Ohio to Japan

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The approximate duration of a flight from Ohio to Japan is thirteen hours. However, if you add at least four layovers in various countries around Europe and Asia, that time is lengthened to around twenty hours- almost a full day of flight. Why would anyone do this? Well, as someone heading to Japan for a new job while also fleeing several national bounties and arrest warrants, you think it's safest to take a more confusing, randomized direction to get to your intended location.

So that's what you do. Twenty hours of flight with several transfers to different planes in countries you don't speak the language of is by no means fun, but you feel it's worth it to throw anyone potentially following you off your trail. This new job is a fresh start for you, as far from your old troubles as you can get.

You wipe the sweat from your hands and pull out a scrap of crumpled paper. You check the address scrawled on it and look up at the enormous building complex in front of you.

Well, it's gotta be this one.

You crane your neck to look up at the massive gate and approach it timidly. As your foot touches the threshold, a huge metal sheet slams up out of the ground, causing you to fall back from the shock, falling on your bag painfully.

An ear-shattering alarm starts blaring and you duck instinctively, covering your ears to protect yourself from the noise.

You hear yells and footsteps from the other side of the gate, and suddenly the alarm stops. A digital screen appears on the stone wall.

"Excuse me, civilian, you've trespassed on UA property!" A cheerful voice blasts through the screen and beyond the wall almost as loudly as the alarm. "Please vacate the premises or we will have to call the police!"

"Uhh, I'm expected here? I mean, this is UA High, right?"

You hear murmurs behind the wall for a few moments.

"What's your name, rockstar?"

You note the broadcaster-like inflections in the voice as you tell him your name. The murmurs return and in a few seconds, the metal blockade lowers as quickly as it rose.

Standing beyond the wall are two men, one with blonde hair gelled up in the air with flashy glasses and clothes, and another in dark clothes with unkempt black hair almost fully covering his face.

You get up off the ground clumsily, trying to look as professional as possible as you dust off your knees.

"Um, hi. Like I said, I'm here for the... teacher's aide position?..."

Both of them stare at you for a moment before the blonde one runs up to you.

"Hey, sorry about that! Our security system is set to lock down the school if anyone tries to get in without proper certification. Looks like we forgot to send you a proper ID!"

"Oh, it's okay. I know communications are difficult across continents and all that. I should have all the other necessary forms."

The man smacks you on the back somewhat roughly. "Hey, don't worry about that right now. Let's get you inside- Principal Nezu will be glad to see you!" He starts walking and you follow beside him. The wall doesn't slam on you this time, no doubt because you have a faculty member with you now.

"Thank you... um, I'm sorry, what's your name?"

He smacks himself in the forehead, stopping for a moment. "Yikes- we didn't even introduce ourselves! Why don't you go first, Aizawa?" He looks over at the other man who's been standing still silently.

The man is dressed in understated dark clothes with some kind of incredibly long scarf draped around his shoulders and neck. His face is barely visible behind his unkempt hair, but as he brushes some out of his face you see his deep-set, bloodshot eyes as he rolls them. "Can we make this quick? I have stuff to do. Call me Aizawa. I work here. Are we done?"

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