Partners in Crime

Por ihateali_

229 0 0

Xavia Cyprus is a 25-year-old contracted Hunter/thief who works for the wealthy, Aurelius Van Helsing, an ecc... Más

Weston City
Concordia Library
Elysian Portrait
Green Hell
The Velvet Room
Whispering Serenity
Echoes of Eternity
Lavender Rose
Medieval Tapestry
North Sinnet Island
Free Time
Whimsy Waxworks
Pocket Watch
Swimming Lessons
Vampire AU
Underground Auction
Yorknew City Hospital
Dreamland Gardens

Robin Hood's Renfaire

7 0 0
Por ihateali_

- - - HARLINTON // JULY 2ND - - -

Walking amidst a colorful sea of costumed individuals, Xavia doesn't even bother to suppress a strained sigh. He and Dusk had been tasked with retrieving a Medieval Tapestry currently exhibited at a stall within the crowded Robin Hood's Renaissance fair. The worst part of their mission is undoubtedly their disguises. Xavia finds himself dressed as a performer, clad in silver knightly armor, a sword holstered on his hip.

Meanwhile, Dusk explores the fairgrounds alongside him with wide-eyed excitement, marveling at the myriad costumes, merchants, and attractions. The archer is dressed in leather pants, a violet tunic, and a cloak, with a wooden bow slung across her back. 

She looks over at her partner, who had been much quieter and snappier than usual today, raising her eyebrow curiously, "You okay there, Xav?"

"Fine," He says gruffly, curt with his answer. His hand clenches around the sword at his side subconsciously, an action that doesn't go unnoticed by Dusk.

"Xav," She starts, crossing her arms over her chest as they pass through the crowd, "If something is bothering you... You can tell me."

Xavia's gaze flicks over to her, his eyes guarded, "I said I'm fine," He retorts again, but there's no bite in his voice this time and that subtle softening prompts Dusk to look at him more closely.

Xavia hates how seen he feels around Dusk sometimes. It unnerves him but oddly comforts him at the same time. As a loner most of his life, having someone who cares enough to notice the little things feels strange... But not entirely unwelcome. However annoyingly persistent she can be, part of Xavia is glad she's here with him now. After all they've been through together, there's a close bond between them.

The dark-haired woman studies him for a moment longer before finally sighing, "Alright, Xav," She responds, sensing that pushing the topic will only make things worse. 

She realizes he's not ready to talk about whatever is bothering him yet and decides to change the subject instead, pointing towards one of the vendor stalls selling different kinds of weapons.

"Hey, look! They have some cool swords there!" Dusk exclaims excitedly as they approach closer to it.

Keeping his resentment tightly clenched in his teeth, Xavia only hums at her suggestion. The blades gleam under the sunlight, and he finds himself fleetingly wishing for a pair of scythes instead.

"Enjoying yourself?" He shoots back tersely, "I'm here to do our job, not dawdle around," His gaze flickers away from her when she twirls one of the swords carelessly with a bright grin on her face.

Despite his moodiness today, he can't help but admire how unbothered Dusk is by it all, like a sunflower stubbornly turned towards the light despite being surrounded by shadows. Damn irksome sunflower.

She chuckles as she continues to mess with the sword, her playful demeanor not dampened by his gruff tone, "I'm just making sure our cover is believable, Xav."

She twirls again and ends it with a dramatic bow towards him that has some of the onlookers clapping in amusement. Dusk then straightens up and hands back the weapon to its vendor before looking over at Xavia once more.

"Besides... I think you could use a little fun yourself," She retorts lightheartedly.

"Just because it looks like fun to you doesn't mean I'm going to enjoy it."

"Ah, always the downer," Dusk teases with a roll of her eyes. But there's a small smile on her face as she observes Xavia, knowing that beneath all that prickly exterior lies someone who just needs to let loose for once.

"Whatever," He grumbles out, folding his arms over his chest defiantly.

"Well then..." She steps closer to him and pats his arm lightly before continuing in an overly dramatic tone, "Sir Knight, I challenge you to prove yourself worthy by winning me one of those lovely prizes at yonder game stall!"

Xavia snorts, a thin smirk forming on his face, "Playing games now? Don't we have enough of that in our lives already?" 

He quirks an eyebrow up but makes no move to refuse the challenge. It's not like they have anything else important to do right now.

"There is one condition though," He says as he begins walking towards the game Dusk pointed out, "Once I win your 'lovely prize', you're going to go easy on me for the next three days."

Dusk chuckles at his words as she follows suit, "Deal. And don't you dare cheat!" She adds playfully while pointing a finger toward him. Her gaze then shifts to the game stall and the various trinkets and plushies arranged neatly for display, each one waiting patiently to be claimed by their future owners.

"Cheat? Me?" The white-haired man feigns innocence, his face contorting into a full-blown grin, "I thought you knew me better than that. Besides, it's not cheating if I just happen to be good at this."

He's already looking over the game himself now, noticing every small detail and calculating for the best strategy. A rush of adrenaline washes over him and despite everything, he enjoys these little moments with his partner.

Dusk crosses her arms and watches him with a smirk, her eyes gleaming with amusement, "Oh trust me," She replies with a teasing lilt to her voice, "Your 'good' usually involves some extra... tricks."

He chuckles, his dark eyes flicking to meet hers, "Dusk," He begins, leaning in close and lowering his voice, "In our line of work, isn't being 'good' all about using every trick we have up our sleeves?"

She laughs softly in response to his words, shaking her head as she leans back against one of the wooden posts holding up the game stall's awning, "Alright," She admits, raising her hands in defeat, "I'll give you that one."

"You're getting soft on me, Dusk," He remarks with dry sarcasm as he straightens up and glances back towards the game booth. 

Xavia greets the worker behind the counter with a curt nod before turning his attention to a game called 'Load the Pirates Cannons'. It bears a striking resemblance to Skee-Ball, albeit with a swashbuckling theme. Seemingly straightforward, he picks up a ball, ready to give it a try.

"Watch and learn," He states confidently, a smirk tugging at his lips as he prepares to throw the ball into one of the targets. The minimum wage worker looks at him with boredom clear on his face, clearly disinterested in yet another arrogant participant.

"And you're getting cocky," She retorts while watching him.

As he releases the ball and it rolls straight into one of the holes, Dusk can't help but applaud his effort sarcastically, "Very impressive, Xav."

Xavia rolls his eyes at Dusk's remark but doesn't suppress his triumphant grin, "See, told you so," He responds with an air of overconfidence before going for another shot.

With each successful throw, Xavia gradually accumulates enough points to secure a prize. True to his word, he allows Dusk the honor of selecting their reward.

"Alright, your pick. Choose wisely," He mutters, though his grumble lacks conviction, betraying a hint of amusement.

She grins, stepping forward to inspect the prizes. Her eyes are drawn instantly to a plushy of Robin Hood with his little green hat and bow. She picks it up, giving Xavia an impish look, "Look at him! He's adorable!" 

He only rolls his eyes at her choice but doesn't argue.

Dusk tucks their reward under her arm happily before moving closer to her partner with a suggestive look on her face, "How about you show me how good you are at archery?"

Xavia chuckles darkly at her proposal, "Archery, huh?" He looks over to where bows are lined up for eager festival-goers, "I'm not promising anything impressive."

The dark-haired woman nudges him playfully, making her way to the archery booth, "Oh, come on, Xav," She says teasingly, "It's time you show me how well a knight can handle a bow and arrow!"

Dusk picks out a set of equipment, tossing it towards Xavia with cheerful enthusiasm before moving over to take her position at the shooting line next to him.

Sighing audibly, Xavia catches the items hurdling towards him with a grimace, "I'm not a knight for god's sake," He grumbles under his breath.

Squaring off next to his partner at the shooting line, he starts preparing himself albeit reluctantly. He gives her an annoyed glance before lifting up his bow and nocking an arrow into place.

"Not a knight, huh?" She chuckles softly as she aligns herself with her target. The bow in her hand feels comfortably familiar, the tension of the string against her fingers like an old friend. She draws back the arrow slowly, eyes focused on the bullseye ahead and lets it loose, hitting dead center without missing a beat. She turns to look at Xavia with an encouraging smile, "Your turn! Show me what you got!"

"Why am I not surprised?" He mumbles before turning to face his own target. Drawing back on the string hesitantly, he releases it, sending off an errant arrow that falls significantly short from reaching its destination.

He lets out an irritated huff as he lowers his bow, shooting Dusk a glower when she doesn't even try to stifle her obvious amusement.

Her laughter dies down under the weight of his death glare, but a chuckle still rumbles in her throat. She watches him struggle with the bow before stepping closer to help guide his hands.

"Alright, listen," Dusk begins patiently, "Your grip is too tight on the string and you're holding your breath when you shoot."

Her fingers delicately adjust his hold while her other hand moves to lightly touch his chest, just above where he would typically draw in air before releasing it again, "It should be one fluid motion, inhale, pull back, exhale, then release."

Xavia's brows furrow in response, his dark eyes shifting to her face. He grunts noncommittally under his breath as he absorbs the information and tries not to tense up at the contact, "I'm used to scythes," He huffs out defensively, trying not to lean into her warm presence.

"I know, I know. Archery isn't for everyone," Dusk laughs, stepping back after a moment and giving him space to focus on his next attempt, "Although..." She muses aloud thoughtfully with her head tilted in consideration. 

There's something undeniably endearing about seeing the stoic Xavia struggle with an unfamiliar weapon.

He grumbles under his breath as he shoots another arrow, not even close to the target again, "Shut it," He mutters as he runs a hand through his white hair in frustration.

"Oh, Xav!" She exclaims between fits of laughter, "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

She makes an 'X' sign across her chest with one hand and winks at him teasingly while holding back more giggles.

He rolls his eyes at her cheerful antics, "Glad I could provide you entertainment, princess," He replies, his tone as dry as a desert. He picks up another arrow and attempts to aim it better this time around.

"Well, someone has to lighten the mood," She goes quiet as he watches him prepare for his next shot. Instead of teasing him this time, she walks over and slightly adjusts his stance. Not too close that it might disconcert him but enough that he can feel her nearness and warmth, "Don't pull back too hard."

Xavia has to suppress a shudder at Dusk's proximity. He tries not to react and avoids looking at her but the aura radiating off of her is unusually comforting, "Alright," He responds gruffly, taking her advice silently before letting loose another arrow.

The arrow whooshes through the air, landing much closer to the target than before.

"See?" Dusk claps her hands together in quiet celebration, nudging his shoulder with hers, "You're getting better already!"

"Better?" His voice comes out slightly choked as he looks at where the arrow landed. He clears his throat and glances over at his partner, "I suppose," He says reluctantly, not willing to admit that her help had made a difference.

Dusk is about to respond when they hear hushed murmurs surrounding them. Turning around, Xavia catches a glimpse of Fang Akira, a renowned swordsman and son of famous swordsman Raijin Akira. Xavia surmises that he must be here to give some kind of speech or a demonstration of his swordsmanship.

His lips tighten into a thin line, his brows furrowing in irritation, "Let's get out of here," He grumbles under his breath to Dusk, "We need to find the stall that's displaying the Tapestry anyway."

She follows her partner's gaze to the crowd, her eyes scanning over the newcomer. However, catching hold of his chagrin she quickly nods in agreement, "Sure thing," Dusk answers with a shrug. 

Deep down though she can't help but wonder about who this Fang Akira might be and why he bothers Xav so much. 

Xavia's eyes fall on Dusk as they begin to move, clearly eager to put distance between them and the sword-wielding noble. He advances fluidly through the crowd, his annoyance slowly ebbing away into focus, "Keep your guard up."

"Right," The dark-haired woman replies, taking his words to heart. She can feel the tension rising as they venture deeper into the faire. Her hand instinctively reaches for her bow, a reassuring weight against her back.

After some searching, they locate the stall where their target is displayed. However, there's far too many people surrounding it, making it impossible to approach discreetly.

"Just great," He complains at the sight of the crowd, "We'll wait it out. Maybe strike during a performance."

Despite his cynical exterior and terse words, or perhaps because of them, Xavia finds himself noticing how well Dusk fits into this environment. Her enthusiasm is infectious. And even though she's fully aware of their dangerous mission, there's still an unmistakable gleam in her eyes that speaks volumes about what kind of person she really is, naive yet brave, bright but skilled. And it irritates him just as much now as it did when they first met.

Xavia can't help thinking again about their stark differences, like night and day, which only seems to be emphasized by their setting, where everyone else around them seems so carefree despite everything going on behind the scenes.

Dusk nods in agreement, her eyes darting to the crowd and back at Xavia, "That's... Actually a good plan," She says with an approving smile as she tugs on her bowstring absentmindedly.

She watches him for a moment longer than necessary before breaking into another one of those infectious grins he seems to despise so much.

"Wanna play knight in shining armor during my archery performance?" She teases lightly.

The white-haired man shoots her a look, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms over his chest as he scoffs at her, "Your wit is as dull as your arrows."

He can see the excitement in Dusk's eyes. It's contagious, even for someone like him. He takes another glance at the horde of fair-goers before speaking again, this time more seriously, "Make sure you don't get too carried away during your performance later."

The archer huffs out a laugh, linking her arm with his, "Only you could make 'don't get carried away' sound like an insult," She shoots back playfully. She squeezes his forearm lightly and looks him in the eyes for emphasis before confidently adding, "Don't worry about me... I've got this."

"Hey, you!" A performer also dressed in knightly attire calls out to Xavia as he approaches, "You're the new guy, right? My partner called out and the boss said that you'll have to fill in during the swordplay performance."

Xavia feels a pang of irritation, his brows furrowing as he glances over at the fellow 'knight'.

"Fantastic," He murmurs sarcastically under his breath before forcing a casual smile onto his face, "Of course. I'd be happy to fill in."

"Great. Come with me," The man grabs Xavia by the arm, "We're heading to the main stage."

Before Xavia can be dragged off, he turns back towards Dusk and lowers his voice so only she can hear him grumble, "I swear this job is testing my patience... If you can, get that tapestry while I'm busy with this... Play."

"Oh, Xav, I always knew you had a flair for the dramatic," She chuckles slightly at his discomfort before winking playfully and nodding in understanding, "Don't worry about the tapestry. I'll handle it."

"Yeah, you do that," Xavia mutters in return, "I'll just be here... Playing knight."

"Come on. The crowd's getting antsy," The performer urges, pulling Xavia away towards the main stage where the performance is set to take place. Positioned in front of Xavia, the man tightly grips his sword, "It's just for show so just make it look convincing. Don't gotta do anything too fancy."

Heaving a sigh, the white-haired man takes hold of his own sword, drawing it from its holster, "Right... For show..."

With a sharp cry of, "En Garde!" The performer lunges forward, swiftly closing the distance between himself and Xavia. His blade flashes in the sunlight as he executes a classic thrust, aiming for Xavia's midsection with precision. This may just be for show but his skills are impressive.

"Damn," Xavia curses under his breath, struggling to keep up with the other man's swift movements. He attempts a block but it's clear he's out of rhythm.

The other man laughs before making another strike at him, "No need for fancy footwork. It's only a performance."

"I'm aware," Xavia grinds out, forcing himself to block another attack. His grip on the sword is slipping and he knows everyone can see his uneasiness.

Dusk had slipped away in an attempt to retrieve the tapestry, but finding the crowd still dense around the stall, she quickly realized the plan wasn't feasible. She made her way back to the main stage, where she could watch Xavia's swordplay performance instead.

She watches as Xavia flounders in the spotlight, struggling with a weapon that clearly isn't his forte. Despite her urge to laugh at his discomfort, she can't help but feel a pang of worry. Though there's something undeniably endearing about witnessing him out of his element, her concern for his wellbeing overshadows any amusement she feels.

"Stay focused, Xav," Dusk murmurs under her breath from the sidelines. She looks on with concern as he continues to falter in his swordplay. The performer's swift movements clearly outmatch him.

"Sword not your strong suit?" The performer taunts, noticing Xavia's hesitation and lack of skill, "Don't take it so seriously."

"Fuck off," Xavia spits out, quickening his pace and putting more force behind every swing. He hates the familiarity of this dance. He's supposed to be good at forgetting.

He moves swiftly but they're shaky movements that are purely driven by muscle memory, not skill or technique.

Once more, the performer strikes out at Xavia, his actions quick and accurate as he aims a controlled blow towards Xavia's defense.

"Shit," The white-haired man curses under his breath, barely stepping away in time. He rolls to the side and quickly rises again on wobbly legs. The metal of the sword feels cold against his fingers, a chilling reminder of painful nights spent training.

He takes a deep breath, focusing only on the man before him but there's an extra weight at every swing that comes purely from emotional torment rather than physical strain.

"Your footwork is shaky," The performer chides him as he lunges forward again, "Focus."

"Shit, I know!" Xavia grimaces at the man's admonishment as he stumbles slightly. He barely sidesteps another strike and swings back halfheartedly in retaliation.

It's a pathetic attempt that doesn't land anywhere near his opponent, all it does is leave him open to a counterattack. His heart races uncomfortably fast as memories from years ago start creeping into his head, unfulfilled promises and feelings of inadequacy.

He swallows hard again, trying to drown them down but they feel like smoke filling up his lungs, suffocating and paralyzing with every second passing by.

In the audience, Dusk bites her lower lip, wishing she could do something to help him. But their roles are set and any deviation would risk exposing them, "Come on, Xav. Pull it together," She whispers under her breath as she watches him struggle.

The man springs forward, his blade arcing gracefully towards Xavia, who barely manages to deflect the attack in a clumsy parry. The performer smoothly transitions into a series of rapid strikes, each one executed with effortless precision, forcing Xavia onto the defensive.

When his opponent raises his sword again, Xavia's eyes widen, a plethora of emotions ripping through him like a tidal wave. A sudden surge of anger bursts within him, and with a growl, he tears his gaze from the performer's blade to meet their eyes, "That's enough!"

Ripping off his helmet in one fluid motion, he lets it clatter to the ground noisily as an act of defiance. Everyone around him gasps at this outburst but all Xavia can see is red now, that sickening tint that man always seems to bring into everything.

"No more fucking lessons," His voice resonates across the stage, causing everyone watching, including Dusk, to freeze momentarily.

"Oh shit," Dusk mutters under her breath, her concern growing as she navigates through the congested crowd. 

She realizes that if someone doesn't step in soon, things could quickly spiral out of control. She knows her partner has a temper but she's never seen it burst out like this before.

"Huh?!" The performer questions in shock as he watches Xavia sheath his sword, "The show isn't over yet!"

"I'm finished," Xavia declares, stalking past the man and shoving his way through the audience. He doesn't care about their shocked faces or hushed whispers. All he cares about is escaping this damn performance.

He swats away a hand reaching out to stop him in passing, not sparing them a second glance as he strides away, looking for somewhere quiet to recompose himself.

'I need to get my shit together before Dusk catches up,' He tells himself inwardly, his thoughts racing as he moves with purpose, 'Can't let her see me break apart over some stupid past trauma.'

Dusk hesitates for a moment before hurrying after him, snaking her way through groups of fairgoers, "Xav! Wait!" She calls out to him but he doesn't stop or even slow down. Sighing quietly under her breath, she picks up her pace until she's jogging towards Xavia who has disappeared amidst the bustling crowd.

"Dammit," Xavia mutters at the sound of her voice. He knows he should stop; they are partners after all, but right now, the last thing he wants is company. 

Ignoring her shouting and quickening his pace instead, he winds through the throng of people with an ease borne from years of navigating crowded streets unnoticed. Yet despite his best efforts to slip away undetected, a soft voice stops him in his tracks.

Against his better judgement, he decides he can't just ditch Dusk even though he finds himself resenting her overly caring nature at the moment.

"Xav, stop!" She shouts out again, finally catching up to him and grabbing his arm to pull him to a stop, "I get it. You're upset. But you don't have to shut me out like this."

Dusk knows she can't let Xavia deal with whatever is bothering him on his own. He might not realize it himself, but he needs someone right now.

Xava's body stiffens at the sensation of Dusk's hand on his arm. He doesn't turn to face her immediately and when he does, a grimace of discontent is etched onto his sharp features, "I'm not upset," His words come out harsher than intended but right now he doesn't give a damn about being polite or understanding.

The archer takes a step back, releasing his arm and looking at him with wide eyes. She hadn't expected such a harsh response but she isn't going to let it deter her.

"Fine," She speaks up after a moment, crossing her arms defensively, "You're not upset. But you are clearly bothered by something and I want to help."

"Stop trying to play the saint, Dusk," His tone is icy as he glares at her, his heart drumming an angry beat in his chest, a silent protest against this unwanted conversation, "You're my partner, not a damn therapist. I didn't sign up for one," He spits out coldly before turning on his heel and walking away from her again.

Dusk watches him leave, her chest tightening at his words. He's right, she isn't a therapist and maybe it isn't her place to interfere with whatever he's going through. 

"Xav..." She calls out faintly before biting down on her lower lip. 

Perhaps for once, she should listen to what Xavia wants instead of insisting on helping when he clearly doesn't want any assistance.

Xavia's stride hesitates at her call but he doesn't stop or turn around to acknowledge it. He can feel the weight of her gaze on his retreating back, heavy and filled with so much concern that it makes him want to scream.

"Cut out the pity act!" The harsh words hang in the air like a jagged shard of ice before he disappears from Dusk's sight, swallowed up by the hectic crowd.

"Pity act...?" She whispers to herself in confusion. She hadn't intended for it to seem that way but maybe she had pushed too hard. With a defeated sigh, she turns on her heel to leave in the opposite direction.

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