Little Mewschief

By TheCrescentRider

33.9K 946 362

After Mew, the Mythical but playful Pokemon, finds a dimensional tear in the Pokemon World, it attempts to se... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 18

780 37 11
By TheCrescentRider

Hey Guys! Crescent Rider here and I welcome you to the Finale of the Book's First Season.

But before you all proceed to read, I'd like to let you all know that the Second Season of this Book will appear sometime in Late June or Early July since I'll be prioritizing the other stories from Wattpad, Fanfiction, and AO3 or plan on going to college for a Writing Course.

I've been stuck in my home for four years, quarantine included, and that's one too many years.

And when I do go to college, expect progress to be incredibly slow. Which is quite natural since I must get my priorities straight. But by the time I'm finished, I might improve to a degree where I'll do better than I already am.

That is all, and enjoy the finale!

City - Z Apartment

After the alien incident in City-A, Kombu, Seaweed, and Mew have returned home and enjoyed a more peaceful routine at home than anything else.

The alien they've brought, known as Deoxys, is placed on a desk and hovers there as naturally accumulates psychic energy after its fight with Mew.

Everything may look peaceful, but Kombu has put a lot of thought when it came to the Heroes Association...


After the battle with aliens concluded, Kombu and Seaweed were given an invitation to join the Heroes Association. This was not because of their connection with Mew, but due to their heroic deeds, and vouched by numerous Class-S Heroes.

Even the second-ranking Class-S Hero, Tatsumaki, vouched for them and considered it a waste should they fail to join the Association.

Kombu wanted to refuse due to her run-in with Heroes below Class-S. But the benefits and salary outweighed her doubts and therefore she accepted under certain conditions as she listed, "First, Seaweed's young and needs education. Second, Mew remains independent, just because it knows us doesn't mean we own it. Third, we start at rock bottom,"

"You wish to start as Class-C Heroes? Why start there when we can offer you a rank in Class-A Heroes?" An executive inquired, "Surely you can start there,"

"I've read through to rules of your organization and learned that the moment you put us in Class - -A through exceptional means is the same as painting a target on our backs," Kombu explained, "We'd like to take things slow and work our way up than curry favor. Also, the common advantage of attaining a lower rank is that the enemy won't expect the true strength we hold against them. With given time, we'll be able to reach Class-A normally, and people will understand why,"

"I-I see... Then are you two certain of this decision?" Another executive inquired,

"We are," Kombu said, "But if you somehow managed to get behind our backs and quickly put us to Class-A, we will quit the Association and you'll lose more than just two heroes,"

Without any say in the matter, they complied and put them in Class-C and made them official heroes. But it doesn't mean their efforts in today's incident were left unnoticed.


'Class-C Rank 20 and Rank 19,' Kombu muttered, 'It's a start, but I'm sure we'll reach the top in no time at all. But I'm certain those heads of theirs will quicken our progress in a matter of weeks, days even,'

They soon heard a knock on their door and Seaweed was the first to stand, "Coming!"

As she opened the door, she was met with a familiar hero of Class-S, "Ah, Bang-san!"

"Nice to meet you too, Ojou-chan," Bang said and patted the girl's head,

"What brings you here, Bang?" Kombu asked,

"I received an invitation for a celebratory banquet at a high-class resort. Other Class-S Heroes were invited and I wondered if the three of you would like to come along," Bang proposed,

"A high-class resort? Sounds expensive," Kombu remarked,

"There's nothing to be worried about, everything is paid by the Association. All that matters is that you all have fun," Bang assured, "What do you say?"

"Well, There isn't much going on right now..." Kombu pans her head to Seaweed, then shrugs her shoulders, "Sure, we'll come. Just give us some time to prepare!"

"Yay! I'll bring Mew-sensei and Deo-san!" Seaweed declared, and rushed into the room,

"Deo-san?" Bang repeated,

"Remember that alien that we brought home after the incident?" Kombu reminded,

"Quite clearly," Bang said,

"That alien happens to be called Deoxys. Since Seaweed doesn't know how to pronounce its name properly, she called it Deo for short," Kombu summarized, "It didn't mind, and responded to the name,"

"I see, but why bring it?" Bang inquired,

"It's currently resting after its fight with Mew," Kombu explained, "So we carry it around, and hope that it doesn't get stolen,"

"I'm ready!" Seaweed said as she had her bag on her back and Mew in her arms,

"Then let us depart, the others may have arrived by now," Bang insisted, and they departed to the resort,

Of course, they're accompanied by Genos and Saitama with the latter being invited by the cyborg for obvious reasons.


"Ah... So warm..." Seaweed commented,

"Mew..." Mew muttered while its head was the only thing sticking out of the water,

It's been a few hours since they arrived and those two were quite comfortable being submerged in warm water. As for Kombu, she conversed with a certain esper, or rather being yelled at for a particular reason, "Why did you two become Class-C!?"

"It's because we want progress not favor," Kombu said, not minding the Esper at all, "If people start assuming that we get by Executives or Deeds, they'll hate us for it. So it's best to start small then go big,"

"Oh come on, we both know you two are more than capable of doing the job than those worthless bums," Tatsumaki rebuked, "Why else would I go my way of vouching for you myself,"

"Like I said, it's about progress not favor," Kombu reminded, "But when you mention this particular topic, are you going out of your way to make us Class-S -S because you're the only girl ranked in Class-S? It must have been lonesome for you,"

"It's not like that!" Tatsumaki yelled, and Kombu started giggling to herself, "What are you laughing about?"

"I'm sorry, it's just... For an adult, you certainly act like a child," Kombu remarked,

This caused Tatsumaki to get red in the face before yelling, "Why you!"

As Kombu kept laughing and Tatsumaki kept arguing, Seaweed and Mew still relaxed in the water alongside a female worker of the Association, "Those two would certainly get along, don't they?"

"Yes..." Seaweed softly replied,

"Mew..." Mew added,

In addition to their argument and the conversation with the men from the other bath, everything seems fine after they are done with their baths.

Dining Hall

After everyone was gathered, Sitch proposed a toast and everyone let loose on today's dinner. Of course, the muscleheads of Class-S began showing off their muscle and everyone practically ignored them as they ate.

Kombu, Seaweed, and Mew were enjoying their meals just fine.

"Mmm..." Seaweed hummed in satisfaction, "The food tastes so good,"

'And it all looks expensive,' Kombu remarked, 'I'm grateful that Bang invited us over,'

"Are you two having fun?" The two turned and saw one of the Class-S Heroes, Zombieman,

"We are, thank you for asking," Kombu said, "You're Zombieman, right?"

"I am," Zombieman responded,

"Then call me curious, but I've heard the stories and read an article stating that your name comes from your undying body. Is that right?" Kombu inquired,

"Indeed, though I'm not much of a fighter I have bested my share of monsters through regeneration alone," Zombieman confirmed, "When it comes to long battles, I'm best suited for the role,"

"Guess that explains your pale-looking skin," Kombu said as she drank juice instead of alcohol,

Even though her age is currently unknown, Kombu avoids all types of alcohol due to an incident in the past. Something she'd rather forget...

Just from the other side of the room, Seaweed spots Tatsumaki arguing with Saitama about being treated as a child rather than an adult. But what comes after is Tatsumaki steals the bottle of sake that Saitama carries and drinks it all until it is empty.

Before she could see more, Kombu had finished her meal and nudged onto her shoulder, "Let's go Seaweed. It's way past 9 o'clock, and you wouldn't want to feel sleepy in the morning, right?"

"Okay," Seaweed agreed, stood up, and turned to Mew, "Let's go, Sensei,"

"Mew!" Mew replied and followed them to the rooms,

Nothing out of the ordinary seems to be happening at night, but morning was a different story...

The Next Morning

After everyone woke up, they all came to a scene in which Zombieman, a Class-S Hero, was found dead with a blade through his stomach.

Kombu, Seaweed, and Mew came into the scene with everyone else and Child Emperor proceeded with the investigation, "Let's start with the weapon that was used,"

"Yeah, that's mine," Atomic Samurai confirmed, "But I left my sword at the banquet hall. Someone must have taken it,"

When eyes were fixated on him, he grew somewhat defensive towards any accusation, "You don't believe me? To begin with, we were drinking in there 'til just recently, right?"

"True," Bang confirms his alibi,

However, they were looking at him rather suspiciously, "What? You think we're conspiring together?"

"Atomic Samurai is innocent," Tanktop Master clarified, and eyes turned to him, "Sitch and I were there too. You can ask him,"

Child Emperor then clarified that Sitch couldn't be a suspect, making his testimony credible. Then Bang pointed out there wasn't a motive to them.

Then Superalloy Darkshine spoke, "Speaking of motives, I just remembered, Prisoner... You were staring at Zombieman rather suspiciously,"

"Yeah... I was thinking it'd be so great..." Puri Puri Prisoner remarked,

"What would?" Superalloy Darkshine questioned,

"If Zombie-chan here were mine," Puri Puri Prisoner said,

"What a way to make it less suspicious, you brute," Kombu sarcastically remarked with a deadpan look on her face,

"What does he mean by making Zombieman his?" Seaweed inquired,

"You shouldn't know at all, Seaweed" Kombu advised, "Until you're older, and properly informed,"

A question mark was raised from the top of Seaweed's head and everyone ignored it as they were focused on the matter at hand.

"However, I restrict myself to violent criminals!" Puri Puri Prisoner stated, "Even then, I never kill them! What a waste!"

"But you're only 'convict' amongst us," Child Emperor pointed out, "Although you escape prison like it's nothing. So society would say the least trustworthy is-"

"That's discrimination!" Puri Puri Prisoner rebuked,

"I am reasoning via the process of elimination," Child Emperor reasoned,

"In that case, I have someone in mind too," Puri Puri Prisoner said, and eyes on Saitama, "I overheard an ominous remark when you and Zombie-chan were talking. You asked Zombie-chan if he really wouldn't die even if you punched him,"

"Guess the attention goes to you now, Baldy," Kombu remarked,

"Shut it!" Saitama yelled, then calmed down as he explained that his knowledge of Zombieman's immortality from Genos,

This led to Genos being protective over his master's innocence and Child Emperor explained that he's just looking at the case differently from a rational perspective. And that they don't know much about Saitama considering his rank is Class - B.

Child Emperor's outlook soon brought an idea to him, and he directed the attention to Kombu and Seaweed, "Then about you two? When I looked over to both of you, you were the last people to talk to him?"

"Putting the blame on us, are you?" Kombu said, "In that case, I have an alibi that would prove you wrong. After our conversation with Zombieman, we left the place and went into our rooms to sleep for the night. Seaweed's young and she isn't allowed to stay awake past 9, you know,"

"How are you certain?" Genos said,

"Bad-san was there!" As Seaweed raised her hand, "We were together before we slept in our room!"

"Mew, Mew!" Mew followed,

"Bad-san?" Genos muttered,

"That's me," Metal Bat said, "I went with them after dinner and slept in my room, we also passed by an employee along the way,"

"So there you go," Kombu concluded, "You've got nothing on us,"

With that, Genos continued to defend Saitama then Child Emperor clarified that there were still a few suspects that they hadn't questioned. Then Atomic Samurai asked who first discovered the body.

Apparently, the one who discovered the dead body was the waitress, which was considered a dead end until she brought up that a different person told her about it.

As she gestured to the man in question, they turned to see King at the far end of the hall, "King-san! You... Why didn't you say anything?"

"No one asked me," King nonchalantly replied,

"Please tell us how you found the body," Child Emperor requested,

"I was on my way to the vending machine to get a drink when I saw a body on the ground," King explained, "I let the front desk know, that's it,"

"King-san,  what were you up to last night?" Child Emperor inquired,

"I soaked in the bath in my room, then went to sleep," King replied,

"What? This inn is known for its large outdoor bath," Metal Bat noted, "Why would you use the bath in your room?"

"Such decisions are mine to take," King stated,

"There was always something sketchy about this King guy..." Atomic Samurai remarked,

"I'm not trying to hide anything," King remarked, and then the sound of loud pounding was heard,

"That sound..." Bang muttered, "You call it the 'King Engine', right? Am I to assume that you are ready to fight?"

"If my innocence is under suspicion, I'm left with no choice," King declared as the noise got loud,

"Are they going to fight?" Seaweed inquired,

"Best not get involved," Kombu said,

However, Tatsumaki had grown tired of this dragging along and planned on restraining everyone instead of the culprit. But before she could, Zombieman somehow regained consciousness and asked, "Restrain? What's going on?"

Everyone expressed shock by Zombieman, while he casually asked, "Could someone pull this out?"

Seaweed would do just that by shrouding the sword with her psychic energy and pulling it out of Zombieman's chest. She then carefully handed the sword to its owner while Mew planned on healing him but the wound had already closed due to regeneration.

Lying against the column, Child Emperor asked, "Who attacked you, Zombieman-san?"

"Well, I drank quite a bit last night, so I don't really remember," Zombieman said, "But if I'm not mistaken, that sword came flying through the air and impaled me. Then, because I was drunk, I must have fallen asleep,"

"So you're saying my sword was floating in the air?" Atomic Samurai inquired,

"Yeah, surrounded by a green light," Zombieman added, then pointed his finger at Tatsumaki, "Just like that,"

Everyone turns to Tatsumaki and she expresses bewilderment at Zombieman's description, "W-What?"

"Tatsumaki-chan, what did you do after dinner last night?" Child Emperor inquired,

"I don't remember!" Tatsumaki remarked,

"Were you perhaps drinking?" Child Emperor assumed,

"I don't know. I said, I don't remember!" Tatsumaki repeated in a much louder tone,

Before Child Emperor could continue his line of questioning, Mew spoke up, "Mew! Mew, Mew! Mew Mew!"

"What is it saying?" Saitama asked directly to Kombu, while everyone turned to her,

"It's saying that it can smell her breath from here," Kombu translated, "Stating that it smells like sake,"

"Oh! I think I remember something!" Seaweed said, and everyone turned to her, "Before Kombu-Onee-Chan and I went to our rooms to sleep, I saw Tatsumaki-san taking a large bottle and drinking it cup after cup until it was almost empty. I didn't see what happened after since we already went to bed,"

"Well, that answers her bad breath and short memory," Kombu said, "No offense though,"

"Let's just leave it at that," Bang declared, "As we can all see, Zombieman is fine,"

"Yeah, it doesn't bother me," Zombieman agreed, "Stuff like this happens all the time if you drink,"

Everyone was silent for a time, and then Saitama bluntly remarked, "No, Not really,"

"Okay, let's break it up. Let's hit the baths, Iai," Atomic Samurai declared after scratching the back of his head,

With that, everyone excluding Child Emperor, Kombu, Seaweed, and Mew went to the baths.

"They certainly are strange, aren't they?" Kombu inquired,

"You bet they are," Child Emperor remarked, "But no one here is as strange as Mew. Which reminds me, what kind of creature is it?"

"We... aren't really sure what kind of creature Mew really is, but it did say that it's not from this world specifically," Kombu elaborated,

"It belongs to a different world!" Seaweed exclaimed rather enthusiastically,

"Different world? What kind?" Child Emperor questioned,

Kombu and Seaweed turned to each other and conversed telepathically. After some debate, they made a crucial decision as Kombu requested, "Do you mind if you come to our room for a moment?"

Child Emperor just blinked in confusion, then he agreed to their request...

Kombu and Seaweed's Room

With just the four of them, Mew showcases the world it is from and Child Emperor is stunned by what is before his very eyes.

It was a world filled with monsters, yet these monsters were not like the ones he had seen in Cities or this World's Fiction. What's more baffling than the monsters was the people as they appear to co-exist with such creatures and there was never any incident where a monster would run rampant and harm anyone.

Instead, it was all so peaceful like a child's dream made true.

After showcasing the world, Kombu asked one particular question, "What do you think?"

"I..." Child Emperor mouthed, "I don't know the words except... It all feels so unreal,"

"I know the feeling," Kombu agreed, "Seeing such creatures in all shapes and sizes co-existing with humans? It seemed impossible until Mew came and showed what the world really is,"

"So then..." Child Emperor turns to Mew, "You really aren't from here, are you,"

"Mew!" Mew replied,

Child Emperor looked content, having learned that creatures like Mew can co-exist with humans. But then a particular question came into the mind of the genius, "If you're from that world, how did you end up here?"

"Mew, Mew," Mew replied, "Mew, Mew..."

"It said it followed something here," Kombu translated, "Something... Strange,"

"What kind?" Child Emperor questioned,

"Mew-Mew," Mew replied, "Mew, Mew."

"I cannot say," Kombu translated, "But it doesn't appear to be human or monster,"

Child Emperor puts this in thought. If something here made Mew follow it from its own world to here, then this threat may appear to be somewhat ominous in the future.

Until then, he kept his thoughts on the current matter at hand, "Who else knows about this?"

"Just me, and Seaweed," Kombu answered,

"Don't forget, Deo-san!" Seaweed reminded, "It said that it was from that world too,"

 "Normally, I suggest you tell the others about this. But I think people should know less about it for now," Child Emperor said, "Until we're able to find proof of whatever led Mew to follow it here. We keep this to ourselves, does that sound alright to you?"

"Our lips are sealed," Kombu said,

"Good," Child Emperor stood up, "I'll pass this information to Sitch then,"

"First you don't want to tell anyone, but now you want to pass it to Sitch? Why him?" Seaweed inquired,

"He's more trustworthy and concerned about the calamity in the next six months," Child Emperor said, "I'll tell him about it, but I won't let him leak this information without preparation and he's the only one capable of doing just that,"

"I see, until then, everyone will be left out in the dark," Kombu understood,

"Yes," Child Emperor then turns to Mew, who floats in the area, "It was really nice to meet you, Mew. And I hope to work alongside you from now on until the near future,"

"Mew!" Mew replied, then Child Emperor left the room afterward,

Kombu, Seaweed, and Mew would follow and head to the baths and have breakfast. Then they'd check out of the resort and head back to City-Z with Saitama and Genos for the day.

The Following Night...

As Kombu and Seaweed slept quietly on one bed, Mew curled in the middle with eyes shut until it sensed a faint energy signature. It caused Mew to slowly open its eyes and raise its head as this signature has a distinct trail it can follow.

Without their notice, Mew proceeded to follow the trail from outside the apartment to a distant land.

For minutes it flew, and its signature grew stronger as it closed in on its location. Somewhere deep in the forests, it dives down and follows the energy to the very center.

That's when it found a black cube on the ground and Mew gazes upon it with curiosity.

Then a familiar voice spoke to it, "You..."

"Mew...?" Mew mouthed,

There wasn't anything else for the cube to say, instead Mew soon detected another energy signature from behind and turned to see a rift being opened before its very eyes.

After a minute or two, the rift unveils a muscular man wearing bulky armor at the center, then it stands before Mew after he manifests from the rift he's opened.

What came after is the man's shades being pulled down from his eyes and gazes upon Mew, "Oh? You must be that alien everyone's been talking about..."

"Mew?" Mew replied in confusion,

"Well, from what I hear. You aren't a threat to humanity, and the way it talks means it against you," The man defined, "Perhaps you'll be useful for the fight ahead,"

The man then straightened his posture and provided a simple introduction to the small Pokemon, "My name is Blast, and I'd like to know everything you know about this threat we're facing..."

Mew doesn't seem to sense any ill intent from this man, but knowing his connection with this threat. Their encounter can either be a coincidence or fate bestowed upon this world...

Only the outcome will justify the results of their encounter...

That is the end of the first season, you guys! And I'll admit, I'm quite proud of it even if people like it or not.

And for anyone who wasn't expecting Blast to meet Mew, I had planned that end right from the start of this fanfic. The same cannot be said for Child Emperor learning the Pokemon World, that was an idea I made from the get-go.

Lastly, here's the list of Pokemon that appeared from Start to Finish of the First Season in order:
Zygarde Complete Forme
Lucario (Again)
Blaziken (Again)
Rayquaza (Again)

That's all for the list, and I'll see you in the second volume in Late June or Early July!

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