Rockin His World

By Socialparasite21

3.8K 82 10

When 2 wrestling super fans turned prodigies meet they soon learn that as good as they are on there own, they... More

Business Decisions.
Seeing Into The Future?
Dem Boys And Dat Boy
Hearts Start Talking
Champions With Honor
Winning More Than Just Championships
The Beginning
It's Out
Business Is Booming.
Chasing A Dream

Honor Above All

237 4 0
By Socialparasite21

Ever since the doll project from last year Carla and I are somehow closer. Even in the back at shows, you pretty much have to have the jaws of life to get us apart to get dressed. We're always by each other talking, kinda like right now. We're just talking and a stagehand come up to us.

Stage hand: You two's matches are up soon.

Our eyes went wide.

Me: How much time do we have?

Stagehand: She's up next.

Carla and I turn and look at each other. I just scoop her up in a bridal carry and sprint down to my locker room. I get the door open and set her down. We start frantically going through our bags and getting our gear out. Usually one of us will go in the bathroom to change but not this time. We both stripped down and started putting our gear on. As we're getting dressed, I hear familiar music.

Me: Carly they're playing your music. Like right now.

Right as I stopped talking, the door opens and Uncle Book walks in. His eyes go wide before his arms spread out.

Booker: What...what the hell?

Carla: Sorry Booker we lost track of time.

Booker: This is what happens when you think you're over.

He goes to leave and as he does, I yell out.


Booker stops but doesn't turn around. He holds up one finger and points back to us.

Booker: Just...just get dressed.

He leaves and shuts the door. I smile and stick my tongue out at Carla. We finished getting ready to go before I picked up Carly as she grabbed our belts and we ran down to Gorilla. I was a football player in high school and I was a scrambling Quaterback so I'm pretty fast. If I carry her and sprint then we get there a lot faster.

We just did a mixed tag match main event since it was a house show. It was a 30 minute blast. We both hit "Pop Rox", double pin, double three count, we win.

*After The Show*

We decided to put our payoffs together and get a hotel room for the night. I was gonna get a room with two beds but Carla wanted to just split a bed. Whatever Carly wants, she gets so we just got the single bed.

We were sitting in the room, on the bed talking and joking.

Carla: I can't believe we're champions AND living our dream together!

Me: Yeah it's kinda cool.

Carla: It's AMAZING Jackie!

Me: It's cool but what's amazing is what's about to happen.

Carla: What's about to happen Jackie?

Me: Us being champions together and retaining at Wrestlemania.

Carla: You can do that Jackie.

Me: So can you. Carly we're gonna do this together. I won't do it without my Jelly.

Carla: You're the best.

Me: Nah you are.

Before Carly can respond, my phone rings and I look at it and see it's Uncle Jay calling me. I hold up one finger before answering.

Me: Hey Big Jay. What's up?

Jay: Little J! What's goin on bubba?

Me: Ah just hanging out with Carla in the hotel after our shot. What's goin with ya?

Jay: Ah just did TV. Hey the brass called me and Mark in and they want to bring you in.

My eyes went wide.

Me: R-Really?

Jay: Yeah. They want to put all three of us together. Either have me and Mark have the tag belts and you have the TV belt or something or all 3 of us be the six man champs.

Me: Man that sounds amazin and all but not without Carla.

Uncle Jay kinda chuckled.

Jay: Bubba I know that and I told em that. They been watchin her too and wanna bring her in too for the Ring Of Honor Women's Championship tournament. They really like her work and she'll probably win it. They asked me to bring it up to you and see what you think. If you want, I'll give you Kerry's number and you can talk business with him.

Me: Thanks Uncle Jay. Definitely give me the number so you don't have to play messenger pigeon no more. Let me talk to Carla and see what she thinks.

Jay: Alright Nephew I'll talk to ya soon. I love ya.

Me: I love you too Uncle Jay.

We hang up and I take a long exhale and Carla notices.

Carla: What is it Jackie?

Me: Well that was unexpected.

Carla: What happened?

Me: Ring Of Honor wants us.

Carla's eyes got big, I mean bigger then normal.

Carla: R-Really?

Me: Yeah and they got some big stuff planned for us. Apparently there is gonna be a tournament for the womens title and there really thinking about you winning it. Then there gonna put me with the Briscoes. I just don't think I can go without...

Carla already knew where I was going and interrupted.

Carla: ...I'm in.

Me: Really?

Carla: Of course Jackie. We can't live our dreams just here. Let's go to the bigger stage and prove why we're prodigys.

I smiled.

Me: I love you so much Carly.

Carla: I love you too Jackie.

Me: I guess we gotta give our notice to Book. I'll give Kerry a call in the morning and tell him we're in. In the meantime, are you ready for bed?

Carla: That depends.

Me: On what?

Carla smiled at me.

Carla: Are you gonna give your Jelly cuddles?

Me: Is it dark outside? Of course I will.

Carla: Then yeah I'm ready for bed.

I smiled before we stripped down. I had my shirt in my hand before Carla grabbed it from me and slipped it on.

Carla: What? Now I'll be even more warm.

We smiled at each other before laying down in bed. I wrapped my arms around her and we spooned with Carla obviously being the little spoon. During this time, I'm thinking about Baseball, Football, the smell of the locker room after summer two a day practice, everything I can to not think about what part of Carla is against me right now for obvious reasons. I held her a little tighter.

Me: Goodnight Carly I love you.

Carla: Goodnight Jackie I love you too.

I laid there drifting off to sleep thinking about what we were about to endeavor. This could be the launching pad of our careers and there isn't anyone I'd want to do this with but Carly. I was snapped out of that thought by Carly gently resting her hands on top of mine on her stomach. Her touch relaxed me and I let out one last sigh before finally falling asleep.

Next up we find out how Honorable we really are.

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