Bird in a Cage

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You don't know how many hours or days have passed, but you've been carefully given food three times and scored several hours' worth of tallies on the floor. There are no windows or natural light sources to determine the time of day, but you have the feeling it's been around four days based on your sleep cycle.

Hicks has come by a few times, mostly just to taunt you, and sometimes to ask you questions that you always respond to with venomous retorts. One time he was outside with an unfamiliar voice, but they never addressed you or told you who it was.

The door creaks open and you expect some kind of food canister to get thrown in, but instead, the water shuts off and someone walks in.

You stand, backing up near the wall defensively. As the steam clears, you can make out Hick's grinning face. His glasses are glossy with condensation and he carefully steps through the puddles on the floor.

"It's time to go on a little trip, my friend."

You glare at him, standing your ground. "Stay away from me, you sick fuck."

Hick waves his hand lazily through the air and some of the puddles rise up off the floor, merging together and bubbling. "Good. I have to admit, I was sort of hoping you'd choose to do this the hard way."

Great. Of course, he can control water.

"Hey, relax. I'll come with you, I could really care less."

He sighs. "Alright. Maybe we'll have fun later. Let's go." He grabs your cuffs and drags you out.

You gasp and take heavy breaths out in the dry air. Your skin immediately starts to dry uncomfortably after days of wet air. Hick drags you down a new hallway followed by several armed guards to a loading dock where an armored van is waiting.

"Get in." He shoves you toward it and you hesitate.

"Where are we going?" You demand.

"Don't worry about it. Get. In." He says through gritted teeth. His eyes are full of dangerous anger and you wonder how far is safe to push him before he snaps.

"I'm not getting in that van until you tell me what's going on."

The guards step forward. "Detective, should we-"

"Shut up!" Hick screams, clenching his fists. His body shakes as he shrieks and his glasses fall lopsided onto his nose. He lunges forward and grabs you by the throat, his hands still coated in scalding water. You scream at the pressure and burning pain, getting pushed back into the truck.

Hick jumps off of you and slams the doors shut, casting you into immediate darkness. You gag, the burning on your neck compressing your throat. You immediately start melting your hands out of the cuffs.

Through the pain, you hear raised voices outside the van but can barely think about it. Your skin is cracking from drying out and being burnt- it's incredibly intense pain.

The voices raise to yells and then stop suddenly. Your eyes start tearing up from the pain and your desperation to get your hands out of the cuffs, which is proving more difficult than you expected.

The van doors creak and are thrown open suddenly. You blink in the light, scurrying further into the van.

In the entrance stands Aizawa, deadpan but aggressively focused.

"We're leaving." He glances at you.

"I..." You don't move, completely confused and overstimulated. Aizawa just turns around.

"Someone unlock her cuffs."

An officer comes in and releases the large mechanism around your arms and you get up quickly, rubbing your neck gingerly and hurrying out of the van. Aizawa marches through the precinct silently and quickly.

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