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You're recovered enough to attend the faculty meeting with Detective Tsukauchi regarding the USJ attack. You were nervous being around a policeman after your experience when you first got here, but All Might assured you he was a friend.

You listen to the detective's report and supply your own experience of what happened where needed. Your suspicions are cemented- the attack was preplanned with detailed information about the faculty, the schedules, and even All Might's planned whereabouts. With every additional detail about Shigaraki's plan, you get more angry and more determined. This wasn't just an isolated attack- this is war, and for better or worse, war is something you understand intimately.

After the meeting, you pull Toshinori aside to check in- you haven't talked since the attack.

"Toshino- All Might, I'm so glad you're okay." You start to bow but he pulls you into a quick, tight hug. You smile- it's really nice having someone familiar with American culture around.

"You too. I was worried when I saw you and Aizawa. You two put up a hell of a fight."

You shake your head. "It wasn't enough. I didn't do enough. If you hadn't shown up when you did-"

"But I did." He cuts you off, putting a hand on your shoulder. "You held out and kept the students safe. No one was seriously hurt- even young Midoryia came out better than he has in the past."

"I... I guess you're right. I'm just sorry you, Aizawa, and Thirteen had to risk so much in order to make it happen."

Toshinori scoffs. "Listen, my health is failing regardless, if it wasn't that Nomu it would be something else. As for the others, it's what we signed up for as pro heroes and UA teachers. And," he says suddenly, pointing at you dramatically. "Don't blame yourself for any of this anymore. Blame Shigaraki and his villain army. They're the ones to be mad at- the ones to take the fight to."

You know he's right. It's not helping anyone to wallow in self-pity. You need to get angry and focus on finding and subduing those sons of bitches that hurt your students and your colleagues.

"Thank you, All Might. We're going to find them, and when we do, they're gonna wish they never fucked with UA."

He laughs, giving your shoulder a small smack before removing his hand. "That's the spirit. I gotta get out of here, but don't be a stranger. And hey, with Tsukauchi around, we should talk about if he can help you with your... legal problems."

"Heyyyy, superstar!" Present Mic booms from directly behind you, causing you to jump.

"Jesus! What?" You ask a little harshly.

"Well, I'm headed down to the infirmary- Recovery Girl is going to remove Eraser Head's bandages and said it would be STELLAR for him to have friends there for emotional support! Care to join me?" He holds out a hand, beaming.

"Oh! I mean, I can, but I don't think Eraser Head would consider us-"

"Great! Let's get moving!" He pulls you away quickly before you have time to finish, and before you know it you're walking into the infirmary, out of time to escape. You hope Aizawa isn't too mad that you're there- that is, if he can even see you.

"Nice to see you two again." Recovery Girl greets you both as you sit beside the bed. "Are you ready, Aizawa?"

"Just do it." Is the hero's gruff response. Recovery Girl begins to slowly unravel the bandages and you lean forward in your seat, heart pounding.

Little by little, Aizawa's face is revealed. You wince at the deep purple bruises and stitched and scabbed wounds everywhere Nomu grabbed or slammed him. His eye sockets are slightly swollen and every shade of blue and purple imaginable.

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