Cruel World

By lovealwaysk

496 5 0

Goodbye sweet, innocent girl. Off you go into a cruel world. Roan x OC Bellamy x OC More



28 0 0
By lovealwaysk

Bellamy an Adeline and some others gather in Bellamy's tent discussing what to do.

One of the guys begins to discuss where it may have landed or be "if it cleared the ridge, it's probably near the lake".

"We should get moving, everyone's ready". Octavia says as she comes into the tent.

"No ones going anywhere. Not while it's dark. It isn't safe". "We'll head out at first light, pass the word". Bellamy commands as the men in the room leave.

Bellamy begins to leave when Octavia steps in front of him "everyone for 100 miles saw this thing come down". "What if the grounders get to it first". "Bell, we should go now".

"I said we wait until sunrise". He walks right past her.

"He's so stubborn sometimes" she looks to Adeline .

"You both have great points, sadly he has more influence". She rolls her eyes and walks out along with her.

"What a shame". They sit by the fire discussing what could be in that ship. "We should go talk to him again".

The two of them walk towards his tent. Octavia opens the curtain and sees two girls. "Ever heard of knocking?" She covers her self up.

"Where Bellamy?" Octavia asks with a scrunched up face.

"Took off a few minutes ago".

They both leave "disgusting".

"you're welcome" one of the girls calls.

"We need to follow him, he's going to take the radio". "I should've known he'd go for that radio".

"How are you supposed to know something like that?"

"Because he's spent every single minute since we landed making sure no one on the Ark find out we're alive".

"Doesn't mean you can predict what people can do".

"Ugh" Adeline grabs her bow and Octavia grabs a knife. They take off towards the lake. It begins to grow lighter, they're sprinting trying to catch up, after about 20 minutes of sprinting they see him. "Bellamy!" Both of them yell. He stops.

"What are you doing?"

"Go back to camp it isn't safe".

"You lied to me, you lied to everyone". "You just want whatever's in that pod".

"Just go home!" He pushes her back.

"I know you want to make sure there's no radio in there, stop it!"

"You always want to play the big brother, huh? Octavia steps toward him. "Well guess what? jokes on me. You're just a selfish dick".

"I did this for you, to protect you". "If the Ark finds out we're alive, they'll come down and when they do they'll kill me".

"What did you do" Adeline looks away.

"I shot him". "I shot Jaha".

"What?" she whispers.

"I found out they were sending you to earth, I couldn't let you go alone". "Someone came to me with a deal- do this, kill him and they'd get me on the drop ship". "And I did it".

"You killed the chancellor?"

"He floated our mother. He locked you up. He deserved it".

"I didn't ask you to do that".

"You're right". "I made the choice. This on me". "Whatever they sent down, I'll take care of it".

"I didn't ask for any of this". She turns and begins running.

"Good job" Adeline says before she takes off after her. "Tavia wait up!"


Finn and Clarke come back to camp,
"Did you see the ship?" "It's from the Ark it has to be". Someone asks them.

"Grab your stuff let's find out".

"Bellamy's being stubborn says we're to wait until sunrise 'too dangerous'" the girl answers.

"Where is he?"

Clarke storms towards his tent, then comes back a few moments later. "He told everyone to stay, whatever's in that thing, he wants it".

"What are you talking about?" Finn asks.

"He's gone, he left".


"We need to leave let's go". She grabs Finn.

"This isn't your fault Clarke".

"I should've known he'd go for that radio".

"How are you supposed to know something like that?"

"Because he's done anything to avoid the Ark finding out we're alive".

"Doesn't mean you can predict what people can do".

"That's exactly what I have to do". "I screwed up" "let myself get distracted". Finn looks hurt. "It's getting lighter he has to be close to the pod now".

They're running through the woods, when Clarke asks if they should split up and meet at the bottom. Clarke goes left and Finn goes right. Shes running and not seeing anything, but Clarke makes it to the ship before Finn. And she opens it up and sees a girl. "Oh my god".

"Hi". "I made it?"

Clarke nods her head. She helps her out of the ship she has a pretty harsh head wound but she'll be fine. She introduces her self as Raven.

"Ahh. I dreamed it would smell like this". "Is this rain?" She says while spinning, admiring the earth.

Clarke nods "welcome home".

Finn ends up coming down. "Raven!" He yells.

"Finn!" She runs to him hugs him and looks like she's ready to kiss him, then she does. Clarkes face has completely dropped. "How did you get down here?" He asks.

"You know that big scrap hold, the one in K deck?"

"You built that from scrap?"

"I kind of rebuilt it". "Please like that's hard". "It just needed a couple parts and some love".

"You're insane".

"I'd do more for you and worse". "Just like you would for me". Finn looks to Clarke then back to Raven. Raven begins to stumble around. He sits her on a rock.

He runs over to Clarke "I'm sorry" she hands him a cloth.

"Let's not talk about this".

"We've known each-other our whole lives".

"We don't need to talk about it". "She needs to put pressure on her wound".

"This is Clarke she was also on the drop ship too".

"Clarke?" She begins to stand. "This was all because of your mom is Adeline here?"

"My mom?" "And Adeline should be back at camp?

"This was Abby and James plan". "The three of us were trying to come down here together- if we waited- oh my god".


"We couldn't wait because the council was voting whether to kill 300 people to save air".

"Uh- when?"


"We have to tell them you're alive". She runs to the ship. "The radios gone". "It must've gotten loose during reentry". "I should've strapped it to the A-strut. Stupid!"

"No this is my fault someone got here before us". "We have to find him". They take off running towards camp.


She slows her pace but doesn't stop, Adeline manages to catch up pretty quickly. We start walking after we get out of view.

As they walk they hear rustling, both stop, birds are cawing and flying away. Someone's here. They hear movement and it's growing closer both girls take off running"let's split up get to camp" Adeline quickly says before they go different directions. Adeline takes off running in the opposite direction of camp not even realizing, she runs for about 10 minutes before she stops and turns around to listen. She hears nothing but still she continues running, she reaches a river they've not encountered yet.

she had found a spot from which she could jump into the water and cool off by herself. But then after a few minutes of swimming around, her clothes up on the rocks, she noticed something moving under the water and froze. The scream she let out was blood curdling when the creature sunk its teeth into her thigh, tearing through the flesh. The scream was piercing and was sure to catch the attention of any living person within a few miles.

Before it could do much more damage to her flesh, someone had stabbed the snake with a long sword. She watched with wide eyes as the water turned even more red with the blood of the sea snake mixing with her own blood. And then, as if he hadn't even taken a second to think about what he was doing, the mysterious man lifted her up out of the water and began to carry her to shore. Her hands gripped his shirt, her eyes wandering to his face. She had never seen him before, she was sure he wasn't from the Ark due to the white paint on his face, tattoos and long matted hair.

He carried her to the ledge and examines her thigh he grabs her shirt as she try's to get out of his grip he rips it. Covering her wound. It's deep it seems the sea snake had just sunk its teeth into her thigh.

He curses in a language she's never heard. Before she can realize he presses on her neck, and her vision darkens.

Her eyes begin to open and shes met with no light besides for a torch sat on the floor. She lets out a groan as she reaches her hand to her head feeling a harsh head ache. And a sharp pain in her thigh. She hears footstep's then someone is in front of her. He just stares at her not making any moves. His face still covered in white paint. His hair is dark, and he has loads of facial hair. He looks by no means clean as he pulls something from his pocket.

He grabs her throat placing a knife to it. "Who are you".

Her hand grabs his that holds a firm grasp on her throat. He removes some pressure so shes able to choke out her name.

"Adeline". "Adeline Jones" she says in between breaths. He lets go and steps away.

"What are you doing, who are you?" She yells.  He reaches for a rope and comes back. He seizes both of her arms tying them tightly together. "Ugh!" "Get this off of me". 

"Do all sky people talk so much".

"Who are you!"

He turns away "you are from the sky correct" his voice is low and husky.


"Hm". "Why are you here?"

"Because our ark is dying". She can't help but admit it, after all she might end up dying.

"Who are you?"

"I'm from Azgeda".

"Are there many different groups of people?"

"Yes, there are twelve clans". He can't help but talk to her, there's something about her.

"Why won't you tell me your name?"

"It's none of your concern".

"Are you going to kill me, is this why you're talking to me, because I won't get the chance to repeat it". "Are you lonely need someone to listen, come on lay it on me" she pushes.

"We'll see".

"If you were going to kill me you'd have done it already."

"There's still time." He gets up and walks out the cave. Her arms still tied together.

An hour or so later he comes back with some sort of animal. It seems to already be cooked. "Eat" he demands. She raises her hands up showing they are still tied. He rolls his eyes before getting up and untying them. She slides to where he is eating whatever animal.

She takes a few bites having not eaten in a little while due to the chaos around the camp.

"How long are you keeping me here for". He doesn't answer. "Hello?" He continues to ignore.

He grabs his knife after he's finished and puts it in the fire, "stay still".

"What are you doing?" "Hey". "Hey! Stop.. stop!"she begins to scream as he places the knife on her thigh, her visions blurs and then everything goes black.

Bellamy's/Clarkes 3rd person pov

As it gets dark Bellamy realizes he hasn't seen Octavia and Adeline yet and they should've been back before him. He goes around searching every tent in search of them. He finds Clarke and Finn fast asleep. "You're up?" He questions, she looks to Finn before leaving the tent.

"Yeah. Knowing that hundreds of people might be dying on the Ark makes it pretty hard for me to sleep".

"Ravens flares will work".

"Her radio would've worked better".

"Have you seen Octavia or Adeline?"

"No. It's Octavia. She probably chasing butterflies".

"What about Adeline?"

"That I'd be more worried about".

"I've checked the camp neither are here". Clarkes eyes slightly widen.

"Okay I'll help you look". "Let's check again". "You go to the drop ship, I'll check the rest of the tents".

"Thank you".

"Don't thank me. I'm not doing this for you". "I'm doing it for them". The two split up and still can't manage to find either girl.

The two meet back up "I can't find them" Clarke says.

"Me neither we need to get a search party".

"It's late, we should in the morning".

"No they could be dead, we need to go now".

"Hey everybody gather around" Bellamy announces. "Grab a weapon". "My sister and Adeline have been out there alone for 12 hours". "Arm up". "We're not coming back without them".

"We need a tracker". "Finn. Get out here". He calls. "Finn we're leaving".

"Alright I'm coming". "Hey. Hey, wait" he calls to Clarke.

"Nice hair".

"We should talk about this".

"You have a girlfriend, Finn". "There's really nothing to say".

"Hey, hold on". "It's true, I care about Raven. But you and me we started something".

"It's nothing we can't stop".

"Are you sure. Because I'm not".

Someone calls out "guys, guys. Come here!" Both rush over. "You see that: look up there". "It's so beautiful".

"They didn't work" Raven comes out of the tent. "They didn't see the flares".

"A meteor shower tells you that?" Bellamy questions.

"It's not a meteor shower, it's a funeral". "Hundreds of bodies being returned to the earth from the Ark". "This is what it looks like from the other side". "They went get our message".

"This is all because of you" raven charges towards Bellamy.

"I helped you find the radio".

"Yeah after you jacked it".

"Yeah he knows, now he has to live with it".

"All I know is that my sister and Adeline are. out there and I'm gonna find them". "You coming or what?" "What are we waiting for". "Move out!" He calls.


As she wakes up it's still dark and he's gone. He's placed a makeshift pillow under her head she manages to get the rope off her hands and goes to examine her thigh after remembering what happened, "he fixed it" she whispers to herself as she attempts to stand up. She can see a large bone likely from the animal they shared earlier, she grabs it. Waiting for him.

She walks towards the entrance of the cave the bone still in her hands. She can hear rustling and foot steps as the get closer the shadow from the fire he's holding grows and as he's about to see her she hits him over the head. He backs away as she tries to get past. He grabs her waist pinning her to the wall. "Try that again, I'll break your arm".

She try's to get out of his grip but he drags her back into the cave. "Stop fighting" he says as he throws her back onto the make shift pillow.

"Why am I still here?" "Why don't you just kill me?"

"You don't need to be killed you aren't bad".

"What do you mean?"

"Sky people are bad, you are invading our lands".

"We didn't get a choice!" He watches her waiting for her to continue. "They drugged us then sent us down here because the Ark is dying and what better way to see if the earth is safe by sending teenagers down for committing crimes".

"What did you do?"

"I stole medicine".

"Why aren't you with your people?"

"I'm exploring". That's all he would say. She just nodded. "Why were you alone?"

"I wasn't I was with my friend but we heard someone so we split up". "And that's when you know you kidnapped me".

"You're safer with me than alone out there, you were running the opposite way of your camp any way".

"How'd you know where our camp is".

"Everyone does".

"Why haven't we been attacked".

"You are no threat yet and I don't know why others have not".  "Oh hayon".

"What language was that?" "You spoke it earlier too".


"Is that what all grounders speak?" He nods.

"Will you teach me some?"

"Ok". "Say 'Ai tagon ste Adeline Ai laik kom skai"

"Ai tagon ste Adeline Ai laik kom skai".

"Good" "now what does that mean?"

"Uh 'my name is Adeline? Something sky?"

"My name is Adeline, I'm from the sky".

"Ai tagon ste Adeline Ai laik kom skai" "ok" "what else"

"Say 'Ai laik nou baga Ai kom op raun chilnes'"

"Ai laik nou baga Ai gof op raun chilnes".

"Now translate"

"Uh Ai is I or like my" He nods "I don't know what else.

"I am no enemy I seek peace".

"Are you trying to keep me alive?"

"Only warriors speak English and leaders, it's important to know if you come across any". She lets out a breath of air knowing he's not going to kill her.

"How long do you plan to keep me here?"

"Til I know I'm safe".

As he goes to hunt, she gets up and goes back to the entrance of the cave, she continues repeating the phrases in her head, he's nice and not going to kill her but it doesn't change the fact that she needs to get back to her camp.

As the light is blinding she takes a step on to the green earth. Then she begins to jog. She's only been out for 20 or so minutes when she hears some girl scream she stands by a tree looking for the girl screaming; someone grabs her waist and puts a hand to her mouth he crouches down and puts her behind the tree still holding tightly to her.

It's Roma it's a girl she knows, she's screaming. A spear gets launched out and strikes her in the chest. She can hear the grounders moving. The grounders from before is who grabbed her she can see his white paint and long hair. He lets go of her mouth and they walk. Adeline trails behind him due to her leg. After 15 minutes of walking she finally complains. "Ugh. My leg, I need to rest". He turns around and watches her. He walks over and picks her up and carrying her bridal style. "Thank you". "You saved my life when you didn't have to twice". "I knew that girl, if she's here that means my people are close too". "Please don't let them die". He brings her back to the cave and sets her back down on the pillow.

He ties her hands up again this time he connects the rope to something. "Stop come on". "Now you're not going to talk to me". He begins to walk towards the exit but he stops. They can hear horns. The same ones she heard before the acid fog. He turns around and sits back down near me.

"You talk too much".

"I'm sorry?"

"We need to wait for the fog to pass".

"I know". "Will you teach me more?"

"There's nothing more to do". 'Yu gonplei ste oden'.

'Yu gonplei ste oden?' "What does that mean?"

"Your fight is over".

"Is that when someone dies".


"Okay next one".

"Ai kru en Ai mean nou bash op".

"Ai kru en Ai mean nou bash op".

"My people and I mean no harm"

The day goes by while they sit waiting for the fog to pass, he continues to teach her more of his language and ask questions about the Ark. when he lets her go she's decided she will not tell her people of him. Knowing Bellamy he will find him and kill him. He feeds her berries he's scavenged still tied up.

He still refuses to tell her his name even when she asked for it in Trigedasleng.


Octavia, Bellamy, Finn, Jasper and others get back to camp Clarke rushes over, "Finn? Finn!" She tells the men holding him to take them to the drop ship.

Octavia turns to Bellamy "is Adeline back is she here? We split up cause we heard someone coming". He shakes his head.

"Oh my god". "We need to go back and find her we can't let her die". "She could be dead".

"O look at me. Look at me!" "We will but right now we need to make sure you're ok".

"That doesn't matter, I'm fine I'm here! Adeline isn't we need to go find her, I will go by myself if I have to Bellamy- so help me!"

"We will" she turns to the exit. "Hey. Hey!" "Why were you defending him".

"He saved my life". "That spear that hit Roma was actually meant-"

"No you're wrong. I saved your life". "For all you know he was keeping you alive to use you as bait for one of their traps".

"No I don't think so". "You don't think O! That's the problem". "They killed 3 of our people today". "And if you would've let me kill him when I had the chance, Finn wouldn't be in there dying right now".

"Stop it! Stop blaming me for your mistakes". "What happened to Finn is not my fault". "I wanted to leave so if Finn dies in there, that's on you". "Everything that's gone wrong is because of you". "You got me locked up on the Ark". "You wanted me to go to that stupid dance". "You got mom killed!"

"Me?" He sniffles "mom was floated for having you". "She's dead because you're alive". "That was her choice. I didn't have a choice". "My life ended the day you were born". She turns and walks out the camp, Bellamy grabs her arm "where do you think you're going?"

"You can't keep me locked up in here forever. I'm going to find Adeline".

"No you are not get inside". She throws his arm down and walks into camp.


"I was going to let you go today, but there's a harsh storm". They can hear the harsh winds and rain from deep inside the cave. I just put my head in my lap.

"They've probably already dug a grave for me".

He teaches her more helpful phrases things like how to say hello, and ask what they are doing here etc. things that as long as she can remember them she'd end up pretty well if she happen to encounter a grounder.

"I'll let you go when the storm passes".

"Ok. I won't tell anyone if you want. I think I owe you; you saved my life twice".

"That would be best". She can assume she'll be here till morning so she tries to and ask for more information about his clan. He doesn't answer, instead he continue to have her recite phrases that can help her on the ground, or when she may come into contact with grounders. Which is bound to happen.

The storm is cleared when they get up; he walks Adeline out towards her camp not getting too close. When they've reached the point he doesn't wish to cross they stop. "Thank you."

"Take this". He pushes a blade into her hands, she tucks it into her waist band. "Remember what I've taught you".

"Good leida" he nods his head.

"Mebi oso na hit choda op nodotaim".

"What's that one mean?" he shakes his head and walks away.

She hurries back to camp limping with her thigh still not fully healed. She slips through one of the entrance's and head straight to the drop ship. As she enters everyone stops. Octavia is coming down the ladders sees her and runs "Adeline oh my god". She runs to her grabbing and checking for any injuries by running her hands around her body and face. "Clarke!" "Bellamy come here!"

Both come down and see her "Adeline". Is all Clarke says before she runs to hug her. Bellamy comes closer.

"What happened to you?"

"It's all fuzzy uh me and Octavia split and I ended up at a river I went in trying to get clean, but one of those sea snakes got my thigh". I take a breath thinking how to say this. "A grounder killed the snake and saved me". "I can't remember what happened after that".

"Bellamy don't you see not all grounders are bad".

"Tavia did you get back to camp?"

"Uh I kinda fell and woke up with a grounder who saved my life and now Bellamy has him chained up there". "He won't say a word though".

"Can I try and talk to him?" They all look at her with raised eyebrows.

"Why do you think you'd be able to have him talk".

"I just want to try".

"Fine". Bellamy allows. She goes up and tells jones to leave. The grounder has many tattoos and is covered in blood.

"Uhm" she walks closer to him so no one can hear her. "Ai tagon ste Adeline?" His head cocked as he leans closer to listen. "Ai kom op raun chilnes". "I don't know what they did to you or if you can understand me" "ugh".

"Chon?" She can hear him say.

"Uhm who?" "Who taught me?" He nods. "He don biyo he kom azgeda?"


Adeline quickly turns around and Octavia walks closer. "What are you speaking".

"Shh shh" "come here!". She comes closer immediately. "Don't tell anyone".

"I won't".

"A grounder saved my life and took me, he helped with my wound and told me that there's 12 clans so there's a lot of grounders, he also taught me some of their language all grounders speak it".

"Oh my god!" "Why didn't you tell Clarke? Or Bellamy?"

"He saved my life twice it's my turn and I'm glad I didn't say anything because look at what he's done". She gestures to the grounder chained next to them.

"Can you ask his name?"

"Let me try". "Chit ste bilaik tagon?"

The grounder looks to Octavia as she nods for him to say it "we won't tell anyone" "you're safe".

We can hear someone coming up so we keep speaking in English asking random questions.

"Adeline, Clarke needs you down here". Raven calls. "Any luck?" She asks as Adeline comes down.

"None". Clarke is sat down and motions for her to take a seat next to her.

"I have someone that wants to talk to you".

"Adeline?" A deep man's voice calls.

"Dad?" "Oh my god".

"You're ok!" "Raven told me they didn't know where you were I was worried sick".

"I'm okay. It's okay" she reassures. The two of them catch up and he shares how much work he's done and what's been happening in the ship, all the chaos, she doesn't get much of a chance to talk about down here though.

Authors Note

Give me feedback please let me know what you think so far!!

Word count: 4505 words.

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