Mysterious Lotus Casebook [BL...

By author_nidz

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"Why did I use this cursed thread spell on you? Damn it!" Fang Duobing grumbled under his breath as he held h... More

Chapter 1: Li Lianhua Meets Fang Duobing
Chapter 2: The Betrayal
Chapter 3: Case of Tengyun Pavilion
Chapter 4: The Investigation
Chapter 5: Shadow of Doubt
Chapter 6: The murder in Xiaomian Inn
Chapter 7: Fang Duobing heart skipping a beat
Chapter 8: Unveiling the culprit
Chapter 9: Master Zhang's kiss
Chapter 10: The Yipin Tomb
Chapter 11: Li Lianhua meets Di Feisheng
Chapter 12: The Bickering Duo
Chapter 13: The Cursed Wedding Dress
Chapter 14: The Manor's Mystery
Chapter 15: The secret of the lotus pond
Chapter 16: Fang Duobing vs. Di Feisheng
Chapter 17 : The Medicine Demon
Chapter 18: Child Bearing Elixir
Chapter 19: Bonding Over Bicker
Chapter 20: The Shaoshi Sword
Chapter 21: Finding Yu Louchun
Chapter 22: Echoes of Love in the Lotus Tower
Chapter 23: The Fake but Real Kiss
Chapter 24: The Mountain Red
Chapter 25: Fang Duobing- The Wealthy Gentleman
Chapter 27: Real Identity of Fei Exposed
Chapter 28: Fang Duobing's activated pheromones
Chapter 29: The Haunted Inn
Chapter 30: Li Lianhua Kidnapped
Chapter 31: The Kiss
Chapter 32: Li Xiangyi's identity revealed
Chapter 33: Fang Duobing's first love
Chapter 34: Madam Qin
Chapter 35: Fei kidnaps Fang Duobing
Chapter 36: Jiao Liqiao's real face
Chapter 37: Di Feisheng says he is the father
Chapter 38: The truth behind Li Xiangyi's first love
Chapter 39 : The Birth of the Triplets
Chapter 40: Li Xiangyi weds Qiao Wanmian
Chapter 41: The Secret is revealed
Chapter 42: The End

Chapter 26: The Elixir's Price

179 3 0
By author_nidz

"Did you hear what happened at the Sigu Tea Party?" one of them started, stirring up the conversation. "It's the talk of the martial world."

"I always had my doubts about Li Xiangyi's character," Dongfang chimed in, sounding like he knew everything. "I was there when it happened. I tried to intervene to save Shan Gudao, but Li Xiangyi took advantage of a small mistake I made and finished him off in one swift move."

"Why do you think he spared you?" another guest asked. Li Lianhua just smiled and continued eating, unfazed by the gossip about himself, while Fang Duobing's anger simmered at the negative talk about Li Xiangyi.

"I once saved Li Xiangyi's life. Otherwise, he might have killed me too," Dongfang retorted confidently. 

Fang Duobing's lips parted, ready to voice his thoughts, but Li Lianhua's firm grip on his hand halted him mid-sentence. Exhaling a frustrated sigh, Fang Duobing downed his wine, his annoyance palpable.

As the conversation continued, Dongfang's tone shifted, his words dripping with disdain as he directed his insults towards Li Lianhua. "And what about you, Doctor Li? Are you really friends with Fang Duobing, or are you just sticking around because of his wealth?"

Li Lianhua chuckled lightly, his gaze steady as he replied, "I can assure you, my friendship with Fang Duobing goes beyond material wealth. We share a bond built on trust and mutual respect."

"Oh, really? Because from where I'm standing, it seems like you're just another opportunist looking to ride on the coattails of wealth. You may dress the part, Li Lianhua, but your actions speak louder than words."

"Ah, Master Dongfang, your words carry about as much weight as your marital vows did," Fang Duobing sneered, his words dripping with contempt. "I've heard how your wife left you for the stable boy, tired of your drunken rants and late-night escapades to the brothels."

Dongfang's face turned crimson with rage, but before he could retort, Fang Duobing continued with a smirk. "You're nothing but a petty opportunist, Dongfang. At least Li Lianhua has the decency to stand by his principles, unlike you, who would sell your own soul for a chance at favor."

"Just because you're wealthy doesn't mean—" Dongfang began angrily, rising to his feet and pointing a finger at Fang Duobing. Suddenly, a knife sliced through the air, grazing perilously close to Dongfang's neck, stopping him mid-sentence.

"Next time, I won't miss." Fang Duobing stated calmly, his demeanor exuding an unmistakable aura of authority. With one hand planted firmly on the table and the other holding a glass of wine, he took a deliberate sip, his gaze piercing and unyielding.

Li Lianhua attempted to diffuse the tension, saying, "Let's try to keep things civil, shall we?"

Fang Duobing's voice sliced through the room like a blade, sharp and resolute. "You can insult me all you want, but when it comes to speaking ill of Li Lianhua, I won't tolerate it." His eyes scanned the gathering, a silent command for the guests to mind their tongues when it came to Li Lianhua.

Li Lianhua's gaze fixed on him, a mixture of surprise and admiration flickering in his eyes. His heart stirred with a strange warmth, yet he quickly composed himself, hiding any hint of emotion beneath a calm exterior.

"Eat," he murmured to Fang Duobing, his tone light but carrying a subtle scold, before returning his attention to his meal.

After dinner, Li Lianhua and Fang Duobing sneaked away from their helpers. They tiptoed through the quiet halls to find Yu Louchun's room. Guards stood outside, serious and still.

"We have urgent business with Master Yu Louchun," Fang Duobing declared, his voice steady and commanding. The guards hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do, but Fang Duobing's unwavering gaze left them with no choice but to step aside.

As Fang Duobing and Li Lianhua cautiously pushed open the door, they were greeted not by the warmth of welcome, but by the chill of suspicion. The room was dimly lit, shadows dancing ominously across the walls.

With each step they took, Fang Duobing's keen eyes scanned the room, searching for any signs of danger. Suddenly, a hidden trap triggered, and spikes shot up from the floor with a menacing hiss. Fang Duobing swiftly pulled Li Lianhua out of harm's way, shielding him from the danger.

As they crept into the room, Fang Duobing sprang into action, dodging traps left and right. Li Lianhua followed at a relaxed pace, admiring Fang Duobing's agility.

"Watch out for that one!" Li Lianhua called out, pointing to a hidden pressure plate.

Fang Duobing leaped aside just in time, narrowly avoiding a cascade of darts. "Thanks for the heads up," he said, flashing a quick grin.

As they continued, Fang Duobing found himself ensnared in a net trap. "Little help here!" he shouted, struggling to break free.

Li Lianhua chuckled as he approached, extending a hand to help untangle Fang Duobing. "Looks like you've got yourself into quite a mess," he teased.

Fang Duobing shot him a mock glare before focusing on disentangling himself from the net. "Just keep an eye out for more traps," he replied, determination in his voice.

With Fang Duobing leading the way, they navigated through the room, encountering more traps at every turn. Despite the challenges, they pressed on, their teamwork guiding them through the treacherous maze.

Finally, they reached the end of the room, both breathing a sigh of relief. "Well, that was an adventure," Li Lianhua remarked, grinning at Fang Duobing.

Fang Duobing nodded, a sense of accomplishment evident in his expression. "Indeed it was. But I couldn't have done it without your help," he said, clapping Li Lianhua on the shoulder.

With a hearty laugh, Yu Louchun emerged from the shadows, impressed by the duo's deftness in navigating the trap-laden room. "Well done, my friends," he exclaimed, clapping his hands together. "You've shown great skill and resilience."

Li Lianhua and Fang Duobing exchanged a glance, pleased by the acknowledgment of their efforts. "Thank you, Yu Louchun," Li Lianhua replied with a smile. "It was quite the challenge, but we managed to make it through."

Yu Louchun nodded in approval, gesturing for them to follow him. "Come, join me in my tea house," he said, leading the way with a graceful stride. "I think you have something to discuss."

As they settled in, Yu Louchun began to sing the praises of their bond, his words dripping with admiration. "To witness such a profound love between two souls is truly a rare gift, You two are like two halves of the same whole, destined to be together."

Li Lianhua cleared his throat, his cheeks flushing slightly as he glanced nervously at Fang Duobing. Summoning his courage, he posed the question to Yu Louchun, his voice tinged with a hint of embarrassment.

"Um, Yu Louchun, by any chance, do you happen to have a remedy for the child-bearing elixir?" Li Lianhua asked tentatively, hoping to rectify the unintended consumption by Fang Duobing.

Yu Louchun raised an eyebrow, his gaze flickering with amusement as he teased, "Oh, was it really a mistake, or are you two already planning to expand your family?"

In their shock, they both accidentally spat out their tea, the liquid spraying in front of them as they struggled to compose themselves amidst Yu Louchun's teasing. 

Yu Louchun chuckled at their reaction, thoroughly enjoying their discomfort. "My apologies if I hit a sensitive spot," he said, his tone still laced with amusement. "I do have a remedy for such an elixir mishap, but I'm afraid it won't come without a price. You see, I have a favor to ask of you two."

Li Lianhua and Fang Duobing leaned in, their curiosity piqued as Yu Louchun revealed his request.

"I'm in search of a dear friend, the Lord of Netherlands," Yu Louchun explained, his voice tinged with longing. "If you can help me locate him, then perhaps we can arrange a trade for the remedy you seek."

To be continued...

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