. He's probably figured out that Alyssa has hired security. Even though Booker tried to act like he was there with Judy as her boyfriend, and Judy was just a friend of Alyssa. The fact that we jumped out of the van, Doug and Tom came from the back, carrying guns. I think he's going to know that we were there to catch him."

Jordan said, "Just let me know what your next move is."

Adam said, "are you sure you still want to keep this private, and not go public? If we did go to some news source that you would trust, maybe say Alyssa has a stalker and we are trying to identify him to keep her safe, if anyone knows of someone who is obsessed with her and is dangerous."

Jordan said, "I guess if you think it's the only way, but Alyssa was adamant she didn't want anyone to know what was happening, to get her to agree to this bodyguard thing, I made a promise to her that we would keep it private, she's already upset about ever being in front of people and doing interviews because of Rob. I hate to go back on my word."

Tom said, "Adam I'm not sure if that would work anyway. I mean it may, but let's face it, Alyssa is a beautiful pop princess, and has probably so many guys wanting to meet her, dreaming about her, teenage boys, college boys, who their friends may say they are obsessed. Doesn't mean they are dangerous. My point is, I just feel like it may just be a waste of time, because if you would have a tip line, you are just going to get tons of calls about normal guys who are fans of hers, who aren't the guy. Jealous girlfriends might rat out their boyfriends."

Jordan said, "I agree."

Tom said, "Also, this guy I'm betting he is a loner. Fits with the military background, maybe has PTSD from his time in the military.  Lives alone, has zero friends, no life, one of the reasons why Alyssa is what he fixated on."

Adam said, "you're probably right about that Hanson. He probably does keep to himself, so no one would turn him in. I just thought maybe in the town where the cards and letters were post marked from, there might be someone who would have noticed his odd behavior, but if he is a loner they probably don't see him in public."

Adam said, "let me talk to some people, and then we will come up with a new plan. My guess is that he is going to try and make contact with Alyssa, and he maybe angry, that she hired bodyguards to keep him away from her."

Jordan said, "true, but maybe he will blame it on me. I'm sure since he said he knows all about her, that he knows I'm her manager, and we are like family. I'm sure he hates me."

Adam said, "I'm sorry that we didn't get him, and end this. But now we know what we are dealing with. I assure you Alyssa is safe, and we will catch this guy. No matter what we have to do. My team is the best one in the city."

Jordan said, "Thank you Adam, thank you Tom."

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๐—Ÿ๐—ผ๐˜ƒ๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด ๐—ต๐—ฒ๐—ฟ ๐˜„๐—ฎ๐˜€ ๐—น๐—ถ๐—ธ๐—ฒ ๐—ฝ๐—น๐—ฎ๐˜†๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด ๐˜„๐—ถ๐˜๐—ต ๐—ณ๐—ถ๐—ฟ๐—ฒ, ๐—น๐˜‚๐—ฐ๐—ธ๐—ถ๐—น๐˜† ๐—ณ๐—ผ๐—ฟ ๐—ต๐—ฒ๐—ฟ, ๐—”๐—ป๐˜๐—ฎ๐—ฟ๐—ฒ๐˜€ ๐—น๐—ผ๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ ๐—ฝ๐—น๐—ฎ๐˜†๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด ๐˜„๐—ถ๐˜๐—ต ๏ฟฝ...
13.4K 382 10
เผ˜*.๏พŸ "You're a maniac Moon Sooha" "A maniac that you love, Minho." *.๏พŸ Moon Sooha, and Moon Eunwoo. Siblings that are heirs to one of...