Chapter 36: Jiao Liqiao's real face

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In the heart of the Jinyuan Alliance, a hushed reverence filled the air as Di Feisheng took his seat upon the throne. In unison, the people of the alliance bowed deeply, their voices echoing in a chorus of loyalty, "Long live the master."

Fang Duobing observed the scene with a mixture of awe and admiration. The unwavering devotion of the people towards Di Feisheng spoke volumes about his leadership and the respect he commanded. 

"Wow," Fang Duobing thought to himself, his gaze lingering on the scene before him. In that moment, he couldn't help but feel a newfound sense of respect for the powerful figure seated upon the throne.

"Master, why is Fang Duobing here?" Snow Master inquired, curiosity lacing his tone.

"Fang Duobing has been of great assistance to me during my absence," Di Feisheng explained, prompting Fang Duobing to modestly acknowledge the praise with a bow and a smile.

"I have made the decision to marry him," Di Feisheng declared, catching Fang Duobing off guard. As he glanced around at the judgmental gazes of those around him, Fang Duobing attempted to mask his surprise with a forced smile.

"Are you not pleased?" Di Feisheng questioned his people, prompting them to bow and pledge their loyalty. "As the master desires," they echoed in unison.

A wave of confusion washed over Fang Duobing as he exchanged a stern look with Di Feisheng. What on earth is happening? he wondered, his mind reeling with disbelief at the unexpected turn of events.

"Snow Master, show Fang Duobing around and attend to his requests," Di Feisheng instructed before dismissing the meeting.

Fang Duobing observed Di Feisheng's departure with a hint of suspicion. "This must be part of his plan," he muttered to himself, his detective instincts on high alert.

"Fang Duobing, if you would please follow me," Snow Master interjected politely, leading him through the intricate corridors of the palace. Fang Duobing remained vigilant, his eyes scanning every room and passageway they traversed, determined to uncover any clues or secrets hidden within the walls of the palace.

"Can I see the kitchen?" Fang Duobing's request took Snow Master by surprise, evident in the skeptical look he cast in Fang's direction. "Why would you want to see the kitchen, of all the amazing rooms in the palace?" he questioned.

Fang Duobing hesitated momentarily before quickly formulating a response. "Ahh... I want to make something special for Di Feisheng," he explained, hoping to quell any suspicions.

Reluctantly, Snow Master acquiesced and guided Fang to the kitchen, where he entrusted the chef to assist him. 

As Fang Duobing donned the apron and glanced around the bustling kitchen, his mind buzzed with curiosity. He exchanged a few polite words with the chef, subtly probing for any hints or clues that might shed light on the mysteries lurking within the palace walls.

"Thank you for assisting me," Fang remarked, his tone casual yet attentive. "I want to ensure I prepare something he'll truly enjoy."

The chef, a seasoned veteran with years of experience serving in the palace, nodded in understanding. "Of course, Master Fang. I'll make sure you have everything you need," he replied with a respectful bow before bustling off to gather ingredients.

As Fang began to chop vegetables with practiced precision, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this kitchen than met the eye. Glancing around discreetly, he noticed the meticulous organization of utensils and the pristine cleanliness of the workspace. It was evident that this kitchen was run with utmost efficiency and attention to detail.

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