The icy kekkei genkai (sasuke...

By em234ilia234

11.4K 299 16

They saw me as the Gojo kid with the powers, never as Hanako. That was until I met him. This is the story of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Authors note
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Authors Note
Chapter 21

Chapter 14

233 8 0
By em234ilia234

"I said, Do you have something against me?" I said. The pinkette stayed silent.

"I don't get it Sakura. I didn't do anything to you, and I'm just met with a shitty attitude all the time."

"Hanako, not everyone likes you, don't you get that!" She said, looking at me dead in the eyes.

"Listen I don't like you either but you don't see me going around treating you like shit. We're in the same team now. Get over whatever grudge you have before it takes a toll on Sasuke and Naruto." I said, before leaving her dumbfounded.

— — —

The next morning we met up with Kakashi at the Hokage's office for a mission. We had to take a message from the leaf village to the land of hot water. We weren't given details on what the scroll contained, only that we had to get it to Yugakure's leader.

We then took off for our journey, quickly making it to the temple. Kakashi sensei went in to give the scroll to the leader, getting praised for his punctuality. When we heard that from behind the door, we all looked at each other and simultaneously said, "What punctuality?" It was a first that Kakashi was getting praised for that.

When his meeting with Yugakure's leader ended, he spoke to us. "This mission went really well, I'm proud of you guys. Would you like to go to the hot springs? It's getting late and we'll have to leave tomorrow morning."

We obviously all agreed and went to the closest hot spring. If the land of hot water was recognized for one thing it definitely was their hot springs. They were so amazing people were referred there for their recovery.

Once we got there, Kakashi sensei paid for our rooms and left us to go change and head into our respective baths, leaving me and Sakura alone. I took off the bandages on my left arm and headed into the hot springs, the pinkette following me behind.

We sat in an uncomfortable silence until she started talking, "Hanako, I thought about what you said and you're right. I'm sorry for treating you that way. I thought about it and I don't even have a valid reason to hate you, I'm just jealous of everything you're able to do but I know that's not a reason to treat you badly. I'm sorry for everything Hanako, could we start over?"

"Of course Sakura," I said, holding onto her arm. "I'd love for us to be friends."

"I'm happy. Do you need help with your wound?" She said, gesturing to my arm. "I just started learning medical ninjutsu with lady Tsunade."

"Yeah, it's been bugging me for the last day."

"You really didn't miss yourself huh?" She said, her hands glowing green over my wound. It was only a matter of minutes that she managed to completely heal it, leaving a less gnarly scar on my whole upper arm.

"Thank you!"

We set off for Konoha early in the morning, when the sun was still rising. My arm had stopped hurting, so I figured bandaging it was unnecessary.

"Hana, how's your arm?" Sasuke asked me.

"It's all good, Sakura helped me with it yesterday."

We continued with a lighthearted conversation until I felt a presence close to us. I quickly got in front of the group and put out my arms as a manner to protect the ones behind me, making signs telling them to stop moving. My glasses covered my eyes, so I figured using my Ketsuryugan was okay.

I focused my eyes in the direction of the presence I felt, making out five ninjas. I pointed to their direction and looked at Kakashi sensei, putting 5 fingers up with my other hand.

We quickly got in formation and our sensei talked, "Come out, we know you're there." Following their leader, five masked men appeared, in front of each of us. They started attacking us, quickly separating the five of us.

I summoned Kayo for her to guide me in battle and started attacking, one black fist after another. The man tried stabbing me with a kunai multiple times but he wasn't able to.

"What the hell is this?" The exhausted man breathed out behind his mask.

"It's infinity. Like Achilles and the tortoise. Read a book, your stupid is showing." I said, before delivering a finishing blow using black fist to the man.

I took off my glasses and went to the first person I could spot, Sasuke. "Do you need help? I just finished with one of them." He didn't respond to me, too focused on his fight. I ran subtly next to the man attacking, hitting him with another black fist, finishing him.

"Your technique is amazing Hana."

"I know right!" I said, panting. Using my technique and limitless this much was taking a toll on my endurance.

We then went off to Naruto to help him with his fight. The man he was attacking seemed more skilled than the others. We attacked and attacked but our jutsus couldn't reach him, until we caught him off guard.

I'd used my black fist a way too many times, leaving me completely exhausted. But we had to go help Sakura, so I ended up taking off my limitless for a while, helping me regain my strengths.

We aided Sakura in her battle, and Kakashi quickly joined us. We kept him distracted until an opening was made, or at least we thought, to attack him.

When the chance appeared, I lunged at his waist to take him off with my Black fist but before I could reach him, I felt a piercing pain in my head and felt my consciousness drifting away.


What happened to Hanako?

Thank you guys so much for reading! 

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