Chapter 14: The Manor's Mystery

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As Fang Duobing stood in the brides' room, his gaze fell upon the cursed wedding dress, its fabric heavy with an air of mystery. Tentatively, he reached out to touch it, his fingers tracing the intricate embroidery. "Too heavy for a bride," he muttered to himself, furrowing his brow in thought.

Turning his attention to the silver crown resting nearby, Fang Duobing picked it up, noting its weight. "And this crown too," he remarked, feeling the weight of responsibility that seemed to accompany it.

Curiosity sparked in Fang Duobing's mind. He decided to wear the dress and crown to understand what the bride might have felt. The prince had told him that the bride wanted to try it on, so she came to this room. Later, she was found dead in the pond.

Fang Duobing eyed his reflection-ready dress, anticipating a mirror to admire his transformation. However, as he scanned the room, he realized there was no mirror in sight. "No mirror?" he muttered to himself, puzzled by the absence.

Curiosity piqued, Fang Duobing decided to venture outside. Despite the weight of the dress, he made his way to where he had spotted a stone mirror. With each step, the heavy fabric swished around him, but he persisted, determined to uncover the truth behind the mysterious absence of mirrors.

On the other side of the manor, In the quiet sanctuary of their room, Li Lianhua and Di Feisheng sat together, the gentle clink of teacups breaking the silence. As they sipped their tea, Li Lianhua broached the topic of Shi Hun, the air heavy with intrigue.

"You know," Li Lianhua began, his voice low but steady, "despite the inner walls of Cailian Manor, Shi Hun managed to slip in through the pond connected to the outer river. Madam Xu saved him, but then he vanished without a trace three days later."

Di Feisheng nodded thoughtfully, taking a sip of his tea before responding. "Perhaps he used the waterway to slip out unnoticed," he suggested, eyebrows raised in speculation.

Li Lianhua shook his head, a troubled expression clouding his features. "I doubt it. Shi Hun isn't one to disappear without a trace. He has a meticulous habit of keeping records, especially after dealing with bodies. If we can find his notebook, we might uncover the whereabouts of Shi Hun's remains."

"You used to be a hero, but now you're fine with acting like you can't do much. If Fang hadn't protected you, you'd be in big trouble by now," Di Feisheng remarked, looking serious.

Li Lianhua, still catching his breath, turned to Di Feisheng with a serious expression. "Talking about Fang Duobing," Li Lianhua said, "I have some advice for you. At least your identity is my old friend for many years. Can you just pretend a little and stop making him suspect?"

"Are you worried he'll figure out who you are?" Di Feisheng asked.

Li Lianhua sighed. "Dealing with Fang is a hassle," he said, taking another sip of his tea.

"I'll kill him when I regain my power." Di Feisheng laughed.

Li Lianhua's eyes widened in shock, a lump forming in his throat as he struggled to swallow his tea. He coughed, the hot liquid burning his throat as he tried to compose himself.

"You... you can't be serious," Li Lianhua managed to choke out, disbelief coloring his words but suddenly they heard a piercing scream. They exchanged alarmed glances, realizing it was Fang Duobing's voice.

As they hurried towards the source of the commotion, Li Lianhua's sense of urgency grew. "We need to find him quickly," he urged, his voice tinged with concern. "Something's not right."

They reached the bride's room, only to find it empty, devoid of both the cursed dress and Fang Duobing. Li Lianhua's heart raced with worry, panic creeping into his voice. "Where could he be?" he exclaimed, his mind swirling with worst-case scenarios.

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