𝘍𝘒𝘴𝘡 π˜“π˜°π˜·π˜¦ | Charles L...

By filthyferrari

71.7K 976 360

Meeting the right person at the wrong time is a living hell that wasn't spoken about enough. Charles Leclerc... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41- The Finale
||Tributes|| <3
||Authors Note
Bonus Chapter||

Chapter 16

1.3K 18 1
By filthyferrari

It's race week in Japan! what are you predicting?!

         Warrior- Paloma Faith

Liked by georgerussell63, charles_leclerc and 966,752 others
Lucinda Stone: Just two people clearly excited to be filming the last scene for Fast Love releasing soon, pre order now😉

View all 9503 comments

landonorris - I thought Instagram was meant to be a PG site
charles_leclerc - 😆😆
georgerussell63- it's a good thing the track isn't open to the public 😂

Being a singer was the life I chose and had done since I was a young girl. And I was royally fucking it up. This had been the first time in my career I hadn't been focused on anything, that my mind had wandered so far it was becoming heavy.

Charles, George, Lando and Lewis had decided to join me and the girls on the track as we filmed the final scenes in Bahrain. The sun had finally disappeared and the stage lights had been set, camera crews filled the grid whilst the guys had placed themselves out the way but still in view. And I was getting every take wrong. Having Charles's eyes on me was unsettling and I couldn't put a foot right in the choreography.


We'd finally had a moment to catch our breaths and god knows I needed it. Jade had wandered over to the cameras to review the shots we had managed to get and I found myself leaning against a prop light trying to straighten my head out. Jesy appeared beside me busying herself on her phone barely reacting to anything around her.

"So.." she muttered quietly.

"So what?"

"I'm just going to throw this out there because judging by the fact you can't focus and keep messing up I'm assuming you've spoken to Charles since our chat yesterday"

Not that I had noticed at the time but my chat with Charles the day before had begun to take its toll on me. The feelings I struggled with so deeply to destroy when they developed was now in full view. And they were raw. Knowing there was nothing I could do about them either was the most gut wrenching part.

I let out a heavy sigh "I did he said he just wants to be friends considering our lives are so busy and different right now" Leaving the part out where he kissed me again was only logical. She could've easily killed Charles if she knew there was a second.

"He said what?" Jesy looked baffled as if I'd just dropped a deadly bombshell on her "He's seriously said that after everything?"

Swigging a big mouthful of water from my bottle i discarded it against the side of the track before continuing "What else was I supposed to do? It's not like I don't agree with him"

"How can you agree with him?!" She asked. Throughout the years of knowing Jesy if there was one thing she was good at besides her career it was being direct. But this wasn't direct it was upset and confusion for me "He kissed you how is that just the end. Done. Never spoken about again?"

"What am I meant to do Jesy? We leave back to London tomorrow and he's going to Australia for the next race, our worlds never collide enough for something solid"

"Luce you seriously need to.."

"Can we go for another take guys!?"

Camille's voice boomed from the opposite end of the track as she waved me and Jesy over. Meaning my conversation with her had thankfully been cut short. When we arrived back to our marked places, Charles and George had seemingly occupied themselves by looking at a camera with Jade. Viewing the takes I guessed.

I stood on my marker and blew out a deep breath through my tight lips. I had to believe in myself. I had to get this done. My eyes had locked onto Charles's in front of me, he gave me a thumbs up and an encouraging smile. How could he go on so normal? Wasn't he hurting too?

Giving him a small smile back the music had started to sound through the several speakers darted around. The chorus began to roll around for what felt like the thousandth time that night.

"5..6...7..8" Our choreographer loudly counted us in.

As if on auto pilot I began to move my body and mouth to the beat and lyrics. I was determined to be focused but it wasn't working. I felt so out of sorts, so damaged and so weak. The music was beginning to drown out behind me and I suddenly couldn't feel my limbs.

My body had completely stopped.

The tears running down my face was the first thing that had instantly snapped me back into reality. The music thumped loudly in my ears as my all senses came back at once.

"Cut! Are you okay Lucinda?" Our choreographer yelled, I instantly felt my knees buckle as I dropped down into a crouch placing my dampened face into my hands. The girls had swarmed me instantly as they knelt down to my level. I felt several arms and shushes surround me as I tried to regain my breath.

"Can we get her some water I think she's overheated" Jades voice came out deafeningly concerned as she made her way over to the drinks stand, Leigh disappearing with her.

Jesy's arms still gripped me tightly as she awaited for me to calm down "I've got you babe" she uttered softly to me.

"I'm sorry it's just so hard to concentrate I don't know what's wrong with me" I muttered wiping my tears against the back of my hand.

"You're in love Luce this is normal"

She stroked my back soothingly which only made the nausea from her words worse "You have nothing to be sorry for you're a talented girl this happens to the best of people"

I finally tilted my head up when I felt like I wasn't going to scream and cry again. Her soothing strokes had abruptly stopped as she suddenly cleared her throat indicating someone was coming my way.

"Luce are you okay?"

Fucking brilliant. I stood up and spun round to which I was met with a very concerned Charles. Nodding my head and offering him a small smile was about the most I could manage at that point "I'm good just had a moment that's all"

"Are you sure? That looked like more then a moment" He asked softly, his eyes were gentle when he looked at me. As if approaching a startled deer in the dark. And he looked damn good whilst doing it. I so badly wanted to curse him for that.

"I'm sure it's just been a long week it's probably just catching up to me"

I could see a slight hesitation in his eyes as he extended his hand out to me, I took it unsure of what his intentions were. His warm palm curved gently around mine, like a silent plea I could still trust him.

"I'm here for you Luce" His voice was low and earnest as he gave my hand a gentle squeeze. I almost needed that because I began to realise there was still an important friendship there. I couldn't let my head get between me and Charles. We shared a silent understanding his eyes telling me it was hard for him too. And instantly I felt relaxed.

His thumb traced small circles against the back of my hand as he spoke. Jesy had made sure to occupy herself away from us but close enough to still be within earshot of hearing everything.

"You think you can try again?" He asked. Slowly not pressuring me to make a choice right there and then. But by that point I'd felt much more grounded so I nodded to him and the crew that looked on in anticipation.

"Let's go again"

"And cut! That's a wrap guys!"

Our choreography shouted as the music faded out and the track erupted into several cheers and claps from crew members, the guys and the backup dancers panting for breath behind us. The girls surrounded me into a huddle as we squealed in excitement. We'd finally done it. After I instantly ran to Charles jumping into his already open arms. He hoisted me up into the air spinning me around like a little child.

"I knew you could do it" He brightly exclaimed as he set me down onto the ground.

"Thank you" I beamed brightly at him.

"You know what this means right?" He seemed excited at the thought he was pondering in his mind. I cocked my head to the left in curiosity.

"That I don't have to wear ridiculously tight outfits in hot weather?"

"Well yeah that but it means we've got to celebrate"

I couldn't help but grin at his idea. I suppose I could spare a few hours to hang out with the remaining guys that had stayed in Bahrain. It would be the last time for awhile we'd all be in the same place. The flight back to London didn't leave till the late afternoon, whereas Charles wasn't leaving till the evening.

"Okay celebrating it is"

"Did someone say celebration?" George had appeared beside me with a mischievous sparkle in his eyes "George!" I exclaimed excitedly. I hadn't seen or spoken to him since the drivers dinner and I had missed his witty humour terribly. Me and George had formed a great friendship over the time I was in Bahrain and it was safe to say I was going to miss him too.

George slung his arm around my shoulders pulling me into a side hug "You did great Luce"

I gave him a grateful smile as the remaining group of drivers and the girls had began to join in on the conversation. Lewis had his arm tucked neatly around Leigh's waist causing me to cock an eye brow at her. She only dismissed my look with the giggle she did when she was clearly nervous.

"I'm down for a few celebratory drinks" Lewis stated happily.

Charles clasped his hands together in a loud clap gathering everyone's attentions simultaneously "I've got just a place in mind"

An hour later and the many cars we had traveled in to accompany us all pulled up to the same destination. I climbed out the back clutching the bottom of my white dress so I didn't step on it. When I looked up to the building in front of me I instantly realised where we was. It the was restaurant Charles had taken me on my first night in Bahrain. But this time it was different.

The restaurant was heaving with guests hoping to get a seat outside the main doors. Luckily a hostess spotted us and instantly let us through. We was lead to a private table on the balcony me and Charles had sat at the start of the week. Once everyone was seated I felt a small repeated buzz in my purse that I had clutched in my lap, when I retrieved my phone I saw my fathers name flashing at me.

"Dad? Hey"

I'd stepped outside the restaurant in hopes of hearing him down the line better. A few seconds went by before his voice was heard loud and clear.

"Hey sweetheart how's it going over there?"

I placed myself down on a small stone wall around the edge of the pathway. Me and my dad always had a close bond, I would call him pops and he would call me Lucy short for Lucinda. He was the only person I allowed to call me it. Whenever I thought fondly of my father I would always think of every Sunday when I was little, he would take me to a lake just by our neighbourhood and let me run wild in the flowers. Once I started singing professionally at a young age though, it suddenly stopped and I was no longer his little girl. He said instead of letting me run wild around the lake he was instead letting me run wild around a stage.

"It's been amazing here we managed to finish filming today"

"Oh that's wonderful sweetheart when do you leave?"

"Tomorrow afternoon"

"And what about Charles? Has he been looking after you?"

I hadn't told my father much about Charles due to the fact I wouldn't even know where to start. But my father wasn't dumb nor was my mother. They'd both seen the news articles and the paparazzi photos they knew me and Charles were good friends. But thankfully didn't know more.

"Yeah he's been great this week, did you watch the race?"

He chuckled softly "of course I did, your mother watched it too"

"How is she?"

"Oh you know what she's like when you're not here driving herself insane with cleaning"

I laughed lightly feeling sudden tears pricking the corners of my eyes. Hearing my fathers voice was enough to put me at ease after the day from hell. I wanted to tell him everything about me and Charles but I decided not too. It was my battle fight.

"Send her my love will you? I'll try and see you guys before I go to Miami"

"Okay love, I'll let you go and enjoy your last night text me when you land tomorrow. I love you"

"I'll speak to you soon Dad, I love you too"

I clutched my phone tightly in my hand for a second before wiping the small getaway tears on my cheeks.

"Everything okay?"

Charles's voice startled me causing me to whip around. His face was etched slightly with concern. He looked almost perfect in the dimmed light. He was wearing a white shirt that exposed his golden skin and a black and white bandana tucked neatly around his hairline.

"Oh yeah it was just my Dad wanting to know how it's going here"

He joined me on the wall as we both looked out onto the glistening bay. The wind glided gently across my shoulders cooling down the slight sun burn I'd caught. Bahrain was truly beautiful, from the people busying the streets in the day to the skyscrapers before us at night. It was a gorgeous place. Those were the places where you truly understood the meaning of 'life is beautiful'.

"I miss him sometimes when I'm this far away.." The words had jumped out my mouth, I hadn't even processed the thought of speaking till I had. It didn't seem to mind him though.

"I know how you feel" He spoke faintly, keeping his eyes firmly ahead "I miss my family too"

"Do you miss him?" I paused for a second unsure of whether to go on about his father. But it seemed like a vulnerable moment and maybe just maybe I'd finally get answers to the questions I've had since that night in the hotel room "Do you miss your father?"

I'd expected Charles to have asked how I knew, but maybe he just had a feeling I already knew. I never wanted to pressure him into telling me himself.

He looked away for a moment averting his gaze further down the bay, he seemed lost in thought but not taken a back by the question "I miss him a lot, but I know he's always with me in here" he gently tapped his chest where his heart rested underneath "and on the track"

My eyes met his.

"I bet he's so proud of you Charles" I spoke tentatively "you've achieved so much"

Charles smiled down at me, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. It was clear he was holding himself together just about "Thank you"

Our gazes returned to the calm water in front of us, I rested my head against the side of his shoulder with a small sigh "I'm going to miss this place"

He slung his arm around my back pulling me closer into him "Me too, but it won't be long till we're in Miami"

"Mhmm so true I hope Miami holds just as special place in my heart as Bahrain does"

Charles's warm breath ghosted over my ear as he rested his face into the side of my head "I'm sure it will I'll make sure of it"

I closed my eyes soaking up the last touches from him whilst trying my hardest to ignore the tiny shatters of my heart.

I'd finally fallen for Charles Leclerc.


I'm genuinely going to miss these moments in Bahrain but there journey together has only just begun!! ❤️

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