What if deku had a quirk?Vers...

By LilJ1122

593 4 0

As we all know,Izuku didn't get a quirk,despite his parents both having powers.But what if he actually DID ge... More

U.A Highschool
Back into the fray Pt.1
Back into the fray Pt.2
A test of strength
The next exam
The festival and the island
The apex
The start of the end
Time together
The final battle part 1
The final battle part 2
The finale


7 0 0
By LilJ1122

Izuku wakes up earlier than everyone else,he silently makes his way to the room for requests.Izuku checks the phones and computers and sees only one request,there was some sights about a monster.Izuku suits up and heads out,he wanders the nearby forest and sees...a giant mantis?
Izuku blasts the mantis with fire,but he suddenly hears a quick shriek.
Izuku:That sounded like...
Izuku goes through some bushes to find Mahoro and Katsumo.
Izuku:Did you guys do this?
Mahoro pouted.
Mahoro:We were trying to prank the others.
Katsumo:We're sorry.
Izuku;It's okay guys.See ya around.
The kids wave Izuku goodbye as he goes back to the building.Izuku takes small calls,effects, reducing pets,or even just walking people down the streets.By the time Izuku's finished with all the tasks,the rest of the class has woken up.
Togaru:Someone's committed.
Izuku:What can I say?I'm gonna go do some training now.
Izuku goes to his room and sits on his bed to assess his equipment.He has lifting weights's, weights to put around his limbs while he's running,and a punching bag.Izuku sets up his punching bag and begins to train.

Tenko was wondering the city in a hoodie he stole.He was searching for a new base. Eventually,he finds an abandoned warehouse.He goes inside and surveys the area.Tenko looks around the warehouse and sees no one for miles.He smiles,this is perfect. Tenko sits on a table and thinks about the next step of the plan.
Tenko:Judging from my current state,I could take out plenty of pro's with no issues.But there's still all might,he may have feared me, but that won't stop the symbol of peace from acting.I need to kill him,but even with decay, that would be hard.Wait a second...
Tenko just remembered something,his partner overhaul,had special quirk enhancing drugs. But that's not all he remembered.
Wolfram:You brought this whole team together to kill one kid?
Shigaraki:Don't underestimate the boy.
Wolfram:Well in that case...nah.
Wolfram:Well,it's a secret I used to have.You see on an island far away,there's this really smart scientist,he's so smart that he developed a special piece of equipment to help enhance someone's quirk.In his own words,it could cause someone to be able to do things they could never do with their quirk before.His name is David shield.
End of flashback
Tenko:That's it,I can use both of these to boost me!Kurogiri?
A dark purple cloud suddenly appears from the center of the warehouse.It fades to reveal Kurogiri.
Tenko:Do you know where I-island is?
Kurogiri:I could find it eventually.
Tenko:Good,but what to do in the meantime?
Suddenly,the two villains hear something coming from outside the warehouse.They step outside to see a small demon holding a phone.
Tenko picks up the phone as an unfamiliar voice plays through it.
???:Hello,Tomura shigaraki.
Tenko:Who is this?
???:Call me Redestro.I have your friend.
Tenko:I don't have any friends.
Redestro:Oh really?Then who is this.
Tenko hears a familiar voice.It's the voice of his broker,Giran.
Giran:S-sorry boss,got snuck up on.
Tenko;Ah,it's you.Fine,I'll come pick him up.
Redestro:Oh?Such confidence,very well,come to Deika city.We shall have our showdown there.
The phones beeps and turns off.
Kurogiri:We're going to to deika city?
Kurogiri:Shall I collect overhaul?
Tenko:No,leave him be.Focus on trying to find the island,I'll handle this myself.
Kurogiri:Are you sure that that is wise?
Tenko:Giran's here because of me,only makes sense that I'm the one who gets him out. Besides,I could use this opportunity to see my newfound capabilities.
Tenko dashes off as Kurogiri goes back into the warehouse.
Minutes later
Tenko arrives at the city,he looks around and sees a large handful of people.He looks to the back of the city and sees a large building.
Tenko:I'll end this quickly.
Tenko generates a wave of decay from his feet, the wave quickly spreads through the city, catching the people off guard.The decay spreads to the people and turns them to dust. As the decay continues to spread and connect, it lays waste to the entire city and most of its inhabitants.As the decay spreads,Tenko stops it before it touches the large building.Tenko smiles as he views his work.

Tenko walks through the remains of the city. But as he does,multiple people jump from the rubble and attack him with projectiles.Tenko calmly puts his hand up as the projectiles decay and completely fade away.Tenko leaps up to the group,and one by one grabs them.As Tenko falls back down to the ground,he watches the group decay.Tenko lands on the ground,he continues to walk towards the large building. But suddenly,the glass from the building breaks as a darkened giant lands in front of Tenko.

Tenko:Don't worry,you'll join them soon enough.
Redestro leaps forward with a punch covered in energy.Tenko nonchalantly puts his hand up and decays the blast,surprising Redestro. Redestro throws another punch,but Tenko jumps up and avoids the punch.Tenko lands on the giants arm and tries to decay it,but Redestro pulls his arm from under Tenko quickly.He then puts his hands together, manifesting a giant purple ball of energy.
Redestro:Stress output burden!
He launches the blast and hits Tenko point blank.The blast literally carries Tenko away across the city.Tenko is in enormous pain,but fights through it and puts his hands forward. To Redestro's surprise,the blast immediately dissipates and to reveal a harmed but still standing Tenko.

Tenko:Is that all you have?
Redestro's body starts to brighten up and shrink as he feels not anger,but fear.Redestro feels his power leaving him and tries to act quickly,he reaches inside his pocket and pulls out a device.As he tries to push it,Tenko dashes to him and knocks it out of his hand.Tenko grabs the now de powered Redestro and lifts him up by his neck,chocking him.
Tenko:Oh come on now,what happened to all that confidence?All that bravado and power?
Redestro closes his eyes and concentrates,but as he tries to power up,he feels his body start to crack.Tenko drops Redestro to the ground, as Redestro gets up,he takes a look at himself.His hands are cracking and coming apart,before he can have any other thoughts,he suddenly falls to the ground as his legs shatter apart.Redestro looks up to see Tenko walking past him.
Redestro:Be honest,was I even a challenge?
Tenko:Meh,not really.Your pretty strong,but against me your attacks were useless.
Redestro:I see...
The man chuckles as he completely turns to dust and crumbles.Tenko walks up to the giant building and walks right in the door.Tenko proceeds up to the building to find his broker.

Giran:B-boss?You look...different.
Tenko:A bit of things have happened since we last met,now let's get you out of here.
Tenko decays the rips and helps Giran up.As Giran tries to walk,he starts to tumble and lose his footing.Tenko grabs him and hoists him over his shoulder,surprising the broker with his strength.
Giran:Working out lately?
Tenko:Not really.
Tenko carries Giran out of the building and walks through the remains of the city.
Giran:You did this?All by yourself?Incredible.
Giran chuckles,confusing Tenko.
Tenko:What's so funny?
Giran:When we first met,you were always so agitated and didn't give a shit about anything. And yet here you are,saving your broker and walking out of a city you just destroyed like it's nothing.
Tenko:I've grown a lot since then.
Tenko and Giran smile and as they finally get out of the city.
Minutes later
Tenko arrives at the warehouse,still hoisting Giran over his shoulder.He opens the door to see Kurogiri.
Kurogiri:Your injured.
Tenko:Have you found the island yet?
Kurogiri:Yes,but you need to get medical attention.
Tenko:Hmm...fine.You know here overhaul is?
Kurogiri:Yes,shall I transport him here?
Tenko:Yeah,go ahead.
Kurogiri opens a dark portal,and in a few seconds,overhaul walks through it.
Overhaul:You've seen better days,sit down.
Tenko walks over to a bench and sits down, overhaul sits beside him and alters his body.In a few seconds,tenko's body is back to good condition.
Tenko:You guy that trigger drug on ya?
Tenko:Give me one.
Overhaul hands a syringe to Tenko,he puts it in his pocket.
Tenko:Alright,now take me to the island.
Kurogiri:Right away.
Kurogiri opens a portal as Tenko walks through it.As he walks through it,he looks around at his new surroundings.

Tenko looks around more and sees some people.He walks up to them to ask them some questions.
Tenko:You all know any smart scientist here?
Although confused at the sight of a shirtless man walking out of a portal,they saw no reason not to tell him.They told him the location of the labs.Tenko walks up to the building containing the labs and walks in.Due to the "freedom" style of the island,no one really questions the man.Tenko peeks into the labs,but they're all empty.The last one however,is occupied by one man.

???:Hello there sir,what brings you here?
Tenko:You David shield?
David:Yes,what do you need?
Tenko:Let me make myself clear.
Tenko grabs a table and decays it,David is disturbed at the sight and becomes serious quickly.
David:What do you want?
Tenko:Quick and smart,I like that.I want your quick enhancement device.
David:H-how'd you know about that?
Tenko;I'm not done.
Tenko pulls out the syringe.
Tenko:I want you to incorporate this quirk enhancing drug into it.Do it,or I'll wipe this island of the face of the earth.
David:Well,even if I could incorporate a substance into my device,that would be extremely risky.If someone's genes and body were to be enhanced by two different processes,there's no telling the stress or damage it could cause to the mind or body itself.You could die just from the stress of power being ranted or worse,have your body mutate into something unnatural.
Tenko:Like what?
David:Like...a monster,some abomination of power.
Tenko smiles.
David:J-just who are you?
Tenko stares straight into David's soul.
Tenko:I am Tenko Shimura,the man who will destroy this world and remake it from scratch. Now get to work.
Tenko hands the syringe to David.
David:Follow me.
Tenko follows David to his room,David pulls a vault from the underside of his bed.He puts in a code and opens the door,pulling out a small headgear.

David:To enhance your quirk,you would have to put this on your head.It'll take a long time to enhance this.
Tenko:Good,this place seems nice.I'm gonna go check the place out.
David is confused by the man's nonchalant behavior.
David:Aren't you worried I'll tell someone?
Tenko:If you tell someone,what are they going to do?What are the heroes going to do?
David was silent.
Tenko:That's what I thought,I'll be back in a bit.
Tenko leaves as David buries his face in his hand.
David:What am I doing?
As Tenko leaves the room,he immediately sees a girl coming towards them.

Melissa:Hey,I'm looking for my dad's,David shield.Have you seen him?
Tenko:He's in his room,but he's busy with something.
Melissa:Oh,well that's a shame.Dad never mentioned you,do you know him?
Tenko:I just got here actually.
Melissa:Oh,I can show you around if you'd like.
Melissa excitedly grabs tenko's hand and drags him out of the building.Melissa shows Tenko throughout the labs and shows him all sorts of equipment.Masks that can see weak spots, diving suits that can go to beyond record depths,finally meilissa brings Tenko to a new room.
Melissa:This is something I've been working on.
She pulls out a bracelet and grabs tenko's arm. She puts the bracelet on as it morphs into a gauntlet.

Tenko:A glove?
Melissa:Oh it's much more than that.That thing can take hits from all might a good 3 times!But after the 3rd hit,it'll break.
Tenko:Sounds useful.
Melissa:Right?If only I could find someone who'd need it.
Tenko:I'll wear it.
Melissa:You sure?I don't want it to slow you down.What even IS your quirk?
Tenko silently grabs a napkin playing on Melissa's desk and decays it.
Melissa:Woah!So are you trying to be a hero?
Tenko:I was at some point,but let's just say...it isn't going so well.
Melissa:I'm so sorry to hear that,if you want it you can have it?
Tenko:You mind if I paint it?
Melissa:Of course not,what color are you thinking of?
Melissa goes to her closet and grabs some coloring equipment.Tenko grabs all the black coloring and lathers the gauntlet in it,getting some paint on him in the process.
Melissa:Someone must have not been great in art class.
Tenko:I'm not even sure I HAD art class back then.
Melissa:Really?You missed out.
Tenko:Sounds like it.Thanks for this.
Melissa:Just remember me when you're a big shot hero.
Tenko wipes the paint off of him and walks out of the room and walks all the way back to David's room.
Tenko:You done yet?
David:It was tough,but yes.Theoretically,if you put this on,it will increase both your quirk and physical body.
Tenko:Let's try it.
Tenko grabs the headset and puts it on.He suddenly feels a surge of pain in his body.As he falls to his knees,his flesh starts to grotesquely morph and fluctuate.His back begins to also morphing,but on a larger scale.

Two large wings burst forth from his back. Numerous cracks appear along tomura's body as his skins finally stops morphing.The cracks glow a vibrant purple as tenko's transformation is complete.

Tenko;This power!So exhilarating!
Tenko takes flight and breaks right through the wall of David's room.Tenko beholds his hands as he sinisterly cackles.
Tenko:No one can stop me with this power!Not even all might!Hmm.
Tenko looks around,his senses have been elevated that he can sense the direction of the warehouse.
Tenko:Let's try it this way.
Tenko takes flight at speeds so high,that he creates a sonic boom.In mere minutes,Tenko has arrived back at Japan.Tenko stays out of view of the public and continues to go towards the warehouse,and arrives there in mere seconds.As Tenko lands,he walks into the warehouse,shocking the group with his new appearance.
Overhaul:What have you done to yourself?
Tenko:I have ascended.With this new power,no one can stop me.Hehehe...HAHAHAHAHA!

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