The Phoenix's Doctor ( Marco...

Autorstwa NJH33_

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"Are you sure? You realize this is going to be quite the hassle, right Y/N-ya? Why go through all this for so... Więcej

Chapter 1 : An Angel
Chapter 2 : I Proposed
Chapter 3 : Dr Y/N
Chapter 4 : I Can't
Chapter 5 : You, Of Course
Chapter 6 : Quickly!
Chapter 7 : Goofball
Chapter 8 : Hunting
Chapter 9 : Legally
Chapter 10 : The Devil
Chapter 11 : Dr Phoenix
Chapter 12 : Can't Wait
Chapter 13 : Threat
Chapter 14 : First Day
Chapter 16 : More
Chapter 17 : 4
Chapter 18 : Medic
Chapter 19 : Stay Alive

Chapter 15 : Erm- Hi?

126 7 8
Autorstwa NJH33_

Chapter 15 : Erm- Hi?

Ace found himself anxiously standing outside the All Blue Restaurant, having extended an invitation to his Pops and Marco for dinner at this establishment owned by Sanji, his childhood friend.

Eager to introduce them to the culinary delights of Sanji's new venture, he was reassured by their willingness to rearrange their schedules for the occasion.

As he waited, a gentle tap on his shoulder snapped him back to the present, revealing Marco with a friendly smile.

"Yo Ace, hope you weren't waiting too long yoi," Marco greeted, his presence immediately putting Ace at ease, albeit slightly fidgety.

Marco, perceptive yet mistaking Ace's nervousness for mere politeness, suggested they wait inside for their Pops.

"Did you reserve a seat yoi?" inquired Marco, curious about the arrangements Ace had made.

"Yes, Sanji mentioned he'd prepared a booth for us," replied Ace, his gaze darting around, betraying his nervous anticipation.

Marco, noticing Ace's restless behavior, gently suggested, "How about we wait for Pops inside yoi?"

He then led a somewhat reluctant Ace into the restaurant.

Upon entering, they were greeted by Sanji himself, who was momentarily engaged in conversation with a waiter.

Spotting them, he immediately broke into a welcoming smile.

"Marco-san! Ace! Your booth is ready, let me show you your seat and get you the menu," Sanji announced, guiding them with his usual hospitality.

"Thanks yoi, but we're actually waiting for Pops to come first before ordering," Marco clarified, appreciating Sanji's prompt service.

Sanji acknowledged with a nod, understanding their desire to wait for the rest of their party.

As they settled into their booth, Sanji couldn't help but notice Ace's continued fidgetiness, his expression one of concern.

"You okay Ace?" Sanji asked, his voice laced with genuine concern, picking up on Ace's unsettled demeanor.

Caught off-guard by Sanji's query, Ace momentarily lost focus, his thoughts seemingly adrift elsewhere before snapping back to the present, albeit with a response that veered off the original question.

"Huh? Oh, uh, sorry Sanji, yeah, I'll have any drink you recommend," he replied, his voice trailing off as if he were still grappling with another matter entirely.

Sanji and Marco exchanged puzzled looks, both equally bemused by Ace's disjointed reply, before Sanji excused himself to prepare their beverages.

Meanwhile, Ace's restlessness only seemed to escalate, his foot tapping rhythmically on the floor—a sign of his growing agitation or perhaps nervous anticipation.

This did not go unnoticed by Marco, whose patience was beginning to wear thin.

"Alright yoi, something's clearly bothering you. What's going on, Ace?" Marco inquired, his tone a mix of concern and frustration.

Before Ace could muster a response, his attention was abruptly drawn to a towering and unmistakable figure making its way into the restaurant.

"Ah! Pops! Over here!" he exclaimed, eagerly waving his arm to catch Whitebeard's attention, who then navigated through the tables towards them.

Whitebeard's arrival was met with a warm and hearty chuckle, his presence filling the space with a sense of joy and familial warmth as he settled into his seat.

"Gurararara, Ace inviting us out for dinner? This must be a very special occasion," Whitebeard observed, his gaze shifting between Ace and Marco, who responded with a smile of his own.

Upon Sanji's return with their drinks and after taking their meal orders, Whitebeard kindly suggested that Sanji join them at the table.

However, Sanji graciously declined, expressing his desire to ensure they experienced the full culinary prowess of his establishment from the kitchen's helm.

With Sanji back to his duties, Whitebeard turned his attention to Ace, curiosity evident in his voice.

"So, how did it go with your sister?" he asked, keen to catch up on the latest developments within his adopted family's dynamic.

Ace paused momentarily, taking a contemplative sip of his drink before offering a somewhat sheepish smile towards his companions.

"Ah... That's actually why I invited you guys out for dinner," he confessed, setting the stage for his announcement.

Marco, always keen for a bit of inside information, especially when it pertained to your unique methods of dealing with situations, couldn't help but smirk in anticipation.

"Did she resort to one of her infamous creative punishments on you, yoi?" he asked, eager to hear what inventive discipline you had devised this time.

Ace, however, quickly redirected the conversation.

"Thankfully, no... But there's a bit of bad news, coupled with some good news," he explained, his voice tinged with nervous laughter, hinting at the complexity of the situation.

Whitebeard's interest was piqued, his eyebrows arching in intrigue as he braced himself for the full disclosure of Ace's recent experiences.

Without further ado, Ace took a deep breath and blurted out his news in a rapid, barely discernible spiel, as if trying to convey everything before he could second-guess himself.


The table fell silent for a moment as Marco and Whitebeard processed the flood of information, each piece of news unpacking a series of implications and emotions.

Whitebeard, after deciphering Ace's rapid-fire update, stroked his beard thoughtfully, indicating his full grasp of the situation.

"I see," he mused, reflecting on the significant changes about to unfold in Ace's career and personal life.

Marco, impressed and slightly bewildered by Whitebeard's quick comprehension, couldn't help but express his astonishment.

"You understood all that, yoi?" he asked, marveling at his adoptive father's acuity.

Whitebeard merely nodded, a broad smile spreading across his face.

"So, your 'punishment' is to step down as our Head of Security and to consider stepping into the COO role while Marco is temporarily absent, huh? Gurararararara! That's not a punishment, my boy; it's a brilliant idea!" he laughed heartily, appreciating the strategic thinking behind the decision.

Ace, visibly relieved by Whitebeard's positive reaction, placed a hand over his heart, a gesture of gratitude for the understanding and support.

Marco, catching up with the conversation, sought clarification on another matter.

"I caught the part about joining our family, yoi?" he inquired, intrigued by this development.

Ace confirmed with a nod, acknowledging the acceptance into the Whitebeard family, a prospect that filled him with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

At that moment, Sanji returned to their table, setting down a feast before them.

The dishes were met with admiration, especially from Whitebeard, who couldn't help but praise the chef's skills.

"This is outstanding, young man. It's as if Zeff himself prepared it!" he exclaimed, drawing a surprised and pleased reaction from Sanji.

"You're familiar with Chef Zeff?" Sanji asked, his smile widening upon hearing the compliment.

Whitebeard, unabashed in his praise, continued, "Absolutely! And I must say, your culinary prowess rivals, if not exceeds, his. But I should becareful, speaking so highly of your skills might just provoke the old chef," he chuckled, enjoying the banter.

Sanji's response was light and playful.

"He'd probably chase me around with his leg if he heard you say that. But thank you," he said, joining in the laughter with Whitebeard.

Throughout this exchange, Marco couldn't help but notice Ace's gaze lingering on Sanji.

There was something in the way Ace watched the chef that spoke volumes, a mix of admiration, fondness, and perhaps something deeper, unspoken but palpable to those paying attention.

It was a look that went beyond mere appreciation or friendship; it was imbued with warmth, affection, and a hint of longing.

Ace's eyes softened whenever they met Sanji's, as if seeing him brought a sense of calm and happiness.

This was not the simple look of one friend to another; it was laden with the nuances of love—a love that perhaps once was, or a love that still lingered in the spaces between their shared glances and unspoken words.

Ace's eyes followed Sanji with a gentle intensity, betraying his attempts to conceal the true extent of his feelings.

It was a look that spoke of memories cherished, moments missed, and the silent hope of rekindling something thought to be lost.

'Now that Thatch mentioned it..It is pretty obvious that Ace has or had a thing for Sanji yoi,' Marco thought to himself as he watched Ace.

'I wonder..Is that how I look at Dr Y/N yoi?'

However, almost as quickly as the idea emerged, Marco dismissed it, shaking his head to clear away such comparisons.

The possibility stirred within him a mix of emotions and questions about his own feelings and how they might be perceived by others, especially in light of his recent reflections on his interactions with you.

As the dinner conversation continued, Whitebeard shifted the topic to the idea of Ace moving into the expansive Whitebeard residence, sparking curiosity and a hint of concern from Ace.

"I'd be thrilled to join the household, Pops, but I'm wondering, do we have enough room for me there?" Ace inquired, genuinely puzzled about the logistics of such a move.

Marco responded with a reassuring smile that seemed to illuminate the conversation.

"Actually, yoi, I'm transitioning to a new living space tomorrow. My current room at the house will be vacant, and it's all yours if you want it yoi," he offered, a generous gesture that seemed to baffle Ace.

Ace's reaction was a mixture of surprise and suspicion.

"Wait, Marco, has my sister somehow black mailed you into all these decisions? Moving out, taking a break from the company, and now this?"

His question was lighthearted yet pointed, probing for the reasons behind Marco's recent life changes.

This unexpected query caused Whitebeard to momentarily struggle with his composure, nearly spluttering on his drink from holding back laughter at the insinuation.

Marco, caught off guard by the implication, clarified with a blend of amusement and a touch of seriousness.

"Nothing like that, Ace. Pops suggested that stepping out on my own for a bit could be beneficial. It's a chance to reflect on my path forward, especially with this temporary shift in my professional life. It's all part of a broader plan for personal growth during my time away from Whitebeard Corp yoi."

The explanation seemed to satisfy Ace's curiosity, painting a picture of thoughtful life decisions rather than sudden, coerced changes.

The dinner, filled with laughter and revelations, continued, weaving a tapestry of familial bonds and the promise of new beginnings.


As the evening progressed into a night of celebration, with Ace and Whitebeard indulging in a relentless drinking spree, Sanji watched the scene unfold from behind the counter, having just finished his shift at the restaurant.

Noticing Marco's Herculean effort to escort a thoroughly inebriated Whitebeard to his car, Sanji felt a tug of empathy for the man caught in a challenging situation.

"Need a hand with that, Marco-san?" Sanji offered a sympathetic grin on his face, observing Marco's struggle to balance Whitebeard's substantial frame over his shoulder.

"Yeah, that would be... great, Sanji-san. Could you possibly hail a cab for Ace? Our homes are in opposite directions, and it seems... Pops and Ace might have celebrated a bit too much yoi," Marco replied, his voice strained under the weight of his responsibility.

"Of course, consider it done," Sanji responded with a playful salute, ready to assist in any way he could.

As Marco painstakingly maneuvered Whitebeard outside, Sanji turned his attention to Ace, who was slumped over the table, completely knocked out from the night's festivities.

With a soft chuckle, he approached the table, prepared to rouse Ace from his drunken slumber and assist him home.

Sanji leaned over, gently nudging Ace's shoulder in an attempt to wake him. "Hey, Ace, time to wake up. I'll drive you home, but I need your car keys," Sanji spoke softly, trying not to startle him.

Ace mumbled something incoherent, slowly lifting his head with effort, his eyes half-closed and unfocused.

"Sanji...? Wha—?" he slurred, struggling to make sense of his surroundings.

"Come on, Ace. Let's get you home safely. Where are your keys?" Sanji persisted, maintaining his patience as he helped Ace sit up straight.

With a confused frown, Ace patted his pockets, eventually pulling out his car keys and handing them over to Sanji with a clumsy gesture.

"Thanks, Sanji..." he mumbled, clearly grateful yet barely conscious.

Sanji caught the keys with a swift motion, offering Ace a supportive arm.

"Alright, let's get you to your car. You've had quite the night," Sanji said, his tone laced with concern and a hint of amusement at the situation.

Helping Ace to his feet, Sanji steadied him, leading the way out of the restaurant and towards his car, ready to ensure Ace got home safely after a night of excessive celebration.

Guiding Ace with careful steps, Sanji supported most of Ace's weight as they made their way to the car parked a short distance from the restaurant.

The cool night air seemed to slightly revive Ace, but his steps remained unsteady, a clear sign of how much he had indulged in the celebration.

Once they reached Ace's car, Sanji gently opened the passenger door and helped Ace into the seat, ensuring he was comfortable and securely fastened with the seatbelt.

"Just sit back and relax, Acey. I'll have you home in no time," Sanji reassured him, closing the door softly before walking around to the driver's side.

Starting the car, Sanji glanced over at Ace, who had slumped against the window, his breathing deep and even, indicating he had already fallen asleep.

A small smile tugged at Sanji's lips, finding some comfort in knowing he was there to look after Ace in this state.

The drive was quiet, the only sounds being the low hum of the car engine and the occasional soft snore from Ace.

Sanji focused on the road, his thoughts wandering to the evening's events, the unexpected role he found himself in, and the concern he felt for Ace's well-being.

Pulling up outside Ace's apartment building, Sanji turned off the engine and looked over at Ace, who was still sound asleep.

Knowing he couldn't leave him like this, Sanji gently shook Ace's shoulder.

"Acey, we're here. Time to wake up," he said softly, trying to rouse him.

Ace groaned, slowly opening his eyes to the familiar sight of his own building.

Breaking the silence, Ace's voice softened, carrying a weight of complexity.

"Sanji, I'm sorry."

Sanji met Ace's gaze, the vulnerability in his eyes mirroring the uncertainty in the air,"What for?"

"For what I'm about to do."

Sanji's heart quickened at Ace's admission. Hope flickered in his eyes as Ace unfastened his seatbelt, leaning closer.

The confined space of the car seemed to amplify the quietness of their shared moment.

Sanji''s voice, now barely above a whisper, held a tremor of emotion.


Ace tenderly placed his hand on Sanji's face, guiding him closer.

The touch was gentle, but the turmoil in Ace's hazy eyes spoke volumes.

The unspoken emotions between them hung in the air, the anticipation building as they teetered on the edge of a revelation.

The moment lingered, suspended in the quiet confinement of the car.

Ace's hand on Sanji's face was a tender anchor, guiding them closer until their lips met in a tentative and hesitant kiss.

The atmosphere crackled with unspoken emotions as their connection deepened, each heartbeat echoing the vulnerability and desire intertwined in that stolen moment.

The kiss carried a blend of longing and uncertainty, a fusion of emotions that danced between them.

As their lips brushed against each other, the warmth of the shared breath and the gentle touch held an unspoken promise, creating a connection that seemed to transcend time and space.

It was a kiss that spoke of complex emotions, of desires unspoken and vulnerabilities exposed.

The world outside the car seemed to fade away, leaving only the shared intensity of that fleeting kiss, marking a pivotal moment in the evolving dynamics between Ace and Sanji.

Ace's hands found their way to Sanji's face, fingers threading through his hair, pulling him into the kiss with urgency.

Their lips moved in a synchronized dance, a collision of frustration and longing that had been restrained for far too long.

As the kiss deepened, Sanji's heart raced with the acknowledgment of a connection he had tried to resist but he also surrendered to the intensity of the moment, allowing the flames of desire to consume any lingering doubts.

In the midst of the fervent exchange, the boundaries between them blurred, and for that brief moment, they found solace in each others' embrace.

The heat of the kiss carried the weight of unspoken promises, offering a glimpse into a world where the complications of their lives momentarily faded into the background.

Ace, in a sudden surge of realization, pulled away from the kiss, creating a fraction of distance between them.

The air in the car felt charged with a mixture of emotions — confusion, vulnerability, and a lingering sense of unspoken longing.

He gazed into Sanji's eyes, his own reflecting a tumult of conflicting feelings.

"S-sanji, s-sorry..I- I'm drunk and-... fuck-this was a bad idea."

Sanji's eyes mirrored the sudden change in the atmosphere.

The spark of hope flickered, dimming in the face of Ace's words.

He searched Ace's expression for clarity, his own vulnerability laid bare.

"I guess even after all these years, some things really do never're still holding onto the past, aren't you..?"

Ace leaned back into his seat, running a hand through his hair in a gesture of frustration.

"I'm sorry..I'm not in the right mind at the moment.. Can we talk about this when I'm sober?"

Sanji's disappointment was palpable, but he respected Ace's honesty.

He sighed, a mixture of understanding and regret etched on his features.

"It's alright Ace-san, w-we've talked about it the last time."

Ace's gaze lingered on Sanji, torn between the pull of his emotions and the practicality of their circumstances.

"I missed you. So damn much. But I know you deserve better.."

There was a heavy silence in the car, the weight of unspoken words echoing between them.

Sanji's expression shifted from disappointment to a quiet acceptance, realizing the complexities that Ace was trying to convey.

Ace broke the silence, his voice filled with remorse.

"I never meant to lead you on, Sanji. I should have known better. I'm sorry."

Sanji, despite the sting of rejection, offered a reassuring smile.

"You don't have to apologize. I missed you too, but I think for now it's best if we just call it a day.."

"Will you be able to get home alright? You can use my car to drive back, or if you like, you can use the spare bedroom to rest up. I can drive you back when we're both awake," Ace earnestly offered to Sanji.

However, Sanji just shook his head, his hair casting shadows over his eyes.

"It's alright, Ace. I'll get home by myself just fine."

"Besides, I think I need to take a walk to clear my mind," Sanji continued, opening the car door to exit.

Slamming the car door in frustration, he swiftly left the building.

Ace's internal struggle was evident, torn between his desire for a connection and to not want history to repeat itself.

As he remained seated in the car, he cursed, "FUCK!"

Sanji hurriedly made his way out of the building, turning sharply into an alleyway.

Once certain he was out of sight, he leaned back against the wall, swiftly lighting up a cigarette before slumping down onto the ground.

Inhaling deeply, he released a puff of smoke, and tears welled up at the corners of his eyes with each exhale.

The dim glow of the alley concealed the turmoil within, as Sanji grappled with the conflicting emotions that now enveloped him.

" Fuck..When will I ever learn? "


Returning from a long round of patient visits within the hospital, you stepped into your office, immediately greeted by the familiar faces of Sabo, Law, and Sora, comfortably settled as if they owned the place.

"Finished with your rounds, Nee-san?" Sabo inquired, his tone carrying the warmth of genuine concern.

Inwardly touched by his thoughtfulness, you nodded in acknowledgment, shedding the professional layer symbolized by your doctor's coat to embrace the comfort of the office sofa.

"Would you care for a drink, Dr. Y/N?" Sora offered, already making her way toward the liquor cabinet, a testament to the informal and intimate atmosphere that your office harbored.

Law, seizing the moment to tease, couldn't help but comment, "Enjoying a drink while on duty, Y/N-ya? You're certainly taking things easy."

Responding with equal jest, you stood, turned towards him, and playfully gestured with your middle finger, "Mind your own business, emo. My shift's over, so it's my time now."

Sabo struggled to contain his laughter at the exchange, a clear display of the camaraderie among you.

Curiosity getting the better of you, you then inquired, taking the drink from Sora, "Sabo's presence is understandable, but what brings the two of you here?"

"We came to remind you about your medication," Law responded, a hint of seriousness tingeing his voice.

Sabo, caught off guard by the mention of illness, looked at you, concern etching his features.

"You're ill?"

You exhaled, a mixture of frustration and resignation in your voice, "What happened to patient confidentiality?"

"It doesn't apply when you've neglected your medication for a week," Sora interjected, while Sabo redirected the conversation to the heart of the matter.

"Just what ailment are you battling?" Sabo's concern was palpable.

Before Law could spill the details, you intervened, "It's just migraines, Sabo. The medication makes me drowsy, that's all. I'll resume them after Monday — I've got an important surgery, and I can't afford any slip-ups."

Sabo's relief was visible, "That's a relief. As long as it's nothing grave."

Yet, unbeknownst to him, a silent exchange passed between Sora and Law — a silent acknowledgment that the truth was only partially revealed, a secret they chose to keep to protect Sabo from the entire reality of your health concerns.

"Oh, before I forget, Nee-san, there are a few legal documents I need you to look over and sign for Ace's adoption papers, plus, I could use your input on some upcoming events we're planning," Sabo mentioned, seamlessly transitioning to the more formal aspect of his visit as he presented a stack of documents.

You gave the papers a quick scan, appending your signature where necessary with only a small but quick hesitation.

But Sabo was able to catch the sorrow in your eyes. He wanted to ask you if you were alright but he kept silent knowing you never spoke about your true feelings to them.

"Thanks, Nee-san... I'll be back tomorrow to hash out more details with you... For now, I've got to rush off to another client meeting," Sabo announced, though the soft smile playing on his lips hinted at a meeting of a more personal nature.

As he made his way to the door, you couldn't help but tease, knowing full well the identity of the 'client'.

"Give Kidd my regards!"

Caught off guard, Sabo's stride momentarily faltered, his pace quickening as he exited, a telltale flush of embarrassment coloring his ears, observable even from a distance.

Sora and Law exchanged puzzled looks, turning to you for an explanation of the odd farewell.

However, you simply brushed it aside with a nonchalant gesture, diverting the conversation back to business matters.

"So, have the two of you thought about when you'd like to take your leave? Dr. Kureha and Dr. Crocus have already submitted their vacation requests," you inquired, smoothly steering the topic towards something more pressing, yet the brief exchange with Sabo lingered amusingly in the air, adding a layer of lightheartedness to the day.

Sora's response came with an unmistakable edge of excitement, though she briefly hesitated, pondering her words.

"I was thinking of taking my vacation after Marco-san concludes his fellowship with you," she suggested, her eyes searching yours for a reaction.

Intrigued, you arched an eyebrow.

"Why wait? Wouldn't it put your mind at ease to take your break while Marco's here to support me?"

Her smile was enigmatic, yet reassuring.

"Just as a precaution," she replied, leaving you with a hint of curiosity.

You studied her for a moment, skeptical but ultimately acquiescing with a resigned sigh.

"Alright, then. And what about you, Mr. Emo?" you prodded, turning your attention to Law.

His reaction was immediate and dramatic, his frustration manifesting with a loud thud as his hand hit the table.

"MONDAY! AND I MEAN TOMORROW'S MONDAY! FOR THREE MONTHS! I've been slaving away at this company for years without a single break, Y/N-ya!"

Your smirk widened, amusement twinkling in your eyes.

"Is that so? Somehow, it had escaped my notice."

Sora, ever the peacemaker, laughed lightly at the banter.

"Let's be fair, Dr. Y/N. Dr. Law really has been an outstanding asset to our team."

Your retort came swiftly, laced with playful malice.

"That's because if he slacks, his uncle won't hesitate to set him straight," you quipped, delighting in the jest.

Law's determination flared as he stood his ground.

"You owe me this vacation, Y/N-ya! It's been ages since I've had the chance to visit Cora-san!"

The mention of Rosinante stilled the room, casting a shadow of remembrance over your features.

Memories of times spent with the beloved figure flooded back, softening your stance.

"Fine, fine. You have my approval, Law. Just make sure all your cases and communications are neatly handed over to me so I can manage your workload in your absence," you conceded, the balance of humor and gravity perfectly maintained in the face of old friendships and unwavering commitments.

You announced to them that you were taking your leave for the day.

Slipping your mask securely back in place, you exited, making your way to where your bike awaited.

The highway called to you, its expansive stretch a canvas for the thoughts swirling in your mind.

As you accelerated, the cool night breeze clashed against you, a stark reminder of the freedom and solitude that the road offered.

Your mind wandered, traversing through the maze of your past, pondering the series of events that had led you to this very moment.

It was a journey marked by triumphs and trials, each step a testament to the life you've lived thus far.

But in the quiet of the night, with only the hum of the engine for company, a question arose, unbidden.

Had you truly seized every moment, lived every day to its utmost? The road stretched endlessly ahead, a metaphor for the journey of self-reflection you found yourself on.

Yet, as the city lights blurred past, a sense of peace settled over you. Regardless of the paths taken or the choices made, it was the journey itself that mattered.

And on this cool night, with the open road ahead, you felt a reaffirmation of your existence, your spirit undeterred by the shadows of doubt.

Arriving at your destination, the familiar contours of your home welcomed you back from the contemplative solitude of the ride.

The journey, though brief, had been a cathartic escape, allowing you a moment of introspection amid the relentless pace of your life.

You killed the engine, the sudden silence a stark contrast to the steady silent roar that had accompanied you.

Dismounting, you allowed yourself a moment to just stand there, feeling the residual warmth of the engine and the cool night air mingling around you.

As you removed your helmet, the soft, ambient lights of your home cast a comforting glow, piercing the darkness that had settled around you.

Stepping inside, the familiar scent that was uniquely yours filled your senses, grounding you back to the reality of your world.

Your cat, ever the vigilant sentinel, greeted you with a soft meow, its presence a constant in your ever-changing life.

You bent down to scratch behind its ears, the simple action a soothing balm to the whirlwind of thoughts that had occupied your mind.

You hung up your coat and placed your helmet on its usual spot, each action methodically bringing you back to the present, to the tangible aspects of your life that awaited your attention.

The quiet of your home enveloped you, a stark reminder of the solitude that both comforted and haunted you.

After the calming effect of the shower, wrapped comfortably in your robe, you were ready to embrace the evening's quiet.

However, the sudden ring of the doorbell sliced through the silence of your home, startling you.

"Who could that be at 8 pm?" you wondered aloud, your mind racing through a list of possibilities.

Cautiously, you approached the door, the cool tiles of the floor a sharp contrast to the warmth of the water you had just left behind.

Opening the door, you greeted the person at the other side with a mix of curiosity and slight apprehension.

"Dr. Phoenix?" The question hung between you, an unspoken acknowledgment of the unexpected nature of his visit.

Marco, for his part, seemed equally taken aback to find you of all people answering the door and in such a casual state.

He quickly averted his eyes, a hint of a blush creeping up his cheeks.

"Dr Y/N?!"

"What are you doing here? Did Ace tell you where I lived?" You asked, confused why the man was in shock as well.

He stammered, clearly struggling to maintain his usual composed demeanor in the face of your less formal appearance.

"I..I just..erh- Hi? I'm your new neighbor yoi."


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