When He Loved Me

נכתב על ידי hdbergen

1.6K 93 92

ʙᴏᴏᴋ ᴏɴᴇ (+18) It has always been expected of Tess Montgomery to be the perfect, obedient daughter and heires... עוד

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 🌶️
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 🌶️
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25🌶️
Chapter 26🌶️
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29🌶️

Chapter 20

39 2 0
נכתב על ידי hdbergen


Tonight was going to result in being extremely difficult for me.

Journalists and photographers stood stationed outside by the entrance. The people attending dressed in their best galas, and I slipped inside quickly, not even making the effort to pose for a shot.

I had received orders to stay away from Tess, but I had dragged myself here as a representation for the company and to present the donated prize voucher to the winning bid.

"Callum O'Neill." I gave my name at the reception and the attendant handed me a paddle with a number on it.

"If you place a winning bid tonight, it will be registered to your name and you can come pick it up later, after payment is verified." The woman rattled off the rehearsed spiel. "Good luck tonight and thank you for coming."

I put the paddle in my back pocket. I hadn't really come to bid on anything tonight.

The grand room MoMo hired for the fundraiser this year was impressive. Greek pillars divided the place up. In the center, we placed tall tables and catering was served with a pacing similar to well-oiled clockwork. The outer square of the space served as a hallway where all the bidders could walk around comfortably admiring the auction items.

Mrs and Mr Abbott, the board member, and his wife were one of the first people I ran into. Maybe they were here to keep an eye on me, or only to enjoy the pleasant evening. I didn't let myself care, determined to be on my best behavior.

From all the directives of my grandfather's company, Joseph Abbott was the only one willing to give me a chance. All the others were trying to skin me alive. The rumor mill had done its best after the article, and the news had traveled fast through the building.

Making conversation with the attendees for the sake of Quantum, I couldn't help but let my gaze stray around the room in between schmoozing.

Until they finally met hers.

Tess was a sight for sore eyes. Dressed in a beautiful emerald dress, she moved effortlessly around the room, answering questions about the auction. Her golden hair was down, gracing her shoulders, and my fingers itched to touch the softness of her hair. To twirl my finger around the strands and inhale her vanilla perfume.

I hoped that the color choice of her gown had something to do with me. How could this woman be everything I wanted, yet be my downfall at the same time?

"Excuse me," I muttered as I stepped away from the conversation I was taking part in, and I moved towards the fundraiser exhibit.

Tess was walking along the outer edge of the room. Showing the items on display and answering questions. I chose to remain in her eyesight. Just out of my reach, but close enough to admire her.

"Good evening, Mr. O'Neill." Tess came to stand in my proximity, her flute of champagne held up by the stem as she inspected the painting I had paused in front of.

It took all of my willpower to not look at her, instead I kept my eyes trained on the art before me. "I'm not supposed to be seen with you."

A small huff left her, hidden with a sip of her bubbly beverage. "Afraid they'll write more rubbish about us?"

Coming to look me up by herself, while we both knew that being seen together was not in our best interests. Tess was bold tonight, but I detected a bitterness to her tone.

Was she experiencing the same need as I was? The magnetism when we were in proximity, orbiting towards each other as a positive and negative charge? Colliding together as if it were our nature, a basic instinct?

I couldn't help it. "Maybe, or just afraid to do stupid things around you." As I said the words, I took a glimpse at her, the blush creeping upon her cheeks making me want to touch her.

"I know we shouldn't feed more into the rumors," she breathed, taking one step forward to stand beside me, "but I just can't stay away."

"You look gorgeous tonight," I replied to her admission.

My gaze drifted over her form, and my heart was beating in an erratic staccato at what I saw in her eyes. A darkening want for me lingered beneath the surface, and I wanted to lean over and kiss the rubor from her lips.

"Walk with me?" Tess offered, motioning towards the exhibit hallway.

"Lead the way." With enough distance between the both of us, we passed through all the getaways and holiday homes displayed on the vouchers. "Do you have your mind set on something?" I asked Tess, trying to steer the conversation back into neutral territory.

I didn't know if there were any eyes on us, but I couldn't bring myself to move away. Around her I let the words of caution fall on deaf man's ears and behaved like an infatuated schoolboy.

She nodded as we walked. "I haven't traveled much and all these destinations are so enticing." A tentative smile curved her mouth, as if the possibilities ran through her mind. "I could take some trips in between semesters at college."

I tucked the information safely away. "Which one of these do you like?"

"I've never been to Europe." Tess said, pausing in front of an Edinburgh weekend city trip. "There is something about older cities, the culture and the art."

"Good to know."

One of her colleagues beckoned her over and our time together was cut short. "I have to go. Bidding is about to start." She smiled briefly at me before walking away.

I sauntered over to the main room, the paddle with the number on in my hand as I folded my arms over my chest. Waiters passed by with trays of beverages and I snagged a glass.

"Good evening everyone," the auctioneer greeted everyone as the main room filled up at the tall tables. Prominent families and tycoons filled the space, paddles at hand, excited to throw some money around. "The Mona Montgomery foundation thanks you for your presence at tonight's fundraiser." He mentioned briefly the names of the team that put the night together, as they were called to the stage.

The Davis' family's table was not far from mine. I recognized his parents the moment they had entered earlier. Wren's father had the charismatic persona down and people were used to swarm around him. A politician's promises were as deep as how much you were willing to dive into your own pocket.

Wren's paddle was clutched in between his fingers at the table he stood at and his eyes shot daggers as they met mine through the throng of people.

I held his gaze in mine, not wavering in the slightest.

We broke our contest the moment Tess was called to the stage. Wren's demeanor shifted, and he had only eyes for the woman who had stolen both our breaths.

"I hope you've all had time to peruse the wonderful donations we're offering for auction." The auctioneer rattled off and silence fell around the room as he called off the items and the people began their bids.

Pricey physical items passed quickly, but what really interested me were the vouchers. Because Tess had given me an idea earlier about her wanting to travel to Europe.

"Bidding starts on item 347: A trip to Paris, France. Romantic getaway for two."

They always said that to get the girl, I needed to do the grand gesture. A gift that would mean something to Tess. The foundation mattered enormously to her, so how higher I bid on this getaway, the better for the foundation, and maybe when this all blew over, I had somewhere to take Tess to.

Grandfather said I had to wave some cash around for Quantum. I could do something for Tess and something for the company at the same time. I was a billionaire, after all, and had the funds to donate.

I wanted to spend time with her. Give her a day she needed; and bidding like this, no one would mind because it was part of the auction. A fundraiser where I, as a tech mogul, was only expected to spend a blip of my fortune on. Even if they were my personal funds.

"5k," I exclaimed from my table and my paddle lifted from the table.

"5,5k" Wren Davis' paddle went up at his table. His mother looked over, gauging my reaction.

Her lips curled up from her always sour expression. It felt like she was up to something. Or, her intention was to stoke the fire and get the attention of the room on some pissing contest between Wren and I.

Wren Davis was already getting on my nerves. It seemed like he had the same idea. Was this his idea to get her back? To grovel for Tess' forgiveness?

I was not one to give up so easily. I knew my best friend for a very long time and I itched to push his buttons.

This is a bad idea, C. My conscience warned me. This wasn't what my grandfather and aunt had meant when they said to stay out of trouble. I was finding myself draped right in the middle of it.

"10k." I increased the bid, doubling my first one.

A gasp tore from my side, as people noticed the person I was bidding against. Rich people were such hypocrites, always complaining when they published poor photos and shit about them, but they were the first to know the newest gossip penned down.

Edith Montgomery made her way over to the Davis' table and engaged in a hushed conversation with Wren's mother, as Wren and I gradually increased our bids against each other.

There was certainly something going on. Even if Tess had believed she finally wrung free from the Davis' clutches, her mother had another card up her sleeve.

Wren was too enthralled with his intentions to beat me then to pick up on the slight signs of what was going on at his table. Maybe my first instinct to have thought Wren accomplice to the paparazzo turning up was off.

"25k." I kept upping my bid, but my eyes were trained on the two mothers talking in hushed tones and wandering away from their tables.

Did they have something to do with the article?

המשך קריאה

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