
By Freya9488

52.8K 1K 397

๐€๐”๐‘๐Ž๐‘๐€ ๐‰๐Ž๐๐„๐’. mostly known as ๐€๐‰. Is the girl everyone knows but couldn't name a thing about her... More



2.1K 51 16
By Freya9488

AURORA rested her head against the backseat car door.

she was currently in the car with fezco and ashtray, they was talking a load of random stuff about business.

aurora stared out the window and took in her surrounds.

"yo aj." fezco spoke while looking through the cars mirror.

"yeah?" she lifted her head up.

"you coming back too ours for a chinese? or you wanna go home?" he asked her while focusing on the road.

"i ent ever sayin no too food." she shrugged.

fezco let out a laugh as ashtray scoffed with a slight laugh.

fezco turned too the younger boy who had a slight smile on his face.

he smiled at him before continuing the journey home.

as they arrived at the brothers house.

ashtray turned too aurora who was pulling her dress down slightly.

"come with me." he spoke before leading her too his room.

she followed after him and watched as he pulled out some grey joggers and an oversized white nike top.

"change into this shit if you want, cus yo ass looks uncomfortable in that now." he motioned too the dress that kept rising up.

she nodded "thanks ash."

ash. ash. ash.

he had never heard anyone call him that except fezco. and the fact that she was calling him it, drives him crazy.

"come out when your ready." he spoke before closing the door and letting her get dressed.

aurora slipped out of the black dress and
changed into the clothes ash had left for her.

the top was a little baggy, and the joggers were like two sizes bigger than her size.

she took off her shoes and placed them next too her folded dress.

she threw her hair into a messy bun due too her curls being abit frizzy now.

she walked back out too the front room area too see them stood in the kitchen.

ashtray heard her footsteps and his head shot up, his eyes travelled up and down her figure now in his clothes. she looked better than he did in them.

"so is everyone happy wit this?" fezco asked while showing them the food he was going too order.

aurora nodded "yeah." while ashtray agreed.

"it'll be here in 20 minutes." he spoke while walking over too the front room.

ashtray walked over too the bigger couch and took a seat while fezco took the small couch.

"i'll be back in a sec i just need too go toilet."aurora spoke while walking down the hallway.

ashtray watched her the whole way down until
the door closed.

as he turned back too the tv he noticed fezco smirking at him.

he furrowed his eyes "bro what?"

fezco shook his head "nothing. nothing."

ashtray rolled his eyes as he turned back too the tv.

ashtray heard the bathroom door open meaning aurora had finished.

she walked around the couch and sat down on the seat next too ashtray.

although, he realised the big gap in between them.

he frowned and watched as she wrapped her arms around herself. aurora always did this as a comforting thing.

ashtray raised his arm and put it over aurora.

she turned her head towards him expecting him too say something but he just stared at her.

ashtray watched as auroras eyes quickly glanced down too his lips and then back up too his eyes.

his eyes widened with a slight smirk as he noticed her actions. she gave a small grin before turning back too the tv.

"okay so what we gonna watch?" fezco asked.

"spider-man!"aurora spoke.

fezco laughed "ash?"

"whatever she wants bro." he shrugged.

aurora smiled as the movie began to play. they decided on spider-man no way home.

aurora snuggled further into ashtrays side as he placed his feet up on the table.

aurora found it strange how she hated physical touch from any of her friends but with ash it just felt right.

after a few minutes the food arrived.

the two kids shared their food while fezco had his too himself.

after they had their food they continued too watch films.

ashtray picked the film this time and he chose enchanted, it was a new film with tom holland in.

aurora checked the time on her phone, it read

she normally fell asleep around one am but because she had been out, she was already exhausted.

she looked up at ashtray too see him focusing on the movie.

aurora layed her head back down but this time, onto his chest.

ashtray was sure she could hear his fast heartbeat.

throughout the rest of the film ashtray could feel aurora dozing off and then suddenly jolting up too keep herself awake.

he leant his head down and whispered into her ear "you wanna go bed?"

she looked up at him and nodded. she figured she would be staying considering how late it was, and that fezco was flat out asleep with popcorn in his mouth.

he nodded "kay go ahead i'll be there in a sec."

aurora stood up and made her way too ashtrays room.

she sat on the end of the bed and pulled out her phone.

she had a few texts from benjamin.


i didn't see u at the party
sent at 21:45
sent at 22:56
that kid is so fine.
have fun w ur lil thug 🤪

i hate you.
do u wanna die?
i'll worship u forever if ur get w him by
the end of this week.


are u stayin at ur man's😆????

well...HE ENT MY MAN
but like, he is SOOOOO fine.
bro he puts his arm around me now

u got him wrapped around
yo finger😍😍
anyways i'll see u tmr bye hoe

bye bye benny 😝😝

ashtray walked back into his room too see aurora smiling at her phone.

"who you textin?" he asked while waking over too his wardrobe.

"benjamin, he went too the party and this boy he likes was there." she said with a laugh.

"ah nice." he spoke.

aurora watched as he grabbed some black sweats, he turned too her "just gon' get dressed you can get in bed yanno." he snickered at her waiting for him.

she rolled her eyes and waited for him on the wall side on the bed while he got changed in the bathroom.

she scrolled through tiktok on her phone till she heard the bathroom door open.

she looked up at him but immediately looked away.

he walked in with just sweats on and his chain.
aurora tried to be respectful and not stare but it was abit hard not too.

he chuckled at her before joining her on his side of the bed.

"you wanna watch somet?" he asked while turning on the tv.

"yeah, i'll probably end up falling asleep though." aurora admitted while lying down and pulling the blanket up too her chest.

"kay." he nodded as he gave her a side glance before putting on daddy's home 2.

aurora loved this film.

she smiled too herself before turning onto her left side, facing ashtray.

after literally five minutes into the film, aurora was asleep.

ashtray turned too her once her felt her hand drop from her chest down into the bed, accidentally hitting his waist.

aurora was dozed off asleep until she felt a  weight around her shoulder and suddenly budging her closer to something warm .

he placed his arm around her while slightly pulling her into his side.  

aurora wrapped her arm around his stomach and rested her head on his chest.

ashtray switched the tv off, before turning slightly too get comfortable, while the girl beside him stayed clinging too him.

ashtray brought the blanket up too their shoulders too cover them up.

ashtray rested his chin on the crown of her head, before slowly dozing off.


also i have school tmr.

i feel suicidal

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