B1 (Blue Beetle X OC) : The U...

By mynamesreginageorge

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When Chloe falls out of the sky, she doesn't imagine what would happen next. She doesn't plan on meeting him... More

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Chapter 1: I pull a Mary Poppins
Chapter 2: I live in a rock
Chapter 3: I make friends (sort of)
Chapter 4: Assessments
Chapter 6: Nobody cuts antarctica any slack
Chapter 7: This is a devastating mission
Chapter 8: I pass out again, but in a cool way
Chapter 9: I get hit by a meteor
Chapter 10: I accidentally end a two year relationship, but we also go shopping!
Chapter 11: I pull a Humpty Dumpty
Chapter 12: My boyfriend gives me bling
Chapter 13: My favorite color is officially blue
Chapter 14: My first birthday party
Chapter 15: My first birthday party is quite literally lit
Chapter 16: I take the job as a professional liar
Chapter 17: Graduating can suck Nightwing, if you get my point
Chapter 18: I become hotter, and not in the good way
Chapter 19: Golden, like the Harry Styles song
Chapter 20: Aliens and Nicknames
Chapter 21: Chloe Crimson's Day Off
Chapter 22: Kaldur goes into the acting business
Chapter 23: A suicidal tree posses my boyfriend
Chapter 24: Sick? Nah.
Chapter 25: We get an Impulse
Chapter 26: Artemis joins the acting business
Chapter 27: Kidnapping, emphasis on the kid
Chapter 28: Chipped
Chapter 29: Boom goes the building, and possibly my boyfriend's back
Chapter 30: We love cornfields
Chapter 31: Everything goes wrong
Chapter 32: Just when I though my world conquering planet was bad
Chapter 33: We do an exorcism
Chapter 34: I feel the mode
Chapter 35: Happily ever after... is a little bitc-
Chapter 36: I hate family reunions
Chapter 37: Assessments, again!
Chapter 38: We're all in this together, like High School Musical style
Chapter 39: So I lied...
Chapter 40: Avada Kedavra B*tches
Chapter 41: Adios
Chapter 42: Time to spill the tea

Chapter 5: Grocery Store 10 year olds

102 1 0
By mynamesreginageorge


Chloe's POV


    After changing, I walked back into the kitchen to find the cereal Mal was having earlier. I also noticed that the bowl from earlier was still in the gold shield I had put around it. I tried my best to make it go away, but nothing I did helped. Then I looked in the large black cold box and found the white liquid, which was labeled 'milk'. I learned later that pouring the milk into the bowl before the small colorful loops was not a good idea, as the milk went flying everywhere. After a little cleaning up, I set the bowl of cereal down and found the same scooper tool Mal was using.

    I scooped just enough up, and shoved it into my mouth. My eyes widened at the taste. It was so sweet and savory and the taste lingered in my mouth even after I swallowed it. "This is the best food I've ever had!" I exclaimed, even though no one was here. I finished the whole bowl in a matter of seconds, and 20 minutes later when everyone walked back into the kitchen area, I had finished 2 boxes of 'Fruit Loops', 2 boxes of 'Lucky Charms', gone through 2 cartons of milk and was on my second box of 'Honey Nut Cheerios'.

I looked up as everyone walked into the cave, their mouth's dropping in shock. "Why didn't you tell me that this food existed earlier? This is the best thing I've ever tasted!" I exclaimed as I finished my bowl of Cheerios. "How... How much of that have you eaten?" Artemis asked me as she shook some of the empty boxes. "I don't know, but they are so good!" I said as I poured myself another bowl of Cheerios.

"Oh and by the way, never pour the milk first. Terrible things happen." I said as I took the scooper tool and began to eat again. "Wally, she's eating more than you! Chloe, how are you doing this?" Artemis asked me as Wally glared. "I don't know, but they are so good!" I said as I finished another bowl, and poured myself another.

And then another. Another. Another, and then Wally cut me off as he grabbed the milk out of my hands just as I was about to pour it. "Okay, that's enough. It's my job to be a super eater. Besides, you just ate all of our cereal!" Wally exclaimed. I looked at all the boxes. "Ah, sorry. My bad." I said, and Wally shook his head in agreement. Then he turned to Dick, with a smile on his face.

"Dick, we gotta go to the store now. Cereal is my go to! Besides, Chloe's gotta see our amazing world!" Wally said as he put his arm around my shoulder. Dick sighed and pinched his nose. "Please Dick, she just won against Black Canary. She deserves a celebration!" Wally said. Kaldur put a hand on Dick's shoulder, and Dick looked at him and they both nodded.

"Fine, you all can go out for a few hours, but if there's a problem you all need to be back here immediately." Dick said. Wally pumped his fist in the air. "You hear that team? We're going to the mall!" He exclaimed. "Wally, I said store!" Dick exclaimed. "Which mall happens to be nearby, so we'll pick up a few groceries, and then go to the mall! Anyway, bye Dick!" Wally said as he began to shove everyone towards the zeta tubes. "Wally wait-" Dick began, but Kaldur interrupted. " I will go with them. You can stay here if there's any problems." Kaldur said, and Dick nodded.

"Isn't there a roller skating rink in the mall?" Cassie asked Barbara, and she nodded. "What is this 'roller skating rink'?" I asked them. Cassie smiled, and so did Barbara. "It's like  this circular thing you get to move around in, well it's easier to explain when you get there. I'm Cassie by the way, I don't think we got formally introduced." She said as she stuck out her hand, which I shook. "And I'm Barbara, but you already know that." Barbara said as she also stuck her hand out, which I shook again.

We all zetaed out of the cave, and ended up in an alley, which all 11 of us tried not to look suspicious coming out of. I talked with Cassie and Barbara as we walked towards our destination, the 'grocery store' as Barbara called it. This 'grocery store' was a very large building, and I was told it had a ton of food in it. "Okay team, here's what we're going to do." Wally said as he rubbed his hands together.

"Dick actually gave me a list of stuff to buy, so if we're late to the mall you can blame him." Wally said. "So here's the groups. Mal and Karen you guys get cleaning supplies. Barbara and Cassie, you guys are veggies. Conner and M'gann, you guys are fruits. Kaldur and Robin number 3, you guys are dinner food. Jaime, Garfield, and Chloe, you guys are snacks. Lastly, me and Arty are on desserts." Wally said as he pointed to everyone.

Then he turned back to Robin number 3. "Dude, it would honestly just be easier if you just told us your name." He said, but the kid shook his head and Wally sighed. Everyone else had also changed into normal clothes, but he had a large pair of dark sunglasses and dark clothing. He looked like a murderer, in my opinion.

When we got into the store, everyone split up into their groups, so I went with Jaime and Garfield to a section labeled 'snacks & candy'. "Behold, the best section of the store." Garfield said as he threw his arms up to present the isle that smelled like sugary sweetness. "Your world gets more and more amazing by the second." I exclaimed excitedly, getting a few strange looks. "Okay he's what we're gonna do amigos," Jaime says with a smile appearing on his face, "We each get two snacks, and a bag of candy. Anything you want. Besides, Wally's paying for it.". Garfield and I smiled and nodded. "Ready? Go!" Jaime exclaimed, and we all ran into the aisle.

I ran over to a section filled with small fish shaped crackers, and picked out some called 'Extra-Cheddar Goldfish'. Then I ran over to a section, and grabbed a box of 'Rice Krispies'. I finally reached the candy section, where I saw a large bag labeled 'Trollies'. I knew I had to try them. I reached out to grab them, and as I did, a tiny arm reached out and snatched them out of my hands.

I turned to see a small girl, maybe up to my waist, holding my bag of Trollies. I put a smile on. "Excuse me, those were mine. Can I have them back?" I asked politely as I knelt down to be at her height. The girl frowned. "Suck it lady. These are mine, I want them." She said, angrily. My eyes widened in shock. Rude. "Excuse me?" I said, and she smiled. "You heard me lady. Mine. You and your weird accent can get out of here." She said as she waved her hand.

Oh it was on. I snatched the bag out of her hand and stood up to walk away, but she kicked me in the shin. I dropped the bag, which she picked back up. "Ow! Give it back!" I said as I rubbed my shin. She shook his head. I was officially done. I grabbed the bag out of her hand and began to walk away, to which she jumped on my back and pulled at my hair. "What the heck?!" I exclaimed as I spun around and tried to get her off my back. "Give them back!" The girl screeched. "They're mine!" I screamed back.

The girl only pulled on my hair tighter, making my braid come loose. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" I heard Jaime exclaim, and I saw him run over. He pulled the little girl off my back and set her down. "What just happened?" Garfield said as he ran over. I threw my hair out of my face and glared at the little girl. "I was getting my bag of candy, and this girl grabbed it out of my hand!" I exclaimed. "Too bad lady! I want these!" The girl said as she held the bag of candy tight to her chest. I felt anger rising in me. "Well, I want them!" I yelled back.

I could see Jaime and Garfield looking at me, fear filling their eyes. "Chloe, calm down." Jaime said quietly. The little girl raised an eyebrow. "You need to get your eyes checked out, lady. They're yellow." She said as she pointed at them. I felt more anger rising, and I was about to give an amazing comeback, but Jaime cut me off.


Jaime's POV


    I quickly picked out some Doritos and Ritz Crackers, because who doesn't like either? I looked up to see Chloe talking to a little girl. "That's sweet." I thought to myself as I knelt down to grab some Sour Patch Kids. I felt someone tap me on the shoulder, and I turned to see Garfield. "Dude, your girlfriend is crazy." He said as he pointed over to where Chloe was standing. I sighed.

"For the last time Gar, she's not my-OH MY GOD!" I said as I turned to see Chloe spinning around as the little girl she was talking to held onto her back and was pulling on her hair. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" I yelled as I ran over and pulled the girl off Chloe and put her on the ground. Chole stopped spinning and stood to face the girl. Her curly blonde hair was perfectly framing her face, and I tried my best not to stare.

"What happened?" Gar exclaimed as he ran over. "I was getting my bag of candy, and this girl grabbed it out of my hand!" Chloe exclaimed as she clenched her fists. "Too bad lady! I want these!" The girl said as she held the bag of candy tight to her chest. "Well, I want them!" Chloe yelled back, clenching her fists so tight her knuckles were turning white. Then, her eyes started to glow yellow, and I realized she was going to use her powers.

"Chloe, calm down." I said quietly, but she still did nothing, only clenching her fists tighter. "You need to get your eyes checked out, lady. They're yellow." The little girl said as she pointed at them. Chloe was about to say something, but I cut her off. "Okay, here's what we're going to do. What's your name?" I asked as I knelt in front of the little girl. The little girl still glared at Chloe. "Rebecca." She said, still glaring. I saw Chloe's face go white, her eyes widening in shock and going back to their normal color. She took a step back.

I looked at her for a second, making sure she was ok before turning back to Rebecca. "Here, you can have my Sour Patch, ok?" I said to the girl as I held out the bag. A grin appeared on her face. "Mine!" She said as she ran off, before I could get the Trollies back. I stood up and sighed. I turned to Chloe, who had a feared expression on her face, unblinking.

Gar waves a hand in front of her face, to which she immediately blinks. "Dude, what was that? How bad did you want the Trollies?" He asked with a smile as he nudged her. She didn't say anything, she only stared at the floor. "Chloe? You good?" I asked as I put a hand on her shoulder. She looked up at me, tears brimming her eyes. "Rebecca. Her name was Rebecca, right?' She says quietly, and I nod. She looks down at the ground again and puts her fingers on her temples.

"I know that name, why do I know that name?" She said as she clenched her fists again. "Uh, have you heard it anywhere before?" Gar asks, and she looks up. "I don't know. That name... it makes me feel... angry, but also really happy." She says as she crosses her arms and rocks back and forth on her feet. I stare at her as she continues to think, I could tell something was wrong. "Hey, how about we just go to the checkout aisle-" I begin, but she interrupts. Chloe looks up at me with wide eyes. "Rebecca. Rebecca Crimson. Oh my god she's my-" Chloe starts, but then her eyes roll to the back of her head, and she passes out, right into my arms.


Nobody went to the mall today, because we all decided it wouldn't be as fun if Chloe was back at the cave, passed out. I carried Chloe all the way back to the zeta tubes and took her to the infirmary as soon as we got back, which was 4 hours ago, and she's been asleep ever since. The rest of the team was back at the cave too, after Gar called M'gann and told her what happened.

Me and Gar agreed to keep the thing about Rebecca to ourselves, but we just told everyone else she wasn't feeling well. Everyone was in the lounge and kitchen, when the zeta tubes activated. "Black Canary 13, Green Lantern B-07." The zeta tube announced as both Leaugers walked in. "To what do we owe this visit?" Aqualad asked as he stood up from his position. Black Canary smiled. "I noticed during the fight with Chloe that her powers are similar to Green Lanterns, minus the ring. I was hoping he could examine them." Black Canary said. Everyone exchanged glances with each other.

"About that. Chloe is-" Nightwing began, but was interrupted. "Right here. What's the problem?" Chloe said as she walked in the room. I breathed in a sigh of relief as I saw that she was ok, and Gar nudged me smiling. I rolled my eyes. I turned back to the Leaguers and noticed Green Lantern's expression.

As soon as Chloe walked in the room, Green Lantern looked at her, his eyes widened and chains shot out from his ring and wrapped around Chloe. "Ow! What the heck?" She yelled as I looked at him. The rest of the team had equal reactions to hers. He glared at her and stepped forward. "I should've known, there is only one Chloe that I know." Green Lantern said. "John, what are you talking about?" Black Canary whispered to him, a little too loud.

He looked at her, and then the rest of us. "None of you know who she is?" He said, and we all shook our heads. He turned to her, and she was glaring at him. "Dude, with all due respect, what the heck!" She exclaimed as she tried to break free. Green Lantern frowned. "What are you doing on Earth, Chloe Crimson?" He asked her. There was the last name, the one she had used for Rebecca. She raised an eyebrow, her face unamused. "Well, I mean, I'm breathing." She replied.

GL didn't take that response lightly. He marched forward and grabbed her by the collar. "How many of you are there here? Where are your warships?" He asked her. "Look dude, I have no idea what you're talking about!" She exclaimed. He turned to Miss Martian. "Search her memories!" He exclaimed. "But I-" Miss Martian started, but GL interrupted. "Do it, now" He exclaimed. Miss Martian looked hesitant. "M'gann, please." Chloe said as she looked at the Martian.

Ms. M nodded and stepped forward with an extended hand as her eyes began to glow green, and Chloe shut her eyes. After a minute, M'gann took a step back. "Her memories start when she fell out of the sky, which was 3 days ago." M'gann tells the GL. He narrows his eyes at Chloe, who still sits on the ground in the green chains. "You do not remember anything? Who you are? What you are?" The GL asks her. She shakes her head  'no'. He sighs and lets her out of the chains

She stands up to face him. "What did I do?" She asks him. He still glares. "Please, tell me who I am." She says. He sighs. "You are Chloe Victoria Crimson. Princess of the planet Helma, youngest daughter of Lord Drager, 1st Legion of Helman Warriors. You are a world conqueror, and a world destroyer." He says. Her eyes widen in fear. Green Lantern finally realizes she doesn't know any of this. "Chloe, I am sorry, but you are a murderer." He says.

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