The WAR Series

By MikaelDuncan4

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This epic saga revolves around a legendary family known as the Dawnbreakers and their battles against nefario... More

A Journey Begins: Prologue
A Journey Begins: Act One
A Journey Begins: Act Two
A Journey Begins: Act Three
Throne Of The King: Prologue
Throne Of The King: Act One
Throne Of The World: Act Three
Freedom Of Veccoran: Prologue
Freedom Of Veccoran: Act One
Freedom Of Veccoran: Act Two
Freedom Of Veccoran: Act Three
Cold Shadow: Prologue
Cold Shadow: Act One

Throne Of The King: Act Two

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By MikaelDuncan4


[Francis:] I think I have an idea for how we can dethrone Red Bear.

[Nehemiah:] What do you have in mind?

[Francis:] We need to lure him out of the castle.

[Tort:] How do you suppose we do that? Because we've been unable to get him off his red royal gluteus maximus.

[Francis:] That shouldn't be a problem now that I am here. I'm certain his lackeys have already told him about my presence in Goldenza.

[Nehemiah:] He is undoubtedly aware.

[Francis:] Good, lend me the map layout of the kingdom.

Tort and a few other Regime members lay the map of the city across the table.

[Francis:] Ok, so here is what we are going to do...

In the streets of Goldenza, Nehemiah and a few others, hooded and cloaked, avoid plenty of guardsmen, who search under people with hoods.

[Francis:] We'll deliver a message to Red Bear to meet me at the outer fields of the kingdom.

Nehemiah is secretly placed a letter into the king's messenger's bag. Red Bear later read it with Nifsara, Mallor, and another guard present.

[Red Bear:] Get everyone ready.

[Francis:] Then we will have one of you disguise yourselves as me. Any volunteers?

[Nehemiah:] I cannot take that role unfortunately. Red Bear's allies would gun me down.

[Tort:] I could never be well disguised. I'm too amphibious.

[Bonnie:] I'll do it.

[Francis:] But, Bonnie? You're still injured.

[Regime member 1:] I'll gladly volunteer.

[Francis:] Good, you are another panda after all. So its perfect.

[Panda:] I don't think pandas are bears...

[Francis:] Alright, but you still fit the role perfectly.

Panda was being disguised as Francis, and soon enough he appeared nearly identical.

[Francis:] For the rest of us, we need to take positions at High Point, Middle Point, and Low Point.

High point was a tall building a good distance away from the location where Red Bear and Francis are supposed to meet.

[Francis:] High Point will consist of me, Nehemiah, Tort, and Bonnie the most important member of our group.

[Tort:] Why him?

[Francis:] Because he is a pretty good shot.

[Bonnie:] I'll do my best not to fail.

Group High Point made it to the top of the building. Bonnie readied his bow and arrows.

[Francis:] Group Middle Point will consist of Felix, Charlotte, and fake me, who will blend in with the crowd and ensure the plan goes right.

Felix blends in quite well with the citizens, running into Chica who is also covered up. The two smile at each other as they head to the location where Red Bear and Francis are supposed to meet.

[Francis:] Group Low Point will be our backup plan just in case things don't go right. We'll have shooters underneath wherever Red Bear stands, and they will finish the mission in case Bonnie fails.

[Bonnie:] Don't worry, I won't miss.

[Nehemiah:] I hope so. You're the important piece of the plan.

A group of Regime members sneak through the sewers with loaded rifles, ready to shoot up through the holes across the ceiling above.

[Felix:] The plan sound good.

[Charlotte:] I'm hoping it works.

[Francis:] Alright, let's go free this kingdom.

[Panda:] Any sign of Red Bear yet?

[Felix:] Nope.

[Charlotte:] Maybe the messenger didn't deliver?

[Felix:] Pretty sure he did. Possibly, Red Bear just slow and old.

[Charlotte:] I guess that is true. After all, he is an old man.

[Felix:] Aye, an ugly old man.

The two giggle as they continue to mock Red Bear.

[Regime member 1:] Can you both please keep it down... We're on a critical mission.

[Felix:] Sorry lad, buh we can have a few laughs though.

[Charlotte:] Besides, nobody is aware of what we are planning.

One guardsman watches the three, quietly moving away out of sight.

[Guardsman 3:] Arriving! All citizens gather around and bow in respect to your one and only ruler of Goldenza.

A royal chariot came while citizens bowed in respect.

[Charlotte:] The king is here, alert High Point.

Felix nods raises his hook up in the air to reflect the sunlight. Nehemiah catches it and turns to the others.

[Nehemiah:] Red Bear has arrived.

Bonnie prepares one arrow; pointing it out the window.

[Francis:] Don't miss your shot Bonnie.

[Bonnie:] Don't worry I've got this.

[Tort:] The carriage is stopping. Now all we have to do is wait for him to come out.

The crowd gather as Mallor came down from the chariot. He smiled at everyone who looked upon him.

[Mallor:] Citizens! Behold... your one and only king of the golden city. All hail king Red Bear!

Everyone bows once the king steps out of the chariot and extends his hand forward; soaking up the glory.

[Felix:] There he be.

[Charlotte:] And that big dinosaur is there to.

[Panda/Fake Francis:] Time to come out.

[Felix:] Good luck lad.

[Charltotte:] And try to be convincing.

Felix and Charlotte give the regime member a thumbs up as he sneaks through the crowd.

[Nehemiah:] The king is out. Bonnie, get ready to fire.

[Tort:] Nifsara isn't present. Where is she?

[Bonnie:] I'm wondering the same thing as well.

[Francis:] We can worry about her later. Right now we need to slay the king.

[Mallor:] We have received a message from the so called born king. He wanted us to meet him here, so he will get what he wants.

Red Bear whispers into Mallor's ear and he nods.

[Mallor:] So born king! Come out and meet us, if you're even present.

All the citizens murmured amongst themselves, looking around. Panda comes walking into the open. The citizens gasp as the fake Francis was now a distance apart from Red Bear, who slowly walks a little closer to him.

[Fake Francis:] I am here to put an end to you Red Bear, you sick Sin!

[Red Bear:] All by yourself? That is the stupidest thing you could have done. Why not bring your friends to aid you?

[Fake Freddy:] Because I want all of these citizens here to watch you perish by my blade, so they can regain their freedom.

Red Bear just chuckles.

[Red Bear:] Go ahead and strike me down... I won't fight back.

[Mallor:] But my king! You cannot lose all of your accomplishments by dying so suddenly.

[Red Bear:] I know what I am doing Mallor.

[Felix:] Me smell sometin wrong.

[Charlotte:] I'm getting those same feelings too. This doesn't look right.

[Francis:] I don't like this guys... something's off.

[Tort:] How do you know?

[Francis:] Because Red Bear wouldn't just willingly get killed.

[Nehemiah:] You're probably right. This looks too easy.

[Fake Freddy:] I will gladly give you a swift death.

The regime member charges at Red Bear, stabbing him through the chest. However, the king disappears like a ghost. Earning shocked faces from Francis, his friends, and the other Regime members.

[Francis:] It's all a trap!

[Felix:] We best gut out o here.

[Charlotte:] Let's go.

Felix and Charlotte attempt to leave but many guardsmen reveal themselves and corner both of them in a circle.

[Guardsmen 1:] By the order of the king, you and your companions are under arrest for attempted assassination.

[Felix:] We could fight.

[Charlotte:] But that won't help this time.

Both Felix and Charlotte surrender with their hands in the air. Mallor turns to the fake Francis, shooting him mercilessly in front of the people who scatter.

[Mallor:] *laughs* Fools can't fool me.

[Bonnie:] They've got both Felix and Charlotte! We have to save them.

[Tort:] I don't think we can do anything.

[Nifsara:] You are correct.

The group is confronted by Nifsara and a couple other guardsmen behind them. All were armed with rifles while she wielded a crossbow.

[Bonnie:] You! You're gonna pay for what you did to my leg.

Bonnie fires his arrow at her. Nifsara easily grasped it with her tail and threw it back directly. Francis swiftly steps in front of his friend to deflect the arrow with his sword.

[Nifsara:] You all are under arrest for attempting to assassinate the king.

[Francis:] I don't think so cat lady.

Nehemiah throws a glass bottle filled with crystal clear liquid inside, causing a flare that temporarily distracts Nifsara and the other guardsmen. By the time everyone recovers, Francis and the others had already left the room out the window.

[Guardsmen 4:] They got away.

[Nifsara:] Not for long.

Francis, Bonnie, Nehemiah, and Tort ran as fast as they could while hounds were chasing after them.

[Bonnie:] Not these guys again!

[Nehemiah:] Follow me down to the sewers.

Nehemiah took the lead..

[Tort:] By the way you two, that cat lady's name is Nifsara Servillah. She is the leader of the red guardsmen, and a skilled warrior at best.

[Bonnie:] Good to know.

Nehemiah finds a sewer hole, prying the lid open.

[Nehemiah:] Tort, help me with this!

Tort and Nehemiah lift the lid off and go down the hole as the hounds missed their opportunity to burn them.

[Francis:] Quickly! We should regroup with Low Point.

[Nehemiah:] This way.

The group ran to Low Point. However, they are all horrified by what they see in front of them. Group Low Point had been massacred by large leeches. They were dark blue with a light blue color outlining their bodies, their mouths looked like vacuum cleaners with mandibles, and they had white underbellies. The leeches were literally draining life from the fallen Regime members.

[Francis:] Oh my!

[Bonnie:] Leeches!

The leeches turn their attention to the group, who ready their weapons.

[Tort:] You disgusting vampires! You will pay for what you have done.

Tort strikes the leeches first. He fights furiously as the others join in. However, the leeches were tough to cut because of their sticky slimy skin.

[Bonnie:] These guys are tough to kill *evades a bite*.

[Francis:] We cannot linger with them, we must keep moving *knocks back a leech with sword handle*.

Tort tail swipes the leeches, giving the group enough time to run. However he stays behind to fend them off.

[Nehemiah:] Tort! What are you doing, let's go!

[Tort:] *slashes a leech* Keep going, I'll catch up *one leech bites his arm*.

[Nehemiah:] Tort, no!

[Francis:] Come on!

Nehemiah glances at Tort for one more second before catching up with Francis and Bonnie.

Francis, Bonnie, and Nehemiah make it out of the sewers but were once again confronted by Nifsara and her guardsmen.

[Nifsara:] You thought you could escape? You're surely mistaken.

[Bonnie:] I'm sick of this cat!

Bonnie pulls out his sword and charges at Nifsara.

[Francis:] Bonnie!

Nifsara swiftly fires a dart into Bonnie's neck, along with Francis and Nehemiah.

[Nifsara:] *chuckles* Too quick on your heels .

Bonnie fights to stay awake but the dart was too effective.

[Nifsara:] Cuff and load them up. Red Bear is waiting for his face to face encounter with the born king.


Back at the hideout, Hope swings her sword around. All the Regime members within the hideout run to the entrance. She follows to see what the commotion was about. They all find Tort coming through the waterfall, weakened by the leeches who drained a majority of his blood. Hope and a few others rush to his side and help him on his last legs.

[Hope:] Tort, what happened?

[Tort:] Our king's plan failed... Red Bear knew we were going to assassinate him. They have been captured and are being taken to the castle.

[Hope:] Get him to the medical tent quickly *allows another regime member to carry Tort*. The rest of you, we need to plan a rescue to save our friends and our future king.


Through Francis' vision there was nothing but darkness, only a faint voice he couldn't make out. His eyes began opened, slowly adjusting to the environment around them.

[Foxy:] Francis! Can ye hear?

[Francis:] Loud and clear Piraton.

[Charlotte:] At least you're ok.

[Bonnie:] But we are all captured! And that dang cat lady, Nifsara, owes me a fight.

[Nehemiah:] You wouldn't have a chance at beating her anyway. She is too skilled and above your fighting level.

[Bonnie:] Doesn't matter to me. I am a White Knight in training, and I will beat her. Just not right now due to these cuffs.

[Guardsman 5:] Shut it back there!

[Felix:] What we going to do now Francis?

[Francis:] I don't know how we can get out of this situation, but I do know where we are going. We're going to confront Red Bear face to face.

[Nifsara:] Indeed you are born king.

Bonnie lunges at Nifsara but he is restrained by the chains around his waist.

[Nifsara:] Sit down boy! *slaps him across the face*.

[Felix:] Dun do t'at again!

Nifsara shoves Felix down with a good amount of force to get him scared.

[Nifsara:] Not acting so tough are you?

[Charlotte:] What are you going to do with us?

[Nifsara:] That will be Red Bear's decision. However, I would love to treat you as a slave. You look perfect for the role.

[Francis:] Leave my friends alone, Nifsara! I'm the one you should be dealing with.

[Nifsara:] Oh don't worry about your friends Dawnbreaker... you should worry about meeting our king for the first time, and he is just dying to finally meet you after the crimes you've committed against him.

Nifsara turns to Nehemiah.

[Nifsara:] And you have been plenty of trouble for the king, Nehemiah Ibarra. I will see to it that General Mallor makes your punishment utterly painful.

[Nehemiah:] I await it.

Later Francis and the others were taken inside of the castle. Throughout the halls Francis saw pictures of his ancestors before him.

[Francis:] These are all of my predecessors before me... Everything they've worked for in this kingdom is now disgraced by the evil decorations of Red Bear...

Everyone sees the different relics and pictures do not belong with the Dawnbreaker family that are obviously made by Red Bear.

[Nifsara:] I truly do feel sorry for you. All this hard work desecrated by our king's powerful hand.

[Nehemiah:] Not for long. Soon you will wish you never were part of Red Bear's entourage.

[Mallor:] But you might be the one to wish you never formed the Regime to cause a rebellion against us.

[Nifsara:] We've captured all that we could, I do not know about the others however.

[Mallor:] We'll mind about that later. Our king is waiting.

The throne room doors open as Francis is shoved to be the first person to enter, his comrades later following.

[Red Bear:] Well done Nifsara and Mallor! Well done.

Francis and company are halted, only a short distance away from Red Bear.

[Red Bear:] Ah... so this is the so called born king some have spoken of. I imagined you much differently.

[Francis:] And you are Red Bear. The last of the Sin who stole this throne.

[Red Bear:] *laughs* Stole it! I claimed it myself and rightfully so. This kingdom was weak and without a proper heir to Goldenza's throne, this once mighty kingdom crumbled into nothing. Now I have made it into something glorious. My rule over this kingdom has made me mighty amongst the other 7 kingdoms, who would not dare to come into my domain.

[Francis:] You've made Goldenza into something alright... A prison. You treat all the citizens like slaves, have them work daily, and you hurt many of their lives.

[Red Bear:] Yes, I have. If they wish to survive under my rule, they will have to learn order and should fear my power. Slowly, over these last 8 years of my reign, the citizens have finally begun to listen and serve me well. Because of that, the Regime has lost much strength and continues to dwindle.

[Nehemiah:] But we are still here fighting against you. The Regime will not rest until the rightful ruler of this kingdom sits upon that throne.

[Red Bear:] And you haven't been successful so far haven't you, Nehemiah? Of course not. I have seen the number of your dead companions increase whenever you try to knock me off my seat. But time after time after time you all fail and pay a heavy price for it. What will make things any different if you continue fighting this useless battle?

[Francis:] Me! Now that I am here, I will do whatever it takes to defeat you and claim my place as King of Goldenza.

[Red Bear:] *laughing* Can you now? How can you defeat me when you're cuffed and have no weapons in hand?

[Francis:] I am part of the Dawnbreaker bloodline *stands tall*. We are all special, and we will never fall to any evil living within this realm. And that includes you, Red Bear!

Francis wrestles down the Guardsmen behind him and uses one of their spears to cut off his cuffs. Nifsara, Mallor, and the other guardsmen prepare to attack, but Red Bear halts them.

[Red Bear:] Do not fight my friends. Let the Dawnbreaker try.

[Francis:] For the throne!

Francis picks up the Guardsman's spear and charges at Red Bear, who simply smiles. His 10 Red Knights quickly move from their position, getting in Francis' way. Three of them stand in front of Red Bear to protect him: one wielded a shield with three horns on it, another wielded a spear, and one wielded a staff with a crystal tip. Francis stops in his tracks when another Red Knight attacked him: this one wielded two axes. He does his best to defend himself as another Red Knight joined the fight: this one wielding a pitchfork.

[Felix:] Oy! Francis be careful.

[Charlotte:] Look out!

Francis sidesteps from between the two Red Knights he was currently fighting. One Red Knight, wielding two hook like weapons, slashes Francis across the back, but he headbutts in retaliation. Another Red Knight, this one wielding a mace, comes swinging at him. Francis swiftly ducks and trips the knight. Another Red Knight, this one wielding two rings around the hands with triangle shaped blades on the knuckles, gives Francis a knee to the face, knocking him back. Another Red Knight, this one wielding a metallic whip, lashes Francis four times on the back, dragging him to his knees. Francis swiftly rolls out of the way when another Red Knight, this final one wielding two swords, attempts to stab him down.

[Nehemiah:] Don't fall my king, you cannot lose!

One Guardsman bops Nehemiah at the back of the head.

[Guardsmen 6:] Silence prisoner!

Bonnie and the others try to get up and help but the Guardsmen keep them down.

[Bonnie:] Francis don't fall!

[Nifsara:] He will fall, wait and see.

Francis received a major beating from the merciless Red Knights. He was getting cut, whipped, punched, kicked, tail lashed, and attacks from all sides.

[Red Bear:] You say the Dawnbreakers are special. It doesn't appear that way to me... and Renathor told me not to underestimate you? Guess he was wrong.

Francis couldn't hold out for much longer as one Red Knight swipes him across the face with the bottom part of its pitchfork; blood dripping from his mouth.

[Felix, Charlotte, and Bonnie:] Francis!!!

Francis got back to his feet, wobbly and woozy. One Red Knight whips him by the chin, another whacks him once with the mace, and finally one fires a purple beam from its crystal staff at Francis, knocking him across the floor. Francis' head swirls around as he spits out a tooth.

[Red Bear:] Is this truly your born king? He doesn't look too good.

[Nifsara:] I'm beginning to think this Dawnbreaker isn't as real as we all thought.

[Mallor:] Renathor truly made a great lie out of him.

[Francis:] I am not a lie! *uses spear to keep balance*. I am a descendent of the Dawnbreakers, I am real! Right here in front of your evil eyes, ready to snuff you out *grabs a sword hanging on the wall*. Come on!

Francis charges back into battle, looking similar to how he appeared when he fought Dark Skull. He put up a more challenging fight against the Red Knights. Red Bear and his companions seemed impressed when Francis fought his way to the throne. However, as Francis leaped up to kill... Red Bear halts him with a red chain lightning force grip. Francis struggles while Red Bear got up from the throne to get closer.

[Bonnie:] No!

Bonnie and the others struggled futilely.

[Red Bear:] I take it back; everything that I have said about you. You have truly convinced me that you do have your family's blood running within you... but I won't kill you here. I think it's better if the people saw you die right before them, so they all can truly bow down to their one and only king for eternity.

Red Bear launches Francis away. He did not get up.

[Red Bear:] They shall be executed this evening. Invite everyone in the kingdom to witness the Dawnbreaker's death.

[Nifsara:] Place them in a cell, and bring this defeated body with them *kicks Francis over*.

The guardsmen swiftly take away the prisoners while Red Bear sat back down on his throne, smiling. His Red Knights immediately returned to their positions.


Somewhere out in open road, Goldane and the other warriors were sitting around a campfire.

[Nicholas:] So, all of you were assembled together by Goldane to aid Francis Dawnbreaker on his journey to Goldenza?

[Balla:] Yes, ever since the prophecy began spreading around Veccoran. It was quite a long journey getting him there.

[Mr. Chipper:] We have been through plenty of trouble by Deadrus' forces. Luckily, we all survived to see the next days.

[Mendo:] I wonder how things are going back in the golden city?

[Nicholas:] I am certain the born king is continuing to fight for the throne. I hope he can bring freedom back into the kingdom. Goldenza needs its true heir.

[Goldane:] I believe in him. No matter what happens, Francis will become the king he is meant to be once this is over.

[Mr. Chipper:] I hope he is up for the task.

[Mendo:] Obviously he is. Did you already forget what he did to Dark Skull?

[Mr. Chipper:] No of course not. What I am trying to say is that he nearly walked off from his path once, what if something leads him to give up again?

[Goldane:] He will not give up. It doesn't matter what happens, he will stay on course with his destiny. When we see him again, he will be king.

[Nicholas:] But for now, we need to get some rest and continue our path to Sanchina *lays down on a blanket*. Hopefully nothing has attacked them just yet.

[Balla:] Where is Lightblade?

Goldane looks sideways, almost seeing something in the small tree line close by. Lightblade walked alone. His eyes illuminating in the dark. He searches vigilantly and thoroughly while Wrath lurked around somewhere in the shadows. Seth Creighton watched through his creation's vision as the White Knight continued forward.

[Seth:] Stay low and out of sight Wrath. He will not be so lucky this time now that his pupil isn't present.

Wrath continued following Lightblade.

[Lightblade:] I know he is here, I can feel him.

Wrath peeks through the tree branches when Lightblade suddenly disappeared out of sight.

[Seth:] Where did he go!? Beware Wrath, he could-

Out of nowhere, an arrow hits Wrath directly through the hand, pinning it to the tree branch. Wrath looked sideways, seeing Lightblade armed with his bow and arrow. He fires another, this time hitting the tree branch at a weak point, causing it to break. Wrath falls with it and immediately recovers.

[Lightblade:] I knew you would be following me strange creature.

Lightblade fires another arrow at Wrath. It counters by throwing up its pinned hand, allowing the branch to get hit. Lightblade swiftly comes down and draws his sword; charging in with a swift slice. Wrath purposely has its own hand cut off to free itself from the branch then quickly retreats from another sword swipe. Wrath pulls out one of its katana blades. The two clash blades.

[Lightblade:] I'm surprised you've come all this way for me *rolls backwards to deliver a double kick*.

Lightblade comes in for another attack but Wrath throws its leg up to hammer down on his hand, forcing him to drop his weapon. Lightblade was then struck with a backheel kick across the face.

[Seth:] Pursue him Wrath!

Wrath jumps into the air, coming down fast with both legs together and prepared to stomp its target. Lightblade rolled out of the way, spins himself back onto his feet, and delivers a superman punch to Wrath. As his foe recovers, Lightblade taunts it to engage him. Wrath swiftly attacks. Lightblade dodges, gaining a few hits on Seth's creation.

[Lightblade:] You may have disabled me of my weapon *spins downward to avoid a sword swipe, returns right behind Wrath, grabs its neck, bends it down, and punches its chest with brute force*.

Wrath laid on the ground while Lightblade quickly grasped his sword. Wrath sits up, confronted by Lightblade's sword to the face.

[Lightblade:] Who are you? Why are you trying to kill me? Speak up! Before you lose your head.

[Seth's voice through Wrath's faceless head:] Does this voice answer your questions Lightblade Starlight!?

Lightblade's face turns dark after hearing that familiar voice of evil.

[Lightblade:] Seth Creighton! *Gets kicked in the leg by Wrath who then delivers an uppercut to his chin*.

Lightblade rolls back to his feet but is met with a fist to the face before receiving a double kick to his torso. Wrath prepares to cut Lightblade in half but is blasted by a golden beam. Wrath gets up to see Goldane, Balla, Mr. Chipper, Mendo, and Nicholas guarding Lightblade.

[Goldane:] Your creation will no longer harm Lightblade, Seth Creighton. Give up this fight for you are outnumbered.

Wrath gets back to its feet, standing straight.

[Seth through Wrath:] You are right Goldane. This isn't over you know... I will return, and when I do, Lightblade will suffer!

Wrath withdraws, slowly disappearing into the trees. Lightblade rises up; placing his sword back into its scabbard.

[Nicholas:] Lightblade, what was that all about?

[Lightblade:] I don't know. Seth seems intent on killing me with this creation of his.

[Mendo:] Hope he doesn't attack again later.

[Mr. Chipper:] I hope he does, so I can run my axe through his neck.

[Balla:] I am certain his creation would be wise not to strike again if we are around to accompany Lightblade.

[Goldane:] You are right. Still, we need to keep an eye out just in case Seth decides to send his creation again.


Back in Goldenza...

All the citizens gathered around a big stage. Behind it is the pit full of many Regime member's dead bodies. The panda regime member's body specifically was being tossed into the pit as Francis and his companions were marched towards the stage.

[Red Bear:] Take a good look around Dawnbreaker, because this is where your story ends. You have come a long way only to fail in taking back this kingdom. And many of the citizens will be watching as their only hope dies in front of them. Soon they will have no choice but to fully bow down to me.

Francis remains silent with his head down. There was some anger in his eyes.

[Felix:] Oy, Francis... Do ye have plans for escapin'?

Francis did not respond.

[Charlotte:] I think that is no Felix. After that beating he took, it really shaped him.

[Bonnie:] This cannot end here: not for us, not for Goldenza, not even for Veccoran!

[Nifsara:] It will end here little bunny. You cannot control what will and what will not happen. That's just how life works.

[Bonnie:] I still wish I could kick your shiny metal rectum Nifsara! You owe me a fight.

[Nifsara:] *chuckles* Too bad for you... you'll never get a chance to fight me. Even if you did, I would easily take your life with my claws.

Bonnie spits on Nifsara's helmet. She wipes it off before kicking him down. Guardsmen quickly force him back to his feet as he tried to retaliate.

[Nifsara:] Such fire.

Francis and the others walked up the stage, standing in front of the crowd in a straight line. Red Bear sat down in his movable throne with his Red Knights positioned close by. Nifsara and the other guardsmen stand near the steps while Mallor made his way up.

[Mallor:] Citizens of Goldenza! You are all gathered here today to witness history. For many generations the Dawnbreakers have built this magnificent kingdom and ruled it. Now, living amongst us right in front of you *points to Francis* is the last of this special bloodline.

Francis is shoved forward. His friends try to intervene are held back by guardsmen.

[Mallor:] Yes, here he is! The last of the Dawnbreakers. His name is Francis, and he has come a long way to finally reach his homeland. He thought that he could dethrone Red Bear and claim his rightful place as king...

Hidden within the crowd lurked Phantomice, cloaked up but hiding. Upon the rooftop was Renathor, sneaking down to the ground.

[Mallor:] Tell me citizens, do any of you still believe in the prophecy? That this so called born king would reclaim the throne to free you all?

All of the citizens turn away shaking their heads.

[Mallor:] Good decision. You all are correct, this so called born king cannot save you all. He was barely a match for Red Bear's elite warriors the Red Knights. What makes him think he can overthrow the king? The answer is simple, he cannot, and he never could! Francis has failed his destiny and today you'll witness the great execution of the one and only heir to the throne of this kingdom.

[Nifsara:] All of you stand in front of the pit!

Francis and the others stood over the pit where all the dead bodies laid.

[Felix:] Guess our lives end here.

[Charlotte:] This will probably be the last time we'll see each other then.

[Felix:] Me dun won to lose you...

[Charlotte:] At least we'll together *huddles with Felix*.

[Foxy:] *gulps* Aye.

[Nifsara:] Guards! Get ready to fire at them.

Five guards line up behind Francis and the others, each wielding a rifle.

[Nifsara:] Load them up! *the guards load up their weapons* aim! *the guards aim their weapons directly at the back of their target's heads*.

[Mallor:] Do any of you have anything left to say before you die?

[Nehemiah:] Yes! This fight doesn't end here.

[Bonnie:] If we somehow survive death, I'm coming for you Nifsara!

[Nifsara:] *giggles* Dream on.

[Felix and Charlotte:] We will die together as lovers!

Francis doesn't say anything while looking down at the bottom of the pit. Many thoughts racing.

[Mallor:] What about you born king? Do you have any words left to say before you die?

Francis maintains silence while everyone else stares.

[Mallor:] No words for the people of your family's kingdom? Pity, I was hoping you would spark again. *shrugs* Oh well, execute them.

[Nifsara:] Ready!

Phantomice suddenly materializes onto the stage, drawing everyone's attention.

[Red Bear:] Phantomice! How dare you interrupt this execution.

[Phantomice:] I'm sorry Red Bear, but I will be the only one who will carry the honors of killing the born king.

[Mallor:] What gives you the right to kill the last of the Dawnbreakers!?

[Phantomice:] The greatest of all evil has given me the right. You all should know your place when fiddling with his issues.

[Red Bear:] I do not care who gives you the right. I will witness the Dawnbreaker and his comrade's deaths right here in my domain which you have invaded...

While Phantomice and Red Bear exchanged quarrels, Renathor was preparing to fire a metal blade at Francis once again.

[Renathor:] Thanks for the distraction Phantomice. Now with no interruptions... I will be the one to kill the Dawnbreaker. Deadrus will greatly reward me.

[Phantomice:] ...Soon, Red Bear, Deadrus will conquer all Veccoran. And when he does, I'll ensure that he comes to take this kingdom away from you.

[Red Bear:] I've had enough of this useless argument. Kill him!

Red Bear's Red Knights prepare to engage in battle, until multiple explosions go off around the place. Smoke began spreading while everyone in the large expanding cloud scattered the people.

[Renathor:] No!!!

[Phantomice:] My pets! Find the Dawnbreaker and kill any who stand in your way *grasps one of the attacking guards and shoves the guard's spear through his helmet*.

The imps swarmed the place, throwing fireballs at any who attempt to attack them. Francis leaps off the stage and quickly gets to his feet, reuniting with Felix and Charlotte. The three of them take cover.

[Francis:] We need to find Bonnie and Nehemiah.

[Felix:] Buh we be bounded.

Out of nowhere, the prisoner Francis saved appears with a lockpick.

[Charlotte:] You're the prisoner who was about to be executed the other day.

[Prisoner:] Yes, and I am here to help you get free of your chains my king *begins lockpicking Francis' chains*.

Bonnie pounced onto a guardsma, choking him to the point he doesn't move a limb. He takes advantage of this to use the guardsmen's dagger to saw off his chains. An Imp appeared right in front of Bonnie; charging. Bonnie rushed to get his chains removed as the Imp leaped into the air. However, a Red Knight comes out from behind Bonnie and whacks the creature down with its mace; the two later brawled, giving Bonnie the chance to free himself. Once they were removed, Bonnie picked up the dagger and swiftly turned to be immediately confronted by Nifsara, armed with her crossbow.

[Nifsara:] I suggest you start running before I end up killing you.

[Bonnie:] No way Nifsara! I said I would come straight for you.

Bonnie bolted forward while Nifsara fired arrows at him. He dodges and deflects one arrow, later sliding to deliver an upper kick to knock her away. Bonnie then leaps up and comes straight down with his dagger. Nifsara grabs his arms, purposefully falls on her back, and uses her hind legs to kick him upward. He ends up losing his weapon while Nifsara stands tall when he falls back down. Nehemiah beats a guardsman, despite being in chains, before being attacked by an Imp that keeps trying to claw him. Nehemiah ends up falling on his back while the Imp grasps him by the neck, sucking the life out of him.

[Tort:] Leave him monster! *blasts the Imp with a shotgun-like weapon.

The Imp retreats while Tort helps Nehemiah.

[Nehemiah:] Tort, you're alive! How did you survive those leeches?

[Tort:] I slipped out like the slimy amphibian I am. Where are the others?

[Nehemiah:] Somewhere within the smoke.

Tort hands Nehemiah a gun as the two begin searching. Francis and his friends were freed as the prisoner ducks from a fireball.

[Felix:] We need ta find our lads.

[Charlotte:] He's right, we can't stay here forever.

[Francis:] Stick together and grab a weapon fast. *turns to the prisoner* Thanks for freeing us, what's your name?

[Prisoner:] Sami, my king.

Francis nods as he and his friends run back into the open; dodging fireballs and avoiding Imps, guardsmen, and Red Knights fighting against each other. Francis, Felix, and Charlotte all grab a weapon while taking down anyone trying to stop them. Renathor snuck through the smoke in pursuit of Francis, but two guardsmen get in his path.

[Renathor:] Out of my way! *swiftly kills the guards mercilessly*.

Mallor shoots the Imps running around and throwing fireballs. Eventually one of them knocks his gun from his hands.

[Mallor:] That's it! Time to squish some monkeys.

Mallor stomps down on an Imp and rams a group of them down into the pit. Phantomice summons black sand he surrounds himself with. He then blasts it to blow away some of the guardsmen. Red Bear charges up his arms with red lightning to create a lightning shield to protect himself from the fireballs. Five of his Red Knights come to his aid to defend him.

[Renathor:] I've gotcha now! *fires the blade at Francis, but an Imp gets in the way after being knocked back by one of the Red Knights*. Damn it!!!

Renathor gets struck by a fireball out of nowhere, knocking him into some crates.

[Nehemiah:]*Shoots an Imp leaping toward him* Do you see them anywhere!?

[Tort:] There they are!*Pins down an Imp and blasts its head open*.

Both Tort and Nehemiah fought their way to reach Francis and his friends.

[Francis:] Duck!*drags both Foxy and Chica to the ground to avoid a fireball*

[Felix:] Roll out ta way!

The three of them separated temporarily when an Imp leaped down to them. It began scaring the three crawling across the ground till it spotted Francis. It came over him as Francis struggled to wrestle it off.

[Francis:] Get off me!

[Felix:] Oy!*whacks it away with a spear*.

The Imp swiftly retaliates by scratching Felix's shoulder. Charlotte then stabbed it in the side with a sword. The Imp however smacks her across the face, pulling the blade out of its side until Francis pushes it in deeper, giving Felix the chance to stab its head to the ground with the spear.

[Francis:] Nice job *playfully punches his shoulder*.

[Felix:] Ow! Careful lad*rubs his scratched shoulder*.

[Nehemiah:] Francis! Over here*waves to them*.

[Francis:] There's Nehemiah! Let's move.

Francis, Felix, Charlotte rush to Nehemiah and Tort's side. Once they regroup, they are nearly hit by a dark yellow magic whip by Phantomice.

[Phantomice:] Your death is upon you Dawnbreaker!*prepares to lash once again*.

[Hope:] I don't think so! *throws a bottle down at Phantomice's feet that blinds him with a bright flash*.

Phantomice is out of sight while Hope joins the crew.

[Nehemiah:] Where is Bonnie!?

[Francis:] We don't know. He got separated when the smoke bombs hit.

[Tort:] We've got to move! we have no time to search.

[Francis:] I can't leave Bonnie!

[Tort:] Forget about him, we need to leave.

[Hope:] I'll go find Bonnie, you get out before the smoke clears up.

Hope runs off while the others swiftly run out of harm's way.

Bonnie picks up an arrowhead in an attempt to hit Nifsara with it, but she easily counters with a quick hand motion to push him back down.

[Nifsara:] You've got a lot of fire within you Bonnie.

Bonnie screams while picking up a spear to attack her with.

[Nifsara:] But all that fuel burns out eventually*pulls out one of her two metal javelins to rival Bonnie's spear*.

Bonnie fights furiously but Nifsara was much too skilled and rid him of his weapon. She kicks him down and follows with a stab attack. Bonnie luckily protects himself with the braces of his chains still attached to him. He throws up his arms left and right repeatedly until he pushes her away with his legs. Nifsara is then hit with a crate. Bonnie grasps her weapon, propels himself up to plant his feet on her chest, andthen bounces off her along with the javelin.

[Bonnie:] *laughs* Take this!

Bonnie lands two hits to Nifsara's head. She jumps up, using her legs to grasp her javelin, and as she's falling, Nifsara lands on her hands to pry her weapon back, sticks it into the ground, and then returns with a fatal claw slash across Bonnie's eyes.

[Nifsara:] *laughs evilly* I told you little bunny...

Bonnie was defenseless by the time Nifsara lifted him by the ears.

[Nifsara:] I would take your life with my claws.

Nifsara prepares to claw Bonnie, but Hope jumps in to dropkick her..

[Hope:] *helps him up* I've gotcha Bonnie.

Hope quickly ran off with him when Nifsara got back to her feet.

[Nifsara:] Next time then.

The smoke finally begins to clear. Phantomice notices this as he sees he's vastly outnumbered when hounds and Triderettsia's appeared.

[Phantomice:] Retreat to the shadows my pets!

Phantomice disappears out of thin air along with his Imps, who slip away into the dark. Red Bear lowers his hands to shut down his lightning shield as all 10 of his Red Knights returned to his side. Nifsara, Mallor, and other guardsmen then reunite.

[Mallor:] The born king and his friends have escaped.

[Nifsara:] I am certain they will be back again.

[Red Bear:] I am disappointed in all of you! We had a chance to finally get rid of our enemies, and now they've escaped our clutches once again.

[Mallor:] With all due respect my king, Deadrus' lackeys ruined that chance of ours.

[Red Bear:] Silence!

[Nifsara:] What will you have us do my king?

[Red Bear:] Double defenses around the kingdom, and search everywhere for our enemies both Dawnbreaker, Regime, and Deadrus' comrades... now clean up this mess.


Goldane and the other Fatal Five Warriors rode through a swampy terrain. Just moments later, they all come across The Great Wall of Sanchina ahead.

[Mr. Chipper:] *gasps* The Great Wall of Sanchina.

[Mendo:] Looks like a battle had already taken place.

[Nicholas:] And that is the reason we are all here.

[Goldane:] Come, we must keep moving. I can already sense another battle will begin.

They all ride to the wall. As they got closer, they noticed an army of anamorphic cougars assembling at the front of the wall building barricades. Some of the crocodile foot soldiers were aiding them as well. Up at the top of the wall, everyone was preparing canons and guns. There were more soldiers aside from the cougars. There were some iguanas, snakes, capybara's, and cranes.

[Prince Gillian:] I've managed to bring some more natives of your land to join the fight. Hopefully it is enough.

[Corbin Croc:] I'm beginning to think we probably don't, but at least we have a sorcerer here to join us.

[Solomon:] I am happy to help you defend this magnificent structure. Shortly there will be others joining us.

[Sanchina soldier 1:] Sir, new warriors have arrived.

Goldane and the others waited inside a room when Corbin, Prince Gillian, and Solomon entered.

[Goldane:] *bows respectfully* Solomon, it has been too long.

[Solomon:] Goldane, you look well my friend.

[Goldane:] As do you, bright and wise once more.

[Solomon:] And being golden serves you well.

[Prince Gillian:] So these are the people you've invited over to join the battle.

[Solomon:] Yes. I know Goldane well and he will gladly help fight back against Deadrus' forces.

[Corbin:] Thank you all for coming, we needed as much help as possible. Now I think we've got enough to hold off Sepitus Kane and the army he brings.

A lot of commotion occurs at the wall when the alarms of battle began to sound off.

[Mr. Chipper:] Pretty loud out there.

[Mendo:] Obviously a battle is upon us.

[Mr. Chipper:] Don't raise your tone with me, Mendo!

[Mendo:] You're the one raising your tone!

Balla whacks them both across the head with her staff.

[Balla:] Will you two be adults and stop acting like siblings quarreling!?

[Prince Gillian:] We should get back onto the wall.

Corbin, Prince Gillian, Solomon, Goldane, and the others came to the top of the wall.

[Corbin:] Everyone! Get to your battle stations, now.

[Prince Gillian:] Flyers! Get those bombs ready.

[Nicholas:] Man, I never thought I would be in this type of situation again.

[Balla:] Well get ready. Sepitus Kane and his army approaches.

Out in the distance, coming into view, was Sepitus. He was wielding his axe, smiling.

[Sepitus:] The next battle begins *taps the bottom of his axe onto the ground, causing a loud thud*. Attack!!!

Black skeletons charged passed him.

[Soldier 4:] Umbrones!

[Corbin:] Want to strike first?

[Prince Gillian:] Gladly.

Prince Gillian and his soldiers took flight while firing their arrows down at the incoming Umbrones. However, these creatures didn't go down easily. It took nearly five shots to knock them dead. Sepitus then raises his axe in the air.

[Sepitus:] Challenge those birds!

Flying demons zoomed lift off into the air, clashing with Prince Gillian's men.

[Prince Gillian:] Erylucris!

Prince Gillian's soldiers were caught in a great aerial battle with the Erylucris. Some were getting stabbed midair, blasted with a fireball, or tackled down and bitten on the necks. Prince Gillian is seen dodging a few and stabs one through the head with his spear.

[Corbin:] Barricade! Hold off the Umbrones.

The soldiers on the ground fired their guns at the Umbrones charging in and climbing over the barricades they've set up. The Umbrones proved stronger as the ground soldiers fell one by one.

[Corbin:] Fire down!

The warriors on the wall unloaded their guns on the Umbrones. Some of the Erylucris began flying around, picking up warriors and dropping them.

[Corbin:] Don't let them distract you! Stand your ground, stand your ground*begins firing with his own pistol*.

Mr. Chipper was running and ducking alongside Mendo as the flying demons continued swooping down.

[Mendo:] I really don't like these things!*gets down to the ground to avoid being grasped*.

Balla takes to the air and battles a few of the Erylucris. She spins, dives, and twirls to dodge and strike the flying demons. Nicholas shoots down one of the demons before slashing another's wing off with his katana blade.

[Prince Gillian:] Those foot soldiers need support down there! We're too busy with most of the Erylucris to aid them *throws four daggers into some of the Erylucris chests*.

[Mr. Chipper and Mendo:] We're on it!

Both of them leapt down the wall, using the Erylucris as steps, and then engage the Umbrones. Mr. Chipper uses the top of his axe to bop an Umbrone before giving it two killer slashes across its body. Mendo slides under an Umbrone and then punches it in the crotch before getting on its back to pound it's head into its own body.

[Goldane:] *strikes down an Erylucris with a golden magical beam* Above you!

[Solomon:] *raises his hands up to summon lightning that lands and surges through his arms before blasting a big current that strikes multiple Erylucris* Up ahead, look *points to Sepitus*.

Everyone on the wall notices Sepitus being joined by big rocky beasts with arachnid creatures on the platforms built on their backs. The rocky beasts catapults were loaded with big black balls.

[Sepitus:] March forward!

The rocky beasts made their way towards the battlefield.

[Prince Gillian:] Hold them back!

Prince Gillian and his soldiers fire everything they had to take out the rocky creatures below. However, the arachnid creatures provided good defense by spraying nets of webs at their targets. Slowly, some of Prince Gillian's men get caught in a web, crashing down before getting roped by the arachnids and killed by their sharp claws.

[Prince Gillian:] Fall back! Everyone fall back now.

Prince Gillian and his soldiers retreat, though some get caught by webs. Mr. Chipper finishes an Umbrone while Mendo lifts one over him and then slams it on the spiky barricades around them. They both turn to see the rocky creatures getting closer.

[Mendo:] Why did it have to be Lapituras...

[Mr. Chipper:] And they have Arachnoids on their backs.

[Corbin:] Target the giant rock monsters!

The warriors on the wall directed most of their weapons at the Lapituras, but it wasn't enough to keep them down as they easily trample the barricades. Many of the foot soldiers on the ground started to back off once the Archnoids shot web streams to fling them aside.

[Goldane:] Mr. Chipper! Mendo! Get out of there.

Mr. Chipper and Mendo ran as the Lapituras stopped in one place and get down on all fours, cementing themselves in the ground to where they were unmovable. The Arachnoids prepared the catapults.

[Corbin:] Natives! Fire the artillery!

The natives behind the wall lit up the fireballs on their catapults, launching them over. Mr. Chipper and Mendo were the last to get back inside the wall as the the fireballs hit the Lapituras and Arachnoids. The Arachnoids didn't fare well against the attack, but the Lapituras did.

[Mr. Chipper:] At least they can't launch their catapults.

[Mendo:] Just get in here!*pulls Mr. Chipper through the iron doors beneath the wall*.

[Sepitus:] *growls* Erylucris! Finish the Arachnoids job.

The flying demons came down upon the Lapituras and finished preparing the catapults.

[Prince Gillian:] Shoot them! Don't let them launch those weapons.

Prince Gillian and his men attempted to stop their enemies, however the Erylucris held on long enough to finally launch their weapons.

[Corbin:] Incoming!

The black balls make impact with the wall. The shocking aspect of the attack was that the balls simply stuck to the wall like glue.

[Sepitus:] Fall back! Regroup my army (makes the thud sound with his axe again).

The Lapituras get out of their motionless positions, walking away from the battle. The remaining Erylucris and Umbrones retreat alongside them.

[Prince Gillian:] What was the point of launching those catapults?

[Corbin:] I don't know... but we know another attack is coming.

[Prince Gillian:] At least we did a little better than the first assault.

[Corbin:] But we still had some huge losses.

[Prince Gillian:]*looks to the dead and wounded soldiers* Yes, we did lose many already.

[Solomon:] I sense Sepitus Kane is plotting a great scheme to bring down the wall.

[Goldane:] I can sense it too. Let's hope that we can still outlast them.

Balla tends to her scratched up wing.

[Mr. Chipper:] Balla, are you alright?

[Mendo:] Yeah that wing doesn't look too good.

[Balla:] I'll be ok boys, at least the two of you aren't bickering.

[Mr. Chipper:] Well, that's because you are disciplining us like a mother does to her children.

[Mendo:] What he said.

[Balla:] *chuckles* Well, best to help with preparing for another attack gentlemen.

[Nicholas:] Come on guys. Next time we're going to use those canons *points to the dragon shaped canons being put together on the wall by the gorillas*.

The sun was setting upon the wall. Everyone was busy preparing for another attack.

[Corbin:] We need to reinforce the barricades and set up some special surprises for Sepitus Kane's army. We also need to focus on the heavy weapons, should we need them...

While Cobrin was discussing about preparations for the next attack, Goldane and Solomon stood peacefully atop the wall.

[Solomon:] So many warriors good and evil, soul and soulless, have fallen in battle. Reminds me of the days when the sorcerers were at war with the Sin.

[Goldane:] I've always wondered how different that war would have went if you were there to fight alongside me and everyone else.

[Solomon:] We all did what we could, and thankfully there are still plenty of us that had survived.

[Goldane:] But not as many as there were long ago. How has the society been since the last time I've seen it?

[Solomon:] I have been training a few special sorcerers. It has been very exhausting trying to find new ones, but that's not the only thing.

[Goldane:] There is something going through your mind. I can feel it; you have something important to tell me?

[Solomon:] Indeed. I am afraid my time is almost coming.

[Goldane:] What do you mean?

[Solomon:] I am already sensing that I won't be around for much longer in this realm. And no one else back at the society can take my place as the Grandmaster.

[Goldane:] You didn't just call me up here to also contribute with saving the wall, did you?

[Solomon:] Indeed. I am asking you to take my place as Grandmaster of the Ancient Society of Sorcerers.

[Goldane:] But Solomon... I do not find myself worthy of that position amongst everyone else. I have done nothing of late to prove that I can lead the next generation sorcerers.

[Solomon:] You've already shown that you are capable. You think I haven't been watching you ever since you completed your training as a sorcerer. I have seen you throughout the years lead and guide others into pushing forward and stay on the right path in life. And I am proud that you led Veccoran's savior back to his homeland to fulfill his destiny.

Solomon places his hand on Goldane's shoulder.

[Solomon:] You are one of my best students. I know you can lead the next generation of sorcerers. I have taught you everything you know Goldane, now I wish to pass on these teachings to you.

Goldane drifts off in thought.


Lightblade sleeps in an all dark bedroom. Next to him was an open window where the moon shone down upon him. Within the dark was Wrath, crawling on the ceiling stealthily. His hand grew back as well.

[Seth:] Yes Wrath... slaughter him while he sleeps.

Wrath quietly lands on the floor and pulls out one of its katana blades. It then hovers over Lightblade, raising its blade above him.

[Seth:] Now you will pay... kill him!

Wrath's blade comes down, but Lightblade catches it with both hands.

[Lightblade:] I don't think so Seth!

Lightblade uses the power of his legs to push away Wrath, who quickly gets back to its feet.

[Lightblade:] Why do you want to kill me so badly Seth? I know you have a reason.

[Seth-Wrath:] Because you killed one of my family members!

[Lightblade:] That's right, I did kill Reaper in the Mountain Pass of Glashere.

[Seth:] Because of that, I want you dead. And I will do whatever it takes to put an end to you, Lightblade.

[Lightblade:] You can try, but no matter how skilled your creation is, I will not fall so easily.

[Seth-Wrath:] We'll see once the next attack commences on the wall.

Wrath disappears into the shadows while Lightblade stands in place, glaring at the darkness.


Corbin enters the throne room where his father and mother sat.

[King Abel:] Ah son, how is our wall?

[Corbin:] It took a hit, but remains intact.

[King Abel:] I told you the wall would never fall.

[Corbin:] I won't take any chances father. I will still defend the wall with everything left. But I ask of you to lend me the legions, so I can fully defeat the threats trying to bring it down.

[King Abel:] You already know the answer to that question. You will not take the legions unless I say so. After all, you're not a king yet.

[Corbin:] At least I would be a better king than you.

[King Abel:] Careful Corbin. You should know your place!

[Corbin:] And you should get off your gator tail and help me defend the wall! What has happened to you father? Why have you gotten so prideful into believing that our kingdom's most well-known structure is invincible?

[King Abel:] Because that is the truth son. The wall is invincible, and no other structure has survived for 100 years.

[Queen Ally:] It is true son.

Corbin just shakes his head.

[Corbin:] I hope someday you'll see. And then I hope you lend me the legions to fight back.

Corbin walks away.

[Queen Ally:] I still think you should listen to him.

[King Abel:] No, a king doesn't take orders from his children who still need to learn much of the world around them.

[Queen Ally:] But he isn't a child anymore. He's fullgrown, and is now fulfilling his duty to become the future king.

King Abel doesn't respond, lost in his own thoughts


Back in the borders of Goldenza. Francis walks with Nehemiah. He pulls out the talisman Lord Eld gave him several days ago.

[Nehemiah:] So, I see you have found the talisman of your ancestors.

[Francis:] Actually, it was given to me by Lord Eld. You know who he is right?

[Nehemiah:] Of course. Lord of the veil deer in Veilas. I am wondering how he got that talisman?

[Francis:] Do you know anything about this?

[Nehemiah:] I do know that the talisman does connect a Dawnbreaker to their predecessors. Your grandfather, Frandos, used it to speak with his father about how he could deal with his former brother in arms. This was before Deadrus became Deadrus. I also know that it has a special purpose to serve later in any Dawnbreaker's destiny. I am unaware when that purpose will be revealed, but soon enough you will find out.

[Francis:] I'm wondering what else this talisman will do for me one day. It has remained quiet lately. I begin to question why my father hasn't spoken to me yet.

[Nehemiah:] Whatever the reason is, surely it will reveal itself.

Francis places the talisman away.

[Nehemiah:] Aside from that, do you have any other plans for how we can dethrone Red Bear.

[Francis:] I have been thinking for a while, and I've come to believe that there is one way.

[Nehemiah:] What is your plan?

[Francis:] We need to have the citizens rebel against Red Bear.

[Nehemiah:] We've already attempted to start a revolution.

[Francis:] But now that I am here, I will show the citizens that they should not be afraid to fight back for their freedom...

While Francis continued elaborating his plans, Renathor kept watch from the shadows, planning to shoot him dead.

[Renathor:] *chuckles* Now you won't escape from me this time.

[Felix:] Eh!

Renathor perks up to see Felix tackling him down, with Charlotte also following. The two rolled into a small little cavern. Renathor pushes Felix off as Charlotte stands alongside him.

[Charlotte:] This is the second time you've tried to kill our friend.

[Felix:] Who are ye!?

[Renathor:] My name is Renathor! And I want to the honor to kill the last Dawnbreaker, so I can prove to Deadrus and everyone else that I am more than just a messenger.

[Charlotte:] Is that so? Well guess what, Phantomice is already on the job.

[Renathor:] It doesn't matter to me! Phantomice can burn down, and nothing will stop me from taking the life of your friend.

[Felix:] Ye'll never harm Francis as we stand in ta way!

[Renathor:] Then consider yourselves dead! *pulls out his two arch blades*.

Before any fighting could happen, three Imps come out from the dark and snatch Renathor back to the shadows.

[Charlotte:] What was all that about?

[Felix:] Me dun know, buh we must look out for Francis in case Renathor returns.

[Charlotte:] Agreed.


Bonnie laid in bed while Hope bandaged his eyes.

[Hope:] You really took a hit from Nifsara earlier. She isn't easy to take down you know?

[Bonnie:] I know! But I have to... unfortunately, I am blind.

[Hope:] It's not fatal, but it is temporary. I expect you to recover soon.

[Bonnie:] But I wish I could recover now, that way I can see what I am fighting.

[Hope:] You should stay here and rest. It's not safe for you to fight when you're blind.

[Bonnie:] I don't care. I want to destroy Nifsara one way or another. So that means I've got to cope with living blind.

[Hope:] Bonnie, I know that you are a White Knight in training, but you can't risk dying again. Nifsara nearly killed you.

[Bonnie:] That is why I should learn how to fight blindly. Do you think you can help me?

[Hope:] Bonnie I-

[Bonnie:] Please Hope! I need this.

Hope sighs.

[Hope:] Alright... I'll help you, but I want you to rest ok?

[Bonnie:] Ok *lays down*.

[Hope:] I never got to ask though, how did you met Lightblad?

[Bonnie:] Well, it all started when we began our 10-day journey to Goldenza. I was happy to know that we had a White Knight of Bludhaven among us. For my entire childhood, I looked up to the knights. Not only that, but one of my ancestors was a White Knight which further pushed me into wanting to become one of them. I found it with Lightblade. At first we bickered with each other because he was hiding something from me and told me not to join the White Knights. But in the end, I reinvigorated him and he agreed to train me to see if I am White Knight material.

[Hope:] Interesting story. I did see the both of you training, and you didn't succeed.

[Bonnie:] You were watching us?

Hope nods.

[Bonnie:] Is that a yes or a no, because I can't see remember?

[Hope:] It's a yes.

[Bonnie:] Well, yeah, I haven't succeeded well with this new lesson I am trying to surpass. It's called balance. Lightblade used this skill to defeat the demon Rornok within the ancient ruins of the Mountain Pass of Glashere.

[Hope:] Is there a reason to why you are struggling with this lesson?

[Bonnie:] Yes, I'm always going unbalanced. I just don't trust myself without seeing. I think I am strong when I can see and think. Going in balance means you don't think and just flow. But I just can't do it...

[Hope:] Don't say the word can't Bonnie. That will drive you into giving up. We all know how hard things can get, but through that hardship comes success. If you really want to prove that you are going to be a White Knight of Bludhaven in the future, then keep trying and don't stop until your goal is completed.

[Bonnie:] You're right. I should never give up. Now, shall we start training?

[Hope:] I guess so, you're gonna have to hold onto me though.

Hope helped Bonnie exit out of the medical tent.


Outside somewhere in the forest, the Imps were dragging Renathor, who was still trying to fight out of their grip. They tossed him down but he immediately got to his feet.

[Renathor:] You stupid Imps! I was going to slay my enemies.

[Phantomice:] And you are further disobeying Deadrus!

Renathor turns around, receiving a smack across the face and then held up by the chest.

[Phantomice:] You should be back at Vriatonara! I told you to stay away from this, but you continue to seek redemption that you will never have.

[Renathor:] Of course I won't! And I don't care how many times you or Deadrus torture me, I will always seek redemption.

Phantomice tosses him into a tree trunk.

[Phantomice:] I will warn you one last time, Renathor! Leave and return to Vriatonara or else...

[Renathor:] Fine! But before I go, I have a way you could possibly finally slay the Dawnbreaker.

[Phantomice:] Then please, elaborate.

[Renathor:] Tell Red Bear where the Regime's hideout is, and then take the advantage to strike the Dawnbreaker.


Back in Goldenza's throne room...

[Mallor:] My king please... we have searched everywhere around the city.

[Red Bear:] You haven't searched well enough! All of you are failing me. As long as our enemies live, they will once again attempt to dethrone me. I also fear Deadrus' lackeys will show up again at some point.

[Phantomice:] You are right.

Phantomice materializes in the room.

[Nifsara:] It is Phantomice!

All the guardsmen and Red Knights point their weapons at him.

[Phantomice:] Lay down your arms, I do not wish to fight.

[Red Bear:] That would be the most foolish decision a warrior of Deadrus' has ever made.

[Phantomice:] But I have information that will aid you in stopping your enemies.

[Mallor:] Liar! We will not make any deals with associates of Deadrus.

[Red Bear:] At ease Mallor! All of you stand down. Let him speak.

[Phantomice:] For the last 8 years you all have struggled to put an end to the Regime. Now they have their born king who is working his way to take the throne away from you.

[Red Bear:] Yes yes we all know that. What is the important information you keep!?

[Phantomice:] I know the location of the Regime's hideout.


Back in the borders of Sanchina...

Sepitus Kane stabs the black rock into the ground to contact Deadrus.

[Deadrus:] What progress have you made Sepitus?

[Sepitus:] I am ready to begin the final assault upon the wall. Our enemies have no idea what surprise awaits them.

[Deadrus:] Good. Proceed with your assault and destroy the wall, don't fail me.

[Sepitus:] You will see it through my lord. The wall will finally fall.

As the projection ends, Sepitus turns back to his army; preparing for the final battle to take place.


Corbin returns to the throne room of his father's kingdom.

[King Abel:] Son, if you're here to ask for the legions again, my answer is still no.

[Queen Ally:] You've done all you could Corbin. Your father will stick with his decision.

[Corbin:] I know, that is why I am here to say my farewell to you both.

King Abel and Queen Ally's faces went pale.

[Corbin:] I just want to say thank you for being my parents. I will never forget the places you have taken me, the stories you've read to me, and the joy you once brought into my life. The final battle for the wall is about to begin, and I will do whatever it takes to ensure the wall does not fall. But of course, father, you believe the wall will still stand strong. That's fine, but I hope at the end of all this you will finally fight back and stop sitting lazily in your throne. I am hoping the father I once knew fights back.

[Queen Ally:] No son! *runs down to him* You can't die, you're still young and have a life to continue living. I do not want to lose you.

[King Abel:] I will not allow it my son! You are my only heir to the throne. If you die, then no one will be able to take my place.

[Corbin:] You can't stop me father. Just like you never tried to stop me when I began fighting for the wall. I'm sorry, but this is my choice *begins walking away*. Goodbye mother and father, may you live on in life knowing your son did his best to defend this kingdom's stronghold.

Queen Ally falls to tears while King Abel's head falls to defeat.


Corbin returns to the wall where Prince Gillian and the rest were waiting.

[Prince Gillian:] So, will your father help us?

[Corbin:] No, he will stick with his decision.

[Solomon:] Then it will just be the few of us to keep the wall standing.

[Goldane:] Pity, I was hoping we would get enough support to stand against Deadrus' forces.

[Corbin:] It doesn't matter anymore. We may not have enough strength in numbers, but I believe we have all that we need.

[Mr. Chipper:] I can tell some boring little speech or whatever-

[Mendo:] *bops him in the gut* Ssh! Have respect.

[Corbin:] I have gathered loyal foot soldiers who will follow me to the end, villagers who were willing to become warriors, natives of the sea to fight alongside me, other natives of these lands, Prince Gillian and a few of his men to join me, despite our kingdom's history, and of course two sorcerers.

[Nicholas:] Your also forgetting about us*looking to Mendo, Mr. Chipper, and Balla*.

[Corbin:] I think you're missing somebody.

[Mendo:] Where is Lightblade?

[Balla:] He needed to settle things with Seth Creighton. He will not be joining this battle.

[Goldane:] Good luck to him then. Let us hope he defeats his foe.

[Corbin:] Anyway, I need everything right here. No matter what happens during this final fight, we all go down living to the next day or dying in a glorious fashion. Are you all with me?

[Prince Gillian:] I am glad to have put aside our differences set by our kingdoms to fight alongside you. I will stand with you.

[Solomon:] I believe it is quite clear we all are going to stand with you throughout this upcoming battle.

[Corbin:] Alright, now let's get ready for battle.

Everyone at the wall was preparing. Weapons were being passed around, artillery was being set up at the wall, guns were being loaded, barricades were getting a reinforcement, and Corbin started putting on a new set of eastern-styled armor. Nicholas, Balla, Mendo, and Mr. Chipper were readying their weapons also.

[Mr. Chipper:] Do you guys think we're going to survive?

[Mendo:] Nope, but we can fight for our survival.

[Balla:] Why are you asking this?

[Mr. Chipper:] Because I don't wanna die, there is so much things I still haven't done yet.

[Nicholas:] Yeah, we are all afraid to die. But that doesn't change the fact that we are contributing to saving Veccoran.

[Mr. Chipper:] But what about your kids? Your wife? You can't just leave them like this.

[Nicholas:] They've always been afraid of me never coming home. But no matter what, I told them that they must carry on, and to never give up on the hope that I would return to them in any form.

[Balla:] Don't be afraid to die Mr. Chipper. You never know what will happen when you get involved in battles determining life and death.

[Mr. Chipper:] Ok, I shall not be afraid, and I will gladly fall with any one of you.

[Mendo:] That's the spirit! Come on, let's get on top of the wall.

Solomon and Goldane are both place on their amulets to transform into their sorcerer forms.

[Goldane:] I am glad to fight by your side once more.

[Solomon:] Reminds me of the days when you first traveled with me to destroy the evil witch.

[Goldane:] Do you believe we will survive this?

[Solomon:] I'll always believe Goldane. I do not lose faith in any battle. I do sense the tides of this battle will shift once it begins.

[Goldane:] I hope the tides are in our favor.


Francis snuck through the city, cloaked with Nehemiah, Felix, and Charlotte.

[Francis:] We need to find Sami. He is the one painting my family's symbol across Red Bear's buildings.

[Felix:] Buh we duh not know where he may be.

[Francis:] We'll find him, I'm sure he should be lurking around somewhere.

[Charlotte:] Hounds up ahead!

[Nehemiah:] Quickly, this way.

Francis and the others hide in a street corner as the hounds, with a few guardsmen, pass by.

[Charlotte:] I really don't want to deal with those things again.

[Francis:] Neither do I, but let's continue finding Sami.

[Sami:] My king? Is that you?

Everyone turns to see Sami, whose hands were stained with paint.

[Nehemiah:] Looks like he found us.

[Francis:] Sami, I'm glad we found you. Listen, we're going to need your help.

[Sami:] Of course, anything my king!

[Francis:] We are trying to get the citizens to rebel, but we need to gain everyone's attention.

[Sami:] I think I can help with that.


Sami and a few other followers of his began protesting at the center of town.

[Sami:] Citizens! Listen to me. We need to have faith and be rid of the king sitting upon the throne...

As Sami and his friends continued ranting, guardsmen and hounds started to appear.

[Guardsmen 4:] You all are under arrest for violating the king with these rants!

[Sami:] We are going nowhere. You're going to have to kill us first.

[Guardsmen 4:] As you wish. Loose the hounds upon them.

The hounds charged but were scooped up by some net that flings them aside. Francis and the others reveal themselves within the crowd to take out the Guardsmen. The citizens watch as Francis swiftly dealt with one of the guards. He then turns to the people who gathered.

[Francis:] Citizens of Goldenza! You already know me as Francis, the last of the Dawnbreaker bloodline. You no longer have to live a life as slaves under the rule of Red Bear; you do not have to fear his followers that threaten you. The Regime has tried to convince you all to start a revolution, and now is that time. So stand with me and fight back to free yourselves of Red Bear's wrath!

None of the citizens respond the way Francis expected or hoped. Many of focused their attention elsewhere or kept their heads down. Francis and the others were left puzzled.

[Nehemiah:] I don't think this is what you expected.

[Charlotte:] Why won't any of you start fighting back? Your heir is here to save you all!

[Felix:] Tis be puzzlin'.

[Francis:] Citizens! What is your answer? Will you or will you not rebel against your tyrants?

Red Bear suddenly appears in between the citizens and Francis like a ghost.

[Red Bear:] That was not a bad speech Dawnbreaker... but it won't change any of the citizen's minds. I will not be rebelled against by the people. For 8 years they had to deal with my way of ruling this kingdom, and now nearly all of them have fallen in line and will obey me. You have failed in this pointless plan of yours.

Francis' eyes go down, a disappointing feeling grows within him.

[Nehemiah:] You will be dethroned Red Bear! As long as I, the born king, and the Regime still stand, there will always be a resistance to oppose you.

[Charlotte:] Yeah!

[Felix:] He be right!

Red Bear gives a long evil laugh that makes Nehemiah, Felix, and Charlotte uncomfortable.

[Red Bear:] There will no longer be a Regime to fight me Nehemiah. Thanks to an unexpected turn of events, I now know where you all have been hiding for the past 8 years.

Francis and the others turn grim while Red Bear grinned.

[Red Bear:] I've already sent an my forces to invade the hideout to only capture a few important faces while slaughtering anyone remaining.

[Francis:] Bonnie and Lolly are still at the hideout!

[Nehemiah:] Tort and Hope are there as well!

[Charlotte:] We need to head back and warn them.

[Felix:] Let's move!

[Red Bear:] You won't reach in time. After all, you'll have to contend with these creatures.

As Red Bear disappears into thin air, leeches pop out of nowhere.

[Nehemiah:] Leeches!

[Charlotte:] Ew!

[Sami:] My king, use fire! They hate it.

[Francis:] Got it, find a torch and light these slimy parasites!

Francis and the others fight past the leeches while grabbing a few torches nearby. They then easily repel the leeches with bad burns to drive them away.

[Nehemiah:] We need to get back to the hideout and fast.

[Sami:] Follow me.

Sami opens up doors to a stable where some Striders were.

[Sami:] Take these Striders, they're the fastest we've got.

[Francis:] Thank you Sami, you and your friends must stay hidden until we return with a new rebellion plan.

[Sami:] Yes my king. I'll wait for you.


At the hideout, there was plenty commotion. Nifsara and Mallor led a destructive assault against the Regime.

[Nifsara:] At long last, the Regime will finally fall*shoots a regime member in the head with her crossbow*.

[Mallor:] Kill most of them, but do not too many, especially some familiar faces.

Tort stays hidden at the side of a wall when some guardsmen pass by. He then stabs one of them in the neck and shoots three in front of him with his shotgun.

[Regime member 1:] Tort! We're outnumbered.

[Regime member 2:] What do we do sir?

[Tort:] Evacuate everyone as much as possible! Take them to the evacuation route we've been preparing for the last 8 years.

[Regime member 1:] On it!

[Tort:] The rest of you, follow me. We need to find Hope, Bonnie, and Lolly.

Hope holds Bonnie's hands as she leads him away from the battles.

[Bonnie:] How did Red Bear's allies find us?

[Hope:] I don't know, but we need to find your friend Lolly.

[Bonnie:] I bet Nifsara is here! If she is, she's going down.

[Hope:] Do not think about going after her Bonnie! We need to focus on saving your friend.

[Bonnie:] Fine! How far is the medical tent?

[Hope:] It's just up ahead.

Nifsara draws one of her metal javelins and throws it into the heart of a regime member.

[Guardsmen 5:] Nifsara, I'm getting reports that Bonnie has been spotted in the upper levels of the hideout.

[Nifsara:] Good. I will gladly take him prisoner.

[Mallor:] Fall beneath my feet rebels!

Mallor stomps down on some regime members trying to attack him. Francis and the others were rode through the forests at high speeds.

[Francis:] Come on! Faster faster!

Hope and Bonnie make it to the medical tent, finding Lolly with three dead guardsmen.

[Lolly:] Hey guys. Looks like I've missed a lot.

[Bonnie:] You did Lolly; you were knocked out from your injuries.

[Lolly:] What happened to your eyes?

[Hope:] We'll have to explain later, right now we must evacuate the hideout.

[Bonnie:] Can you stand?

[Lolly:] Thanks to these casts, I think I can manage.

[Hope:] Good, let's go.

Hope, Bonnie, and Lolly dashed out of the tent when a couple guardsmen shot down at them from another room across.

[Hope:] Get down!*shoves Bonnie down and pulls out a pistol to fire back with*.

[Lolly:] We can't stop now! We need to carry on.

[Hope:] Hang on for a moment!

Hope looks left and right. She grabs a silver shield and uses it to block the attack coming from the guards.

[Hope:] Get behind me!*Bonnie and Lolly stick behind Hope as they continue moving*.

Hope and the other two are confronted by more guardsmen who charge in to attack them.

[Lolly:]*pulls out her lasso* Stay back!

Lolly uses her lasso to throw one of the guards into another while Hope shot some of them. Bonnie drew his sword and listened, but he ended up hitting other objects instead of any guardsmen.

[Hope:] Come on, we have to keep moving.

Lolly lasso's Bonnie over to stay close to the two of them.

[Hope:] Come on this way!

Hope leads Bonnie and Lolly down a rotating pathway where they run into Tort and a few other regime members.

[Tort:] Thank goodness we found you.

[Hope:] What's the situation at the lower levels?

[Tort:] Many are being slaughtered... we need to get to the evacuation route.

[Hope:] Ok, let's go.

Tort led everyone through the hideout while battling some guardsmen standing in their way. Hope carried Lolly because she would slow everyone down while she used her lasso for Bonnie to hold onto, that way he doesn't lose anybody. As Tort continued running, a Triderettsia appeared in the way; munching down on a regime member.

[Tort:] Everyone turn left!

The group, minus Tort, ran to the left as the Triderettsia spotted them but was shot three times by him.

[Hope:] How are you holding up Bonnie?

[Bonnie:] I'm doing my best.

Plenty of hounds and guardsmen confronted the group in an open area. Tort and the other regime members fought back as they were now pinned down. Hope puts Lolly down and shoots one of the hounds. Bonnie wildly swings around, ends up killing hounds trying to pounce him.

[Bonnie:] I think I'm starting to get the hang of this.

[Nifsara:] Do you now Bonnie. Being blind can be a major disadvantage for any warrior.

Bonnie uses his ears to face the direction of Nifsara's voice.

[Bonnie:] Nifsara! I've been anticipating another fight with you*ready's his sword*.

[Nifsara:] That would be your biggest mistake.

Bonnie attacked first but Nifsara easily deflected his weapon, whacking him down with her metal javelin.

Hope saw Bonnie getting beaten by Nifsara while Tort and the other regime members shoved their way out of the battle.

[Hope:] Lolly, go with Tort and the others. I have to help Bonnie.

[Lolly:] Will you both make it out?

[Hope:] Just go! We'll try our best to follow.

Lolly joins with Tort and the others.

[Tort:] What is Hope doing!?

[Lolly:] No time for questions, let's mosey along!

Lolly, Tort, and the other regime members escaped while Hope battled her way to help Bonnie, who Nifsara was kicking around.

[Bonnie:] Come on Nifsara! Is that all you-

Nifsara hits Bonnie with a couple of round kicks and then whacks him down with her javelin.

[Nifsara:] You have fell before me once again.

Hope leaps in to drop kick Nifsara a second time, but she grabs her foot and tosses her across the ground.

[Nifsara:] Not this time girl.

Hope fired at Nifsara but her armor was resistant to the bullets. Hope ran out and then resorted to her sword.

[Nifsara:] I would surrender if I were you.

Hope looked around to see she was vastly outnumbered.

[Hope:] Fine, I surrender*drops her weapon and raises her hands up*.

[Nifsara:] Wise choice. Now you and Bonnie are my prisoners.

Tort, Lolly, and the other surviving regime members make it to their hidden exit.

[Tort:] Let's get this open!

Tort and a few other regime members push a big boulder aside, revealing a hidden tunnel that everyone rushes through.

[Tort:] Quickly! Get in, get in.

Tort glances back for a second and then shuts the hidden tunnel closed.


The sun rose the next day. Francis and the others finally made it to the hideout, only to find some dead bodies.

[Nehemiah:] No...

[Charlotte:] We're too late.

[Felix:] Tay've beaten us.

[Francis:] No! there has to be survivors.

Francis rode ahead with the others following. They all get down from their Striders as they enter. They are met with wrath and ruin.

[Nehemiah:] They've destroyed everything...

The group searched the place horrified by what they saw, especially Nehemiah.

[Nehemiah:] So, it would seem Red Bear's words were true. The regime has now come to an end.

Francis kneels down, shaking his head in disappointment.

[Felix:] There be a chance anyone survived?

[Nehemiah:] Actually there is! If they made it, then some could have escaped through the evacuation route we set up in case something like this happened.

Nehemiah lead the other three to the secret exit.

[Charlotte:] I hope some managed to survive.

[Nehemiah:] Let's find out.

The boulder was pushed aside as the group entered through the tunnel. Later as they continued trekking, they saw a bright light up ahead that led outside into a more open area filled with big bushes.

[Felix:] Look, there be smoke over in ta distance *points to some smoke appearing in the east*.

Nehemiah and the others walked till they came across a small little camp where Tort, Lolly, and the surviving regime members were.

[Tort:] Nehemiah! Red Bear's lackeys invaded the hideout; slaughtered many of our allies. This is all we have left.

[Nehemiah:] After all these years they've finally figured out where we have hidden for the last 8 years.

[Felix:] Oy Lolly, ye're awake.

[Lolly:] Hey guys.

[Charlotte:] How are your legs?

[Lolly:] Still healing but I'll manage. What did I miss?

[Felix:] Well, after Phantomice and those Imps attacked, Goldane and the others left to help defend the Great Wall of Sanchina.

[Lolly:] Oh, well what happened to Nicholas then?

[Charlotte:] Nicholas took your place amongst the Fatal Five Warriors.

[Lolly:] He did? Why would he do that?

[Felix:] He did say you've saved his life before.

[Charlotte:] It was really nice of him.

[Lolly:] Wow, that's actually really nice to here. Speaking of which, I still want to tell Nicholas how I felt about him before. But of course I am just too afraid to talk with him because I don't want him to think I love him or anything like that.

[Charlotte:]*shakes her head* Lolly, you're overthinking about this. I am sure he will understand.

[Felix:] Not'ing will change between ta two o ye. Just like what ye did wit me and Charlotte, we goin' ta do ta same for ye. It's now or never.

Lolly contemplates their words and then smiles back at the two.

[Lolly:] You both are right, I should stop overthinking and just tell him. If he is willing to take my place for the Fatal Five Warriors, then I think everything will be ok.

Felix and Charlotte smile at each other and then back at Lolly.


Inside a prison chamber within Goldenza...

Bonnie, Hope, and a few surviving regime members were locked up.

[Nifsara:] You all will be wonderful slaves and to serve as examples for what happens if you rebel against the king.

[Hope:] You can't keep us locked up in here forever. We will escape while the born king is still out there.

[Nifsara:] Oh don't worry, he'll be slain along with his remaining allies.

[Bonnie:] Don't forget Nifsara, I'm still not finished with you.

[Nifsara:]*chuckles* How can you fight me when you're both locked up in this cell, and blind. You'll soon give up on trying to defeat me.

[Bonnie:] We shall see.

Red Bear laughs gloriously in his throne room.

[Red Bear:] After 8 years of rebellion, the regime has finally fallen! Unfortunately, the born king remains. It won't matter... he has no chance of overthrowing me.

[Mallor:] We have truly made an accomplishment the other night my king. Shall we continue our search for the Dawnbreaker?

[Red Bear:] Find him. I know he won't be too far away.

Mallor bows and leaves the throne room.

[Red Bear:] Soon enough, nobody will ever threaten my rule over this kingdom again.


Back at the Great Wall of Sanchina...

Corbin and everyone else anxiously waited for the next attack on the wall.

[Prince Gillian:] Where is Sepitus Kane and his army?

Mr. Chipper and Mendo stood with the foot soldiers at the barricades.

[Mr. Chipper:] Maybe they're not coming and just being a bunch of cowards.

[Mendo:] I don't think so. It's not likely for Deadrus' allies to behave that way.

Up ahead, a loud marching sound echoed in the distance. Corbin, Prince Gillian, and everyone else at the wall saw shapes approaching. Sepitus Kane and his army then march into view.

[Balla:] Took him long enough.

[Nicholas:] And he's brought some new friends to join him. Sepitus has brought Immortuos Bellators [the zombie like creatures with a fiery glow emanating from within their bodies] and Shadow Men [the tall skinny creatures with purple eyes].

[Goldane:] The battle draws near.

[Solomon:] This will be the fight that decides the fate of the wall.

Sepitus Kane and his army halt in place; puzzling the opposing side.

[Mr. Chipper:] He just stops in place?

[Mendo:] No, there is more to this.

Sepitus simply smiles as he glances back at the army behind him.

[Sepitus:] WAR!!!

Sepitus raises his axe up, pointing straight at the wall while Lapituras emerge and launch fireballs from their catapults thanks to the remaining Erylucris and Umbrones.

[Corbin:] Take cover!

Everyone at the barricades below scattered from the incoming fireballs. At the wall, Goldane and Solomon deflected some while everyone else got hit.

[Sepitus:] Charge!!!

Sepitus and his army rush into battle. Roaring and screaming.

[Solomon:] The battle has now begun.

[Corbin:] Natives, fire the catapults!

From behind the wall, the natives loaded their catapults with fireballs and launched them in an act of retaliation. Many in Sepitus's army were hit, but their enemies were still charging through.

[Mr. Chipper:] Here they come.

[Mendo:] Everyone get ready!

All the foot soldiers at the barricades held their ground once Sepitus and his army came barraging through. The Shadow Men were the first to attack by forming into black clouds to teleport. They started abducting foot soldiers or firing their harpoon-shaped hands into them. Some of the Shadow Men teleport to the top of Sanchina's wall; brawling with the warriors above.

[Corbin:] Stand your ground!*shoots a Shadow Man in mid teleportation*.

Balla kicks a Shadow Man off the wall by the time it teleported on top. Nicholas defended himself from another one, stabbing it in the chest. Goldane and Solomon both blast some of the Shadow Men with little effort.


While the battle of Sanchina continued, Lightblade sat on a rock somewhere on a high hill area in Sanchina; away from the distant wall. He had his eyes closed and head down while he patiently waited and listened. His ears begin to twitch once he senses a presence close by.

[Lightblade:] I know you're here.

Behind Lightblade, standing tall and lifeless, was Wrath. He gets up to face him.

[Lightblade:] Took you long enough to finally find me.

[Seth-Wrath:] I was biding my time. I wanted to give you one last moment to live before my creation kills you.

[Lightblade:] You know it's pointless for you to get vengeance for your cousin when you should be helping your master.

[Seth-Wrath:] This is personal Lightblade! Any family member of mine is important to me. Now that you've killed one of them, you will pay the price for messing with the Creighton Family!

[Lightblade:]*pulls out sword and twirls it around* You want to lead the dance?

[Seth-Wrath:] *pulls out both blades* I'll gladly lead if it makes your death swifter.

[Lightblade:] Come and find out.

Lightblade and Wrath jumped in the air as their blades clash together like thunder. The two fought an epic battle. Lightblade maintained good defense while Wrath unleashed swift and powerful offensive strikes. Wrath blocks one of his attacks and then kicks him backwards. Lightblade retaliates with a rock throw to Wrath's head before delivering a roundhouse kick to slash back; though Wrath blocked with one sword.


Back at the wall...

Sepitus slaughtered many warriors beneath him with his mighty axe. He drew out a triple canon gun, that attaches his right arm, to start shooting. Mr. Chipper and Mendo took down a couple of the Bellators till Sepitus blasts them back.

[Sepitus:]*laughs* No one is going to survive this assault.

[Mendo:] That remains to be seen Sepitus!

Mendo charges at Sepitus, who tries to shoot him, but he misses. Mendo leaps into the air to punch him in the face only to be side kicked. Mr. Chipper joins in and duals with him for a little while before Sepitus kicks him away.

Balla spots her defeated comrades. She battles her way through some of the Shadow Men to swoop down to aid Mr. Chipper and Mendo. She whacks Sepitus across the head multiple times before getting swatted like a fly.

[Sepitus:] I've always had a distaste for bats.

He approaches Balla with the intent to chop her up.

[Mendo:] I don't think so!

Mendo wrestled with Sepitus on his back, punching him really hard.

[Mr. Chipper:] I've gotcha now!

Mr. Chipper grasps Sepitus's leg and bites his heel.

[Sepitus:]*roars* How dare you take a bite out of me!

Sepitus throws off Mr. Chipper and Mendo.

[Sepitus:] You both will regret-

Sepitus gets blasted by a canon from the top of the wall. As he gets up, Balla, Mendo, and Mr. Chipper assemble together united.

[Sepitus:] Do you fools honestly believe you can win?

[Balla:] Yes, and nothing is going to change the tide of this fight.

[Sepitus:] That is where you are wrong. Get ready for the surprise!

Multiple crackling sounds were heard on the wall. The black balls launched from the second assault vibrated. Everyone on top of the wall gathered to see them forming levitated arms and legs, antennae, and eyes and mouths with a red glow emanating from them.

[Goldane:] No! it can't be.

[Solomon:] Black Devourers. Aim for the mouths!

[Prince Gillian:] You heard Solomon! Give them something to eat.

Many warriors unloaded their weapons upon the Black Devours, but it was too late. They already had chomped their way into the wall. Once they were inside, the tide of battle was already shifting. Everyone at the top felt things becoming unstable due to the Black Devours chomping down the pillars that kept every platform stable.

[Corbin:] Everybody off the wall! Get off the wall!

Many of the warriors started evacuating from the top.

[Nicholas:] Mendo, Balla, Mr. Chipper! Get out of there!

Mendo, Balla, and Mr. Chipper remained locked in combat with Sepitus, who swung fiercely.

[Sepitus:] You three are going nowhere!

Mendo picks up a piece of one of the broken barricades.

[Mendo:] Hey, horn head!

Sepitus turns to receive a hit to the head by the barricade.

[Balla:] Quickly! We need to move fast!

[Mr. Chipper:] You don't have to tell me twice!

The three made their way to the other side of the wall by the time the middle of it collapses down.

[Sepitus:] Push through! Show no mercy!

Sepitus's army comes charging through while everyone tries to hold them off.

[Prince Gillian:] I don't think we can hold them back like this.

[Corbin:] Then, we need to head to the trenches and make our stand there. Pull everyone back.

[Prince Gillian:] Fall back! Fall back to the trenches.

Everyone retreated from the battle as Sepitus' army pushed forward.


Lightblade and Wrath duked it out. Wrath attempted to double stab him, but he sidesteps to deliver a palm strike to the face. They clash blades once more. Lightblade slices upward, however, Wrath front flips over him and lands a kick. Lightblade rolls downhill while Wrath slides in pursuit. Once he stops rolling, Wrath leapt into the air, both blades facing downward, and comes down straight. Lightblade raises up his sword quick enough to block, now pinned by Wrath. Lightblade struggles to hold on as Wrath increases his strength to push his blades closer. Lightblade yells before throwing Wrath off; delivering a backflip kick. Lightblade charges in with his blade same time as Wrath. He goes low while Wrath holds both of its swords behind. Wrath performs a scissor cut move with its blades, but Lightblade lowers himself further and slides to give Wrath a bad cut in the abdomen. He smiles, remaining in the position he slid.

[Lightblade:] How does that feel Seth?

[Seth-Wrath:] Not so fast Lightblade.

Lightblade's eyes widened as Wrath's body heals up. Wrath comes swift; Lightblade counters most of his attacks. Wrath swipes powerfully with both blades, breaking Lightblade's sword. Wrath then inflicts cuts on his body, arms, legs, and face. Lightblade was then struck with a headbutt, further falling down the hill while Wrath slowly pursues much to Seth's laughter.


Back in the borders of Goldenza...

[Nehemiah:] We need to take all our resources and plot out one final attack on Red Bear.

[Tort:] Unfortunately, we do not have much strength in numbers.

[Charlotte:] Well we could ask Sami and his followers for help.

[Felix:] Buh t'at not enough ta help fight.

[Lolly:] I think we don't really require an army to take out Red Bear. We can just sneak into his throne room and assassinate him where he stands.

[Tort:] We've already tried assassination, and look at where that led us.

[Nehemiah:] Let us not forget some of our friends are imprisoned, so we need a plan to free them.

As the conversation continued, Francis kept silent.

[Nehemiah:] My king, what do you have to contribute to this?

[Tort:] Yes... please tell us another brilliant plan of yours.

[Felix:] Hey, be nice ta my lad Tort. Why ye gotta be so disrespectful?

[Tort:] I was just tired of waiting for him, that is all.

[Charlotte:] Francis, Are you ok?

[Francis:] No... I have no other ideas.

[Lolly:] Are you giving up?

[Felix:] Ye can't right now Francis. Goldenza needs ye.

[Francis:] If it did, then the citizens would've finally rebelled. But they didn't even though I was present.

[Nehemiah:] I know that it is difficult to win over the people, but I know they will. We just need to keep on trying to show them-

[Francis:] No... Look around you... all of you... The regime has been defeated and the citizens are fully in Red Bear's favor. I thought that being a Dawnbreaker would be enough to convince the people to finally fight back... I was wrong... I can't become a king, and maybe I just don't fit the role. If any of you want to continue fighting then that's fine. I'm done.

Francis walks away while the others watched him go.

[Lolly:] Once again, he is turning away from his destiny.

[Felix:] Poor lad... he guts ta confidence needed ta continue tis journey, and ten loses it.

[Charlotte:] I guess we'll have to deal with the situation on our own then.

[Nehemiah:] No, he will come back. He just needs time.


Francis sat on a ledge over a small lake.

[Francis:] I wish Goldane was here... He probably would lift my spirits. But maybe I wish my father could talk to me. I'm still wondering why he hasn't said anything for the last couple of days*looks at the talisman*. You know... I can't do this on my own, without Goldane and the other Fatal Five Warriors. I can't even save the people of Goldenza... I'm really finished with this.

Francis dropped the talisman into the water. He watches the object slowly fade beneath the lake. When the talisman reaches the bottom floor, it begins to glow. Francis frowns until the bright light of the sun hits him. He is met with a bright flash of light that has him falling off the ledge into the water. Everything suddenly turns white as Francis finds himself in a blank world just similarly to the first time the talisman called him.

[Francis:] Father?

[Francisco:] I am here my son.

Francisco materializes in front of Francis.

[Francis:] After these past few days, you finally decide to speak with me.

[Francisco:] I was busy watching you while you worked your way to take back our family's throne.

[Francis:]*head down* I'm sorry father... I can't take back the throne; I can't win over the people; And now it has cost me friends and allies. I've failed you father. I have failed all my ancestors before me.

[Francisco:] You haven't failed me yet. You cannot give up. Losing friends and allies is part of any battle.

[Francis:] But what about the people? How can I save them if they are afraid to fight back?

[Francisco:] Show them who you say you are. Goldane told you there are powers within you that have yet to awaken, now is the time to use them. Most importantly, if you wish for the citizens to stand behind you, then remember this when I ruled Goldenza...

[Francis and Francisco:] "The people of your house come first".

[Francisco:] Show the people love, give them great care, and that is how you will win them over.

[Francis:] You are right father. For too long I've been fighting for my own benefit that I neglected what the people are going through. Thank you father.

[Francisco:] Go now my son, reclaim the throne, and become the born king you were meant to be.

[Francis:] Wait, how will I unlock the powers within me!?

[Francisco:] You'll know when the time comes. Goodbye for now, my son, and achieve your destiny.

Everything fades as Francis opens his eyes; finding himself at the bottom of the lake. He turns to the side and finds the talisman dimming its glow. He picks it up before swimming to the surface where he stands tall back on land.


Francis returns to his friends and the remaining members of the regime.

[Felix and Charlotte:] Francis!

[Lolly:] I knew he would come back.

[Nehemiah:] Looks like somebody bid his time well.

[Francis:] Yes, I have. I believe there is a chance we can finally dethrone Red Bear.

[Tort:] How will we do that?

[Francis:] By giving the people love and care.

Everyone glances at Francis oddly.

[Felix:] What?



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