his personal maid

By babywriter234

547 50 1

Nigeria story 😁 More



31 2 0
By babywriter234

The maid knocked on the door "Your coffee is here" she said But there was no response Frowning, she opened the door and stepped into the room

It was pitch black and the only sound was the rain outside She felt her way to the window and opened the curtains letting in a sliver of light

Suddenly, something hard and heavy struck the back of her head. She let out a scream

A shadow loomed over her. "How many times have I told you not to come into my room?"

"I was just doing my job" she stammered

"Your job?" he scoffed "You must be new here They didn't tell you the rules but I'm going to teach you a lesson" He brandished the stick

"What are you doing?" she whispered, her voice trembling. She couldn't see anything in darkness

"I'm going to teach you a lesson" he said, raising the stick menacingly "Not only did you enter my room you opened the window to see my face Who gave you permission to do that?" The maid screamed and her scream echoed through the house

In another room, Mike and Bella were kissing when they heard the scream They broke apart

"He's at it again," Bella said with a sigh "Your mad brother just won't let us be"

"Watch your language" Mike snapped. "He's not mad he's just a little different"

"Well, he's not acting very differently right now He won't even leave his room He just sits in there, yelling at the maids who dare to enter" Bella sat up in bed, frowning. "Now this maid is gone What do we do?"

"I'll just look for another maid" Mike said grabbing his phone

Lisa and Betty looked on in horror as the maid emerged from Drake's room looking weak and bruised

"That's awful!" Betty exclaimed "Why didn't you tell her about his condition? Why did you let her go in there like that?"

"She's just a maid is just a welcome party from drake"

"She's a newbie Lisa We should have warned her"

"Will you shut your mouth and get back to work?" Lisa snapped

Betty huffed and stormed off to the kitchen Lisa sighed and turned to the maid{ Merry } "Is he handsome, or is he ugly?......"

"Wicked being Is that why you asked me to open the window? You didn't tell me he was that wild Look at the state of my skin now"

"Oh for goodness' sake" Lisa muttered, rolling her eyes "Every maid who wants to be his personal maid will have to go through the same thing It's a hazard of the job"

Daniel emerged from the public toilet, naked and scratching his body furiously "Arghh what the heck?" he shouted

Emma burst out laughing "Emma what did you put in my water?" he yelled

"That's what you get for cheating on me And this is only the beginning As long as I'm in this village I'll show you shege and pepper"

"You witch" Daniel screamed

"Hey everyone there's a naked madman here" Emma yelled, drawing the attention of the crowd

Daniel tried to rush back into the toilet but Emma blocked the door "Where do you think you're going? I'm sorry, but they're going to see you naked!" she laughed

People started laughing as well pointing and taking pictures with their phones Daniel's face was red with humiliation. He tried to hide but he was stuck

"Hahaha" Emma laughed as the tears rolled down her face "One down!"

Lucy snickered dropping her phone on the floor "Oh my gosh that was hilarious His thing is so small"

"I know, right? And that crazy fool has the nerve to cheat on me with that Can you believe it?"

"That's just too funny" Lucy said wiping away her tears "Who's next?"

"His friend, Deji I'm putting pepper in his water"

"Wow, this food is delicious" Deji said taking another bite "Thank you Our wife"

Emma blushed"You're welcome, Deji I'm glad you like it."

"You have nothing to worry about. Daniel is going to marry you wife material," Deji said

"Whenever I cook for Daniel, he says, 'Our wife' I'm going to show him a different side of me a side that's more wife material," she said

"What do you have in mind?" Lucy asked

"Well, I was thinking I could bake him something Something sweet and delicious "

"Ooh, I like that idea Maybe you could make some cupcakes?"

"That's a great idea cupcakes with pepper I can't wait "

Emma watched the clock waiting for the time that Deji would fetch his water As soon as he left the house she ran to the well and poured a generous amount of spicy pepper into the water She then hurried back to the house hiding the pepper jar under the table

Deji returned with the water noticing that it had turned a strange color "That's odd" he thought, but he shrugged it off "Whatever I need to take a bath." He carried the water into the bathroom and began to undress He took a deep breath and plunged his head into the water

Deji poured the water over his head, thinking it would feel refreshing "Ahhh, that feels-" But before he could finish his thought, he let out a piercing scream

The water was so spicy that it burned his eyes and skin. He stumbled out of the bathroom naked and soaking wet

Everyone started laughing, and some even started recording him on their phones Even Emma couldn't help but chuckle

"What did you do?!" Deji demanded his eyes red and watering

"wife material"she said laughing
Ella walked home, laughing at the video she had taken of Deji's antics. she saw a car parked at the front of their house She pocket her phone and run inside

"Aunty, you're back!" Emma said , called out as she rushed to favour's side

"You stupid child What trouble have you caused this time?" Emma mother Hellen, snapped

"Mum they deserved"

Favour sighed looking at Emma sternly"You're coming with me to the city,"

"Really? That's great Aunty!"

"Yes, but you'll be working You'll be a personal maid to a child," Favour said

"Being a personal maid to a child is no big deal It'll be fun I'm in Let me go pack my things We're leaving tomorrow morning right?" she said rushing to her room

When Emma emerged from her room she was holding a suitcase stuffed full of clothes and toiletries "I'm ready to go whenever you are Aunty" she said a big smile on her face.........

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