Chapter 24: The Mountain Red

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Fang Duobing slowly opened his eyes and as he looked at Li Lianhua next to him naked. He bolts upright and feels a sharp pain on his butt.

"Ouch!!" he groans and realizes he is naked too and looks around.

"What in the world happened here?!" his eyes widening in horror as they surveyed the chaos around them. Clothes were scattered everywhere, pillows were on the floor, and even the curtains seemed to be in disarray.

"What the hell with that noise." Li Lianhua said as he slowly opened his eyes only to encounter the same shock that Fang Duobing was facing right now as he looked around, "I... I have no idea! Did we... did we do it?"

Fang Duobing clutched his head, "Oh no, we're doomed! What do we do now?"

But before they could come up with a plan, they heard a knock on the door, and the innkeeper's voice called out, "Is everything alright in there? I heard some commotion!"

Fang Duobing and Li Lianhua exchanged panicked glances before shouting in unison, "Everything's fine, just a... uh... a little morning exercise!"

"Let's just get out of here first, I think something is wrong with this room." Fang Duobing said and suddenly winced in pain as he attempted to stand up, feeling a sudden sharp sensation in his butt.

"Are you.." Li Lianhua was about to say when he realized that he had fucked Fang Duobing last night and this was the reason of Fang Duobing's pain. 

Without uttering a word, he calmly wore his clothes and silently made his way out.

Fang Duobing gritted his teeth angrily a he watched as Li Lianhua attempted to sneak out of the room, groaning in pain.

Later that evening, when they arrived at Lotus Tower, Su Xiao awaited them, puzzled by their ghostly expressions.

Fang Duobing, visibly pale and still groaning in pain, made his way upstairs to the room.

"What happened to him?" she asked, her brow furrowing with concern.

Li Lianhua tried to brush it off casually. "Oh, he, uh, tripped," he muttered.

"Tripped?" Su Xiao repeated, eyeing Fang Duobing's pained expression skeptically, "And what about your neck?" she inquired, her tone tinged with curiosity.

"Um, well, you see... Mosquitoes," he mumbled, his discomfort evident. "Yeah, mosquitoes. They were... really hungry."

He coughed awkwardly, desperately hoping to change the subject. "Anyway, Su Xiao, why don't you, uh, come back later? We, uh, need to... rest."

Su Xiao glanced back and forth between Li Lianhua and Fang Duobing, her confusion evident. "But..." she began, unsure of what to say.

Seeing Li Lianhua already settling down, she sighed softly. "Alright," she relented, her disappointment barely concealed. "I'll come back later, then." With a reluctant nod, she turned to leave, her mind buzzing with questions.

Li Lianhua watched Fang Duobing's pained expression, feeling a pang of guilt gnawing at him. He prepared some medicine, hoping to alleviate his suffering, and climbed the stairs to where Fang Duobing rested.

"Here, drink this," Li Lianhua offered, his voice gentle as he handed Fang Duobing the concoction. Fang Duobing rose from the bed with evident difficulty, his face contorted with discomfort.

As Fang Duobing took the medicine, Li Lianhua couldn't help but notice the strain etched on his face. The room was filled with an uncomfortable silence, broken only by the soft rustle of the wind outside.

Li Lianhua sighed, the weight of guilt heavy on his shoulders. He wished he could turn back time and undo their reckless actions.

"It's okay, Li Lianhua." Fang Duobing finally spoke, his tone accepting, "I understand. I got carried away too."

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