Just Care

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You wake up slowly to the rhythmic beeping of medical machinery. You blink against the bright lights reflecting off of all the white, polished surfaces in the med bay and sit up carefully.

You're lying in a hospital bed with curtains on either side. An IV machine and other electrodes are supplying hydration and tracking your vitals, which from a quick glance seem to be well in the normal range, luckily.

You pull the blanket off your lap to check on your ankle which is wrapped in thick bandages. You might have painkillers in your system, but it hurts significantly less than before, now just throbbing dully.

You know you're in the UA- you were here after your time at the police station- but you really don't like hospitals and want to get out of here as soon as possible. You look around for some kind of alarm or call button and find one hanging from the side of the bed.

You press it and quickly see Recovery Girl peek her head around the curtain.

"Ah, you're awake!"

"How are the students? And Thirteen and Aizawa? And All Might!"

She shakes her head, checking your vitals and examining your eyes. "They're all alive and stable. We need to focus on you right now. Any pain or discomfort? Trouble breathing? Numbness or tingling?"

You shake your head. "No, I feel fine. My ankle is a little throbby but I didn't really get hurt aside from some minor blows to the stomach. And head. And shoulder."

Recovery Girl looks pleased with your answer. "You had minimal scrapes and bruising to your body, but your ankle wound was much more severe. My Quirk helped to stabilize it, but we don't yet understand the Quirk that did it to you. It will need some time to fully heal naturally, and I would expect some scarring as well."

You wiggle your ankle gingerly. "How long until I can walk on it?"

"We'll put a brace on it to give you support, and you can move around on these." Recovery Girl shows you a pair of crutches. "It should only be a couple weeks until it's safe to walk on, and not long after that to be cleared for hero work again."

"Thank you for your help- I don't want to think about where I and everyone else would be without you and your Quirk here. Speaking of which- can you tell me how they all are, please?"

Recovery Girl talks quietly while she peels off your electrodes and removes your IV. "All Might and Midoryia are well recovered- they're resting in the infirmary area."

You nod somberly. "I wish I could have stopped Midoryia from rushing in to help All Might, but I'm quickly realizing these students aren't easily swayed when they make their minds up about something. I'm surprised All Might's injuries weren't more severe, but I'm glad he's okay. And the other two?"

"Thirteen suffered quite intense lacerations to her back, but they're healing well. She's stable and resting. As for Eraser Head... his arm bones were extensively splintered and fractured. They should heal fully, but his orbital floor was crushed. We won't know if he'll retain any eyesight for a while still."

You feel your stomach sink. Broken arms, scarred ankles- those are manageable, but eyesight... not only would that mean his Quirk is gone, but his entire pro hero career would be over. Being stripped of something as important to you as your Quirk, it's a horror you'd wish on very few people.

"Can I see him?" You ask quietly.

"If you're very careful and don't put any weight on that ankle." She holds the crutches up and you scooch to the edge of the bed, standing slowly on one foot.

Recovery Girl opens the curtain to your left to reveal Aizawa. His arms and legs are heavily bandaged and braced, and his face is entirely covered in gauze and medical wrap. Your heart throbs painfully seeing him in this state.

"He's been unconscious ever since they brought him in, but they say talking to people can be comforting even when they aren't awake. You can sit with him for a while and I'll send for a set of clothes for you."

You thank Recovery Girl and pull a chair up to his bed as she leaves. You sit in silence for a while, watching his chest rise and lower with each breath.

You remember how desperately you waited for each of his breaths in the USJ, convinced he finally slipped away every time they were late. You haven't been that scared in a long time.

"Um, hey." You feel really weird talking out loud to an unconscious person but Recovery Girl said it might help, so what the hell.

"Aizawa... I'm really sorry this happened. I'm sorry I couldn't stop it- even though you didn't want me involved."

You're really trying to turn over a new leaf here in Japan, but you can't help but feel like you're cursed to cause pain everywhere you go.

"I should have fought harder, gotten back to you sooner. I could barely protect the students, let alone you too. I seem to get people hurt on the regular."

"Maybe you sensed that. Maybe that's why you didn't want my help in the USJ or with any of the teaching. But here's the thing- I can't stop trying. Teaching is in my blood, and I know now that these students need guidance now more than ever. They're incredible, wise and brave beyond their years- more than they should have to be at their age- and I'm going to make sure they become great heroes, and that they're safe until that happens."

Well, you don't know if this is comforting Aizawa at all, but its surprisingly making you feel a lot better. You scooch your chair a little closer and wonder what his face looks like when he's sleeping underneath the bandages.

"I'm going to make sure you're safe too, even if I've done a shitty job of it so far. Although to be fair you don't make it very easy for me. I... I don't know why I care so much. About your opinion of me, I mean. I guess I just know what an incredible hero you are, how capable you seem to be all the time... I want you to see me the same way, instead as an inconvenience or worse- irrelevant. My gut tells me to fuck it and just ignore you back, but despite everything, I just want you to... care."

Aizawa takes in a deep breath, groaning and lifting his chin slightly. You gasp and press the call button next to his bed quickly.

"Ai-Aizawa? Can you hear me?" You whisper earnestly. He groans again, turning his head toward you.

"You're in the UA medical bay. The students are okay. Everyone's okay."

Aizawa seems to consider your words for a moment, then tries to sit up. You put a hand on them gently but firmly.

"Don't- you're still healing. Recovery Girl will be back any second and she can explain everything."

He settles back down, leaning back into the bed with a huff. You have to hold in a laugh- even severely injured, Aizawa is just as stubborn as ever.

Recovery Girl calls your name as she hurries over. "Is that you, or Aizawa?"

"Thank you."

Your head snaps back to the man laying in front of you. Did he just? It was ever so quiet and hoarse, but yea, you think he did. Was that meant for you?

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