We Met Again ~ KNJ FF

By Namjin_spark124

116K 8.7K 1.9K

"Fuck you and fuck your proposal!! Leave me alone, will you ?!" you raged at him but he was just smiling inno... More

| CHAPTER 10 |
| CHAPTER 11 |
| CHAPTER 12 |
| CHAPTER 13 |
| CHAPTER 14 |
| CHAPTER 15 |
| CHAPTER 16 |
| CHAPTER 17 |
| CHAPTER 18 |
| CHAPTER 19 |
| CHAPTER 20 |
| CHAPTER 21 |
| CHAPTER 22 |
| CHAPTER 23 |
| CHAPTER 24 |
| CHAPTER 25 |
| CHAPTER 26 |
| CHAPTER 27 |
| CHAPTER 28 |
| CHAPTER 29 |
| CHAPTER 30 |
| CHAPTER 31 |
| CHAPTER 32 |
| CHAPTER 33 |
| CHAPTER 34 |
| CHAPTER 35 |
| CHAPTER 36 |
| CHAPTER 37 |
| CHAPTER 38 |
| CHAPTER 39 |
| CHAPTER 40 |
| CHAPTER 41 |
| CHAPTER 42 |
| CHAPTER 43 |
| CHAPTER 44 |
| CHAPTER 45 |
| CHAPTER 46 |
| CHAPTER 47 |
| CHAPTER 48 |
| CHAPTER 49 |
| CHAPTER 50 |
| CHAPTER 51 |
| CHAPTER 52 |
| CHAPTER 53 |
| CHAPTER 54 |
| CHAPTER 55 |
| CHAPTER 56 |
| CHAPTER 57 |
| CHAPTER 58 |
| CHAPTER 59 |
| CHAPTER 60 |
| CHAPTER 61 |
| CHAPTER 62 |
| CHAPTER 63 |
| CHAPTER 64 |
| CHAPTER 65 |
| CHAPTER 66 |
| CHAPTER 67 |
| CHAPTER 68 |
| CHAPTER 69 |
| CHAPTER 70 |
| CHAPTER 71 |
| CHAPTER 72 |
| CHAPTER 74 |
| CHAPTER 75 |

| CHAPTER 73 |

620 60 19
By Namjin_spark124

Leave him!" Chang-Wook's panicked exclamation pierced through the chaos unfolding in the dark, dense forest of Seoul. Behind the towering trees that had stood for ages, a chaotic scene played out, the branches trembling slightly with the commotion beneath their shade.

"I said leave him; he just came from the hospital!" He tried his best to pull those two figures away but Min Yoongi had blood in his eyes. 

"Yoongi-shi" Seokjin interjected but all he got was a, "SHUT UP!!" in return. he sighed again, composed himself, he was angry too...after hearing what that young boy just told them, he was angry too....

but his anger composition was good, well better than Yoongi. it was nearing to the midnight of the Monday, and four men were gathered for a common task but none of them was initiating it, instead they were busy having a grimacing session on the things that were already done. 

This human tendency to dwell on the things which are already done is one of the special features of us, but we forget that this tendency has a lot of flaws. 

We forget our present and future, and when we realize it's already too late.  just like here, Yoongi was enraged about his sister who was already in danger. Jungkook just finished his story telling about the bizarre night he spent with Namjoon and Y/N. 

"When you didn't know how to plan then you should've shut up!" Yoongi growled dangerously at Jungkook, at this point it was clear he was blaming Jungkook for his sister's condition. because what Jungkook told them was his plan to seduce, divert and flee with the camera. 

Yoongi, being a biased brother here, he neglected the flaws of his sister's intention. blaming this young boy won't save Y/N in this situation...but who will make him understand this? 

No one 

 Trying to make Yoongi understand was akin to waving a red flag in front of a bull - futile and fraught with danger.

"I never knew we would in this danger-" Jungkook tried to reason 

"THEN WHY?!" Yoongi interrupted him off 

"W..anted to help..them" Jungkook's eyes moistened a little, nobody asked him what his condition was, how he was coming up with this situation. 

He was being blamed; he knew he deserved this. He was also blaming himself but what could he do now? does he have any other option? instead of saving them?


"Well, your help because of—" Yoongi started, but Seokjin cut him off abruptly.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Seokjin shoved Yoongi away from him, his voice raised in frustration. "You can't fully blame this boy, Min Yoongi. We both know about the dumb decisions our siblings took..." Seokjin grabbed Yoongi's collar, his eyes glaring straight into his.

"Because of him—" Yoongi attempted to interject, but Seokjin interrupted him forcefully.

"No!" Seokjin insisted, his grip tightening on Yoongi's collar. "He helped them the right way! If he hadn't been there, who knows what more dangerous situation they would've ended up in! Instead of thanking this guy, you are blaming him?! Unbelievable!?"

Seokjin's words hung in the air; his frustration palpable as he confronted Yoongi's misplaced anger. In that moment, it was clear that he would not stand idly by while Yoongi unfairly targeted Jungkook for their siblings' mistakes.

"They were clueless about that place, Yoongi. Jungkook just helped them out. They got abducted; it wasn't his fault for helping them!" Seokjin's voice was firm, his words carrying a sense of conviction as he defended Jungkook's actions.

"Now man up and GO SAVE THEM!" Seokjin's voice cut through the tense atmosphere, his words pushing Yoongi backward with force. He sighed tiredly; his frustration evident as he addressed Jungkook. "And you, little boy..." Seokjin asserted, pointing towards Jungkook. "Come with me."

Jungkook frowned deeply but reluctantly started to follow Seokjin. "W-Where are we going?" he asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

"To scheme something, until this angry bull right here decides to throw away his anger!" Seokjin shot a pointed look at Yoongi. "Your older brother can also join us if he wants," he added, glancing at the confused Chang-Wook, before walking away.

Yoongi felt the weight of his own frustration bearing down on him. He was tired, tired of fighting with his rational and irrational thoughts. He wasn't a short-tempered man, but this situation was pushing him to his limits.

Despite knowing deep down that Jungkook was innocent, Yoongi found himself succumbing to the temptation of blaming him to alleviate his own guilt. It was easier to deflect responsibility than to face the harsh reality of his sister's peril.

His resolve crumbled, and he sank to the ground with a heavy thud, clutching his hair in frustration. Tears welled up in his eyes as he struggled to come to terms with the gravity of the situation. All his bravado evaporated in the face of his overwhelming sense of helplessness. helplessness of what to do or what not to do....

"What were you even trying, Nini..." he whispered hoarsely, his voice barely audibles over the pounding of his own heart. With each passing moment, the weight of his sister's safety bore down on him, suffocating him with fear of the unknown.

In that moment of vulnerability, Yoongi grappled with the realization that he had neglected his role as an older brother. Now, with his sister's life hanging in the balance, he was forced to confront the harsh truth of his own shortcomings.

The need for the much-needed hug was in huge demand, never in his life Yoongi felt so Venerable, "Crying won't do anything bro" a hand came up on his shoulder with a reassuring pat. 

slowly that hand snaked around his shoulder with bringing him in a hug, "let's do our best..." 

Chang-Wook gave his best charming smile while Yoongi looked at him with his tear-filled eyes. Chang-Wook softly nodded with positivity emitting. 


 "We're here Hyung " he glanced with his cold eyes to his left to the figure sitting in a deep thought. looking at the dense forest like he knew something was there. 

"Get down and don't forget to get your overcoat..." That's all he said before quickly hoping off the car, leaving a sighing Jimin behind 

"I won't understand this man ever...." Jimin hopped off 

"You know what we have to do Jimin-ie..." Hoseok raised his eyebrows and indicating, while all Jimin was nodded his head like a bobblehead. 

"Get to work..." 

'Every action has an equal and opposite reaction'

This sentence, of merely eight words, is widely known and often causes traumatic and sleepless nights for students. Everything is connected in this nature, from chemistry to relationship chemistry, from physics to life....

But do those students realize that these mere words have a huge meaning outside of those physics' textbooks? 

That very fateful prom night what do you think Namjoon did that? because he hated Y/N? she irked him? she challenged him? she disrespected? 

none of them

Young minds boil on a huge intensity, they easily get influenced by literally everything just like a clay pot, you make them good they will good, you spoil them, they will be ruined. 

popularity, fame, respect, uniqueness, inferiority 

All these are the elements which comprise of a college student, those young minds just want to get a little fame, loads of respect regardless of the means they achieve it. 

The same happened with a 20-year-old Namjoon, he was already known for his genius skills and mind. but, have you ever met someone who was satisfied with the things he already had? 

Namjoon craved and thrived for popularity and fame. He wanted the girls to line up for him, which was not very possible because of his nerdiness.

When a pretty genius girl like Min Y/N dared to propose to him Infront of the whole university, his confidence and arrogance was skyrocketed. 

for the boy who always thought of himself as a nerd, as a boy who never found himself handsome, for the boy who always thought he would be never be a pleasing sight for girls. 

He was suddenly proposed to and that too in front of the whole university, just like movies. 

At that point he had just had two options, accept her and be happy to finally have someone in his life or deny her respectfully.

What he did? took the third option which was never an option anyway....

Namjoon's skyrocketed arrogance and his new found confidence {that someone finds him a pleasing} clouded his rational thoughts 

He thought 'if a beautiful girl like Y/N already is head over heels over him, maybe there are more girls like her?'

'Then why not I keep a space for them too?'

Being tied in a relationship comes with a membership of lifetime loyalty, if he accepts her then he has to stay loyal to her only. Namjoon never had a problem in being loyal but being his first proposal he wanted to explore. Not realizing what he was keeping at stake. 

hurriedly deciding he wanted to deny her to keep a room for exploration. He wanted to deny......but why not in a way that every gets the message that he is not a nerd?

He is handsome, he is desirable. 

We all know what happened next, humiliation and looking down on an innocent proposal. 

But, as stated earlier, every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

Nobody knew Namjoon's side of story so here it is...

The act of Namjoon of being a popular and desirable chocolate boy backfired at him, the fire was so severe that it burned his mental state. 

Prom night happens a month before the actual graduation day, and that one month tasted like horrible medicine to Namjoon. The news of this scene set the whole university ablaze.

Every situation has two sets of thinkers, left and right, but in this situation, there was only one side, the right side.... your side. 

It's funny how everyone just had lost trust in humanity and the world, how everyone just assumes that they will be attacked for being the venerable. Despite the fact there is still some humanity left in this world, there is still a ritual in the world to protect the weakest. 

You judged the whole world just on the basis when some students present in that prom hall laughed at you, you assumed the whole university would laugh too just like those few students. 

The day after the prom night was the day when everything started downhill for Namjoon. The very next day when he entered the college with new confidence and a slight bad-boy aura, instead of being greeted like a celebrity, he was thrown with the collective disgusted stares of the students. 

'I thought he was a topper; never thought he has a such a disgusting personality......' 

'Being a topper doesn't mean he is a good man...' 

'Maybe his father buys his grades for his reputation...'

'A motherless child, who would've taught him how to respect a girl?' 

'Motherless ...' 

'Mother less '

'His mother abandoned him OfCourse who would've wanted such disgusting person...'

30 days, A month of this mental harassment, Namjoon endured these taunts daily from his teachers, from his family, from his friends. Those friends who once accompanied him in being a 'bad' boy were now standing on the right side. 

'We never thought you would be like this Namjoon......' They left him saying this on his face, being mischievous and having a dirty personality are two different things. His 'bad' friends were also law students they knew what was right and what was wrong, and here Namjoon was wrong. 

You changed the mode of your study from your hostel, you would only come for writing exams in the college. due to your misconception of being laughed at you... alongside you Jackson also did his final semester exams by not attending the regular college class just writing exams. 

And gradually, Namjoon understood what he kept on stake in response of being a popular and desirable. His respect, his genius image, his possibly to experience love from a girl like Y/N... all went down in drain just because of his one hurried decision. 

nights of being neglected, nights of crying alone, nights of being mentally bullied by those who respected him once. He placed it all in a stake

His actions gave him an equal humiliation, and opposite reaction. 

Eventually, he healed, took him more than 3 years but he healed. He never tried to mend any relations with his university mates. but he mended his relationship with his family. 

they accepted him again...

He soon realized what's the most important thing he lost, love...possibility of love from the woman who was equal to him, where do we get such matches in this century?

Your thoughts, your humor suddenly attacked him with a new angel which made him realize his feelings in these six years. he craved to see you once more to at least apologize. 

but his craving eventually died......when he found you nowhere ....

The guilt, his growing feelings ate him up in all those six years, he was hollow .... hollow until he saw you again in the courtroom. 

  A man can fight for a drop of water of it's for the love of his life......And here a whole loaded gun was aimed on his love...

Time freezing is not possible in science but in human emotions .... it's possible...

water was making symphony in the distance; Namjoon's gasps and heavy breaths were making rhythm with it. that sudden click of gun resonated in that dingy room, your heart wrenching groans were making Namjoon difficult to breath. 

His heart was in throat, the moment he saw Taehyung clenching his hand on the stock of the gun. He saw it all, he felt it all, the moment when Taehyung's thumb went towards the barrel of the gun. 

"No..." Namjoon whispered for the thing he knew was going to happen anyway. his hand shook uncontrollably with the chains tied around it. He wanted those chains to be gone. 

That fearful clank of the gun echoed slowing his pace of free-in his hands. "No... No" he increased his pace, injuring his wrist in process. the blood drops from his wrist splashed with the dirt on the ground.

His choking breath made it impossible for him to breathe, every second was passing painfully for him, Y/N painful groans and Taehyung's raged breath were hammering in his head.

'Save her' 

'Save her!' 


his hands pained like they will fall off any moment, tears of frustration gathered in his eyes, "Please, please" he hiccupped  

His eyes were ready to fall out the moment he saw his thumb nearing the trigger, his struggle increased, he clenched his jaw and forced his wrists, his bones clashed together. The metal links Dugged in his skin causing pain with every movement. Each attempt to pull or twist the chains were cutting into his flesh.

With every tug, the chains seem to tighten their grip, making it feel nearly impossible to escape. Sweat beads on the brow as he fights against the constraints, his muscles straining with the effort. his every ounce of strength was poured into the struggle, until finally,

 With a burst of effort or a stroke of luck, the chains give way, allowing freedom to prevail....

As the broken chain threatened to clatter to the ground, Namjoon's instincts kicked in with lightning speed. Despite his wobbly legs, fueled by adrenaline and determination, he shot up from his chair with a thundering "NO!"

In a swift and calculated motion, he seized the broken chain in his injured hand, refusing to let it hit the floor. With a strength born of desperation, Namjoon lunged forward, that broken chain closing around Taehyung's neck in a vice-like grip.


Caught off-guard, Taehyung whose thumb was already hovering on the trigger was pressed slightly, a shot resonated in the room...

His oxygen was cut off suddenly when those metal chains which were captivating Namjoon seconds ago were now around his neck nearing him to death...

"How dare you" 

"HOW DARE YOU?!" Namjoon growled with blood in his eyes, literally. his eyes were bloodshot with rage and his boiling blood, Namjoon pushed back Taehyung to himself and tightened his grip on chains more wisely.

"I'LL KILL YOU!!!"  

Taehyung and Namjoon both were on the ground with Taehyung on his Namjoon's chest, "You killed her, I'll kill you" 

Taehyung tried his best flapping his feet for freedom but in vain, Namjoon was chanting 'I'll kill you' like a possessed demon.

Taehyung's vision got blurry, he was losing his sense, everything felt heavy around him, he tried to elbow Namjoon on stomach but Kim Namjoon was not ready to let him free.

"You killed her" 

"You killed her"

"You killed her" 

"You killed her-" 

Namjoon was whispering in a broken voice hiccupping slightly, tightening his grip on chains impossibly. 

"You killed her" 

"You killed her" 

"You killed her" 


"You killed her"

"You killed her"

"You killed her"


Tears rolled down his eyes, his nose was burning with rapid breathing, he gasped for the oxygen still hiccupping and mumbling those same three words like his life was devastated. 


 "I'm Sorry my love...." 


Everything around him was hazy and dizzy, like he wasn't in his word but in his despair, his mind was in a state of shock which led him to completely surrender himself to his subconsciousness.

He coughed out loud when his grip on those chains suddenly loosened, he fell on his back gasping for air. 

"My love" 

"I'm sorry"

"Y/N....I'm sorry"

He blinked his eyes uncontrollably, to shake off that haziness but all he was able to see was that blurry outline of that dingy room, with that bulb hanging on the ceiling appearing just like a glowing ball.

"Y/N.....You didn't deserve that....my love...." He cried softly hiccupping for breath "I'm Sorry" his head was light weighting nothing, he was feeling nothing......

six years 

He waited six long years to apologize for his deeds and free from his guilt but when he did, he lost her.... He lost the angel which once used to adorn his dream, which was his will to live in his darkest time.

He was grieving 

"I'm Sorry"

just like the thousandth time, he kept on mumbling the apology which he knew she deserved 

He was not able to hear his surroundings but suddenly a painful pinch of his neck made its entrance into his numb world. 

His eyes went wide for a mere second, he seemed a little awake. That pinch increased momentarily making him jerk from his trance. 

Another pinch and he jerked again



His vision cleared a little, his ears busted with a heavy flow of air like someone suctioned air in it. 


He breathed


He gasped loudly and took in the large amount of oxygen, like swimmer desires for oxygen, his vision got a little grainy. His hands felt like millions of ants were crawling over his skin 

He was feeling something 

"Look at me Namjoon...." 

A bright figure was blinding his eyes, he blinked quietly releasing his tears bundled in his eyes. His forehead was experiencing the softest touch known to mankind, something was sweeping off his forehead. His head felt like he was on clouds 


he moved his eyes towards the source and found her


"Hmm?" you smiled painfully 

"You're...here" he croaked and blinked his tears again

He was suddenly very much aware of his surroundings, loud screaming and shattering noises were coming from outside, the commotion was too loud to ignore. 

Despite the commotion and screaming, Namjoon threw himself around you and caged you in a bear hug. 

Not having anything to answer, you fell on your back with him on your chest hugging you like a second skin. His loud sobs made a lump in your throat with increasing emotions

"Shhh...." you rubbed his back soothingly "We need to get out of here" you whispered trying to make him understand the gravity of the fiasco.

but his wail made it harder for you, you closed your eyes when he tightened his grip on your bruised chest

"Namjoon, we have to go" you croaked again, your rational side of your mind was urging you to flee from here because the moment that shot was ranged in this room the commotion was unbearable outside. but surprisingly none of them entered this room from the past 15 minutes. 

The thunderous rhythm of running feet reverberated through the floor, each step a portent of impending danger. Namjoon was on the brink of a mental collapse, his distress palpable in the air. You understood his turmoil, but time was a luxury you couldn't afford, not with Kim Taehyung's men likely to burst in at any moment.

The inevitable consequences of discovering their boss in such a state were all too clear.

"Namjoon, please listen to me" you tried to lift his head from your chest but his bloodshot eyes and tired face weighed the lump in your throat. 

"We have ...to go Namjoon, they'll kill us" your teary eyes met his but to his understanding a loud sob broke from his mouth again. 

He hugged you again, he wasn't saying anything just hugging you close like he just lost you a second ago. 

Suddenly that commotion increased, with the loud screams they were coming closer 

Panicked, not knowing what to do you clutched Namjoon closer to you in an attempt to save yourselves. yours and his blood mixed with each other declaring a unity 

your ragged breaths met with his mentally collapsed self, trying to collect some courage 

pressed against the wall, you hid Namjoon in your arms; In that moment, you were no longer Min Y/N or Kim Namjoon. Instead, you were two wounded souls, clinging to each other like injured birds, seeking shelter from the storm raging outside.

The footsteps increased, just as your heartbeat 

They say don't close your eyes in a danger, but what about the situation when you are helpless and hopeless? 

your hands shook around Namjoon but still embraced him in danger, he was hiccupping clutching you closer 

You closed your eyes, and left your everything on the power above

The door was slammed down with a huge force, making you shriek

The old door collapsed on the ground with the figure painting on the other side. 

You slowly opened your eyes, hoping for the worst. the sweat on your forehead mixed with your blood burning the skin. 

"Time to ......" 

"Go home.... Hyung and Nonna" 



You know how much I hate cliffhangers right?! well.... it's complicated my pookies 

next update coming faster than you expected 

I lob you ❤️

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