No. Maybe? Yes! (TAEKOOK)

By dreamistaekook

25.1K 1.8K 858

When a little boy unknowingly is pushed under the care of six mysterious teenagers, things were definitely ab... More

Chapter One.
First Character Introduction.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Second Character Introduction.
Chapter twenty.
Chapter Twenty One.
Chapter Twenty Two.
Chapter Twenty Three.
Chapter Twenty Four.
Chapter Twenty Five.
Chapter Twenty Six.
Chapter Twenty Seven.
Chapter Twenty Eight.
Chapter Twenty Nine.
Chapter Thirty.
Chapter Thirty One.
Chapter Thirty Two.
Chapter Thirty Four.
Chapter Thirty Five.
Chapter Thirty Six.
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight.
Chapter Thirty Nine.

Chapter Thirty Three.

450 29 21
By dreamistaekook

Maybe, you're in love, idiot.

"Wake up, darling, I am right here, open your eyes."

Jeongguk squirmed in his sleep a little and blinked his eyes rapidly as he jolted up and rubbed his eyes with his palm aggressively when a soft pair of palms stopped his action.

"Stop. They will be red and soon start watering. Don't torture them anymore." The voice breathed out huskily as Jeongguk blinked his eyes open and turned towards the voice to see his baby's face extremely close to his.

He closed his eyes and heard the words repeating in his head.

Maybe, you're in love.

You're in love.

You love him.

Your entire world revolves around him.

He has always been the one for you.

You're in love.

"Ung...Hyung!" Jeongguk flinched as he opened his eyes wide and stared at his baby.

What is he thinking? It can't be.

But maybe, it can.

"What's wrong, Boba? Why do you look so stressed and zoned out? I saw you murmuring in your sleep too. Is something bothering you, my flower?" Taehyung asked, his orbs oozing with worry and concern as he caressed Jeongguk's cheeks with his thumb.

Jeongguk shook his head mindlessly and looked towards his baby's genuine concerned face. He chuckled.

Jeongguk pressed the gap between Taehyung's frowned eyebrows with his index finger and thumb and smiled a little.

"Stop worrying so much. Nothing is wrong with your Boba." Jeongguk replied as Taehyung finally let out a breath of relief even though he wasn't completely convinced.

"Okay, then get up and freshen up fast, we are going out." Taehyung said as he brushed away a strand of hair from Jeongguk's forehead and pushed it behind his ear.

Jeongguk felt his cheeks getting warmer and his ears turning a darker shade of red.

"Where?" He mumbled as Taehyung let out a loud chuckle.

"Just get ready, hyung. You will see." Taehyung said as he jumped out of bed and walked out of the room.

Jeongguk sat on his bed for quite some time and contemplated the words that kept ringing in his ears but he made himself understand that there's no use overthinking, his baby must be waiting.

In the next few minutes Jeongguk got dressed and walked out of the room to see his baby already standing at the edge of the stairs.

He looked as if he walked straight out of Jeongguk's fantasy as his well-built broad shoulders were covered with a black leather jacket as his neck had a single thick chain dangling around them. His legs tightly wrapped around with black jeans that hugged his slender thighs so well. His entire attire screamed wet and wildest dreams yet Jeongguk could only trace his eyes painfully slow up and down his baby's handsome body and wonder what that chain would feel like on his nose while they dangled on it as his baby would-okay, let's not go there. His baby is waiting.

He could see everyone else at the dining table as well. They were all busy conversing among themselves.

He took slow steps towards the stairs and walked down steadily.

Just when he was a step behind from the ground, he saw his baby bringing something out from the inside of his black leather jacket that draped his slender body quite well.

"Here, a rose for my beautiful rose." Taehyung mumbled as he pushed the flower towards Jeongguk as the said boy kept staring at it.

Taehyung's eyes scanned the adorable outfit of his entire universe. The boy had a simple lavender hoodie on with his hair brushed up messily yet those locks fell right on his gorgeous face and enhanced his beauty ten fold. His meaty thighs were hugged by faded blue jeans and even though the man was almost of his own height, he looked insanely adorable and squishy. Taehyung wanted nothing but to plunge forward and grab him by those muscled thighs and pick him up and bring him back to his own room and cuddle him till both were out of breath.

Jeongguk felt in a daze and he felt worried because can his baby hear how loud his heart is beating right now?
Funny how Taehyung thought of the same thing too.

His heart could beat off his chest and his cheeks tinted pink as he stared at the beautiful flower right in front of him. He felt his fingers getting sweaty as well as shivery just by the small action of his baby.

For God's sake, he is a mafia yet this small gesture by his baby is making him feel all jittery but maybe that's the point, he feels this way because it's not someone else, it's his baby.

Before he could stop his giddiness and literally cradle the flower into his hold, he heard how his background and the random noises coming from the dining table went absolutely silent.

Taehyung noticed it too. And he also noticed how Jeongguk was taking so much time before even accepting the flower.

Poor him didn't even understand that Jeongguk felt nervous to accept the flower due to his own feelings and not because others were by now already watching them so Taehyung did what he does best. Saving his world from every unwanted problem.

Taehyung turned around with the flower in his hold and clasped it more tightly as he saw five pairs of confused eyes staring at him. Each held some questions in them. But nothing they were thinking of, unfortunately both were unaware of it.

"Why are you guys staring at me like that? Don't worry, I'm not asking Jeongguk hyung on a date or something." Taehyung felt the words feel heavy on his tongue while he gave the explanation out even though he laughed a little as Jeongguk standing right behind him felt as if his entire being felt too heavy for his existence.

The others felt their eyes drop from the stare as they guiltily looked away. They didn't want this explanation. They wouldn't even mind if they went on a date but guess they're already been misunderstood.

"Last night, we both communicated and decided that bygones should be bygones and honestly just because of a single person-me-things are being awkward in the Jeon household and please we were and are anything but that. So I am starting anew." Taehyung explained with a big smile on his face which oddly seemed genuine.

The others didn't even want to look at him because they didn't want this. They didn't want their youngest to sacrifice something so big. But it's already too late, it seems and only they are to be blamed.

"We wouldn't mind if you would've asked him on a date.." Jin's voice made everyone stare at him with surprised looks. He was the only one against them but it seems like Taehyung's emotions moved him at last.

"Of course my gorgeous and handsome Jinnie. You guys have always given me what I wanted, always wanted the best for me. But this time it's not a thing, it's a person and that's where you should draw a line. So, it's time, I think about you guys too, especially for my Boba. That's why I am going to keep everything that happened in the past as a long forgotten memory and you guys do so too, okay?" Taehyung said as he laughed out heartily.

"And you, Boba! This flower is for our new beginning okay? Last night we had the much needed conversation and we made the discomfort and awkwardness clear so today I am taking you out with me to spend some time with me like before. Before any of these things happened. I hope you accept this flower as I promise you a fresh start and promise that I won't ignore or avoid you anymore." Taehyung said once he turned around to face Jeongguk, who was still facing the ground.

Jeongguk should've felt happy and joyful yet all he felt at the moment was heaviness. His mind and heart, both screaming at him constantly, saying how this is not what he wants.

"Come boba, take the rose and let's go." Taehyung said with a smile as Jeongguk slowly with trembling hands took the flower from him.

"And you guys, don't be jealous, okay? While returning, I'll bring flowers for each one of you. Now we are leaving." Taehyung said, chuckling as the others just kept quiet and watched how Jeongguk didn't speak a single word.

Jeongguk felt the clogging effect on his throat once again as he heard the words his baby's adorable mouth left. It wasn't special-he wasn't special. Those nicknames, the gestures, the rose. It wasn't just for him. If only he knew.

"When will he accept that he loves my son too?" Namjoon's voice rang in the silent room once Taehyung and Jeongguk left.

"When he feels like he is losing him." Jimin answered as the others looked at him with pitiful eyes.

On the other hand, Taehyung dragged Jeongguk towards an open field while Jeongguk finally thought of giving his depressing thoughts a break. So what if his baby says it's not a date? He thinks it's a date and so it is a date. As simple as that.

Taehyung finally stopped running while holding Jeongguk's hand and inhaled a deep breath.

"Tada! Surprise." Taehyung said a little out of breath as Jeongguk finally looked away from their intertwined hands to the scenery in front and boy was he awestruck.

The place was lushful and quiet except the noise of the birds chirping nearby. His eyes scanned the beautiful, shimmering crystal water in front. The lake had a few white, snow swans and just by the bank of the man-made lake was the adorable picnic set-up.

He knew who did this obviously but when?

"In the morning while you were still sleeping. I wanted to do something different because cafes and all are so common and we have done that before too. Hence, a small picnic." Taehyung said as Jeongguk looked towards him with eyes that felt like they could water any moment.

He felt overwhelmed and so loved. The boy in front of him may repeat it's not a date but who will convince his own heart that for Jeongguk this is a date.

Jeongguk tugged on their intertwined hands and wrapped his arms around Taehyung's shoulder tightly. He nuzzled his face into the crook of Taehyung's neck as the strong, musky scent invaded his system and made him dizzy in a good way.

He felt the corner of his eyes burning with tears when he finally felt his baby's arms wrapping around his waist as tightly as he held his baby.

"I-I..I love this." I love you. The last three words remain unsaid as a few stubborn tears gushed out of his eyes.

"It's all for you, my butterfly." Taehyung said in a hushed voice, not having the slightest intention of breaking this soothing moment.

"Y-You don't, b-baby.." Jeongguk felt short of words as Taehyung pulled him closer to the warmth of his body. With one hand he cradled Jeongguk's head and calmly brushed the mop of hair at the back of his head.

"Shush. You don't have to say anything. Just be with me in this moment and enjoy it, that's all I want from you and for you." Taehyung whispered as Jeongguk nodded his head, almost hiding his face into Taehyung's neck as he left a small, feather-like kiss there which almost went unnoticed by Taehyung. But this is Taehyung we are talking about. How can he miss the slightest of action when he is so attentive to his Boba?

Taehyung felt his heartbeat increasing but he didn't indulge into it anymore and let out a small chuckle.

"Now, Now, if you wanted to just hug me and be close to me, we could've stayed at home, right Boba? We have such a pretty place to ourselves, we must make full use of it no? Come, the food will get cold." Taehyung unwillingly broke the hug and stared at the moist yet loving eyes of his Boba.

"This is all for you to be happy so I don't want to see such an expression on your face, am I clear Boba?" Taehyung said sternly as he leaned forward and placed a loving kiss on Jeongguk's forehead.

Jeongguk eagerly nodded and Taehyung calmly took his hand into his again and walked them towards the neatly placed blanket on the lushful greenish ground.

They both sat down and slowly started eating the snacks kept in the basket.

Jeongguk gave his train of thoughts a break and soon they both were smiling, giggling, laughing and teasing each other. The ice and tension broke for a while between them and they kept grasping each and every minute spent with each other here.

Taehyung made sure he carried banana milk for his Boba knowing how much his love is addicted to that drink yet today he could feel him eyeing his own strawberry milkshake. If only he knew he wasn't eyeing the liquid substance in the glass rather the pair of lips touching the edge of the glass.

"Why don't you try some of this too for a change, Boba?" Taehyung said as he pushed his glass towards Jeongguk as the said man kept keenly looking towards Taehyung's feline face. His eyes dropping from his eyes to his lips rather quickly. The hue of redness standing high on his cheek when his brain just fluctuated and took him back to the night when those lips touched his, so deliciously, so passionately.

Jeongguk shook his head a little and looked away from his lips and took the glass on his own and scanned the glass. The small yet evident pink lip balm at the edge of the glass clearly indicated from where his baby took a sip. Jeongguk knew he was a total goner when he deliberately took a big sip right from the top of the lip balm mark, clearly getting some of that mark on his lips along with the froth of the strawberry milkshake.

Fuck, he shouldn't have felt the way he feels right now. His body feels like it's on fire, he feels so hot suddenly even though the weather is pleasant and breezy.

It's nothing except an indirect kiss and he feels this way? His insides feel giddy and jittery as he licks his lips again, getting the taste of the mixture of both the strawberry milkshake and his favourite cherry lip balm that obviously didn't belong to him.

Taehyung, unaware of the fire he ignited inside the man sitting next to him, kept munching on his strawberries covered with chocolate.

Jeongguk's hooded eyes very abruptly fell on his baby sitting right next to him as a drop of chocolate bead sat right on top of the boy's lower lip. He saw how his baby's lip poked out and he licked it awfully slowly unintentionally making Jeongguk squirm in his place.

He closed his eyes for a second and bit down his own lip as his mind wandered a little into a wild imagination to where that tongue could reach and do things to him which are really not explainable.

Shit-fuck-fuck okay! Jeon Jeongguk, control your fucking self. What is wrong with you? Why are you behaving like a teenager? You can't be thinking this way-not here at least.

Jeongguk forced his eyes open as he cleared his throat a little which finally grabbed Taehyung's attention towards him.

"You want another banana milk, precious?" Taehyung asked as he grabbed another packet of the said product but Jeongguk stopped him saying he was full.

"What about strawberries? There is only one left." Taehyung mumbled as he picked up the last chocolate covered strawberry from the bowl and eyed it a bit too longingly.

"You can have it." Taehyung stared at it as Jeongguk noticed the way his baby's eyes didn't even leave the fruit. He chuckled a little and awfully slowly grabbed his baby's hand which held the fruit and brought it close to his lips.

He didn't mean to be this sultry but he without his own knowledge closed his eyes and leaned down towards his baby's hand and took a small bite of the fruit and hummed licking his lips as a strain of chocolate was left back on his lips.

Taehyung felt his throat going dry at the scene. Fuck, he wasn't prepared for this at all. He gulped a little too audibly as he stared at the half bitten strawberry in his hand. He took the last bite of it as he saw Jeongguk still staring at him with hooded eyes. And suddenly the tension returned in ten folds. But this time, the tension was quite different.

"You finished the chocolate covered portion." Taehyung mumbled as he eyed Jeongguk's lips that still had the strain of liquid chocolate on it.

Jeongguk's breath hitched audibly when Taehyung's thumb brushed over his lower lip wiping away the entire chocolate in one go.

Before Jeongguk could even react, Taehyung had his thumb inside his mouth, licking it clean.

"We can't let chocolate go to waste especially when I just had my strawberry." Taehyung mumbled as he made a loud noise deliberately while taking out his now clean thumb out of his mouth.

Jeongguk eyed Taehyung's thumb and all he wanted was to take that thumb inside his own hot mouth. His baby's thumb itself was so long, his mind again drifted to places it shouldn't as heat coiled up in the pit of his stomach.

Taehyung literally was at the verge of losing his mind and control and just when he thought he would still manage to hold himself back, Jeongguk mumbled something inaudible to himself and leaned forward as he placed his lips right on top of Taehyung's now dried up thumb. Taehyung stared at the action with his dark eyes as Jeongguk gave those sultry eyes even without his own knowledge.


Taehyung mumbled and in a haste he pulled Jeongguk to himself by the waist as Jeongguk almost straddled his lap. Taehyung caught Jeongguk strongly by the neck and was about to lean in as Jeongguk wrapped his arms around his baby's shoulders when the loud, obnoxious sound of Taehyung's phone broke their haze and moment.

Taehyung's eyes closed for a moment as he took his phone out of his pocket. He stared at Jeongguk and saw how his eyes held not even the slightest ounce of regret. Taehyung's heart swooned and felt all mushy as Jeongguk placed his head on his baby's neck, waiting for his baby to finish with the annoying call.

Jeongguk cursed whoever called and interrupted such a wonderful moment of his baby and his. Yet he patiently waited but the daze he was in broke and his eyes drastically opened wide and he felt rage fill his eyes when he heard the name.

"Yes, Minjae?"

As if Jeongguk was pushed into reality, in a hurry he got down from Taehyung's lap and settled back on his own place on the blanket.

What was he thinking?

"Right now? Push it or cancel it, I don't care. I am very busy right now." Taehyung's irritated voice made Jeongguk blink a little and his anger maybe went down a little but not completely.

"Minjae, stop ordering me, I am the boss not the other way around." Taehyung said annoyed as Jeongguk felt his stomach bubbling again weirdly because his baby looked so hot with his jaw tightened.

"Fucking fine. I'll be there in half an hour." Taehyung almost screamed as he dashed the phone on the blanket.

"It must be important, it's okay." Jeongguk mumbled as Taehyung took both of Jeongguk's palms into his hands and placed a kiss on top of it.

"Nothing is ever more important to me than you. But if I don't go now then the most prized possession of mine will lose a very big deal so for the most important thing in my life I have to go handle this. Let's eat dinner together, my world?" Taehyung asked as Jeongguk gave a very big smile and nodded his head.

"Okay, I'll drop you home and then rush to the office or else Minjae will eat up my head." Taehyung said with a laugh as Jeongguk felt bitterness in his veins.

Minjae, Minjae, Minjae.

It's always him who spoils every moment between his baby and him.

Maybe, he is important to his baby but why does it seem like his baby would actually listen to each and everything this Ninjae guy tells him?

What if this Minjae and his baby are together?

       The picnic Taehyung prepared.

    If you're wondering how they looked. 😌😌

Also, I had mentioned slow burn for a reason, I even warned you guys will be frustrated at one point but they're almost there!😌😌😌😌

If you're wondering why after everything Jeongguk is thinking about Taehyung and Minjae being together then you must know that when you for the very first time experience the emotion called love, the rational part of your brain shuts off especially when you're not together with the person you have fallen in love with! Jeongguk is insecure, don't blame him!🙃🙃

Sorry, it took soooooo long but I came back with an almost 4k words chapter, hope it compensates😭😭😭😭

Let me know if this is too slow for you guys, I'll rush it up a little then!👀👀


I'll try to update soon and we're almost near to them being together! Look forward to it!🤭🤭❤❤



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