Not Too Late

By chiaribz

1.1K 173 106

He dragged me into the room as he pinned me against the wall. "I told you to fucking stay away from him Amaya... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 13

28 4 5
By chiaribz

Lucas POV

I input my door passcode as I entered into my penthouse. The black and white interior befitting my cold demeanor. The house was so cold, I'd gotten so used to it, noone to wait up for me. No home cooked meal to come back to. My housekeeper only came in on the weekdays.

I had finished the breakfast meeting earlier, Mr Brian and his wife were a nice elderly couple that didn't have any children of their own. They wanted to sell off their business in New Zealand and start off a new life in London. They wanted to enjoy the rest of their elderly years without having any problems.

After some talking, I had convinced them to sell me their restaurants. They were into restaurant business and had a few restaurants around the city. The business had been failing after Mr Brian had a sudden heart attack. It took alot on the couples money, they had to let off some of their staffs. The business hadn't been booming since then, even after Mr Brian was discharged from the hospital. I'm guessing the business meant a lot to the both of them because it took a lot of time and convincing for them to finally agree to sell it.

That's why I couldn't stay back when my secretary called me, even though I wanted to stay back. I decided to buy the restaurants, i wanted to expand my business, make it bigger. Don't get me wrong, the hotel business was booming but it was getting boring. I wanted more.

We discussed the price over breakfast after which we talked about random things and they expressed their want for me to meet a girl whom they claimed was like a daughter to them. To which I was forced to tell them that I was already getting married, they were disappointed of course but they sent me their best wishes.

They were a very cute couple that it was hard to remain my cold self in front of them. Their love was so genuine, it almost reminded me of....I shook my head at my choice of thoughts.

I offered to drive them to the airport but they already had it covered, I wished them the best, promising to get their business back to shape again.

I freshened up and headed to the kitchen to prepare something, it was evening already. I might as well settle for dinner. Don't get me wrong, I knew how to cook, growing up, I had to learn how to cook after mum passed away. At times when nanny Chen wasn't around or was on leave, I used to just make something for the twins. I had to make nanny Chen teach me how to cook after a while. It's just that I spent most of my time in the office and less at home that I was so used to restaurant food and take out by now.

I decided on some spaghetti, finishing it off with soy sauce and got a bottle of red wine from the wine cellar. Making my self comfortable on the sit out chair, I enjoyed the sun setting. It was nice to just be myself for a while.

Of course nothing goes as planned and Carlos just had to call me at that moment.

"What a friend I have. He didn't even call to check if I'm alive or not", Carlos said ever dramatically. Who would ever believe such a feared man would have such a childish side to him.

"Don't worry Carlos, nothing happened to you. You're okay", I pinched brows together, I didn't have time for this.

He began muttering something on the other side. "How is she?", I asked the question that had been bothering me since I left.

"Who?",He was testing my patience.

"Don't play games with me Carlos. I'm not in the mood right now, I'm really tired"

"Sheesh, chill out bro. You or her friend, I dunno who's worse. Well to answer your question, she's fine. Her friend came to pick her up, after which I sent them home. I gave her my number in case they wanted to contact us"

"Has she called?", I asked hesitantly.

"Well look who's impatient. She hasn't called yet", somehow I was sad for some reason that she didn't call.

"And those bastards", My business mode was back again.

"I took care of them, don't worry. I'll deal with them so severely they won't dare lay their fucking hands on another lady", Carlos was full viper mode. You could feel the chill in his voice now. Just because he did illegal things didn't make him a bad person.

"Hmmm", a yawn escaped my mouth. I hadn't slept for more than 24 hours. I was exhausted.

"Go to bed bro, I'll handle the rest. And I'll tell you if she calls", I knew he added the last one to spite me. Bastard.

I ended the call moving to my bedroom to freshen up. I quickly stripped going under the shower, the cold running water was just what I needed right now. I was thinking about her again, the way that red dress hugged her curves so prominently, the way she swayed her hips to the sound. Shit. Someone was getting excited. I had to take another shower to calm it down.

I shouldn't be thinking about her, I shouldn't feel this way for her. It was a strange feeling that shouldn't be there. Besides I was getting married, the thought of that was quick to calm it down.

I put on my boxers before laying on the bed. I quickly drifted off to sleep. I was more tired than I thought.


I got to the office early the next morning. I had just finished a conference meeting, I was standing in my office now, looking out at the view from the glass window, the view from our beautiful 40 storey building hotel oversaw the city. It was currently the highest building in the city and it made me very proud.

I was distracted from my thoughts by a knock on the door. I turned around as the person came in, it was Carlos. "Sup bro", he sat on the couch and was quick to drop his feet on the table.

"It's a Monday morning, don't you have work to do?"

"Ohh, I'm sorry that I had some important news that I thought that i'lld deliver in person because I was close by", of course he was playing the victim card. He just needed an excuse to be off work and lounge around. "But if you don't want to hear it, I can leave", He stood up getting ready to take his leave. He walked slowly waiting for me to stop him. I just flipped through the documents on my desk.

"Close the door on your way out", I was pulling his legs. I knew he wouldn't leave.

"Seriously Luca, you couldn't just let me have this one", he turned around coming back to flop on one of the chairs across from me.

"Not until you grow up. Stop being childish. Now tell me what was so important that couldn't wait"

I could hear him muttering some insults directed to me. "I can hear you"

"I got some information out of our friends in the basement", He was serious now. I looked up, my full attention now on him.

"What did they say?"

"Turns out that they were sent to my bar by someone else. They were sent to gather some information", Carlos leaned back on the chair looking at me.

"By who?"

"Who do you think?", He raised his brows at me.

"Rossi", I slammed my fist on my desk. "Do you think he knows?"

"I'm not sure. They were too drunk and didn't see your face clearly so they don't know that you were there so I think we're safe for now"

"That's good. They shouldn't find out anything, the moment our secret gets out, the moment everything fails", that should never happen.

"What should I do with them?", Carlos had a smirk on his face. He knew my answer.

"Get rid of them. Leave no trace"

"That's my specialty boss", just then his phone rang. He picked up the phone, seems like he didn't know the number because he was being cautious.

"Hello....yes this is he....ohhh...", He turned to look at me before replying. "'s no problem, it's not me you should be thanking, it's my friend, he was the one who found you...yes, he's here ....want to talk to him....sure", he passed me the phone as I raised my eyebrow at him. "It's the girl from the bar", he whispered at me.

I collected the phone at that. "Hello", the most melodious voice rang in my ears, I almost forgot how to speak.

"Hello", I answered gruffly. She paused for a moment before speaking again.

"Umm, I just wanted to tell you thank you for helping me out the other night. I'm really grateful. I dunno what would have happened if not for you", she finished.

I clenched my fist at her last words. Like fuck I would have let anything happen to you. "It's no problem. Anybody in my shoes would have done the same", I had a lot to say but those were the only words that came out.

"But it wasn't anyone, it was you, so thank you. Really"

"Hmmm", was my curt response. I didn't want to get all familiar with her.

"Okay then. Bye", Her voice sounded disappointed. Why though?

"Bye", I cut the call and looked up to see Carlos looking at me.

"Seriously, just bye. No can we exchange numbers or names or can we meet up. Seriously bro, you're hopeless. I really pity your future bride, she will just die from depression", I gave him an angry look.

Speaking about my bride, I checked the profile mum sent me. I clicked on the picture shocked at what I saw. Carlos noticed my expression and came over to my side staring into my laptop.

"Isn't that the bar lady?", He was shocked too. "Now this is a love story I'll like to tell my kids. You guys are destined for each other bro, what are the chances"

This just got harder than I thought.

1732 words😏

Meanwhile I still love Carlos and what do you think Lucas is hiding?

Don't forget to vote and comment. Love you guys😘

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