By Unpolished_Jen

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Interview list.
Interviewing misguided_angel
Interviewing iAntelope
Interviewing Safiaa56
Interviewing Just_let_go
Interviewing xXxTyeXx
Interviewing: MissRandom
Interviewing MessageInABottle
Interviewing: Script-
Interviewing: xxRandomxThoughtsxx
Interviewing: NeverShoutAlex
Interviewing: ninaricci05
Interviewing: Lion

Interviewing JESSaBELLIE

135 1 0
By Unpolished_Jen

Interviewing JESSaBELLIE                                   DATE THAT GOT INTERVIEWED: 5-21-2011

Q: How’d you find about Wattpad?

A: I was just googling writing sites and it came up!

Q: Were you on another site before Wattpad and if yes which one and was it better?

A: Yup. I was on Quizilla, but I didn't like it. I guess because like, 90% of stories on there were either vampire or anime, and if your story was anything other it didn't get read.

Q: What made you sign up?

A: Sign up to wattpad? I saw all the covers on the homepage! They just inspired me to write so I signed up.

Q: Do you remember how old you were?

A: Well it was september last year.. so I was 15.

Q:How old are you now?

A: 16!

Q: What was your first story?

A: Hahaha, oh gosh. "Lexi's story" But it was embarrassingly lame so I took it down.

Q: Do you hate the new changes?

A: New Changes? I haven't really noticed, unless you mean the new meebo. I don't really mind it. I think most people hate it because of the status chatting... but status chatting was lame I reckon. Wattpad should have a wattpad chat :) meebo was kind of budget.

Q: When's your birthday and what is your sign?

A: 29th of March, and my sign is Aries. 

Q: So, what do you think about Wattpad so far and do you hate the new changes?

A: lol, I just answered the changes bit :D I LOVE wattpad! And it's so easy to get comments an reviews which is really cool. 

Q:Before Wattpad were you on another writing site and if you have was it better?

A: Lol! Already answered this too :)

Q: What was the randomist thing, you've ever done, at least give me one.

A: Randomist thing? Hmm.. Well one time I brought a jiant justin bieber cut out, so I stood in the window of my house with it infront of me and yelled out things like, "Uber-beliebe and swag, and Leggo" to anyone that walked past. Haha! Or this time my friend came round and we decided to cover our faces with chocolate sauce and go on omegle video chat. It was CRACKUP until my face started burning. Turns out I was kinda allergic to the sauce and my face ended up swelling and turning bright red. Lol my bad.

Q: So do you have any talents or instruments that you play?

A: I used to play the clarinet like squidward :D But then I gave it up. Writings probably one of my best talents I think.

Q: Do you have a life besides Wattpad?

A: no. Haha nah I do, it's on twitter :) nah jk, I do. I try really hard to stay of wattpad as much as I can. Tomorrow I won't be on, going shopping for the ball!! Woop :) But yeah I have to admit I spend alot of time on this site..

Q: Do you have a character or a story that means something to you?

A: All my characters mean something to me! But Riley from 'love and other little white lies' is like my best perfect guyfriend that doesn't exist. Obviously, because no guy is perfect, unless their name is Justin bieber. 

Q: Do you have any favorite Wattpad authors by the way?

A: Of course! RJMoore, The_randomer, and kugelmonkey are my top three! But there's heaps more :)

Q: Mmm. Then do you have favorite authors outside of Wattpad?

A: JODI PICOULT! She's amazing! And when I was little I thought Jacqueline Wilson was the best. 

Q: What is your pet peeve?

A: Ugh, people who hate on Justin Bieber for pathetic reasons. No one should hate, whaaat a waste of time. Oh and anyone who thinks he has a chicks voice should listen to him singing 'come home to me' OMB it's amazing. 

Q:Yes, Justin Bieber is freaking awesomr! Do you like sports, but the way?

A: No.. Haha I'm the most unco person. I mean I don't mind playing handball with my friends or whatever, but competitive sports is not my thing at all.

Q: So what type of music do you listen to?

A: Justin bieber, Owl city, avalanche city, anything! My fave song at the moment is Alligator sky by owl city (: 

Q: what about TV shows? What are your favorites?

A: Hmm. I don't watch much TV, but I love american idol, ellen, drew and shannon live, south park, Family guy, wipeout. 

Q: What type of genres do you write?

A: Romance, teen fiction, and sometimes science fiction, usually a mix of all those three. 

Q: What's your lets least favorite?

A: I don't really vampiry fan-fics, but I'll read them anyway. 

Q; What makes you come with your ideas?

A: i dunno! They kinda just pop into my mind at any time. Mostly when I'm in the shower which is kinda weird.. but yeah.


A: My goal..... To show people i'm awesome EVEN THOUGH I'm a belieber :P and of course to get people to read my stories (:

Q: RANDOM QUESTION OF THE DAY, DUM DUM DUM!!!!! What is your obsession with Justin Bieber?

A: You're kidding. I FREAKIN-BELIEBEIN LOVE HIM! I love his smile, his music, his eyes, his personality! How he's so involved with his fans, how he did the bullying speech at his concert. He's the most amazing guy i've ever met! Well, wish i'd met, maybe one day (: Thankyou so much for interviewing me by the way :) You can take out some of the justin stuff... haha I'm obsessed :)

------------------------------------------------- Note thingy: Lol, I'm sorry that I didn't have time to interview you on chat, but I think you were awesome and thank you for having the time even though it was boring justr answering those questions by yourself. Haha, thanks again and please don't rape poor Justin Bieber.

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