Secret of the Snow Queen (Fir...

By GabriellaGwenGalaxia

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16 + For mature themes such as war, gore, violence, triggering content such as mental health issues, brief me... More

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A Letter to the Reader
*Content Warning* 🌶️🔪❗
✨ Awards ✨
CH. 1 Midnight Maneuvers
CH. 2 The Price of Resistance ❗❗
CH. 3 Confrontation and Compromise 🔪🔪
CH. 4 Hostages 🔪❗
CH. 5 Nicolas
CH. 6 Bad Omens
CH. 7 Decisions and Responsibility
CH. 8 Dancing with the Devil 🔪🔪
CH. 9 A Shadow of an Apparition ❗
CH. 10 Kai-gons, Snow Queens, and Other Nonsense
The Beginning of Act 2
CH. 11 Ruffians, Vodka, Wolves, and More Nonsense
CH. 12 Revelry and Revelations
CH.13 Entangled Hearts and Hidden Agendas 🌶️
CH. 14 Whispers in the Wind 🔪❗
CH. 15 Confessions
CH. 16 Whispered Enchantments
CH. 17 Talking Wolves, Separation, and Even More Nonsense
CH. 18 The Chill of Reality 🌶️🌶️
CH. 19 Fractures, Rifts, and Reconciliation
CH. 20 The Summer House
The Beginning of Act 3
CH. 21 Mercenaries
CH. 22 The Snow Queen ❗❗❗ 🔪🔪
CH. 23 Unveiling Memories
CH. 24 The Tides of Morality
CH. 25 Just a Monster
CH. 26 Ben
CH. 27 Temptation's Lure
CH. 28 Live Bait
CH. 29 Stupid Courage
CH. 30 Day Two and Day Three
CH. 31 The Lion's Judgment
End Credits/Cast Pictures.
End Credits/Cast Pictures (Continued)
Bonus Scene: Chapter 1
Bonus Scene: Chapter 2
Bonus Scene: Chapter 3
Book 2 Coming soon!

CH. 32 The Nilsen Secret

23 10 40
By GabriellaGwenGalaxia


As Kelvin's recovery progressed, I found myself torn between relief at his improving health and apprehension at the challenges facing me. With tensions still high between House Nilsen and House Fitzgilbert, the prospect of allowing Kelvin to leave Imperia and return to his estate wasn't an option.

I couldn't risk Lord Nilsen attacking Kelvin's castle and unwittingly starting a civil war, especially since he still claimed that Kelvin owed him money for not marrying his daughter Rose.

No matter how hard I tried or looked, I couldn't trace where Nilsen had sent the money. The only thing I could see on the records was that it was sent on a caravan with four men to safeguard its journey.

Marada could be reached by land; however, I would have thought that the money would have been sent by ship. It would have been faster...

"Maybe Nilsen didn't want to risk the money being lost at sea." Luca had said. "It is storm season, after all."

Something about the whole matter still seemed wrong, though, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't reconcile it in my mind.

I thought about the possibility that the money had only been delayed and probably arrived in Marada around the same time that Ramon arrived in Juvelia, so I wrote to the Baron without Kelvin's knowledge.

Dear Baron Leclair,

I trust this letter finds you well. I write to you on a matter of some urgency concerning a transaction that was to occur between Lord Nilsen and yourself, pertaining to House Fitzgilbert. It has come to my attention that there was a significant sum of money purportedly sent by Lord Nilsen to your esteemed self, intended as compensation for a matter involving his daughter's betrothal to Lord Fitzgilbert. However, because their union has been broken off I thought that I'd try to track the money so that it may be returned to Lord Nilsen. Despite diligent efforts to track this transaction, it appears that the funds have not reached your hands. Given the complexities of the situation and the delicate nature of inter-house relations, I feel compelled to seek your counsel directly. Could you kindly confirm whether any such transaction was indeed initiated by Lord Nilsen, and if so, provide any details that might shed light on its current status or whereabouts? I understand the importance of maintaining trust and transparency between our houses, especially in times of heightened tensions. Your cooperation in resolving this matter swiftly and equitably would be greatly appreciated.

With sincere regards,

Princess Aurora of Juvelia


A few weeks passed after I sent the letter, and nothing... I was beginning to think that the baron had snubbed me until Nigel knocked on my office door and set a handful of letters on my desk. When I saw the seal of Marada I immediately grabbed it and ripped it open.

Your Majesty,

I extend my humble regards and appreciation for your concern in this matter. I have conducted a thorough review of our records and inquiries into the transaction in question. Regrettably, I must confirm that there is no evidence to suggest that any sum of money was sent by Lord Nilsen to my administration here in Marada. It appears that the transaction you mentioned did not materialize, at least not through the channels that typically handle such matters in our city. I share your commitment to upholding integrity and clarity in our dealings between noble houses, and I stand ready to assist in any further inquiries or actions that may be necessary to address this discrepancy.

With utmost respect,

Baron Leclair of Marada

I exhaled in defeat and set the letter down.

"Your majesty?"

"The money didn't arrive."

"I'm sorry."

"There's nothing we can do from here. I'm going to the kitchen to take a break from this..." Nigel bowed his head as I marched out of the room.

This wasn't good. If the money never arrived, then what could have happened to it?

I entered the nursery, and Juljá curtsied. I picked my son up and wrapped him in my arms. He looked at me like he was annoyed that I'd disturbed his nap time. I couldn't help but laugh; he was only four months old and already a master at facial expressions. After Juljá helped me wrap him in a sling, I set off for the kitchen.

As I entered the sanctuary of the palace kitchen, the warm aroma of freshly baked pastry samples enveloped me. I was supposed to choose two cakes for the coronation.

I inhaled the conflicting scents and scanned the array of tempting desserts, my eyes drawn to a slice of decadent chocolate cake. With trembling hands, I reached for a plate and a fork, seeking solace in the simple pleasure of indulgence.

I took the first bite and purred as the chocolate melted in my mouth. I'd probably regret eating this later, but it was worth it as the stress slowly ebbed away with each bite.

Nikki cooed as I finished eating, and I grabbed a piece of lemon cake.

As I savored the first bite of my lemon cake, the sound of approaching footsteps caught my attention. I glanced up to see Kelvin entering the kitchen, leaning on his cane. Irritation prickled within me at his unexpected appearance.

It had only been three weeks since his wound was sewn, and the doctor had instructed him not to exert himself until the wound was cauterized.

"Aren't you supposed to be in your room?" I asked sharply, my annoyance evident in my tone. Kelvin's usually calm demeanor faltered for a moment, his expression surprised at my sharpness.

I felt a pang of guilt at the startled look in his eyes. I hadn't meant to snap at him, but the frustration had gotten the better of me.

"I didn't know you'd be in here," he replied, his voice slightly taken aback. "Besides, didn't I tell you not to worry about the money?"

Nigel must have told him.

"I wanted to help, but I failed. At least I tried," I retorted, my tone softening slightly as I tried to temper my impatience.

"Aurora, I appreciate your efforts. But I already told you that you're not responsible for this burden. I can handle the money situation," he said, his voice filled with reassurance as he made his way closer to me.

"I know, but I don't want a civil war," I admitted, my tone softer now.

"I don't think me dumping Nilsen's bratty daughter is going to cause a civil war," Kelvin said skeptically.

"You underestimate the lengths to which some may go to preserve their honor and pride," I finished, my voice tinged with concern. "Lord Nilsen's reaction to your decision may not be solely based on his daughter's feelings. There are deeper implications at play, ones that could potentially escalate into a conflict between our houses if not handled carefully."

I looked to the floor, thinking about how protecting Kelvin from Lord Nilsen could affect the situation if I protected him for too long.

"So, in other words... you're a nerd?" I glanced up, taken aback by his teasing.

"A nerd? Me?" I chuckled nervously, scratching my head. "I prefer the term 'strategically inclined individual with a penchant for numbers and history', thank you very much."

Kelvin smirked, and we stared at each other for a moment before I remembered what we were discussing.

"We cannot afford to let our guard down until we resolve this matter and ease the tensions between our houses."

"You may be right, but I don't want you worrying anymore about it. Once I've recovered, I want to leave for my castle, grab some things, and set out to Marada to free Lance."

I widened my eyes at him, completely taken aback by his plans.

"That's what you think," I replied.

"You can't forbid me to leave." He said, a twinge of anger in his voice.

He was right; I couldn't, not legally. But the thought of him leaving me, the thought of him leaving Juvelia again, only increased my anxiety.

What if he never came back?

The thought made my eyes sting, and I looked away, searching through the cakes once more in a poor attempt to distract myself from the awkward moment I'd just created.

"You're right, I'm sorry. I just thought that the rebellion mattered to you."

"The rebellion or you?" he asked in a soft tone. If he thought he was going to get me to beg him to stay, he had another thing coming.

"You heard me right the first time, Lord Fitzgilbert."

Nicolas looked at Kelvin and then at me, his eyes filled with worry. It was as if he sensed the tension between Kelvin and me.

"I need to put Nicolas down for another nap. I'll see you at dinner," I said, my back still turned to Kelvin as I made my exit. I needed space to gather my thoughts and compose myself before facing him again.

I hurried back to the nursery; the weight of Kelvin's words hung heavily on my heart as I put my son in his crib.

I leaned against the door, tears welling up in my eyes. The room felt suffocating, the air thick with the weight of my emotions. I sank to the floor, my thoughts swirling.

But now, faced with the prospect of Kelvin leaving once again, it felt as if the ground had been ripped out from beneath me. The realization washed over me like a tidal wave, leaving me feeling adrift and alone in a world that suddenly seemed so vast and empty.

And then, as I looked down at Nicolas sleeping peacefully in his crib, a pang of sorrow pierced my heart. It was just the two of us again, alone in a world that felt increasingly hostile and uncertain.

I can't rely on anyone. If I fall, he falls.

Tears were streaming down my cheeks as memories flooded my mind like a rushing river. Among them, one particular moment stood out vividly against the backdrop of my anguish – the moment Kelvin had returned my mother's tiara, the very one he had stolen from the clutches of Ignatius, the vile tyrant who had our kingdom in his iron grip.

"That's it!" I said out loud, wiping my tears away with my arm. I quickly left the nursery and hurried to my office again.

"Nigel!" I cried before entering the room. When I opened the door, Kelvin was in there. He and Nigel looked like they were in the middle of a conversation.

"Aurora, are you okay?" Kelvin asked.

"Yes, Kevin, I'm fine," I said through gritted teeth as I strode over to my mother's tiara that was displayed on one of my shelves.

"Did you just call me Kevin?"

"Nigel, I'd like my mother's crown appraised," I said, ignoring Kevin.

"Whatever for?"

"I'd like to sell it to one of the kingdoms. I hear Nisirdnia's King just got engaged, and I think his wife would love this crown."

"Aurora, you can't sell that crown. It's your crown!" Kelvin protested.

"With all due respect, m'lord, the Queen to be may do as she pleases with her property." I tried my best not to show it, but I was grateful Nigel was on my side with this one.

I took the crown in my hands, examining the diamonds in the tiara. I wondered how long it had taken the jeweler to get each tiny diamond perfectly into place.

Nigel came up to me and began examining it himself.

"I'd also like you to do some research on its origins, how it got into my family, etc." He nodded, still eyeing the diamonds.

"I already told you I can handle the money situation myself!" Kelvin exclaimed angrily.

"And I told you that I'm determined to resolve house tensions!" I yelled back and Nigel flinched. "The sooner the tensions are dissolved the sooner you can go to Marada." Kelvin's expression softened.

"Isn't that what you wanted?" Kelvin opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something then closed it again.

"Nigel would you please write to—"

"On it!"

"Thank you?" I arched a brow as I watched my minister scurry out of the room.

Can I blame him?

"You think you have to be all big and bad, but I see right through you," Kelvin said after a moment of silence. I was taken aback as I stared at him; how dare he assume he knew me so well!

"Shouldn't you be in bed right now?" I deflected.

"I actually came up here to ask if I could have my wound cauterized." He replied, he probably finally decided to let it go.

"Are you sure about this, Kelvin?" I asked, my voice softening as I set down the tiara and turned to face him. Despite my frustration, knowing he was trying to do this procedure early irked me.

"I am," he replied, his gaze steady. "I need to put this behind me so we can fry the bigger fish." I nodded, understanding his perspective even if I didn't entirely agree.

"Alright, I'll call for the doctor. But promise me you'll take it easy afterwards."

"I can't promise anything, Your Majesty." I inhaled sharply, not realizing how bad it would feel if he purposefully didn't use my name.

"I'll see you after the procedure," I said, forcing a smile as he limped out of the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts once more.


I spotted the doctor arriving in the courtyard. I quickened my pace to meet him, eager to guide him to Kelvin's room.

"Doctor, thank you for coming," I greeted him with a nod, trying to keep my voice steady despite my nerves. He returned the nod with a polite smile.

"Of course, Your Highness. Lead the way."

We walked together through the corridors of the palace, making our way back to Kelvin's room. As we approached, I could see one of the maids inside, opening the window to let in some fresh air. Kelvin was lying in bed, shirtless, with only a blanket covering him from the waist down.

"Kelvin, the doctor is here," I announced as I stepped inside.

"Thank you, M'lady."

"Your Highness, I've been briefed on the situation. Shall we proceed with the cauterization?" I nodded, feeling a surge of nervous energy. The doctor moved swiftly to prepare his tools, while I stood there awkwardly. The maid discreetly left the room, giving us some privacy for the procedure.

"Your Highness, you're welcome to leave if you prefer not to watch."

I hesitated for a moment, feeling a pang of guilt. But then I made up my mind. I couldn't just abandon Kelvin during such a painful procedure.

"Actually, Doctor, I've changed my mind. I want to be here for the procedure." Kelvin's eyes widened in surprise, and he opened his mouth as if to protest, but I continued before he could speak.

"I know it'll be painful, but I want to support you through it," I said firmly, meeting his gaze with determination. The doctor nodded in understanding.

"Very well, Your Highness, take a seat to his right. You can help keep him still."

I took the seat beside Kelvin on the bed, my heart racing with a mix of worry and determination. The doctor began to explain the procedure, his voice calm and reassuring despite the seriousness of the situation.

"We'll need to cauterize the wound to prevent further infection," he said, his hands deftly arranging the necessary instruments. "It will be uncomfortable, but I'll administer a local anesthetic to numb the area as much as possible."

Kelvin nodded, his expression tense with anticipation. I reached out and took his hand, offering what little comfort I could. He squeezed my hand tightly, his gratitude evident in his eyes.

The smell of antiseptic filled the air as he applied the numbing agent, and Kelvin winced slightly at the sensation.

The doctor worked quickly and efficiently to remove the stitches first. His movements were precise as he applied the cauterizing tool to the wound. Kelvin tensed, his muscles straining against the pain, but he remained as still as he could, gritting his teeth in determination.

I leaned down closer and ran my fingers through his hair.

"Deep breaths, Kelvin," I murmured, gently squeezing his hand. You're strong; you can do this."

"Uhuh." He breathed out.

Time seemed to stand still as Kelvin and I held each other. Kelvin winced from time to time, but before we knew it, the doctor was done. Kelvin paled as the doctor removed the cauterizing tool, and worry made my heart beat faster.

"You better not leave in this condition, m'lord."

"Watch me." He said in a low whisper. I smirked in amusement and sat back up.

"I'm watching," I said in a sing-song voice, and he laughed.

"Give me an hour first, then you can watch."

I cupped his face in my hand, and he started giving me eye kisses. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"He isn't to exert himself much until morning, and if his wound doesn't reopen, he may leave for Castle Fitzgilbert after three days."

"Thanks, Doc," Kelvin replied, and I covered him with his blanket as he was starting to get goosebumps.

The doctor nodded and left with his bag. It was then I realized he had probably noticed the chemistry between Kelvin and me, and my cheeks flushed instantly.

"What's the matter, nurse? Are you blushing because you're secretly smitten with me?" Kelvin teased, a playful twinkle in his eyes as he leaned back against the pillows, trying to lighten the mood after the intense procedure.

"No, it's just we... need to talk."

"I agree; it's about time that we discussed the elephant in the room," He replied with another wolfish grin.

"Our situation..." I began trying to gather the words.

"What about it?"

"I know we've been through a lot together, and there's undeniable chemistry between us. But... given the circumstances, our relationship would look terrible publicly." Kelvin furrowed his brows, confusion clouding his expression.

"What do you mean?"

"It would appear as if I stole you from Rose," I explained, regret heavy in my words. "And it would only escalate tensions with Lord Nilsen, tarnishing both our reputations." I saw a flicker of hurt cross Kelvin's features, swiftly masked by a neutral facade.

"I see. Aurora, I don't give a damn about public perception," he said, his voice strained. "I care about you." My throat tightened, and I struggled to swallow the lump forming there.

"I care about you too, Kelvin. But as future queen, I have responsibilities, and I can't ignore the consequences of our actions."

"I see how it is. It's so typical of royals to only care about their public image."

"It's not like that, Kelvin," I tried to explain, but he cut me off.

"It's always like that," he said, his voice tinged with resentment. "You're all the same. You care more about appearances than about humanity."

I felt a pang of guilt at his words, knowing that they had some truth. But I couldn't let my emotions cloud my judgment, not when the stakes were so high.

"If you're so worried about your image you should probably leave."

His bitterness hung heavy in the air as I stood up from the bed.

"I'll leave you to rest." I stood up, but Kelvin grabbed my hand. I paused, turning back to face him, unsure of what to expect.

"Aurora, wait." He took a deep breath, his gaze searching mine. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lash out like that. It's just... this whole situation, it's frustrating." I nodded, understanding flooding through me.

"I know. It's frustrating for me, too." He sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"I don't want us to be torn apart because of politics or perceptions. But I also don't want to cause you any more trouble." I moved closer to the bed, taking a seat beside him once again.

"I believe there's a way for us to navigate through this. We just need to be careful and considerate of each other's positions." He looked at me; his eyes glimmered with hope.

"What do you suggest?"

"For now, let's focus on resolving the tensions between our houses. Once that's done, we can address our own situation more openly. But until then, we need to be discreet." Kelvin nodded slowly, digesting my words.

"I can agree to that. But I want you to know, Aurora, that my feelings for you won't change, no matter what." I stared at him for a moment, trying to fathom his words.

Was that a declaration of love? It couldn't have been, he didn't use the L word. But his words lingered, and I sat there staring at him like a dummy for the next minute before realizing the awkward silence.

"Everything will work out the way they're supposed to. I know it. For now, I want you to rest. The Nilsens should arrive tomorrow evening."

"Yes, ma'am." He closed his eyes and pretended to snore, making me laugh. I cupped his face, and he opened his eyes again.

He moved a stray strand of hair out of my face, and that's when our faces got close, and before we knew it, we were kissing again. I broke away and exhaled through my nose. My lips were probably swollen now.

"Now go to sleep, mister," I said, standing up and making my way out of the room. After carefully closing the door, I sighed, realizing that Kelvin's feelings for me might be deeper than I thought they were.

The question was would I be able to match him?


The next morning, I was abruptly awakened by Juljá. Her urgent tone immediately jolted me awake, and my heart raced with apprehension.

"Your Highness, Lord Nilsen has arrived," she said, her voice trembling slightly.

I frowned, confusion clouding my thoughts. Lord Nilsen's arrival was unexpected, especially since Imperia was a day's carriage ride from his estate. Something wasn't right.

I quickly dressed and made my way to the courtyard, my mind racing with questions. As I stepped outside, I was met with a tense atmosphere. Lord Nilsen was on horseback, his expression twisted with anger as he dismounted.

"I thought Rose would be here too," I whispered to Nigel, who was next to me.

"Apparently, she hasn't graced us with her presence."

"Lord Nilsen." I greeted him as he huffed up the stairs.

"How long do you intend to protect that gutter rat!" He was referring to Kelvin.

I had to admit something in me snapped right then when Nilsen said those words.

"Lord Nilsen!"

His head snapped up, and his brows were furrowed.

"I invite you inside to discuss your grievances in a rational matter!" I gestured toward the castle entrance, and he slowly came to the landing and entered.

"Well done, Your Majesty!" Nigel whispered to me, and I couldn't help but swell up in pride as we slowly followed the angry Nilsen inside.

"I'll go get the tiara, and Kelvin," Nigel said, leaving me alone with Nilsen.

As Nigel hurried off, leaving me alone with Lord Nilsen, the tension in the air was suffocating. While I stood there, I wondered why we needed to bring the crown.

"Lord Nilsen," I started, my voice trembling slightly, "I understand you're upset, but I assure you, Kelvin's situation is being handled appropriately."

"Handled appropriately?" he spat. "That boy is nothing but trouble, and you continue to shield him. Do you have any idea what he's done?"

"I'm well aware of the incident," I admitted carefully. "But Kelvin is under my protection, and I believe he deserves a chance to redeem himself." Nilsen scoffed, pacing the room like a wild animal.


"Redeem himself? He's a criminal! He should be dealt with accordingly."

"Lord Nilsen, I will not turn my back on someone in need. Kelvin is under my care, and I will see to it that justice is served, but it will be done fairly. There is still time for his debt to be paid." He scoffed, and I inhaled deeply, trying not to let him get to me.

"You're too soft, just like your mother."

"Perhaps," I said evenly, "but compassion is not weakness. It is what sets us apart from those who seek only power and control."

Ben entered the room, his expression calm yet determined. "Your Majesty," he addressed me, "may I have a word?" I nodded, grateful for the interruption.

"Of course, Ben. What is it?"

"The tiara," he began, "is the Nilsen Tiara."

"How did it end up in my family?" I hissed. So many questions were running through my head, but Ben shook his head as if he didn't have time to explain.

"It was seized by Kelvin during the heist for Ignatius' plans months ago. Technically, it was Kelvin's spoil of war. Nigel suggested that it could settle the tensions between Lord Nilsen and Kelvin and pay off Kelvin's debt."

Nigel always had a knack for finding solutions in the most unexpected places.

"I see," I said slowly, turning back to Lord Nilsen. "Lord Nilsen, it appears we may have found a way to address your grievances." Nilsen's eyes narrowed as he looked between Ben and me.

"What do you mean?"

"The Nilsen tiara rightfully belongs to Kelvin," I explained. "He seized it from Ignatius' castle; it's considered his spoil of war. Returning it to you would be a gesture of goodwill from Kelvin, a way to settle his debt to you."

"What?" Nilsen suddenly grew pale.

"Are you alright, Lord Nilsen?" I asked, concerned. Nigel sprang into action, grabbing a nearby chair and guiding Nilsen to sit down before he could faint.

"Here, take a seat," Nigel said firmly but with concern in his voice. Nilsen lowered himself into the chair, his hands trembling slightly. "How did you... the crown I thought it was destroyed..." I took a step closer, trying to gauge his reaction.

Ben and Nigel came closer to me as Kelvin walked into the room, the Nilsen Tiara held in his hands. He approached Lord Nilsen with a respectful bow.

"Lord Nilsen," Kelvin said, looking a little pale, his voice steady despite the tension in the room. "I offer this tiara as a gesture of goodwill in hopes that petty tensions between our houses might be dissolved."

Nilsen's expression softened for a moment as he looked at Kelvin, then back at the tiara. However, his features quickly hardened again, and he shook his head.

"No," he muttered, pushing the tiara away. "I don't want it."

"What's wrong with Lord Nilsen?" I asked Nigel.


I'm definitely missing something here and Nigel and Ben aren't telling me.

Kelvin's attempt to offer the tiara again was met with the same stubborn refusal from Lord Nilsen. Kelvin gave me a questioning look, and I could only shake my head in response.

"I don't know either." I took the tiara from Kelvin's hands and hurried after Lord Nilsen into the courtyard, determined to convince him to accept the tiara.

I truly didn't understand Nilsen's vehement rejection of the tiara, especially when it seemed like a logical step toward reconciliation.

I followed Nilsen out of the castle, determined to try once more to convince him to accept the tiara. But by the time I reached the courtyard, he was already mounted on his horse, his expression hardened with resolve.

"Lord Nilsen, please," I called out, hurrying towards him." Nilsen shook his head.

"Thank you kindly, but I'd rather forgive his debt than keep the tiara."

"Take the tiara. It's a gesture of good—"

"How many times do I have to tell you, you little bastard! I don't want the damned crown!"

Before I could react, he grabbed the tiara from my outstretched hand and flung it to the ground with a force that sent it shattering into pieces. My heart sank as I watched the diamonds scatter across the courtyard, a tangible symbol of the shattered hopes for peace between our houses.

Nilsen's face twisted with anger as he stormed out of the courtyard. The hoof beats echoed against the stone as he disappeared into the distance.

I stood there, frozen in shock and disbelief, unable to comprehend what had just happened. It was then that I realized there was more at play here.

As I knelt down to pick up the broken pieces of the tiara, tears welled up in my eyes.

Memories flooded my mind of how my mother and I used to play with it, pretending to be queens. The shattered tiara felt like a symbol of not just the broken heirloom, but also the shattered hopes of resolving the tensions with Lord Nilsen. Suddenly, Kelvin rushed to my side, his expression filled with regret.

"Aurora, I'm so sorry," he said, his voice filled with genuine remorse. "I never wanted any of this to happen." I looked up at him, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"It's not your fault, Kelvin," I managed to say, though my voice wavered with emotion. Kelvin shook his head.

"No, it is. None of this would have happened if it weren't for me. And now, your tiara..."

I hesitated, unsure of what to do next. But Kelvin seemed determined as he helped me pick up the pieces.

"I can have the crown fixed. It's the least I can do. It's my fault your tiara broke."

I looked at him, surprised by his offer. I opened my mouth to speak but he put his finger to my mouth before I could speak.

"No arguments."

I couldn't help but smile. Slowly, I nodded, my heart heavy with conflicting emotions.

"If you insist..."

"Of course!" he said as if offended. "Besides, what else are you supposed to wear at your coronation?"

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