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You groan as you enter the training building, dragging your feet as you hobble on your crutches.

How did he get you to agree to this? Better yet, how did he get you to follow through on the agreement? You're not above flaking out on them but for some reason, you feel weird about doing it to Aizawa. By the time you get well inside, you've decided to chalk it up to pity due to his sorry state right now.

"I really don't think you understand Recovery Girl's orders- I'm not supposed to put any weight on this at all."

"You don't need to walk to use your Quirk." Aizawa points at a stool near the center of the large room. You roll your eyes and sit down, placing your crutches carefully on the ground.

"What are we doing, Aizawa?" He deftly drags another stool over with his foot and you stare at him.

"We're gonna talk."

"I- what? Why did we need to come here then? Those crutches aren't comfortable, you know!"

"It's important to keep your other muscles in use when you have an injury so they don't deteriorate. That was the exercise portion of your training."

Aizawa sounds a little too pleased with himself and you roll your eyes. You already want to leave.

"What are we supposed to talk about."

Aizawa sits down with a huff. "Your Quirk. It's origins, limits, potential."

"Okayyyy..." It feels weird to be having a conversation like this. Aizawa has never seemed this interested in anything having to do with you, and although you can't deny you're glad to have his attention for once, it doesn't help you from fidgeting.

"Well, I developed my Quirk around the same time as most kids... nothing unusual there."

"They taught you to hone your Quirk at school?"

You grimace. "Not exactly..."

Aizawa is silent, seemingly waiting for you to finish but you're not willing to share details like that right now.

"I never had a formal education. I was homeschooled when I was a little older by someone with Quirks, and the war started shortly after that."

"Hmm. Makes sense."

You cock your head at him, annoyed you can't read his face from under the bandages.

"What does that mean?"

"You never learned proper Quirk control or usage. The only 'training' you had was all-out warfare, resulting in where we are now."

You cross your arms, trying not to feel as defensive as you instinctively want to.

"Look, I'd never claim to be the most sophisticated hero, but the war taught me plenty. I'm not running off of zero experience- you know combat requires strategy."

He's quiet for a minute, considering your words, before nodding slowly. "Fair enough."

You're surprised. That might be the first time he's explicitly agreed with you.

"However, that doesn't change that you have a lot of learning left to do. Things are different here in Japan, which I hope you're at least somewhat aware of at this point.

Your eyes slit, re-annoyed. "Yes, I'm aware."

"Good. Once you're fully recovered, I'll assess where you are with your Quirk and finalize your training plan. I'm thinking a few hours every week after classes. If all goes well, you might actually become a Pro in the next year or so."

Semi-Pro (Shota Aizawa X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now