Old friends, new people

By ly_xMxx

3.4K 153 18

Ashley had known the winchesters for years, No matter how much they moved around they would always come back... More

The party
A well needed hug
Mr obvious
Um... Excuse me
A little longer
Rise and sh...No
Feel the burn
moment of truth
Alone time
All i need.
that's not good.
Long time no see.
New guest, be nice.
Happy Birthday !
Having a bad day?...Good.
Yet another loss.
All down hill
Ghostfacers !
Guns and kisses.
Bright light ahead.
Wanted dead or alive.
Shes so gone
Roller coaster ride
Let me go...
Stupid little boy
Never can say goodbye.
NEWS !!!

some lies with a dash of insanity

51 3 0
By ly_xMxx

It had been three weeks since Bobby...Died. It's affected us all a lot he was a big part of us. Dean is taking it the worst, Every time we get a break from hunting he is searching somewhere for another another case or drinking or even sometimes both. He just doesn't want to have to stop and think about it. I try and make him laugh or even smile sometimes but he just gives me a cold shoulder.

We sat in the study of the bunker that we found a few weeks ago, I was reading a book so was Sam and Dean was searching for another case on Sam's laptop. Dean sat across from me with his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes darting around the screen.Sam and i kept exchanging glances then looking at Dean. Suddenly Dean's eyes lit up as he told us about the case.

"This old hotel just outside Philadelphia has been experiencing random deaths recently. One guy was drowned in his shower and another girl was suffocated by her bed sheets". Dean finished his sentence and looked at Sam and me for approval.

We both nodded then got up to pack our things. It took me around twenty minuets to get my things and head out to the impala. On my way down the hall Dean's door was lying slightly open, just enough for me to see him. He was sitting on his bed holding Bobby's flask running his index finger over it.

I pushed the door open slightly, Dean jumped and quickly hid the flask under is pillow.
" Dean, you okay ?" I asked.
he stood up then cleared his throat.
" I'm great, want me to take your bags ?"
"Dean you can talk to me, you can trust me" I was quickly cut off by Dean butting in.
" Look I'm fine okay. I'm being myself, which is drinking and finding cases okay ? So lay off" he raised his voice and pushed past me. I was last in the bunker so it was my job to turn off all the lights.
I got to the front doors of the bunker about to turn the last light off when I felt a breath on the back of my neck.
I turned to find Lucifer with his hand pressed against the door and a smirk on his face.

"Hey bestie" He smiled.

"Leave me alone !" I said attempting to open the door, but fail due to the fact that he was holding it shut.

I ran down the stairs to get away from him but he walked towards me in a very intimidating manner.

"Sorry hun, just cam to give you a little realty check. You are aware that you slow them down, Or that they love it when they get to do hunts alone just to get away from you" He clapped his hands in amusement as he laughed.

"Shut up" i said quietly.

"Oh and Sammy. Doesn't really love you, he just feels bad for you" He smiled then leaned in to see my reaction.

I waited a little to process what he said and thinking about if it could really be true.

" Shut up okay. Shut up. You don't know a god damn thing about me or Sam or Dean." I shoved him slightly then ran towards the stairs, i got up to about the third step before i tripped up. Lucifer walked over to me and leaned over me.

" I know everything " he whispered.

I pushed him away and stayed sat on the step. " GET OUT OF MY HEAD !" i screamed repeatedly with my eyes closed and holding my face in my two hands. Until i felt two arms wrapping round my shoulders and sit next to me.

"Ash , Ashley its okay. I've got you" I herd a familiar voice say.

I opened my eyes to find myself crying into Deans shirt as he wrapped his arms round me.

I quickly wiped my eyes and stood up, breaking Dean's hug. I smiled quickly at him then hurried to the impala.

I sat in the back of the impala waiting on Dean coming back so we could go.

Sam turned round to look and me and realized the redness and puffiness.

"Ash, have you been crying ?" He asked lightly rubbing just under my left eye with his thumb.

"No, no. I must have had an allergic reaction to something , ill be fine " i assured him as i leaned my head against the window and drifted to sleep.

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