Semi-Pro (Shota Aizawa X Read...

By Blue_Moon43

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You're a semi-pro hero starting a new job as a teacher's aide at UA High. Will you be able to work with Aiza... More

Ohio to Japan
Bird in a Cage
First Day, Worst Day
Just Care
A New Direction
A New Threat


9 0 0
By Blue_Moon43

You're hobbling your way across campus when you pass Midoryia leaving one of the academic buildings.

"Miss! Can I help you on your way anywhere?" Midoryia beams at you, motioning to the satchel you have strapped to your side. You lean against your crutches for a moment to rest.

"Thanks for the offer Midoryia, but I'll be okay. Giving me an excuse to stop for a minute is helpful enough. How are you feeling about the sports festival?"

"I'm not sure, to be honest... but I've been training with every spare moment I have, so I'll be as prepared as I can!"

You smile at his determination. "I know you'll do wonderfully. Anyway, we still have plenty of time to prepare, so don't sweat it. I've been meaning to talk to you Midoryia- about the USJ incident."

The boy's face sombers. "Oh, right. I'm sorry I didn't listen to your directions, but All Might was-"

"It's okay, I'm not mad." You shake your head. "What you did was really brave, and honestly I don't know if we would have all gotten out of there if you hadn't done what you'd done. But," You hold a finger up. "Your body can't always keep up with your mind's determination. You're young- I want you to be around for many more years, which means having a sense of self-preservation. Sometimes we need to hold back, even lose a battle, if it means we can bounce back and win the war. Does that make sense?"

Midoryia considers your words for a moment before responding. "I think so. I promise I'll think about it."

"I know you will. Thank you. Now, off to class! And Midoryia," You add as he hurries off. "Find some time this week to have fun!"

You're nervous as you arrive in one of the academic buildings- you're meeting with All Might and his policeman friend, Tsukauchi. Toshinori assured you he was trustworthy and he seemed so in the faculty meeting, but you're still worried about any connection he may have to Detective Hicks.

You knock on the door of Toshinori's office and he quickly opens it, ushering you inside.

"Good to see you! You remember Tsukauchi." He motions to the young man sitting inside and you nod.

"Of course, from the faculty meeting. I understand you've been running the investigation into the USJ invasion- we all appreciate your help with that."

Tsukauchi smiles, standing for a moment to greet you before you all sit in the armchairs around Toshinori's desk.

"It's my pleasure- I'm always glad to help out UA. So I understand you've had some problems with the law here, ma'am."

You chuckle somberly. "You could say that."

"I'll say this- you almost succeeded in disappearing. The Japanese police force had no idea you were here until Detective Hicks showed up."

You groan. You were so close and that dick had to ruin everything. "What's that guy's deal? I'd never even heard about him until he arrested me, and he seems to know a whole lot about me."

"From what I've gathered, he reports to some real high-ups in the American government, who seem to have some big issues with you. As you know, Japan has many different feelings about Quirks than the US, so we've tried to stay out of the conflicts involved in the Hero War as much as possible, but Hicks made it pretty clear our participation in this investigation was very important to international relations. My superiors are really uncomfortable with him here, but there's not much we can do."

"At the end of the day," Tsukauchi leans back in his seat, holding his hands up in a partial shrug. "You're considered a national war criminal. Our government may not agree, but they also don't want to risk damaging international relations by pushing back too hard against Hicks."

Toshinori shakes his head. "It's quite the situation you've got yourself in here."

"Don't I know it." You roll your eyes, rubbing your temples gently. "What do you recommend I do?"

"Well, I know this goes without saying, but any kind of trouble with the law right now would be really bad. Even a parking ticket could be enough for Hicks to drag you right back to the US. Long term, I think excelling here at UA could be helpful. If you can prove to the Japanese government that you're a valuable asset, they'll be more willing to go out on a limb for you."

"That won't be a problem- Luminescence here is already invaluable to the faculty."

Your heart swells at Toshinori's earnest words. "Thank you- both of you."

You all stand to leave but Tsukauchi hesitates, saying your name cautiously. "Watch out for Hicks. He's at a slight disadvantage as the foreigner here, but I'm concerned he may have connections high up in the chain of command. I'll keep an eye out whenever I can- and you've got Toshinori here to act as your US-Japan spokesman." He smacks All Might in the arm teasingly.

You feel a lot better now that you have some semblance of a plan, but take Tsukauchi's warning to heart as well. You've got to stay vigilant- no doubt that crackpot of a detective will take advantage of any slip-up you allow.

Toshinori offers to walk you back to the faculty dorms which you quickly accept. "Thank you for setting up that meeting. It feels good to know we have allies here."

"I know what it's like to feel like an outsider. We all need people in our corners when we're in trouble."

"Trouble certainly seems to follow me. My favorite gift from the old red white and blue."

You both walk for a few minutes in thoughtful silence before Toshinori clears his throat. "You know, I... I often wonder if I should have gone back to America during... everything. If I should have helped."

You used to wonder the same thing during the war. If All Might had stayed to fight, the war could have gone totally differently. It used to make you really angry, actually. But in the last few years you've realized having All Might as an example of hope and heroics to the world, including America, was and is really important. Meeting him in person and realizing that symbol might not be around much longer have you appreciating his importance even more.

You shake your head. "You made the right choice, Toshinori. You spent that time saving lives. The world needed you as a hero. And as a human, I'd never ask someone to return to that hell."

"I'm really glad you're here now. That you made it out."

"Me too."

It's the first day of classes after the USJ attack, and you hobble out of your room carefully on your crutches. As you do so, you notice Aizawa leaving his room, his arms, neck, and face all fully braced and bandaged.

You take one glance at him and one back at yourself before snorting out a laugh. Aizawa looks at you from underneath his bandages curiously.

"God, between the two of us we're only about one fully functioning person."

Aizawa chuckles at your words- or at least you think that's what you make out from beneath his hair and the bandages.  "It's important we show the students we're okay- that there's nothing to fear.  There's too much at stake and they need us to be strong."

You actually agree completely with that.  "Of course."

He hums in appreciation on your way out together.  "Let's go."

"Good morning class."

The students are clearly shocked to see Aizawa, and you don't blame them. It's almost comical seeing him stand at the front of the class, covered in bandages like a mummy.

"Mr. Aizawa, what are you doing here?" The students all murmur concerns and well wishes for their teacher as he makes his slow path to the desk up front. You pull his chair out for him, a gesture he doesn't deny you or acknowledge.

"My well-being is irrelevant. What's more important is that your fight isn't over yet."

The students glance at each other fearfully, and you groan at Aizawa's poor wording. Just being here isn't enough to prove he's okay.  They're worried about him, and it seems like brushing past that is just making it worse.  There's a place for comfort, even in the midst of battles like this.

"The UA Sports Festival is starting soon." You offer to the students, receiving relieved expressions in return.

Some of the students express concerns about the safety of the event after the villain incursion, and Aizawa explains to them that the administration wants to use the event as an opportunity to show the world the threat is over and the school is safe once again. You assure the students that the utmost caution will be taken and security will be at an all-time high.

"Our first concern will always be the wellbeing of you guys, the students. Obviously, we take risks every day at UA, but security for everyone involved at this event to minimize all threats is essential and is being taken really seriously." You glance at Aizawa to see if he has anything to add.

"This event is a huge opportunity for students at UA. It's not something we can cancel because of a few villains. Our sports festival is one of the most watched events in the entire world."

Well, you at least agree with that last part. You remember watching the Sports Festival when you were younger, marveling at how differently Quirks were treated overseas than where you were.

Aizawa dismisses the class shortly after, and once they all migrate out you prepare to leave.

"Where do you think you're going?"

You glance over your shoulder. "Well, right now I was gonna go visit All Might. Is there something else I'm supposed to be doing?" You ask testily.

Despite the heavy bandages, you could swear you saw the hero smirk.

"Training starts today."

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