Power Rangers SPD: Fire Squad

By JessiHayes13

160 11 8

SPD special ops. The Fire Sqaud made up of SPD Commander and Deka ranger Sky Tate, the Prime ranger Jack Land... More

Made Jack an offer
Squad mostly assembled
Squads all here
Brass Meeting
Evil connections
Um What?


7 1 0
By JessiHayes13

She knew she had to quit smoking.

Not like in the sense that she was addicted to the stuff (which, in all honesty, she probably was), but she only had the one pack on her. If she ran out, she wouldn't be able to stop the nicotine fit that would result from her boredom. And she certainly couldn't drink while on mission.

Charlie just wishes that Sky would hurry the fuck up so they could get this over with.

She checks her watch. Less than ten minutes till midnight, at which point their window of opportunity will open. They'll need the noise from the New Years' celebrations as cover.

Tommy Oliver had sadly passed away. Carter Greyson would be sworn in in a matter of weeks, but many people were still skeptical due to Hexagon.

Recent intelligence confirmed the identity of one of the primary leaders (of which there was probably more) who helped organize the art attempted takeover of Earth. Divatox, the pirate who hate earth for whatever the fucking reason. Unfortunately, Divatox's whereabouts were currently unknown to the SPD. Fortunately, there was a weak link in the chain who could be able to point them in the right direction, and his name was Elgar Divatox's nephew. If tonight's operation went smoothly, Elgar would piss his pants and give up Divatox in a heartbeat.

The crowd at the bar was starting to get restless. People speaking in alien languages about idle things, smoking, drinking, dancing, fucking around like everything was peachy. Charlie didn't care what they did as long as they didn't bother her directly. Zero to Hero by Starlord started playing over the radio; at least this dive bar had good taste in music.

The door to the bar opened and in stepped Sky Tate who, despite it being near midnight, was wearing shades. Charlie didn't know if he did it for the aesthetic or to draw attention away from the scars on the left side of his face, but it sure as hell wasn't practical. Besides, at this point she knew better than to question Sky's judgment on anything, even something as simple as fashion.

Sky pulled a pack of cigarettes out from his leather jacket pocket and lit one up. He took a puff and blew out the smoke from his nose before turning his head towards Charlie who was standing next to her table. He gave a slight nod to Charlie before approaching the table and resting his arms on it.

"Matthews" Sky addressed the younger woman.

"Tate" Charlie responded, "All clear here."

"Good, good," Sky said, drawing another puff from his cigarette, "Carson is scouting the perimeter and Landors'll be here soon."

Sky then reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a small photograph of their target before handing it to Charlie.

"Elgar..." Charlie muttered, "We should just put that motherfucker against the wall and be done with it."

"All in good time," Sky said, "this ain't a hit, it's an op just like any other."

"Hmm," Charlie said, pulling out her lighter and setting the photograph ablaze before dumping it in the ashtray on the table. She checked her watch; five minutes to midnight.

"You sure SPD won't get involved?" Charlie asked.

"Doggie will keep them at bay," Sky reassured, and a moment later another man, a dog like alien entered the bar wearing a dark trenchcoat. This was Anubis Doggie Cruger.

"Tate," Cruger said as he approached the table, "Where's Landors?"

"Jack's around, but I'll send him your regards," Sky spoke, "Matthews" Kruger said.

Charlie gave a silent nod in Cruger's direction. Doggie did the same.

"We clear to move in?" Final asked Cruger directly.

Cruger nodded, "Elgar's in his base, but he's well protected. I can keep my men out of the area for 15 minutes but no longer than that. With luck, maybe the fireworks will drown the noise."

"That's very good," Sky responded.

"Good luck," Cruger said,

"Don't worry," Sky assured him,

Sky leaves a couple hundred in Credits on the table. Charlie does the same right after. Sky then rubs his lit cigarette down on the ashtray before stepping away, and Charlie follows after him.

Sky and Charlie exited the bar from the back entrance into an alleyway. Right as they exit a car pulls up and comes to a stop just in front of them. The driver exits the car and reveals himself to be Jack.

"'Bout time you two showed up," Jack grunted.

"Bridge still watching the perimeter?" Sky asked.

"Yep, he's ready to kill the power on your go," Jack responded, walking over to the rear of the car and pulling out his morpher.

"It's morphin time" Jack said, Sky and Charlie approached and took out their morphers, Bridge was already morphed, "SPD emergency " the three said morphing into their ranger forms.

Charlie then followed Jack and Sky up the alley.

"Carson," Sky spoke into his earpiece, "You set?"

"In position ready" Bridge spoke over the radio chatter,

"Roger that," Sky responded.

"Do we really need to take this son of a bitch alive?" Jack asked.

"We're SPD Jack you know we have to, beside he knows where Divatox is, but everyone else in their we can kill" Sky said as he took out his Delta blaster, Charlie did the same, Jack took out his duel blasters as they neared the outside of the complex. Only thirty seconds to midnight now.

"Jack," Sky ordered, "Link up with Bridge and breach with her through the front. Charlie and I will cover the rear. Box those bastards in nice and good."

"Alright, just watch your fucking crossfire, y'here?" Jack quipped,

Sky chuckled, "Twenty seconds, go."

Jack took off around the side of the complex to link up with Bridge. Charlie and Sky took up position behind the brick perimeter surrounding the complex. They got a good look through the sliding glass door to see eight Phiranatrons completely oblivious to the fact they'll all be dead in a few seconds. Two of them were so drunk they could barely stand but that didn't matter.

"In position," Jack spoke over the radio.

"Likewise," Sky responded, "Alright squad, let's help them ring in the New Year."

Charlie's watch hit midnight, and right on the dot the power went out. Some of the phiranatrons inside started to panic, and this was the cue to move up. Charlie and Sky stood up from cover and opened fire through the glass. Jack and Bridge stepped in through the front entrance and fired into the group as well.

When the gunfire stopped, at least minions had been killed. One of the survivors dropped to the floor almost instantly while another took position behind a column. Charlie and Sky rushed in as did Bridge and Jack. The phiranatron on the floor reached for a blaster on top of the table before Charlie put a few rounds in his back. The one behind the column opened fire, forcing Charlie and Sky to take cover by the table. Jack opened fire with his Delta runner blasters, before shooting the minion in the head.

There were panicked noises from upstairs as well, and the rangers downstairs heard glass shattering from above.

"Head up the stairs, go!" Sky ordered, Charlie took point as she rushed up the staircase and disposed of two hostiles, one armed with a shotgun who was firing blindly.

Elgar at that point had ducked for cover outside of Charlie's line of sight.

"I don't have eyes on Elgar!" Charlie said.

"He can't escape!" Sky shouted, coming up behind Charlie, "Let's move!"

The Rangers entered the second floor and was blinded by a flash of light. All at once, another enemy starts firing at them while a door to the rooftop opens up. The lighting from outside leaves the shooter visible, giving the Rangers the opportunity to gun the minions down.

"Get to the rooftop! Go!" Sky orders, taking point as Charlie got up off the floor and followed before. As the four Rangers went onto the rooftop, Sky saw two hostiles in front of him that he dispatched with ease.

Another hostile came charging forward firing his blaster before Charlie put a shot through his head.

Charlie took point, but out from behind a chimney some fucker with a handgun whacked her across the head with it, causing Charlie to drop her blaster in the process. A brief struggle between the two ensued before Charlie managed to pull e lever on her omega morpher, electrocuting the minion, killing him. She then took a hold of the minions body and blaster, using the former as a human shield against two approaching enemies while shooting at them with the latter. Once the minion were all dead, Charlie dropped the blaster and the body, and Sky. Jack and Bridge were pushing in front, giving Charlie a moment to reorient herself and pick up her blaster.

Fireworks sounded out in the sky commemorating the New Year. Hopefully this would drown out the gunshots for long enough.

Jack had eyes on Elgar who was running across the rooftops and started to fire his blaster close to where his feet were.

"Watch it, Jack We need him alive!" Sky ordered him.

"Ah, I'm just softening him up a little!" Jack responded.

"Tango on the left balcony!" Charlie called out, and saw a phirnantron readying an RPD he had mounted on the edge.

"Take cover!" Sky shouted, and everyone dove for cover.

"Well, that's just fucking great!" Charlie shouted, and by then the gunner started opening fire on them.

"Charlie!" Sky ordered, "You and I will lay down suppressing fire! Jack and Bridge move up and we'll cover you!"

"You gotta be fucking kidding me!" Bridge complained, and by then Sky started firing on the position.

"Bridge, with me!" Jack called out. While Charlie and Sky fired on the machine gun, this gave Jack and Bridge the opportunity they needed to move up and get closer to the gunner. After moving up far enough, the two of them were beneath the gunner's position and fired from below, killing the gunner and clearing the way.

"Let's move!" Jack took charge, firing his weapon at more hostiles. Bridge followed behind Jack. Elgar was getting ready to jump off the rooftop while two more men covered him.

"Damn, this guy moves fast!" Jack said as he and Bridge dispatched the two enemies. Sky and Charlie caught up with them.

Elgar had already jumped the gap as more trons came to defend him. The four rangers then looked over the edge to see that they were all in the open on the opposite rooftop. All at once, the four of them jumped across the rooftop, firing their weapons and killing all the enemies on the building adjacent, excluding Elgar. Elgar was cornered and raised his hands as well.

Charlie came forward and knocked the minion to the ground, pointing her gun at its face while pressing her boot to its chest. Kenzie kept her blaster pointed at Elgar he panicked. Meanwhile, Sky and Jack casually strolled up to Elgar, with Sky slinging his weapon over his shoulder.

"W-We can work someth-" Elgar began to timidly speak before Sky broke his nose, the alien clutched his nose in pain as he fell to the ground, and Sky said, "You're up, Jack."

Jack approached Elgar and got on his knees, grabbing his jacket and holding him close to the edge.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait! No, no!" Elgar panicked.

"You're going to tell us where Divatox is. Now." Jack threatened.

"I... I just handle the money. I have no idea where my Aunty is" Elgar timidly responded. Charlie rolled her eyes; how fucking typical.

"I don't think you understand the situation," Sky informed him, nodding over to Charlie who picked up the surviving hostile from up off the ground. In another moment, Charlie kicked hard against its chest, and the minion was screaming as he fell off the roof before smashing against a car along the side of the road.

"Y-You SPD have rules! You have rules! You have to-" Elgar stammered.

"The rules changed, motherfucker!" Jack shouted, "You killed thousands!"

Jack punched Elgar in the face twice. Charlie didn't flinch; he had seen enough of shit like this as A Squad Red that she was numb to it at this point.

After Jack finished his beatdown, he pulled out one of his delta runner blasters and pointed in in Elgar's face.

"W-Wait, wait!" Elgar pleaded, "Onyx Onyx!"

"This ain't fucking Pokemon, you sack of shit," Sky spat, "Spill it. Where on Onyx? Tell us of you'll end up like your friend down there."

"I swear, I don't know if she's going to be there or not, but... She- she mentioned something about some deal at Trabzon Airfield tomorrow night!"

"What kind of deal?" Jack said.

"I don't know, I swear! They use coded messages of some kind, it could be anything! Drugs, weapons, intelligence... I don't know!"

"Alright, we got what we need," Sky told him, "Bag 'em."

"Wait, I gave you-" Elgar stammered before Bridge blasted Elgar in the head with his gun, Holstering his gun.

As Charlie opened up the door to take them downstairs off of the roof, Sky said, "The fucker' found his voice quick enough."

Sky activated his communicator, then said, "Andros, we got you a little present. Big shiny bow and all."

"He give up the goods?" Andros asked from the other end.

"He sure did," Sky told him, "Divatox is on Onyx."

The Rangers made it back down to their car, Charlie got in the driver's seat with Jack getting in the passenger's seat. Bridge got in the backseat. While Sky got on his motorcycle.

"So, Onyx huh?" Charlie asked.

"Yep. It's always Onyx for these evil guys" Jack replied coldly.

"Yeah," Bridge responded, focusing away from the conversation as the car and bike took off from the area. They heard police sirens in the distance, but their job here was done. Though they were successful tonight, Charlie couldn't shake this gnawing feeling at the back of her mind that something was wrong. It was this same instinct she had developed in the A sqaud and more often than not she was proven right. Something was gonna go down, she just knew it.

She just had no idea how far it would go.

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