Mysterious Lotus Casebook [BL...

By author_nidz

10.1K 201 17

"Why did I use this cursed thread spell on you? Damn it!" Fang Duobing grumbled under his breath as he held h... More

Chapter 1: Li Lianhua Meets Fang Duobing
Chapter 2: The Betrayal
Chapter 3: Case of Tengyun Pavilion
Chapter 4: The Investigation
Chapter 5: Shadow of Doubt
Chapter 6: The murder in Xiaomian Inn
Chapter 7: Fang Duobing heart skipping a beat
Chapter 8: Unveiling the culprit
Chapter 9: Master Zhang's kiss
Chapter 10: The Yipin Tomb
Chapter 11: Li Lianhua meets Di Feisheng
Chapter 12: The Bickering Duo
Chapter 13: The Cursed Wedding Dress
Chapter 14: The Manor's Mystery
Chapter 15: The secret of the lotus pond
Chapter 16: Fang Duobing vs. Di Feisheng
Chapter 17 : The Medicine Demon
Chapter 18: Child Bearing Elixir
Chapter 19: Bonding Over Bicker
Chapter 20: The Shaoshi Sword
Chapter 21: Finding Yu Louchun
Chapter 22: Echoes of Love in the Lotus Tower
Chapter 23: The Fake but Real Kiss
Chapter 24: The Mountain Red
Chapter 25: Fang Duobing- The Wealthy Gentleman
Chapter 26: The Elixir's Price
Chapter 27: Real Identity of Fei Exposed
Chapter 29: The Haunted Inn
Chapter 30: Li Lianhua Kidnapped
Chapter 31: The Kiss
Chapter 32: Li Xiangyi's identity revealed
Chapter 33: Fang Duobing's first love
Chapter 34: Madam Qin
Chapter 35: Fei kidnaps Fang Duobing
Chapter 36: Jiao Liqiao's real face
Chapter 37: Di Feisheng says he is the father
Chapter 38: The truth behind Li Xiangyi's first love
Chapter 39 : The Birth of the Triplets
Chapter 40: Li Xiangyi weds Qiao Wanmian
Chapter 41: The Secret is revealed
Chapter 42: The End

Chapter 28: Fang Duobing's activated pheromones

238 8 0
By author_nidz

Di Feisheng's grip tightened around Fang Duobing's neck. "Who the hell are you? Why are you trying to kill me." he retorted sharply.

"I saved you from drowning, and this is how you repay me?" Fang Duobing struggled to loosen Di Feisheng's vice-like grip.

With a sudden release, Di Feisheng examined himself, then stared at his palms, which bore a cryptic message: "Find Li Lianhua."

"Why do you need to find Li Lianhua?" Fang Duobing asked, perplexed.

Di Feisheng appeared confused. "Who am I? And who is Li Lianhua?" he questioned, his voice laced with uncertainty.

Fang Duobing examined him closely, noting signs of memory loss. "He must have amnesia," he concluded, checking Di Feisheng's pulse. "And he's been poisoned."

"You're Di Feisheng, the leader-" Fang Duobing paused, a mischievous thought crossing his mind. "And I am your master."

Di Feisheng eyed him skeptically. "That's hard to believe. You seem much younger than me."

"Then call me Master Fang," Fang Duobing replied, giving him a light slap on the shoulder. "Let's head to Baichuan Court."

As they journeyed to Baichuan Court, Di Feisheng bombarded Fang Duobing with questions, to which Fang Duobing provided evasive answers.

"If Li Lianhua is truly involved with Di Feisheng, I must observe his reaction," Fang Duobing pondered, instructing the cartman to divert the carriage towards Lotus Tower.

[Lotus Tower]

Fang Duobing's eyes blazed with anger as he confronted Li Lianhua. "You knew all along that he was Di Feisheng, the leader of the Jinyuan alliance!"

Li Lianhua's expression remained composed, but there was a flicker of guilt in his eyes. "I had my suspicions, but I couldn't be sure," he replied calmly, though his voice wavered slightly.

"You're lying!" Fang Duobing's voice rose, his frustration boiling over. "You've been keeping secrets from me this whole time."

"I did it to protect you," Li Lianhua protested, his tone pleading. "I didn't want you to get involved in something dangerous."

"Protect me?" Fang Duobing scoffed. "By deceiving me? By putting both of us in danger?"

"I thought I could handle it," Li Lianhua admitted, his voice tinged with regret. "I didn't anticipate things getting out of control."

"Out of control?" Fang Duobing's voice was incredulous. "Do you have any idea what you've done?"

Fang Duobing paced back and forth, his agitation palpable. "I trusted you, Li Lianhua. I trusted you with my life, and you betrayed that trust."

Li Lianhua's shoulders slumped, his expression pained. "I'm sorry, Fang Duobing. I never meant to betray you. I was just trying to do what I thought was right."

"Right?" Fang Duobing scoffed bitterly. "There's nothing right about lying to me, putting me in danger, and keeping me in the dark about Di Feisheng's true identity."

"I know," Li Lianhua said softly, his voice tinged with remorse. "I know I messed up, and I'll do whatever it takes to make things right."

Fang Duobing shook his head in disbelief, "How do I even know if I can trust you anymore?"

"I made a mistake, okay?" Li Lianhua's voice cracked with frustration. "But I didn't do it to deceive you. I did it because I care about you."

Fang Duobing's anger softened slightly, but suspicion still lingered in his eyes. "I won't make any promises until I find any solid evidence proving you are not involved with Di Feisheng."

Fang Duobing glared at Di Feisheng, his eyes burning with distrust. "I won't let you out of my sight. You're like a snake, ready to strike at any moment."

Later, in the dead of night, Fang Duobing was jolted awake by the sensation of someone touching his face. His eyes snapped open to find Di Feisheng hovering over him, his gaze unsettling.

"What are you doing?" Fang Duobing demanded and tried to push him away but Di Feisheng firmly pressed his hands against the bed and leaned in, capturing Fang Duobing's lips with a determined kiss.

"What's happening?" Li Lianhua's voice cut through the tension as he entered the room, swiftly moving between Fang Duobing and Di Feisheng.

Fang Duobing hastily got up, his expression twisted with disgust. "I'm going to make him pay," he growled, but Li Lianhua stepped in, his voice firm. "And turn yourself into a criminal in the process?"

Fang Duobing's anger simmered, replaced by confusion as he glanced between Li Lianhua and Di Feisheng. "But..."

Li Lianhua interrupted firmly, "It's your pheromones, Fang. You're reacting to the elixir. Be cautious."

As Fang Duobing tried to lunge at Di Feisheng, Li Lianhua swiftly grabbed Fang Duobing's hand.

"What the...?" Fang Duobing sputtered, surprised by Li Lianhua's sudden agility.

"Go and sleep downstairs," Li Lianhua's said, "I will keep an eye on Di Feisheng."

Fang Duobing groaned, shooting a glare at Di Feisheng. "This isn't over," he muttered, pointing a finger menacingly.

As Di Feisheng reclined on his bed, he remarked, "He's quite adorable. I wouldn't mind having him for myself."

Li Lianhua raised an eyebrow, his expression a mix of disbelief, "Fang Duobing is not someone you can just 'want'."

Di Feisheng shrugged nonchalantly, his grin unwavering. "Who knows? Maybe I'll just keep him as a pet," he joked, his tone dripping with mischief.

Li Lianhua's expression turned serious as he approached Di Feisheng. "Listen, Di Feisheng, I know you're used to getting what you want, but Fang Duobing is off-limits. Don't even think about laying a finger on him."

Di Feisheng raised an eyebrow, amused by Li Lianhua's protective stance. "And what if I do?" he teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Li Lianhua's tone grew stern. "Then you'll have to deal with me," he warned, his voice leaving no room for argument.

Di Feisheng chuckled, unfazed by the threat. "I guess we'll just have to see what happens," he replied, a smirk playing on his lips.

The next day, the trio made their way to the tea house as instructed by Su Xiao.

"As per the Baichuan Court records, the Lord of Netherlands was indeed injured and lost his internal powers. He ventured to the village in search of the immortal vine, rumored to restore internal energy," Fang Duobing explained as they gathered around the table for breakfast.

"So, he was last seen there," Li Lianhua mused. "But he never returned."

Di Feisheng's gaze lingered on Fang Duobing, earning a sharp retort from the latter. "Stop staring," Fang Duobing warned, his tone laced with irritation. "I'm not here for your entertainment."

Di Feisheng merely smiled, unfazed by Fang Duobing's threat. "Can't help but admire a masterpiece," he remarked casually, taking a sip of his wine. "You're quite the sight, you know."

Li Lianhua, caught off guard, choked on his drink, sputtering slightly as he struggled to regain his composure.

Fang Duobing shot a quick glance at Li Lianhua, a mixture of annoyance and amusement dancing in his eyes at his reaction. Then, turning back to Di Feisheng, he retorted sharply, "Keep your eyes to yourself, or you'll regret it."

Fang Duobing huffed in annoyance, deliberately ignoring Di Feisheng's lingering gaze. He turned to Li Lianhua, his expression serious as he asked, "Did Su Xiao really find something about that village?" Fang Duobing asked looking at Li Lianhua.

"There is nothing I can't find." Su Xiao entered, clutching an old leather map in her hands. With careful precision, she spread it out on the table, revealing faded markings and intricate lines.

"This is it," she announced, pointing to a spot on the map. "The village where the Lord of Netherlands was last seen."

Fang Duobing leaned in closer, studying the map intently. "It's quite remote," he observed, tracing the path with his finger. "Not easily accessible."

Li Lianhua nodded in agreement, his eyes scanning the map thoughtfully. "But if this is where he disappeared, then it's our best lead so far."

As they prepared to depart, Di Feisheng's abrupt gesture rendered Su Xiao immobile, his acupuncture restricting her movements. "You stay here. I don't want you staring at Fang Duobing," he commanded firmly, his expression serious.

Fang Duobing started to protest, but Li Lianhua intervened swiftly, calming the situation, "The village we're heading to is dangerous, so Di Feisheng sealed you with acupuncture for your safety. You'll be okay in a couple of hours."

"Hey!! I want to go!!" Su Xiao huffed in frustration as she watched the trio depart, leaving her behind. 

                                                                                    To be continued...

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