Chapter 31: The Kiss

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Fang Duobing awoke abruptly, wincing in pain as he noticed his injured arm. Turning to Di Feisheng, he asked urgently, "Where's Li Lianhua? Have you found him?"

Di Feisheng attempted to reassure him, saying, "You need to rest and recover first. We'll search for him once you're feeling better."

"No, we can't afford to wait. Li Lianhua isn't skilled in martial arts; he could be in serious danger. Let's go," Fang Duobing insisted, determination in his voice. Ignoring his injuries, he began to focus on a powerful meditative technique he had learned from the diary entrusted to him by Li Lianhua.

After his recovery, Fang Duobing rose to his feet, ready to take action. Together with Di Feisheng, they returned to the inn and discovered a hidden door leading to the basement. Inside, they were greeted by a gruesome sight: bones strewn everywhere. Before they could fully process the scene, a horde of zombies attacked them.

Outnumbered and overwhelmed, they fought desperately until a mysterious figure suddenly joined their side, aiding them in the battle against the undead. As they fought, one of the zombies attempted to release a dangerous liquid from a jar, aiming it towards Fang Duobing. Reacting swiftly, Di Feisheng pulled him into a protective embrace, shielding him from the perilous substance. Together, they stood their ground, sighing in relief as the danger passed.

"Thank you," Fang Duobing sighed in gratitude. He gently attempted to free himself from Di Feisheng's grip, asserting his safety. "Di Feisheng, I'm fine now. You can let go."

"Ah, sorry," Di Feisheng apologized, releasing Fang Duobing and placing the jar on the table to examine its contents.

"Who are you?" Fang Duobing inquired, turning to face the man who had just rescued them.

"I am Lu. I was sent by Yu Louchun to keep an eye on you and provide assistance whenever necessary," the man replied with a respectful bow.

"Funny how much trust he places in us," Fang Duobing remarked, eyeing the man before him. "Your swordsmanship was remarkable."

"The credit belongs to my master, the Lord of Netherlands," Lu responded humbly.

"Ah, so you're his disciple," Fang Duobing acknowledged, and they proceeded to examine the pot before them.

"It's human skull bone." Lu said, "The brown liquid on the groun outside is this."

"Mind control bugs?" Fang Duobing said, "Once they breed them successfully they will be able to control any person mind. We should quickly find Li Lianhua before its too late."

As they descended into the basement, their senses were assaulted by the stench of decay and the sight of bones scattered around. At the center of the room stood the same old lady, her expression twisted into a cruel sneer. Fang Duobing's heart sank at the sight of her, knowing she was the architect of their troubles.

Before they could react, Di Feisheng lunged forward and seized her by the throat, his eyes blazing with fury. "Where is Li Lianhua?" he demanded, his voice dripping with menace.

The old lady's eyes widened in fear as she struggled against his iron grip. "He must be dead by now," she hissed, her voice dripping with malice.

Di Feisheng's grip tightened, and he raised the jar containing the mind control liquid threateningly. "Tell us where he is, or I'll make you regret it," he growled.

With a whimper of terror, the old lady relented and led them deeper into the forest, her steps shaky and uncertain. She led them to a secluded spot 

Fang Duobing couldn't stop pacing. His face was all scrunched up, like he was carrying a heavy weight on his shoulders. Every now and then, he'd stop, looking around nervously like he was expecting something bad to happen any second.

You could tell he was really worried about Li Lianhua. His eyes were darting everywhere, searching for any sign of danger. Every little sound made him jump, like he was on edge all the time.

He kept clenching and unclenching his fists, like he was trying to hold onto something but couldn't. It was like he was fighting with himself, trying to stay strong but feeling scared inside.

But deep down, you could see this determination in his eyes. He was dead set on finding Li Lianhua, no matter what. It was like nothing in the world could stop him, not even his own fear.

"The cave... Li Lianhua's inside," the old lady croaked, her bony finger shaking as she pointed towards the dark entrance.

Rushing in, Fang Duobing felt his heart drop as he saw Li Lianhua lying there, so still and pale. His hands shook with fear, and he could hardly breathe himself. It was like his worst nightmare coming true right in front of him.

Di Feisheng rushed over, his face tense with worry. He checked Li Lianhua's pulse, his brow furrowed in concern. "He's not breathing," Di Feisheng said, his voice strained.

Panic surged through Fang Duobing like a tidal wave. "We have to do something!" he exclaimed, his voice trembling with fear. "We can't just let him die like this!"

Li Lianhua rose from the ground, his usual calm demeanor slightly ruffled by annoyance. "What's the commotion all about? Can't a man get some rest around here?"

Fang Duobing's heart leaped as he rushed to Li Lianhua's side, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "Li Lianhua, I thought I'd lost you," he confessed, his voice quivering with raw emotion as he wrapped his arms around him.

Li Lianhua's irritation melted away in an instant, replaced by a softness in his gaze as he returned Fang Duobing's embrace. "You worry too much," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper, "but I'm here, safe and sound."

Without a second thought, Fang Duobing planted a passionate Li Lianhua's on his lips, blissfully unaware of the presence of Di Feisheng and Brother Lu. Little did he know, the two had quietly slipped away, leaving Fang Duobing and Li Lianhua to savor their reunion while they themselves ventured off to explore the surroundings.

"Do you have an issue with two men showing affection?" Brother Lu inquired, noticing Di Feisheng's discomfort after witnessing the kiss.

"No, love knows no boundaries, no genders," he responded firmly, though his expression hinted at inner turmoil. But when it's Fang Duobing... it's different. I can't bear the sight of him being affectionate with anyone else, no matter who they are.

"What were you thinking?" Li Lianhua pushed Fang Duobing away, his expression a mix of frustration and embarrassment. "How could you do that in front of them?"

Fang Duobing snapped back to reality, feeling mortified by his impulsive action. "I... I don't know. I'm sorry. How am I going to face them now?"

"Stop dwelling on it and let's go," Li Lianhua replied briskly. As Brother Lu introduced himself, Li Lianhua's attention shifted. "But how are you still alive?"

"I owe it to the jade pendant Yu Louchun gave us," Li Lianhua explained. "One of the zombies recognized it and spared me."

At that moment, the zombie in question appeared, gazing at them with a perplexed expression. It seemed to recognize Brother Lu, who immediately bowed in reverence. "Master, I'm relieved to see you're alive."

Brother Lu embraced the zombie, tears streaming down his face. It was a heartfelt reunion between disciple and master, as they held each other tightly. 

Fang Duobing, overwhelmed by the moment, couldn't help but shed a tear himself whispered, barely audible, "I hope I can find Li Xiangyi too."

To be continued..

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