Cruel World

By lovealwaysk

501 5 0

Goodbye sweet, innocent girl. Off you go into a cruel world. Roan x OC Bellamy x OC More



29 0 0
By lovealwaysk

Octavia, Monty, Finn and Adeline all sat down with Jasper while Clarke took a break. Finn brings out of bottle of liquor he found and hands it to Monty.

Monty coughs as he drinks it "smooth" Finn comments. He hands the bottle over to Adeline. She takes a swig. "Disgusting, love it". Everyone cracks a smile. She passes the bottle to Finn as he puts it up to his lips someone interrupts.

"Can I, uh, get a hit of that?" Jasper groans.

"Jasper!" Everyone rushes towards him. "Let's start with the soft stuff" Finn grabs water "welcome back buddy". Monty grabs his hand.

"Was that a dream, or did I get speared?". Clarke comes up and laughs.

"You'll have a very impressive scar to prove it".

"My savior".

"Thank you for not dying". "I don't think I could've taken that today".

"Ah I'll try not to die tomorrow, too, if that's cool".

"That would be great Jasper" Octavia says.

"Oh hello!" He says just spotting Octavia. "And hello to you too" he turns his head to Adeline. Shortly after he begins to drift back to sleep.

It's late now so everyone begins to make their way to bed.

As everyone begins to get up Clarke comes up to Adeline. "Help me will you?"

"What's up?"

"My mom got my dad killed and now I want to make her feel it".

"Well good morning to you" she gives her a look as if now's not the time to joke. "I'm down". She grabs her hand and takes her to Monty. "My dad's gonna flip".

"I appreciate your help" Adeline laughs.

"Yeah of course". She asks Monty if there's a way he could get the bands off without breaking them. He tries and manages to get both of theirs off safely and the bands still operate but it will show the signal is gone. Finn observes Clarke from afar as she takes her band off.

Clarke smiles as she walks up to him "what? Monty needed a working wristband". "Now he has two".

"And you needed to punish your mother".

"Well good bye guys" Adeline quickly leaves the two.

Jaspers doing much better, Clarke thinks it's time he begins moving more, he's walked around the ship but that's the full extent. Octavia volunteers both her and Adeline to lead him out side. Both of the girls go through one of the gates outside of the camp. "Look we're already there". "Just a few steps, ok?"

"One foot in front of the other". He stops right before leaving the camp. Adeline turns around.

"Hey what's wrong?"

"Hmm? Oh nothing. I'm good".

"Jasper it's been a week ok? You've been given a second chance". "You gotta use it". Adeline stands with Jasper while Octavia walks further "Ah" she yells and gets pulled to the ground.

"Octavia, Octavia" Jasper and Adeline both yell, they begin rushing towards her Jasper behind her. A boy lets go of her "jerk" she shoves him. "Get the hell out of here" she yells.

Octavia goes to Jasper. "Jasper, come on". "There's nothing to be afraid of". He trips and falls flat on his face. Octavia and Adeline go to help him up. Worried he hurt himself. They look forward because Jasper isn't moving and spot two cut off fingers and a knife that looks like one Murphys made.

Octavia grabs it all and wraps it in a cloth while they all quickly grab Clarke and Bellamy. Bellamy takes up to a tent set up.

Clarke picks up the knife "this knife is as made of metal from the drop ship".

"What do you mean?" Jasper asks.

"Who else knows about this?" Bellamy looks at Adeline.

"No one we brought it straight here".

"Clarke?" Jasper whispers.

"It means the grounders didn't kill Wells" she sighs. "It was one of us" everyone's eyes widen.

"So there's a murderer in the camp?" Jasper adds.

"There's more than one murderer in this camp".

"This isn't new. We need to keep it quiet". Bellamy demands. Clarke begins to speed out of the tent, Bellamy blocks her.

"Get out of my way , Bellamy".

"Be smart about this".

"Look at what we've achieved- - the wall, the paroles". "Like it or not, thinking the grounders killed Wells is good for us".

"Oh good for you, you mean, what keep people afraid and they'll work for you? Is that it?"

"Yeah, that's it". Adeline steps forward.

"He has a point Clarke, I agree though Wells deserves justice but this needs to be secret".

"You don't even know whose knife that is" Bellamy adds.

"Oh really" she turns the knife "J.M. John Murphy". "The people have a right to know". She storms out this time Bellamy doesn't stop her. They all chase after her as she heads straight for Murphy.

She shoves him "you son of a bitch!"

He laughs "what's your problem?"

"Recognize this?" She holds up the knife.

"It's my knife. Where'd you find it?" He goes to reach it but she pulls it away.

"Where you dropped it after you killed Wells".

"Where I what?" "The grounders killed Wells, not me".

"I know what you did" she steps toward him. "And you're gonna pay for it".

"Really?" He looks to Bellamy. "Bellamy, you really believe this crap?"

"You threatened to kill him, we all heard you". "You hated Wells". Clarke continues.

"Plenty of people hated Wells". "His father was the chancellor that locked us up-"

"Yeah but you're the only one who got in a knife fight with him".

"Yeah I didn't kill him then, either".

"Tried to kill Jasper too" Octavia yells over. Murphy looks around at everyone.

"Come on this is ridiculous". He yells. "I don't have to answer to you". "I don't have to answer to anyone".

"Come again?" Bellamy begins.

"Bellamy look I'm telling you, man". "I didn't do this" Murphy walks closer to Bellamy.

"They found his fingers on the ground with your knife". He looks to the ground.

"Is this the kind of society we want?" Adeline speaks up. "You say there's no rules" she looks to Bellamy. "But this is what happens, our own people get killed, because of things that happen in the Ark". "We are by ourselves if we continue like this we will all die because of ourselves and the grounders".

"Does this mean we can kill each-other without punishment" Clarke adds.

"I already told you. I didn't kill anyone".

Someone speaks "I say we float him".

Several voices begin "yeah!"

"That's not what I'm saying" Clarke argues.

"Why not? He deserves to float". "It's justice".

"Revenge isn't justice".

"It's justice. FLOAT HIM!" He yells. The crowd begins to change "FLOAT HIM". Murphy runs and someone trips him. The crowd shoves it way kicking and hitting him. "Get off of him" Adeline yells.

Clarkes trying to get to him yelling at people to stop. The group of boys grab him and tie a cloth around his mouth, "stop! No! Let him go!" Clarke and Adeline continue to yell. They pick him up throwing his outside of the camp. Dragging him deeper into the forest. They throw a wire up on a tree branch.

"You can't do this" Clarke tells. They tie it around his neck. Clarke and Adeline still continue to try and shove through. She runs to Bellamy "you can stop this!" "They'll listen to you".

One of the guys come up to Bellamy "Bellamy! You should do it".

They began to chant "Bel-La-My!" Murphy is begging his eyes say all.

"Bellamy stop this please, we are not the ark" Adeline begs him. "I saw you in the woods with Atom I was with you, I know you're not a killer". "Bellamy don't do this. Don't..don't do this". He rushes towards Murphy "stop stop, Bellamy don't!" She cries.

"You can't do this Bellamy please". Bellamy kicks it out from under him. "Bellamy". The crowd cheers. Clarke hugs me. "No Bellamy".

"No, no" Clarke cries.

"This is on you, princess" Bellamy yells at her. "You should've kept your mouth shut".

Finn comes running "what the hell are you doing?" "Cut him down! Charlotte, get out of here now! Cut him down" Finn continues to yell. A guy puts a knife to Finn's throat. Charlotte yells.

"Just stop! Stop! Okay?" "Murphy didn't kill Wells!" Everyone's head turns to hers. "I did".

"Oh my god" Adeline says under her breath. Clarke grabs someone's axe and cuts him down. Finn runs to him and takes the wire around his neck.

Bellamy stands in shock, unable to speak. Bellamy grabs Adeline and Charlotte he brings the two into a tent while everyone follows. Clarke and Finn come into the tent as well.

Murphy stands outside shouting to bring her out.

"Charlotte why?" Adeline asks.

She doesn't speak "why, Charlotte? Why?"

"I was just trying to slay my demons, like you told me". Adelines head drops.

"What the hell is she talking about?" Clarke demands.

"She misunderstood me". "Charlotte that is not what I meant".

"Bring the girl out now!" Murphy continues to yell.

"Please don't let them hurt me".

"If you guys have any bright ideas, speak up". No one says anything. "Now you stay quiet".

"Those are your boys out there" Finn snaps.

"This is not my fault, if she had listened to me, those idiots would still be building the wall".

"You want to build a society princess? Let's build a society. Bring her out."

"No! Please, Bellamy" "Addie no" Adelines brows raise as she rushes to hug both of them. Bellamy pulls her off "Charlotte, hey, it's gonna be ok". "Just stay with them". Bellamy heads out of the tent while they all wait. Charlotte comes back and hugs Adelines side. 

They can hear Bellamy and Murphy. "Well well well look who decided to join us".

"Dial it down and back off".

"Or what? What are you gonna do about me? Hang me?"

"I was just giving the people what they wanted".

"Yeah. Yeah, that's a good idea". "Why don't we do that right now?" "So who here wants to see the real murderer hung up?" Charlotte grabs me tighter. "All in favor". They have no clue what's happening out there except the words they can hear. "I see". "So it's okay to string me up for nothing, but when this little bitch confesses, you all let her walk?" "COWARDS! ALL OF YOU ARE COWARDS!"

"HEY, MURPHY" Bellamy yells. "It's over".

"Whatever you say, boss".

Then they hear "SON OF A BITCH! HEY!"

"Get her out of here, now" Adeline demands as she hears Octavia screaming and run out.

"Octavia what's happening" she sees Bellamy on the ground and runs to him. Murphy punches Jasper. 

"Come on let's get the girl". They open the tent and they are gone.

"You little fucking bitch" he marches up to Adeline and grabs her jaw.

"WHERE IS SHE" he screams in her face.

"Fucking find her cunt" she spit in his face. He throws her to the ground.

"I WILL KILL YOU" he continues to scream. Octavia grabs Adeline sitting her up, she takes her over to Bellamy. Where he still lies unconscious.

Murphy runs away with a group of people, Octavia and Adeline sit with Bellamy waiting for him to wake up.

After an hour he gets up. "Where's Charlotte, what happened".

"Clarke, Finn and her escaped Murphy and his gang are looking everywhere for them".

"We need to find them" it's getting dark but Bellamy is stubborn so there's no talking him out of it. He tells Adeline to grab her bow. She rushes to her tent and grabs it before meeting up with the two of them.

The three walk for ever it's completely dark now. Their eyes scanning everywhere as they walk they can still hear Murphy.

Bellamy hears foot steps and sees a someone short by themselves it looks like Charlotte. He runs up to her and she squeals and he puts its hand over her mouth "shh shh".

We continue to hear Murphy yelling "CHARLOTTE COME OUT!" "WE WONT HURT YOU".

"Let me go!" Charlotte yells at Bellamy fighting to get his arm off of her.

"I'm trying— hey, hey". "I'm trying to help you".

"I'm not your sister! Just stop helping me". She runs and starts screaming "IM OVER HERE!" Bellamy runs after her "are you trying to get us all killed?"

"Just, just go ok? I'm the one they want".

"Ok, Charlotte listen to me". He speaks breathlessly "I won't leave you".

"Please Bellamy". She tries to run again Bellamy puts her over his shoulder.

"Charlotte shh, please".

"Murphy! I'm over here!" She continues to yell.

"Come on out Charlotte! Come one out!" The voices coming closer. The three of us begin running away from the voices with Charlotte still on Bellamy's shoulder. She keeps screaming to put her down, they end up at the end of a cliff, Murphys voice keeps growing closer.

"Fuck" "what do we do now".

"Bellamy!" Murphy yells as he comes into view.

"Damn it" Adeline whispers under her breath.

"You cannot fight all of us. Give her up".

"Maybe not, but I guarantee I'll take a few of you out with me".

"Bellamy! Stop!" Clarke yells, catching up to them.

"This has gone too far" she turns to Murphy. "Just calm down". "We'll talk about this". Murphy eyes Charlotte.

In a swift motion he grabs Clarke and puts a knife to her neck. "I'm sick of listening to you talk".

"Let her go" Finn moves closer.

"I will slit her throat".

"No please, please don't hurt her". Charlotte begs.

"Don't hurt her?" "Ok I'll make you a deal. You come with me right now, I will let her go".

"Don't do it Charlotte". Bellamy holds her back as she tries to walk. "Don't do it, Charlotte!"

"NO! No, I have to!"

"Murphy this isn't happening" Adeline says.

"I can't let any of you get hurt anymore". "Not because of me. Not after what I did". She turns and begins running towards the edge of the cliff.

"CHARLOTTE NO!" Adeline screams but it's too late she jumps. "No!, no, no!" She cries. Tears begin to fall from her face as Bellamy grabs her and pulls her from the edge, Adeline meets his eyes as they begin to water. "No.." everyone lets out breaths. In an instant Bellamy turns to Murphy.

"Bellamy" is all he says before Bellamy shoves him to the ground and begins punching him.

"Bellamy! Bellamy stop you'll kill him! This won't bring Charlotte back! Stop!" He slows down and Adeline grabs him off of Murphy and wraps her arms around his waist from behind. "He deserves to die" he says.

"Bellamy we don't decide who lives and dies anymore this isn't the Ark".

"So help me if you say the people have a right to decide"

Clarke speaks "no I was wrong before okay!" "You were right!" "Sometimes it's dangerous to tell people the truth". "If we're gonna survive down here, we can't just live by whatever the hell we want". "We need rules".

"And who makes those rules, huh? You?"

"For now on we, us, we make the rules" she gestures to her, Bellamy, Finn, Octavia and Adeline "there will be opinions".

"So what then? We just take him back and pretended like it never happened?"

"No!" "We banish him". Bellamy looks around before picking Murphy up "get up".

"Bellamy stop!"

"If I ever catch you near camp, we'll be back here". "Understand?" Murphy nods and Bellamy throws him down to the ground once again. "As for the four of you, you can come back and follow me, or go off with him to die". "Your choice". The four men begin to walk back to camp. Everyone leaves while Murphy stays.

No one speaks the whole way back.

Everyone gathers around us as we arrive back to camp. Clarke steps up and explains what's happened and why Murphy is no longer welcome at this camp.

All four of them gather back with Monty and Jasper to see how Monty's  doing with contacting the Ark. "Will we be able to talk to them?"

"No. More like Morse code". "You want to do the honors?" Monty asks Jasper. Monty directs Jasper where to place the wire. It begins to spark out and doesn't work.

"What happened?"

"It didn't work". "I think we just fried all the wristbands".

"Oh fuck". Finn and Clarke both storm away. Adeline stayswith Monty while Octavia goes over to Jasper. "It's okay Monty". "We'll figure it out I promise".


"There's plenty of stuff that have been left on the earth you never know what might have been left behind". Monty and Adeline turn to see Octavia kiss Jasper. Both of them smile. She gets up and leaves and Monty gives him a thumbs up 'way to go' he mouths. Adeline gets up and walks after Octavia. Nothing else happens so everyone goes to bed.

Octavia and her chat in their shared tent as they begin to fall asleep. Almost asleep someone yells outside of the tent the two girls quickly get up. "Check it out".

Octavia and Adeline go to Bellamy's tent "Bellamy get out here" he comes out. "There!" They point at something falling from the sky and it's not a star.

"They're coming to help us" Jones says.

"Now we can kick some grounder ass". It doesn't seem big enough to carry more than one- two people. She looks towards Bellamy and sees him gulp looking fearful of who may have just come down. She knows his secret but no one else does.

Authors Note

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Word count: 2965 words

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