A Ketchum's Journey Vol. 4

By tanishatribe1118

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Ash and Hayley Ketchum are continuing their journey in following Ash's Dream in becoming a Pokemon Master. As... More

Alola to New Adventure
The Guardian's Challenge
First Catch in Alola, Ketchum-Style
Yo, ho, ho! Go, Popplio!
A Shocking Grocery Run!
That's Why the Litten is a Scamp!
Lillie's Egg-xhilirating Challenge!
To Top a Totem
Trials and Tribulations
Young Kiawe had a Farm
The Sun, the Scare, the Secret Lair
Racing to a Big Event!
Getting to Know You!
Rocking Clawmark Hill
They Might Not Be Giants!
Crystal-Clear Sleuthing!
A Seasoned Search!
A Guardian Rematch
Partner Promises!
One Journey Ends, Another Begins...
A Shivering Shovel Search!
Getting the Band Back Together!
Alolan Open House!
A Team-on-Team Tussle!
So Long, Sophocles!
A Glaring Rivalry!
Pulling Out the Pokémon Base Pepper!
Lulled to La-La Land!
The Ol' Raise and Switch!
The Island Whisperer!
Treasure Hunt, Akala Style!
Big Sky, Small Fry!
A Crowning Moment of Truth
Currying Favor and Flavor
Trials and Determinations
Rising from the Ruins
Mimikyu Unmasked
Mallow and the Forest Teacher
Balloons, Brionne, and Belligerence
Mounting an Electrifying Charge
Alola, Kanto
When Regions Collide
A Dream Encounter
Now You See Them, Now You Don't!
Deceiving Appearances
A Masked Warning!
Night of a Thousand Poses
Mission: Total Recall!
Faba's Revenge
Family Determination
Revealing the Stuff of Legend
Rescuing the Unwilling
10,000,000 Reasons to Fight
The Professors' New Adventure

Loading the Dex!

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By tanishatribe1118

At the Melemele airport, passengers were coming off the plane, including a certain familiar trio of passengers that we all know. "At last. The Alola region...." said Jessie.

"This great and distant land gives us a new start for both the body and mind." said James.

"Yeah, we're gonna do everything for the greatest boss in all of boss land." said Meowth.

"Wobbuffet!" said Wobbuffet.


"In the Alola region, many rare Pokémon can be found." said Giovanni.

"All right, Persian, you pompous jerk." thought Meowth. "Go ahead and enjoy sitting happily on the Boss's lap while you can. I'm gonna be number one, then you know what you can do? You can just try the floor for a change, chump!"

"Now, go and collect Pokémon the likes of which I never seen before!" Giovanni said to the trio. "Fulfill the ambitions of Team Rocket!"

"Roger!" they shouted.

[Flashback ends]

"Catching Pokémon...." said Jessie.

"And conquering Alola!" said James.

"Ha-Cha-Cha!" said Team Rocket.

Narrator: While starting their new lives in Alola, Ash and Hayley received a strangely shaped Pokedex from Professor Kukui at the Pokémon school.

Hayley: Let's be honest here. It's so....weird looking.

Meeko: Cario, Lucari.

"Now, let's activate the Pokedex..." said Kukui, as Ash and Hayley gasped. Downstairs, Kukui was at his computer with Ash and Hayley behind him. "Perfect! We're all connected!"



Lights above them started to static with electricity and Rockruff gave a puzzled yap.



"Here it comes." said Professor Kukui.

"What?" asked Ash and Hayley.

"Pi...Pika." said Pikachu.

"Lucar...." said Meeko. The lights were flickering as Rockruff gets scared by the sound and Meeko gets into protective mode. "What's going on?" asked Ash.

"What's happening?" asked Hayley.

"Just watch and you'll see." said Kukui and out of the wall socket was a Rotom.

"Ah!" shouted Ash and Hayley screams.

"Pika! Lucario!" shouted Pikachu and Meeko.

"It's a Rotom!" Ash exclaimed as Rotom went around the room.

"And now we just have to wait for Rotom to go inside." said Kukui.

"Go inside? The Pokedex?" asked Ash.

"Finally!" said Hayley. "I can take a break from calling the Pokedex, Dexter."

Kukui gave her a confused look as Ash sighs in defeat. "What? Is it a bad thing?" she asked, then turns to her brother. "Ash, you know as well as I do that it's been long overdue on my part for calling the Pokedex, Dexter. I need a break!"

"That's true. It will give you a break." said Ash. Just then, Rotom stops at a wall and goes straight for the Pokedex in Ash's hands. "Oh!" said Ash.

"Pika." said Pikachu.

"Wow." said Hayley.

"Cario." said Meeko. Both Ash and Hayley gasped as Rotom went inside.

"Is Rotom...in there?" asked Ash, sighing before knocking on the Pokedex. "Hm. Hm? Hey, Rotom?"

"Wakey, wakey. Are you in there, Rotom?" asked Hayley. On the screen, there was a heartbeat that cause both brother and sister to gasp. "What is that?" they asked as eyes appeared on the Pokedex.

"Argh!" screamed Ash and Hayley 's eyes became wide.

"Pika! Lucar!" said Pikachu and Meeko when arms appeared out of the Pokedex.

"This is something you don't see every day." said Hayley.

"The Pokedex is Rotom and Rotom's the Pokedex!" said Ash. Rotom starts bleeping as it deals with its settings. Rotom's camera scans Rockruff, Meeko and Pikachu before it started scanning Ash and Hayley. "Alola, Rotom!" said Ash and Hayley.

"Pika! Pika!" said Pikachu, jumping onto Ash's shoulder.

"Lucario!" said Meeko, jumping onto Hayley's arms.

"Language selection complete." said Rotom.

"Wow! Rotom just talked!" said Ash.

"Amazing." said Hayley as Rotom faces Kukui.

"Rotom, please lend Ash and Hayley a helping hand from now on, okay?" he asked.

"Understood!" said Rotom then turns back to the siblings. "Ash, Hayley, users' registration complete. Pokedex now booting up." Seconds later, Rotom was done. "100%. Alola! Nice to meet you, Ash and Hayley."

"Wow, we can even have a conversation!" said Ash.

"Of course." said Rotom. "Rotom Dex is equipped with an assortment of languages."

"I like it." said Hayley.

"I am programmed to communicate properly with people of all different kinds." said Rotom.

"Awesome!" said Ash and Hayley.

"Awesome....does not compute. Does not compute." said Rotom.

"Huh?" said the siblings.

"Pika. Cario."

"Ash and Hayley were just saying that they're both very impressed with your capabilities." Kukui explained.

"I understand. So, awesome means excellent." said Rotom. "And that means Rotom Dex is excellent!"

"Yes...yes it does." said Hayley, smiling.

"Believe it or not, I'm a professor." Kukui said to Rotom. "Professor Kukui. You'll be a great help."

"Pleased to meet you, Professor Kukui, and you too, Ash and Hayley." said Rotom.

"Hey, thanks." said Ash. "And this is my friend Pikachu."

"Pikachu!" said Pikachu.

"And my friend is Meeko." said Hayley.

"Lucario." said Meeko, smiling as she waved at Rotom.

"Ash, Pikachu, Hayley and Meeko are staying at my place along with Rockruff." said Kukui.

"Rock, Rockruff." barked Rockruff.

"Pleased to meet you, Pikachu, Meeko and Rockruff." said Rotom, then takes a couple pictures.

"Pika?" Pikachu asked his honorary sister.

"Lucar." said Meeko, taken aback as Rotom takes a picture of Rockruff.

"Picture taken. Pikachu. Meeko. Rockruff." said Rotom, showing Ash and Hayley the pictures.

"So, wait, why did you take a picture?" asked Ash.

"Especially one of Meeko?" asked Hayley with her eyebrow raised.

"In order to add the images of the Pokémon I meet to my memory." explained Rotom. "The Rotom Dex is a self-learning Pokedex that updates its data each and every time it meets a new Pokémon."

"I don't know how to respond to that, Rotom." said Hayley.

"Not sure what you mean, but you're totally awesome, Rotom!" said Ash.

"User Ash, User Hayley, I am not simply Rotom now. In fact, I am Rotom Dex, which means I am Pokedex Rotom version." said Rotom.

"Hold on, Pokedex Rotom version? Uh..." said Ash.

"I don't like that look, Ash." said Hayley.

"Lucario." said Meeko.

"Very well. You can call me simply Rotom Dex, User Ash and User Hayley." said Rotom.

"And you can call me, Ash." said Ash.

"And Hayley is just fine." said Hayley.

"That'll make it easier to say, wont it?" asked Ash.

"I understand, Ash! Hayley!" said Rotom.

"Hey, Rotom Dex. I want to hear how you describe Pikachu and Meeko in the Rotom Dex." said Ash. "Can you do that?"

"Please?" asked Hayley.

"Pika. Pika." said Pikachu.

"Lucario." said Meeko, nodding.

"Right away, Ash." said Rotom, then brings up Pikachu's data. "Pikachu, the mouse Pokémon, an electric type. It raises its tail to sense its surroundings. If you pull on its tail, it will bite." Hayley and Meeko took a step back just as Rotom goes to Pikachu and pulls his tail.

"Pikachu!" shouted Pikachu, releasing a thunderbolt.

"What's going on?" asked Kukui as he goes over to Ash and Pikachu, becoming on the receiving end of Pikachu's Thunderbolt.

"It doesn't bite you! It actually shocks you!" Rotom screamed in pain. Once the thunderbolt died down, Kukui sees that Hayley and Meeko were unaffected by the thunderbolt.

"Why weren't you affected by Pikachu's attack?" he asked her.

"Because Meeko and I know better than to pull Pikachu's tail, especially without permission." said Hayley, proving her point as her eyes went wide. "Besides, Pikachu knows what kind of shock I need if I squeeze him too tight or step on him by accident."

"Lucar." said Meeko, crossing her arms.

"Lesson learned." said Rotom.

"Pika...chu." said Pikachu, then jumps into Hayley's arms. Rotom then looks at Meeko and starts bringing up her data.

"Lucario, the Aura Pokémon, a fighting and steel type, and the evolved form of Riolu. Nickname: Meeko." said Rotom, bringing up Meeko's data."By sensing the aura of its opponents, Lucario can read their thoughts and movements. Lucario uses a power called aura, which allows it to sense human feelings."

In the forest, Bewear looked as if it was searching for someone when it heard something rustling behind it. "Huh?" said Bewear, looking behind it and sees a Pokémon wearing what seemed to be a grey Pikachu costume. Bewear didn't for it and just moved on. The Pikachu, like Pokémon grunts and mutters as it went back into the tall grass.

At the Pokémon school, Ash and Hayley introduce Rotom to everyone. "Hi Rotom, my name's Mallow!" said Mallow, introducing herself. "Nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you." said Lana.

"Nice to meet you." said Rotom.

"A Pokedex that operates with a Rotom inside, that's incredible!" said Lillie.

"Incredible....incredible means awesome!" said Rotom. "In other words, Rotom Dex is awesome!"

"Yes. You're very awesome." replied Lillie.

"Ah! So it's obviously learned how Ash and Hayley talks." said Sophocles, then gets an idea. "I wonder just how this Rotom Dex is programmed." He then pulls out a screwdriver. "I'm going to analyze your programming for just a second, all right."

"No, thank you!" squealed Rotom.

"Aw, come on, don't be like that, please." begged Sophocles, then gets closer to Rotom. "Just a look..."

"No, I refuse. I refuse!" said Rotom.

"Oh, a Rotom Dex!" said Principal Oak as entered the room. "Well you seemed to have quite an interesting item there!"

"Principal Oak." said Ash, turning to Rotom. "This is the principal of the Pokémon school, Principal Oak."

"Nice to meet you." said Rotom.

"Hi-hi Psyduck-Arbok." said Principal Oak.

"What is hi, hi, Psyduck-Arbok?" asked Rotom. "Does not compute. Does not compute."

"Don't worry about it. It's simply his way of saying hello." said Mallow. "The principal is always making Pokémon gags."

"Making Pokémon gags? Hi, hi, Psyduck-Arbok?" asked Rotom, repeating the phrase over and over.

"That's excellent. I think you're getting the hang of it." said Principal Oak.

"I'm not Dragon-nite down." said Rotom. "Matter of fact, I'm Clauncher-ing off, Inkay? Wooper-dee-do!"

"Oh! I really like the cut of your gibberish!" Principal Oak said to Rotom. "So, Wynaut stay with us for Mawile?"


"Smile, Mawile!"

"Dooper! Wooper!"

"Mawile is you!" Ash, Hayley and the others became confused at the Pokémon gag.

"Is it too late to say that I'm starting to lose it yet?" asked Hayley.

"I don't think so." said Ash.

"You're not the only one who's starting to lose it." said Meeko.

"Good, cause it's hurting my brain." said Hayley.

"All right, class, for today, let's do some field work." said Professor Kukui. "So, Ash and Hayley, now that you've gotten yourselves a Rotom Dex, lets catch a wild Pokémon!"

"All right!" shouted Ash and Hayley.

"Pika, Pika." said Pikachu.

"Lucario!" said Meeko.

"I absolutely love field work." said Mallow.

"Bounsweet." said Bounsweet.

"For Ash and Hayley, the Alola Pokémon will be a new challenge." said Kukui. "We have a Destiny Bond to help them out."

"Destiny Bond, a Ghost type move." said Rotom. "When a Pokémon faints after using this move, the opponent that landed the knockout blow also faints."

"Rotom Dex, that was excellent." said the professor.

"For Pokémon information, you can count on me!" said Rotom.

"Let's go, Rotom Dex!" said Ash.

"Pikachu!" said Pikachu.

"Let's get a move on!" said Hayley.

"Cario." said Meeko.

"Understood!" said Rotom as everyone else cheered and left the classroom.

"I like your Spiritomb!" said Principal Oak, laughing. In the forest, Team Rocket was on their mission. "Let's catch the first Pokémon, stat." said Jessie.

"We'll snatch every Pokémon in Alola when we encounter them and take it from there!" said James.

"Yeah, and that means that Wobbuffet and I are gonna have to do all of the heavy lifting." Meowth whined.

"Wobbuff!" said Wobbuffet in agreement.

"There's no other choice!" said Jessie. "We left all of our other Pokémon way back at Team Rocket Headquarters and you know it!"

"When you're in Alola, you simply do as the Alolans do!" said James. Jessie takes a look around the forest and starts to get a creepy feeling. "Hm. Even so, it's kind of creepy out here." she tells them.

"You think?" asked James.

"Yes." said Jessie. "It feels like something scary could jump out at any moment!"

Suddenly Meowth and Wobbuffet shuddered at her statement as something behind them rustled in the grass. "Huh? said Jessie as she and James looked at the tall grass. The Pikachu costume wearing Pokémon jumped out, causing Team Rocket to scream. "Pikachu?" Jessie asked.

"Yipes." said Meowth. The Pokémon sort of tilted its head to the side, causing Team Rocket to let put another scream. "I know it can't be, but could it be?" Jessie asked.

"Pikachu's head?" asked James as Meowth screamed even louder.

"No, while giving it a closer look, it's a different Pokémon wearing a Pikachu-like thingie." said Meowth.

"Huh?" said Jessie.

"On closer inspection..." said James as the Pokémon lifts up its head, causing Meowth and Wobbuffet to groan.

"What in the world is wrong with you two?" Jessie asked them, as they continued to groan.

"Mimikyu. Mimikyu." said Mimikyu. Mimikyu stares at Team Rocket, as if it wanted them to leave. "Meowth, what is it saying?" James asked.

"This is both a family show and story." Meowth tells him.

"Wobbuffet." Wobbuffet said in agreement.

"Huh?" said Jessie.

"It's saying something so scary that its better off you're kept in the dark." Meowth tells them.

"Scary? It's not that scary." said Jessie, taking a closer look at Mimikyu. "It's kind of cute. So, our very first job in the Alola region will be catching that cutie!"

She then grabs Meowth by his head and throws him out. "Meowth, Fury Swipes, let's go!" shouted Jessie.

"Okay, desperate measure time!" shouted Meowth as his nails grew long and glowed white as he swipes Mimikyu. "Huh? Fury Swipes didn't work?"

"Mimikyu." said Mimikyu, facing Meowth.

"Will you knock it off all of the scary talk?" asked Meowth, fearfully before getting angry. "Take off that Pikachu get-up and fight fair and square! Hyah!" Meowth starts to take off Mimikyu's get-up when its misty body comes out, scaring Meowth.

[Meowth's nightmare]

Meowth is walking down a dark corridor. "It looks like some kind of super-duper long tunnel." Meowth said to himself. "What am I doing here anyway? Where in the region of Alola am I? Hey, Jessie! Yo, James! Hey, Wobbuffet! Huh?"

Suddenly there was a light at the end of the tunnel. "Yay! A way out of here!" said Meowth, running towards the light.

"Gardevoir." said Gardevoir as it, Glaceon and Lopunny appeared in front of him.

"Gardevoir and Glaceon and Lopunny are all ringing me up!" he exclaimed, believing that he was in love and starts to chase them. "Ha-ha! Right with you, dolls! Ha-ha!"




"Ha-ha! Dig it, I'm here." said Meowth. Just then Haunter, Gengar and Ghastly appeared behind him, chasing Meowth.

Outside of Meowth's nightmare, Jessie and James were trying to wake him. "Meowth! Meowth!" shouted Jessie, shaking him.

"Meowth! Wake up, you fool!" shouted James.

"You weren't even attacked, Mr. heavy lifter!" Jessie tells him.

"Wobbuffet." said Wobbuffet.

"Eh?" said Meowth, realizing where he was. "Huh? Huh? Huh?" Suddenly a hole opens up under him and he falls right through. "Ah! Argh, stop this crazy ride!"

[Meowth's nightmare ends]

"Snap out of it!" shouted Jessie and James. Using buckets of water, they splashed some on Meowth, finally snapping him out of it. "You lugs are drowning me!" shouted Meowth.

"Welcome back!" said James as Wobbuffet sighs.

"Meowth!" Jessie and James shouted, hugging him.

"Aw, thanks, you guys for bringing me back from that joint." said Meowth, returning the hug.

"Bringing you back?" asked Jessie.

"When I tried to take that thing's mask off my mug, I could see inside and then suddenly things got dark and when I woke up, I was walking in this super-duper long tunnel!" Meowth explained. "Then a really cute Gardevoir appeared, and it was trying to get me to come along, see? And then things got scary, and I was falling deep into the pit of a bad place!"

"A cute Gardevoir, you say?" asked James.

"Into a bad place?" asked Jessie. "Hold on, do you mean..."

"It's true!" said Meowth. "If you and James hadn't called me back from whatever you wanna call it. It's all because of bag head!"

"Hm?" they said in unison.

"Mimikyu." said Mimikyu.

"Hm?" questioned Jessie and James. Behind them, Team Rocket heard rustling and started screaming as they take off running. Ash, Hayley and the others appeared from the tall grass. "I've got a feeling we'll run into a wild Pokémon really soon!" said Ash.

"I can feel it." said Hayley.

"Really?" asked Kiawe.

"You wanna question it or let us do our thing?" Hayley asked Kiawe, who raised his hands in defeat.

"Well, I hope your prediction is right on the money!" said Mallow.

"Yeah, I'm tired from all this walking." said Sophocles.

"The probability of meeting a Pokémon in this area is 83.9%." said Rotom.

"The twerp, baby twerp, Pikachu and Meeko in view." said Meowth.

"An assortment of others!" said James, shocked.

"Meaning what?" asked Jessie.

"Wob!" said Wobbuffet as Jessie covered its mouth.

"Along with them comes a great chance, the chance to grab gobs of Alola Pokémon and that Pikachu and Meeko at the same time and give them all to the boss! Ha-ha!" said Jessie with Meowth and James joining in her merriment.

"(Grunts) Over there!" said Ash, seeing Mimikyu in front of him.

"Pika. Pika." said Pikachu.

"Mimikyu." said Mimikyu.

"Pika." said Pikachu.

"Mimikyu." said Mimikyu.

"Looks like your feeling was right." said Mallow.

"A Pikachu? I don't think so." said Lana.

"More like, why is that Pokémon dressed like Pikachu?" asked Hayley.

"Cari?" asked Meeko, sounding a little worried.

"Mimikyu. I read about it in a book once." said Lillie. "I think its type is, um..."

"Wait! Please leave the Pokémon description to me." said Rotom. "Mimikyu. The Disguise Pokémon, a Ghost and fairy type. It wears a ragged cover head to look like a Pikachu, but little is known about this Pokémon. It's said that a scholar who once tried to look inside met his end."

"That answers my question about why its dressed like that." said Hayley.

"Cario, Lucario." said Meeko, nodding.

"Met his end?" asked Meowth. "I'm glad I'm still here kickin' and a-grinnin'!"

"Huh?" said James, taking a notice in Rotom. "Wait, that unusual Pokedex appears to be moving all by itself."

"That's weird." said Meowth as Hayley motions to Ash that he should catch it first.

"Okay! All right, Pikachu, let's get Mimikyu!" said Ash.

"Pikachu!" said Pikachu, jumping off Ash. "Pika."

"Mimikyu." said Mimikyu.

"Pikachu, use Iron Tail!" shouted Ash.

"Pika! Chu!" shouted Pikachu, his tail glowing. "Pika!" His tail made contact with Mimikyu, whose head went flat. Ash and the others gasped at the sight. "I can't believe what I'm seeing here." said Kiawe.

"Mimikyu." said Mimikyu, inflating its head and hits Pikachu with its tail.

"Pi! Pi! Pika!" said Pikachu as he gets hit.

"No way!" said Hayley.

"Lucario!" said Meeko.

"It's strong." said Ash. Suddenly, a purple ghost hand stretched out from Mimikyu and punches Pikachu, knocking him back. "Close range combat's dangerous, Pikachu!" said Ash. "Electro Ball!"

"Pika! Pika Pika-pi!" shouted Pikachu as he created an electric ball from his tail and aims it right at Mimikyu. Mimikyu made contact with Pikachu's Electro Ball, sending it straight back.

"Way strong." said Sophocles.

"Affirmative." said Rotom.

"Did you see that?" asked Jessie. "What's it called? I think they called it Mimikyu."

"It appears the even match for the Twerp's Pikachu." said James. "Baby Twerp made the right call about sending out Meeko."

"Well, we can't let either of the Twerps catch that strong of a Pokémon!" cackled Jessie.

"(Meows)" said Meowth.

"Are you okay?" Ash asked Pikachu.

"Pika! Pika!" said Pikachu.

"Bounsweet." said Bounsweet, jumping on Mallow's shoulder.

"Popplio." said Popplio.

"Togedemaru." said Togedemaru.

Just then, Meeko senses several bad auras. "Hayley." Meeko said quietly, looking at the bushes behind them.

"You sense something, don't you?" asked Hayley and Meeko nodded. "I can guess who it is, but we won't know until they show themselves."

"They will. They always do." said Meeko, agreeing with Hayley.

"Okay, it's your move!" said Ash.

"Just a minute!" shouted Jessie.

"Pika?" asked Pikachu.

"Huh?" said Ash.

"All right, who are you?" asked Kiawe.

"Did someone ask something? We're here to find out!" said Jessie.

"Noble answers are what we're all about!" said James.

"Oh no." said Hayley.

"Let me guess...." said Ash, turning to Hayley.

"Yep. Meeko picked up on their auras again." said Hayley, getting out a fresh new notebook out of her backpack as Team Rocket went on with their motto. "Here we go again, Ash. This is one for the notebooks."

"The beauty so radiant, the flowers and moon hide in shame. A single flower of evil in this fleeting world. Jessie!"

"The nobly heroic man of our times! The master of darkness fighting back against a tragic world! Its James."

"It's all for one and one for all! A glittering dark star that always shines bright! Dig it, while Meowth takes flight!"

"Team Rocket, lets fight!" said Jessie and James.

"That's right!" said Meowth.

"Wobbuffet!" said Wobbuffet.

"Team Rocket? Can they really take flight?" asked Rotom.

"We blast off, you dope!" yelled Jessie. "I mean...we don't fly."

"Well....it depends on how you actually look at it, Rotom." said Hayley, her hand rubbing against the back of her head. "These three have a real knack for getting beaten by Pikachu's thunderbolt."

"What do you mean, Hayley?" asked Lillie. Hayley digs through her backpack and pulls out a huge stack of notebooks she used in all of her adventures that reached past her head.

"They've been doing this since my brother and I were in Kanto." said Hayley. Team Rocket and the others were shocked at the many notebooks in her arms.

"You've been busy." said Jessie.

"Wow." said Kiawe.

"That's a lot of notebooks." said Lana.

"A whole lot." Sophocles added.

"I know. I went through so many of these...." she tells them. "I sort of lost count while we were in Unova."

"That is true." said James.

"Cario." said Meeko.

"What can I say, Team Rocket? I like keeping track of you guys." said Hayley, then turns to her classmates. "Keeping track of this set of Team Rocket keeps me busy. They've been wanting Pikachu since Viridian City and Meeko...I think somewhere between Vermillion City and Celadon City."

"Lucario." said Meeko.

"You see, Team Rocket is a super powerful, evil organization." said James.

"What kind of Pokedex doesn't know something great like that?" asked Meowth.

"I don't have any data!" said Rotom. "A Meowth that can speak like a human! This could be the discovery of a new type of Pokémon!" As Rotom takes pictures of Meowth, Hayley makes a mark in her new notebook. "Will you shut your electric yap?" asked Meowth.

"This is a first for the Alola region. With a new reaction for those who don't know Meowth." she muttered to herself.

"Evil organization?" asked Lana.

"I've never heard of them." said Mallow.

"Not me." said Kiawe.

"Neither have I." said Lillie.

"They're bad guys who like to steal other people's Pokémon!" said Ash.

"And this particular set of Team Rocket has an unhealthy obsession of wanting to take Pikachu and Meeko from us." said Hayley. "To which involves them blasting off into the sunset."

"No we don't." said Meowth.

"Yes you do and you know it." said Hayley. "By the way, Meowth....it's time to cash in that deal we made."

"Huh?" he said. "What deal? I don't remember making any deal with you."

"You know what I mean, Meowth. Remember what I said, back on the St. Anne." said Hayley, causing Meowth to remember the deal he made with her on the St. Anne.

"You don't mean?" Meowth asked.

"Yep." she replied. "It's finally time that I cash in! Otherwise, you're gonna get soaked again. You know how it is."

"Oh." said Mallow, holding onto Bounsweet. "They steal?"

"If they steal Pokémon, then they're thieves!" said Sophocles.

"You've come to the Alola region to do bad things here, too! Haven't you?" said Ash.

"Same old genius. I don't know why you're here, but I'm sick of seeing your Twerpy faces." said Jessie.

"We'll simply take your Pikachu, Meeko, and all of your friends Pokémon for our sassy selves!" said James.

"And that Mimikyu! Remember we found that one first!" said Jessie. "Okay, Meowth, go!"

"Aw!" said Meowth. "Word up, Pikachu and Meeko, I know how strong you both are, but today I come on top! No ifs, ands, or buts! Fury Swipes!"

"Pikachu, Electro Ball!" shouted Ash.

"Pik! Pika! Pi!" shouted Pikachu.

"Meeko, Bone Rush!" shouted Hayley.

"Lucario!" shouted Meeko as she created a long skinny Bone between her hands and strikes at Meowth's head.

"Couldn't you wait?" screamed Meowth. Mimikyu sends a shadow ball at Pikachu, cancelling out the electro ball and knocking Meeko to the ground. "Pi!" said Pikachu as Meowth yelps.

"Mimikyu, you came through like a champ." said Meowth. "Thanks a lot, palley!"

"Call me crazy, but I get the strange feeling Mimikyu is trying to help us out." said Jessie.


"Huh?" said Meowth as a dark aura surrounds Mimikyu. "Whoa, Mimikyu wants to give us a hand instead of the chumps."

"Mimikyu called us chumps?" asked Hayley, then looks down at Meeko. "You're not a chump, right?"

"Lucario." said Meeko, shaking her head.

"So I'm sane?" asked Jessie.

"We're truly grateful for all your help." said James. "Please explain."

"It looks like Mimikyu hates Pikachu." said Meowth.

"Hates?" asked Jessie and James.

"I'm guessing.....with a passion? asked Hayley.

"You bet." said Meowth. "Mimikyu doesn't look like Pikachu because it wants to. It seems to me there's a whole lot of resentment going on and it's not cool. Do me a favor and don't say anymore scary stuff, will you, please?"

"Sounds like some complicated feelings in play." said James.

"So, let's not look a gift Mimikyu in the mouth." said Jessie. "It's all good, Mimikyu, so just attack!"

"Mimikyu!" said Mimikyu, creating a shadow ball from its body.

"Here it comes, Pikachu." said Ash.

"Get ready, Meeko." said Hayley.

"Be careful." said Rotom.

"Way to go! You can do it!" cheered Jessie and James. "Rah-rah-rah!" Jessie laughs as Bewear comes up behind and grabs them. "Huh?" said Meowth.

"What's going on?" asked James as Bewear takes him and Jessie. "Hey!"

"Hey, big guy, where are you schlepping my two buddies?" Meowth asked.

"Wobbuffet!" said Wobbuffet.

"Jessie! James!" Meowth called after them as Bewear didn't let go.

"Who's that Pokémon?" asked Ash.

"Bewear, the strong-armed Pokémon, a normal and fighting type." said Rotom. "Bewear has extremely powerful arms and it's very dangerous. It waves its arms in a friendly fashion. but this is a means of warning. Approach with caution."

"Really dangerous." said Ash.

"Glad we ran the first time we saw it." said Hayley.

"Lucario." said Meeko.

"Mimikyu, save Jessie and James. Move!" said Meowth.

"Wobbuffet!" demanded Wobbuffet.

"Mimikyu." Mimikyu tells them.

"But you told us you'd help us out of we were ever in a jam!" shouted Meowth. "Forget Pikachu and Meeko. Now you've got to save the ones who are on your side! Dig it?" Mimikyu stops its attack and lets Meowth pick it up.

"Off with a new blast..." said Jessie and James as Bewear carries them.

"Wob! Wob!" said Wobbuffet as it and Meowth chased after them.

"This is a first in a while that we haven't blasted them into the sky." said Hayley.

"Pika." said Pikachu.

"Lucario." said Meeko.

"You know, Hayley, Team Rocket will never change." said Ash.

"And they never will, Ash." Hayley said in agreement. "I will say that this is really new for us. I never thought that Bewear would pick them up and carry Team Rocket away."

"Lucario, Lucari, Cario." said Meeko.

"Who were those guys, Ash? Hayley?" asked Mallow.

"You're in luck, you guys." said Ash.

"How so?" asked Lana.

"Because since the day I started keeping track of Team Rocket, I've wrote down certain things." Hayley explained. "Plus, I made a deal with Meowth when Ash and I were on the St. Anne cruise ship back in Vermillion City."

"We weren't able to catch it." said Kiawe.

"Yeah." said Ash.

"But that's okay." said Lillie. "There are many, many other Pokémon in the Alola Region!"

"There are lots more chances!" said Lana.

"That's right!" said Ash. "Okay, Pikachu! Meeko! Hayley! Rotom Dex! Let's go find some more Pokémon!"

"Pika!" shouted Pikachu as Ash ran ahead.

"You got it, Ash!" said Hayley as she and Meeko chased after him.

"The probability of finding Pokémon in this forest has increased to 96.5%!" said Rotom as the others followed them.

Narrator: Ash and Hayley now has a new companion, the strange Pokedex, Rotom Dex!

Hayley: You know....it does give me a break from calling it Dexter.

Narrator: It does?

Hayley: Yep and I will admit though....that it's one strange looking Pokedex I have ever seen.

Narrator: What kind of role will it play in Ash and Hayley 's continuing journey? Time will tell. After all, the journey in the Alola Region has only just begun!

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