Power Rangers SPD: Fire Squad

JessiHayes13 tarafından

335 12 8

SPD special ops. The Fire Sqaud made up of SPD Commander and Deka ranger Sky Tate, the Prime ranger Jack Land... Daha Fazla

Made Jack an offer
Squad mostly assembled
Squads all here
Brass Meeting
Evil connections
Um What?


26 2 1
JessiHayes13 tarafından

"Good to see the budget wasn't spent on interior decoration," she commented dryly.

"I think this shade is called military grey," Sky responded with a small smile, "trust me, it gets better than this."

Charlie didn't comment further, choosing to follow Sky, Jack and Andros deeper into the base.. Charlie allowed herself the odd glance into the adjoining rooms but saw nothing but people in lab coats busily working away.

A woman grabbed Charlie's attention. She crashed into a console, "I'm alright, no need to worry," she added sarcastically before managing to make it to the door.

"What would you say Major, if I told you that we possessed the technology to improve a human being to the peak of their potential?"

"I would say that you've been reading too many Captain America comics," Charlie responded flatly, "but I've seen crazier things in my career."

"Indeed," Kat Manx began, she walked in " You know why your here"

"The new team of Power Rangers," Charlie began, "perhaps you could point me to the this squad last member."

"I believe he's in there."

Charlie gave her a stiff nod and set off down the indicated corridor. She was just turning a corner when she crashed into a intern, sending her and the case she was holding crashing to the ground, "I'm sorry," the former red ranger began, "I wasn't paying attention."

"No bother," Noire replied, "although the Doctor will have my hide if she finds out I dropped this." She picked up the large silver case that was adorned with a stylised SPD logo.

"My lips are sealed," Charlie replied, "it was Noire right? You're a long way from home."

"Well you're not exactly from these parts either," she responded,

The blonde let out a snort of laughter, "Please tell me your one of the last squad member."

"Oh no," Noire shook her head, "I don't have an athletic bone in my body, I pulled a muscle once getting out of bed." She straightened her glasses before continuing, "I know where she is are training, follow me."

Charlie followed the raven haired woman towards a nearby window where a brown haired man, only he was very familair to Charlie " Bridge!."

"I see you two have met," the pair jumped as Jack approached them from behind, Charlie chose to follow after Noire to the main chamber. Standing in the far corner Was Kat behind a table, the silver case open. Everyone was still for a moment, the Sky walked up and picked up the Deka morpher from the case, it was a SPD morpher but with a red face plate, Jack and Bridge already had their Spd morphers, and Charlie's was upgraded to the Fire sqaud.

There was a cheer from the team followed by a round of firm handshakes and back slaps. The only one who wasn't joining in with the celebrations was Noire, her attention was firmly fixed on her screen, "Commander," she called, "someone really should take a look at this."

"Honestly Miss Noire, this is hardly the time," Andros dismissed her over the noise.

"I really think someone should see this," Noire added more firmly. With no one else taking any notice, Charlie walked over to the woman, "tell me I'm not seeing things," she asked the Major.

Charlie frowned, "It looks like a wormhole," she began, "I remember the Galaxy Rangers telling me about something like this."

"You've met a team of Power Rangers?" Noire asked.

"Yes but this isn't the time for stories," Charlie shook her head, "how close is it opening to this base."

Noire tapped a few commands on her keyboard, "Too close for comfort." She paused a moment, her eyes widening, "Oh, that is no good," she gasped, "I think something is trying to come through." Suddenly an alarm blared throughout the base following by the worrying sound of groaning metal.

"Noire, what have you done now?" A scientist snapped.

"Hey, she hasn't done anything," Charlie fired back, "she's is trying to save our lives so show her a bit of respect." The scientist wisely kept his mouth closed allowing Charlie to turn her attention back to Noire, "Anything you can do?"

"I'm good but I'm not that good," Noire replied, "I've accessed the emergency defences"

"Only senior officers can authorise that," Andros frowned, "I could have you dismissed from the program for this."

The wormhole was now visible in the nearest window, there was clearly something emerging. It didn't look like anything found on Earth or any of the other known planets. The ship was roughly egg shaped and metallic, "We've got bigger problems," Charlie pointed out the window. Suddenly the base was rocked by an explosion, "I think we're under attack."

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