What if deku had a quirk?Vers...

By LilJ1122

1.1K 10 0

As we all know,Izuku didn't get a quirk,despite his parents both having powers.But what if he actually DID ge... More

U.A Highschool
Back into the fray Pt.1
Back into the fray Pt.2
A test of strength
The next exam
The festival and the island
The start of the end
Time together
The final battle part 1
The final battle part 2
The finale

The apex

12 0 0
By LilJ1122

Shigaraki tries to stand up,but it's hard.He's almost certain that his ribs are broken. Shigaraki starts to feel a mysterious pain. Shigaraki starts scratching himself over and over,breaking his own skin and causing himself to bleed.Shigaraki doesn't remember having feeling this before,and yet it somehow feels familiar.Shigaraki's surroundings start to change from a land of rubble to a house.
Tomura:What the hell?!What is this place?
As Shigaraki wanders around the house,he sees...

Young shigaraki:Our grandmas used to be a hero?!THAT'S SO AWESOME!
Shigaraki:What is this?
Suddenly,memories flow into his brain like needles,Shigaraki grips his head in pain as remembers everything.His name used to be Tenko Shimura,he had always wanted to be a hero,he had a sister,a mother,a father, grandparents,and even a dog.However, Shigaraki remembers pain,pain inflicted on him by his father.He hated heroes,and would hit him and his sister over and over again.Shigaraki is overcome with a myriad of emotions.Anger,sadness...and then joy.Shigaraki remembers the day that his quirk manifested,he had accidentally killed his dog, when his family came to see him,he couldn't speak,he could only cry,scream,and...destroy. His decay spread through the ground and one by one,his family members turned to dust and crumble.But it was no accident,it was on purpose,he wanted to do it.It made him feel good,it made him feel free.

Suddenly,a sinister cackle is heard throughout the battlefield,shivers go up every hero's spine.
All for one:Could it be?
The laughter continues as an insanely fast wave of decay spreads around Shigaraki,almost no hero is able to dodge it.Countless heroes die and turn to dust as the land itself disappears. The decay continues,spreading to nearby buildings and the streets.By the time the decay has ceased,all large portion of the city is turned into a wasteland.

The heroes who survived group up.Hawks, Mandalay,Miruko,endeavor,all might,and a few other heroes are still alive.The heroes hear panting and laughing,they go towards the noise to see a new man,one with white hair and the smile of a devil.

Tenko:HAHAHAHAH!Oh,that felt amazing!
Nine and overhaul regroup and get back to Tenko through the confusion.
Nine:He's had a sort of awakening.
Overhaul:Yeah,no kidding.
All might:W-what has happened?
All for one:Let me tell you something all might. Your master was Nana Shimura,and that boy... is her grandson!
All mights world froze as those words shook him to his core.His master?Tue kindest woman he knows,had children?And one of them was even a villain?
All might:W-what?!
All for one:Now you understand,I've been waiting for this for a long time.
All for one charges at a shaken all might and punches him right in his weak spot.All might grabs all for one by his shoulders but just stands still.
All for one:Oh?Have you lost the will to fight?
All might:Hell no.If anything...
All might cocks his head back and then suddenly headbutts all for one and damages his mask.
All might:I'M JUST MORE MOTIVATED!!!I will end this now!
All for one(thinking):He's bluffing.As long as there are others here,he won't go-
Suddenly,all for one senses the pure power from all might's arm.All might's arm sparks and glows with power.
All might:Unites states!
All for one tries to power his arm up as well,but he's too late.
All might throws a powerful punch,a punch so powerful that it creates a large whirlwind that turns into a hurricane.

The hero's and villains are hit by a shockwave and look towards the show of power.The dust clears to show all might standing on top of all for one with his fist raised.All might looks to his comrades and dashes to them,but he does not look to be in good condition.

All might:That fight took a lot out of me,let's make this quick!
The heroes stare off against trip of villains.
Nine:Stay back.
Nine waves his hands as the sky turns dark and clouded.Large hurricanes of wind come down in front of the heroes and charge towards them.But as the hurricanes come towards the heroes,they are suddenly enveloped in flames.
Ryuko:Hurricanes of fire?!
Gargantuan bolts of lightning circulate around the heroes as they group up with their backs to each other.
All might:Any ideas?
Sosaki:We need a distraction.A quirk with this level of manipulation requires high amounts of concentration.
Stars and Stripes:Leave this to me.
Stars and Stripes puts her hands up as the air around the heroes suddenly starts to morph and solidify.The air forms into a giant vestige of the female hero.

The giant runs over to the trio.Overhaul touches the ground once again.The ground breaks apart and circulates him.More and more of the ground comes into the air,the pieces piece by piece quickly come together and form shapes.By the time overhaul is done, he has created a gigantic monster of his own.

The two giants clashed,creating a large shockwave.All might and Rumi take advantage of the distraction and charge towards the villains.Nine creates gargantuan bolts of lightning and calls them down.The two heroes are barely able to dodge them due to their size. They thankfully make it through,all might punches nine right in the chest and knocks him down.Nine grabs his chest in pain as all might puts him in a grapple.
All might:Try and do something now,you'll only hurt both of us.
Rumi runs to Tenko and throws a devastating kick,but Tenko...grabs it?
Rumi:H-how'd you get so strong?!
Tenko:I've ascended beyond anything you can do now.
Tenko twists his arms and dislocates rumi's leg.Rumi falls to the ground as Tenko just stands above her.
Tenko:Is this all you have?
Rumi grits her teeth,she then slams her leg on the ground and relocates her leg,she stands on her two feet,ready to fight.
Tenko:Your hardcore,I like that.
Rumi:I'm taken.
Tenko lunges at Rumi at insane speeds,she's barely able to dodge as her forehead is grazed by his fingers.She feels her head for any sort of decay,but thankfully feels nothing.Rumi looks around as her senses go on full alert.Tenko quickly dashes all around her,he's so fast that he's only visible as a blur.Tenko runs to Rumi and punches her in the hip while her back is turned.Rumi tries to retaliate,but misses her kick as Tenko slips away.Tenko suddenly appears right in front of Rumi and tries to grasp her by her face,but she sweeps his leg and raises her leg up.She lets her leg down like an axe onto tenko's stomach.Rumi pants and picks Tenko up by his collar.But to her surprise,Tenko grabs her by both side of her head and headbutts her.Rumi steps back stunned,but quickly recovers and charges at Tenko as the two clash.

The two separate from each other and grab their respective limbs.Their clash left their limbs feeling shaky.Tenko smiles and puts his hand to the ground,or was going to when suddenly he heard-
Tenko and Rumi look up to see overhaul's giant earth beast falling down right on top of them. Rumi jumps out of the way as Tenko simply touches the ground.The decay spreads at insane speeds to the giant earth beast,by the time that it completely falls,it is nothing more than small and harmless specks.Overhaul lands safely and rolls right next to Tenko.The villains gaze upon the heroes with smiles on their faces,but overhaul's smile fades as he sees all might holding an unconscious nine.
Tenko:What's wrong?Scared?
Overhaul:You should be too,that guy was one of our biggest hitters.
Tenko:So what?All it takes is one person to destroy this world.
Overhaul looks to Tenko in confusion.
Overhaul:Destroy everything?What's that supposed to mean?!You never said anything about that!Hey!Listen to me shigaraki!
Tenko suddenly grabs his neck and squeezes extremely hard.Overhaul tries to fight but feels his strength leaving him.And then,as quickly as Tenko had grabbed him,he let him go.
Tenko:My name isn't shigaraki,it's Tenko Shimura.
Tenko looks to his far right to see all for one still unconscious.Tenko puts his foot forward on the ground,sending a wave of decay to the villain.The decay quickly spreads to all for one and consumes his entire body in mere seconds.
Tenko:Just as it took one man to take the symbol of fear down...
The heroes and overhaul watch in shock as all for one's body completely cracks and crumbles to pieces.
Tenko:It'll only take one person to take down the symbol of peace.That,and his little entourage.
Overhaul:What the hell are you talking about?
Tenko:Maybe I am a villain,maybe I am a hero. But if you ask me...I'm just someone who's finally in touch with himself,his desires.And my desire...IS TO DESTROY!
Tenko stares upon the hero's as they are overcome with an intense pressure.Even all might himself is overcome...with fear.
Tenko:This fight is over!
Stars and Stripes:Ryuko!
Ryuko:Huh?U-uh right!Everyone hop on!
Ryuko transforms into a dragon as the heroes one by one hitch onto her back.Tenko sends out a wave of decay towards the heroes,but Ryuko takes flight at immense speeds off of the ground,she flies away as Tenko lets them leave without any action to stop them.
Overhaul:You let them get away?
Tenko:What we did today was much more important than winning.We struck fear into their hearts.Do you not understand what this means?
Tenko grabs overhaul and brings him in close to his face.
Tenko:We're just one step closer to achieving our goal.To rid this world of it's filth and false light.To destroy this world itself and create something NEW.
Tenko began to laugh maniacally,he eventually stops and lets overhaul go.
Tenko:I'll finds us a new base.
Overhaul:How will I find you when you have?
Tenko:You won't,I'll find you.
Tenko smiles and calmly walks away.Overhaul is left with his thoughts and the rubble.

Hours later
Overhaul has been walking for a few minutes,and eventually he arrives at the hospital.He wears casual clothes to get past any nosy people and gets to a room,and in that room...

Was the man who raised him,the original leader of the shie hassaikai.
Overhaul:Boss...what am I supposed to do?All I wanted...was to help you,like you helped me. Was I wrong,boss?Was "the big picture" just an excuse I made to hurt other people?Was I really...just a villain this whole time?I thought that I was close to my goal,but now...that freak is putting everything at risk.But the time he's done,there won't be any yakuza or gangs,just death.What am I supposed to do?
As overhaul buries his face in his hands,he remembered what the boss always used to say.
Boss:You always go too far.Whenever you have some goal or mission,you do more harm than good.You kill people you don't need to, and you harm those you don't need to.
Overhaul remembers those words,and then he remembers eri.
At first,the bosses daughter abandoned eri and just dropped her off by the building.When overhaul learned what eri was capable of,he forced her to surgeries and torture.The boss was unhappy,and they had a fight.Overhaul had reacted violently and sent the boss to the hospital.Overhaul grabs the boss's hand as tears fall from his eyes.
Overhaul:All I ever wanted...was to repay you.

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