Chapter 39 : The Birth of the Triplets

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Di Feisheng stood up, his usually confident demeanor faltering as he struggled to find the right words. "Um, Fang, I think, well... I'm the one who gave you that elixir, so maybe I should, you know, take some responsibility..."

Fang Duobing's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Responsibility? What do you mean?"

"Let's get married! Then, uh, we can explain that, um, the children are mine!"

Fang Duobing's jaw practically hit the floor. "Married? You and me? It's not a good thing to sacrifice your love for such a thing."

"What do you mean?" Di Feisheng said, confusion evident in his voice. Suddenly, Fang Duobing swiftly threw a knife towards a dark corner, where it was caught by the same guard, Wu Yan, who had accompanied them to the snowy mountains.

As Wu Yan walked forward, he apologized for eavesdropping.

"You don't have to be sorry for listening to what your other half is planning," Fang Duobing remarked.

"How do you know?" Di Feisheng was shocked.

"I am a detective. You forget that," Fang Duobing replied, crossing his arms. "I saw you kiss him last night."

Di Feisheng laughed, while Wu Yan appeared embarrassed.

"He did not force you, right?" Fang Duobing asked Wu Yan, injecting a bit of humor into the situation.

"No," Wu Yan replied awkwardly.

"Are you okay with Di Feisheng marrying me?" Fang Duobing asked Wu Yan.

"He should take responsibility for his mistakes," Wu Yan replied, glancing at Di Feisheng with the same affectionate gaze Fang Duobing used to look at Li Xiangyi, stirring memories within Fang Duobing.

"I'm going to sleep. I'm tired. You both can enjoy your time," Fang Duobing said with a laugh as he left.

"I feel pity for him," Wu Yan remarked, and Di Feisheng squeezed his hand tightly. "I'm sure he knows what to do."

Returning home the next morning, Fang Duobing reunited with his mother, and as they sat down for tea, she couldn't help but ask, "Did you know Li Liahua was Li Xiangyi?"

"I didn't know. Maybe he wanted to live out his days quietly without anyone knowing, and I disrupted it," Fang Duobing replied. "I feel like I've caused him more trouble."

"I'm glad you disrupted it," his mother laughed.

"You know, Xiao Ji was the one who poisoned Li Xiangyi. Wan Mian presented some evidence at Baichuan Court, and he was put behind bars," Fang Duobing shared.

"That's good to hear," his mother said. Suddenly, Fang Duobing noticed a wedding invitation that his mother had hidden from him.

"What's this?" he asked, picking it up. "It's a wedding invitation for Li Xiangyi and Wan Mian. Why are you hiding it?"

"I—" His mother hesitated, but Fang Duobing interrupted, "That's all in the past now. I've moved forward. Mother, you don't have to worry. The wedding is eight months from now. Let's attend it."

His mother hugged him tightly, a smile on her face. "I'll find a suitable bride for you."

"Oh, Mother," Fang Duobing laughed, feeling a mix of embarrassment and warmth as he returned the embrace.

As night enveloped the world, Fang Duobing found himself sitting alone on the roof, gazing up at the luminous moon. Holding the wedding invitation in his hands, he spoke softly to the moon above.

"Li Xiangyi... It's been a journey, hasn't it?" Fang murmured, his voice carrying on the gentle breeze. "From letters exchanged to secrets shared, we've walked a path filled with both joy and sorrow."

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